My GOD the conspiracy cooks, anti-govt crowd, and cop haters are out in full force!!!

I think the word you are looking for is kooks rather than cooks. The left has been unhinged (f'king insane?) since they found out the bombers were part of the jihad instead of the Tea Party.

From the start, many of posters here stated that they thought it would either be someone from our far right, like McVeigh, or Islamic Radicals. Simply based on past atrocities.

And it is not the 'left' that are declaring that the police are a bunch of nazis. It is you "Conservatives". So, you have the liberals, independents, moderates, and conservatives looking at your posts, and declaring WTF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys are clearly going over into La-La land.

What's the difference between Bill Ayers and Tim McVeigh? McVeigh was executed. My point is that McVeigh's political agenda has never been determined and the left just finished a defense of Columbia U for hiring a former left wing terrorist who was responsible for killing two Police Officers and two Brinks guards. Bill Ayers still walks among us as an unrepentant and arrogant as ever and Bill Clinton pardoned 19 FALN terrorists who were responsible for over a hundred terrorist bombings and the deaths of 6 people. If you were in the assumption business it would have been more logical to assume the terrorists were as left wing as the 9-11 monsters.
Uh oh.


When and where was this photo taken?

Link your source.

Boston Mass 2013







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Clue: if it says "police" on their uniform they aren't the military.
[ame=]Sweep of homes in Watertown, MA to search for second suspect of the Boston Marathon Bombing - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Boston Bombing: Watertown Operation: SWAT team secures houses searching for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - YouTube[/ame]
First prove that this picture is what you say it is and second prove innocent civilians were forced out of their houses at gunpoint.

there are videos of if aned I would post but the forum wont allow me to post links yet

btw if you notice the edit the last part was for Ravi not you.

I don't give a rat's ass who your post was directed at. I commented on it.

And since you cannot support any of your claims with links I suggest you stop making them until you can.

Ooo-oo, Mr Alhat Nocattle Tejas suggests!

Guess what, no one cars what you want or what you think, although it is a lot of fun rattling the weak links in your mental chain, and the reality is it is almost impossible to think of something crackerman might have posted that is more ridiculous than your challenges of a classic historic photo and a soon to be classic example of over reaction by chickenshit pigs herding sheeple.
there are videos of if aned I would post but the forum wont allow me to post links yet

btw if you notice the edit the last part was for Ravi not you.

I don't give a rat's ass who your post was directed at. I commented on it.

And since you cannot support any of your claims with links I suggest you stop making them until you can.

Ooo-oo, Mr Alhat Nocattle Tejas suggests!

Guess what, no one cars what you want or what you think, although it is a lot of fun rattling the weak links in your mental chain, and the reality is it is almost impossible to think of something crackerman might have posted that is more ridiculous than your challenges of a classic historic photo and a soon to be classic example of over reaction by chickenshit pigs herding sheeple.

Which "classic historic photo" did I challenge? None!

The photo I challenged was not classic nor historic you retard!

Why do you liberal pukes always act so childish? Perhaps it's because you like getting spanked.
Geee.....doesnt this chap look like he's having a bad day??? Look at that expression, "Shit......I'd rather be drinking a beer watching the Celtics game!!". Clearly in alot of distress after getting both legs blown off..........

You fucking meathead gullible assholes..........ask any medical professional if a guy having gotten both legs blown off is going to look this comfortable, much less be conscious.:up:
How many assholes on this board have spent more than a couple of times in a damn hospital much less an ER?? How many assholes have never been around severe trauma?? My guess is, the most the hordes have witnessed around here is a bad hangnail or a tack in the foot.

Severe trauma, to much, much less of a degree than that baseball undershit guy above do one thing: go into shock. Why? So you dont fucking die......thats why!! Its the body's natural reaction........slows the whole body down to a crawl and takes your blood pressure to barely alive......or you fucking die. Know what that causes you to do? Lose dont look like you can go sit down to a healthy game of chess 5 minutes later and maybe do an arm wrestle while playing!!!!!!
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Like I said in another wife is an RN in a large community hospital ER for almost 18 years.......shes hardly a conspiracy nut, in fact, she disses that shit out of hand.

I showed her these pics and she laughed her ass can guess her comments. The biggest laugh came when she saw the blood and the alert level of the guy in the wheelchair!!!!

The guy is a paid actor........if you have a smidge of common sense while looking at those pictures, you're not buying the bag of dog doo for $1,000 a pop.
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This truly blows my mind....

I dont know exactly what it was, or what point in time it happened. But a significant % of our population in the US has gone full batshit crazy with the anti-govt, anti-cop, and slowly even anti-military..........and began to truly believe their local, county, state and federal govts are ALL involved in this grand scheme to take away their civil liberties.
Maybe it is because the American police have been trained by the military, and act like a foreign occupying power in our cities, riding roughshod over the rights of our people. Maybe it is because these militarized police often are more violent and dangerous than Nazi Stormtroopers, often acting like robots, more unreasonable than lunatics, quicker to react than a mousetrap, and becoming serious violators of the law themselves.

The Miltary-Industrial Conspiracy is run by the war profiteers and for the war profiteers -- NOT for the benefit or protection of the American people. Over and over, the war profiteers bleed the country dry. The American War Machine is the greatest enemy and traitor to the American people that has ever existed in the national history -- despite what the brainwashing propaganda bleats from every loudspeaker in the nation.

Did you ever wonder why America's modern wars last so long and accomplish so little? I would think that even an idiot might wonder that.

It is because the wars are a sham, an excuse to blow up and destroy America's military supplies, bleed the economy, tax the citizens for the single, sole purpose that war profiteers may rob the country blind!!

Naturally such a powerful, rich, influential, vast lobby will do anything -- lie, cheat, murder, slander, commandeer the media -- to keep the wars going once they have started!! Could anything be more obvious, or inevitable, given the nature of power and politics!!

So don't be surprised that conscious Americans distrust or hate the police and the military. The subject, slave nation of America may be powerless to control its police and military, but that doesn't mean that we have to like them!!!
Clue: if it says "police" on their uniform they aren't the military.

These are military soldiers in Boston 2013

*deleted fear mongering emotional idiocy*
No they aren't they are swat teams.

You are one stupid ass person. The air-force rank on the black beret master sgt kneeling. The Specialist rank on the front of the NG BDU's. The MP patch on the right and left shoulder. The artillery patch. So SWAT has an air-force, artillery and call their officers Military Police you left nut.

You have been shown to be just another lying liberal hack. Admit it, you been made to look like the fool you are.
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I kinda figured the hordes would simply skip on by my posts.:eusa_dance:

Realville is heavy shit for most.
Lonestar got spanked!!
It happened fool!
You spent 24 hours insisting anyone who said it happened was a liar, that videos were faked.
And now, you dope, you retard, you can eat crow.

Next time you wish to re affirm your retardation, just let me know.

Hey stupid, I said no one was forced out of their house at gunpoint. And you have failed to prove anyone was. So you're the one that got spanked dumbass.

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