My GOD the conspiracy cooks, anti-govt crowd, and cop haters are out in full force!!!

This truly blows my mind. It has barely been more than 1 week, and the Glenn Beck/ Alex Jones / Radical right anti-govt, anti-cop crowd has gone F**KING INSANE. Its truly unbelievable. It didnt even take 10 days for them to go full batshit whacko, believing all the cops and government folks planned this attack, and did it.
And, LIKE I SAID a month or so ago..........they are now saying they saw undercover MILITARY members in the crowd before the bomb. They think the military is in on it. They are starting their turn against the military, like I said they would.I dont know exactly what it was, or what point in time it happened. But a significant % of our population in the US has gone full batshit crazy with the anti-govt, anti-cop, and slowly even anti-military..........and began to truly believe their local, county, state and federal govts are ALL involved in this grand scheme to take away their civil liberties.Its sad. Its pathetic. Its actually worrisome and scary......because their beliefs and radicalism wont change, but only get worse.

Are these the same people who claim George bush lied about intel about Iraq? Or the same ones that claimed bush was behind 9-11?

I have mixed feelings. I think our government does lie to us and I don't trust the government. I think it has gotten so big that it is completely inefficient.

I love this country. But I want the government to stop trying to run everyone's life.
"Conspiracy cooks?" What? Do they get together and plot surprise dinner parties? :D

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