My GOD the conspiracy cooks, anti-govt crowd, and cop haters are out in full force!!!

So far, no American cities have looked like that so your point is retarded.

Uh oh.

:cuckoo: That's a police swat team, not army tanks.
They are using armor carriers. The same as tanks as you need a anti tank rocket to stop it. BTW, stfu about something you are clearly ignorant about.
Local news said different at the time.
People were ordered out of their homes at gunpoint.
Consent at gunpoint is not consent.

I gave you links and you claimed they weren't good enough.

Any house that the police thought might hold the bombers were entered without search warrants. Without a warrant that violates my 4th.

Maybe a refresher mine help.....

The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. It was adopted as a response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, which is a type of general search warrant, in the American Revolution. Search and seizure (including arrest) should be limited in scope according to specific information supplied to the issuing court, usually by a law enforcement officer, who has sworn by it. The Fourth Amendment applies to the states by way of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Now do I think the police had the right to enter any house they thought held the bombers. You bet your ratsass I do,BUT< after following the LAW and having a warrant. How hard was it to get a judge to answer the phone and have his office fax it to police head qts? All police officers have smart phones that the warrant can to sent to.

Then you failed to prove your case.
I gave you links and you claimed they weren't good enough.

Any house that the police thought might hold the bombers were entered without search warrants. Without a warrant that violates my 4th.

Maybe a refresher mine help.....

The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. It was adopted as a response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, which is a type of general search warrant, in the American Revolution. Search and seizure (including arrest) should be limited in scope according to specific information supplied to the issuing court, usually by a law enforcement officer, who has sworn by it. The Fourth Amendment applies to the states by way of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Now do I think the police had the right to enter any house they thought held the bombers. You bet your ratsass I do,BUT< after following the LAW and having a warrant. How hard was it to get a judge to answer the phone and have his office fax it to police head qts? All police officers have smart phones that the warrant can to sent to.

Then you failed to prove your case.

My case? I have nothing to prove to you. Either you see it or you dont. The video clearly shows the man being taken out of his house without being shown a warrant. His hands were raised because why? Hmmm....why do most people put their hands in the air? Maybe a gun pointed in their face??? They then entered the home without right. If you cannot see that and claim to be a conservative then maybe you should rethink your political views. I dont know one conservative that would allow the police to just walk into their home without a search warrant. The police come banging on my door without one, then they are going to have to kick it in and deal with whats on the other side of it.

I didnt spend 20 years of my life protecting against this type of govts to allow it to happen unchecked in my backyard.
WASHINGTON &#8212; Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss told Channel 2 Action News late Tuesday afternoon that a law enforcement agency may have had information in advance of the Boston bombings that wasn't properly shared.
"There now appears that may have been some evidence that was obtained by one of the law enforcement agencies that did not get shared in a way that it could have been. If that turns out to be the case, then we have to determine whether or not that would have made a difference," Chambliss said.

Chambliss: Law enforcement agency may have had info about... |
So then that picture could have been taken in any country at any time.

Oh and thanks for showing yourself to be another dishonest liberal coward.

I'm not a liberal you fake-conservative white trash cocksucker. I was a conservative before your hero destroyed the Republican Party tripling the national debt in the 1980s. That is probably a little complex for a Tejan, so we'll move on...

Anyone with a 60 iq knows the link is embedded in the picture.

Now fuck off.

I don't blame you for being too embarrassed to admit it. But your actions prove you are a liberal, right down to the childish name calling.

Whatever you say, Mr Alhat Nocattle Tejan. What is hilarious is the nerve neocon scum have calling themselves conservatives OR fake liberal fascists have calling themselves liberal.

People like me are fed up with you white trash cocksuckers destroying conservatism and with fake liberal fascists regulating everything but how stupid white trash can be.

When you people wake up to the fact that conservatives don't triple or double the national debt, maybe we'll have something to talk about.

Until then, fuck off.
You don't have to let the state violate the constitution to find terrorist. Police Officers Search Private Homes in Boston For Bomber & they did not find him. Citizens found him in an area police had already searched. What were the police searching for? Had citizens been told to sweep their own property & check on their neighbors this could have been over in minutes.

Once the photos were made public citizens would have found these terrorist no matter what. The same thing happened on the Chris Dorner Man Hunt. Citizens found & reported him in a previously searched house, except that time the police shot a few innocent people. This time they arrested a few innocent people. This is why we have civil rights in this country & properly refuse the police state. We have to vote out these police state thugs before we have to live in constant terror from the police state. Do you want to be gunned down or arrested just because there happened to be a man hunt going on?

[ame=""]Police State in America[/ame]
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I think the word you are looking for is kooks rather than cooks. The left has been unhinged (f'king insane?) since they found out the bombers were part of the jihad instead of the Tea Party.
So, we have an armed terrorist loose that has already killed 3 and injured scores. He has been throwing bombs, and we have no idea whether or not he has more of them. We are just supposed to go politely about our business?

You wingnutters get further from reality every day. What the police did in Boston was neccessary and commendable. They put an end quite quickly, to a situation that had to potential for much more bloodshed.
So, we have an armed terrorist loose that has already killed 3 and injured scores. He has been throwing bombs, and we have no idea whether or not he has more of them. We are just supposed to go politely about our business?

You wingnutters get further from reality every day. What the police did in Boston was neccessary and commendable. They put an end quite quickly, to a situation that had to potential for much more bloodshed.

Their police state search yielded nothing. A citizen found the terrorist.
I think the word you are looking for is kooks rather than cooks. The left has been unhinged (f'king insane?) since they found out the bombers were part of the jihad instead of the Tea Party.

From the start, many of posters here stated that they thought it would either be someone from our far right, like McVeigh, or Islamic Radicals. Simply based on past atrocities.

And it is not the 'left' that are declaring that the police are a bunch of nazis. It is you "Conservatives". So, you have the liberals, independents, moderates, and conservatives looking at your posts, and declaring WTF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys are clearly going over into La-La land.
So, we have an armed terrorist loose that has already killed 3 and injured scores. He has been throwing bombs, and we have no idea whether or not he has more of them. We are just supposed to go politely about our business?

You wingnutters get further from reality every day. What the police did in Boston was neccessary and commendable. They put an end quite quickly, to a situation that had to potential for much more bloodshed.

Their police state search yielded nothing. A citizen found the terrorist.

And said citizen arrested him? Without the search, that terrorist might easily have gotten away, or killed more Americans. Because of the search, he was left to try to hide in a parked boat. You people are really pathetic. What next from you? Declaring the military part of the conspiracy? Oops. Seems like some of you have already done that.:cuckoo:
I gave you links and you claimed they weren't good enough.

Any house that the police thought might hold the bombers were entered without search warrants. Without a warrant that violates my 4th.

Maybe a refresher mine help.....

The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. It was adopted as a response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, which is a type of general search warrant, in the American Revolution. Search and seizure (including arrest) should be limited in scope according to specific information supplied to the issuing court, usually by a law enforcement officer, who has sworn by it. The Fourth Amendment applies to the states by way of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Now do I think the police had the right to enter any house they thought held the bombers. You bet your ratsass I do,BUT< after following the LAW and having a warrant. How hard was it to get a judge to answer the phone and have his office fax it to police head qts? All police officers have smart phones that the warrant can to sent to.

Then you failed to prove your case.

My case? I have nothing to prove to you. Either you see it or you dont. The video clearly shows the man being taken out of his house without being shown a warrant. His hands were raised because why? Hmmm....why do most people put their hands in the air? Maybe a gun pointed in their face??? They then entered the home without right. If you cannot see that and claim to be a conservative then maybe you should rethink your political views. I dont know one conservative that would allow the police to just walk into their home without a search warrant. The police come banging on my door without one, then they are going to have to kick it in and deal with whats on the other side of it.

I didnt spend 20 years of my life protecting against this type of govts to allow it to happen unchecked in my backyard.

The video doesn't tell the entire story. There could have very well been a warrant. The video cannot prove nor disprove that. You do not know the circumstances on which they searched that specific house. They could have been suspects or friends of the suspects. There is too much that the video doesn't show to speculate on what is seen.

But don't let little things like that cloud your biased judgment.
Yep, that about covers it. I also expected them to turn on the military. It will get worse...

Its quite sick. I dont know what their anger and conspiracy nut theories are based in. But they turned on the govt and cops full force. They are showing that turn against the military now. They accused military men of being "on watch" in the crowd before the bombs. Its sick.

For Beck and's $$$$$$
I'm not a liberal you fake-conservative white trash cocksucker. I was a conservative before your hero destroyed the Republican Party tripling the national debt in the 1980s. That is probably a little complex for a Tejan, so we'll move on...

Anyone with a 60 iq knows the link is embedded in the picture.

Now fuck off.

I don't blame you for being too embarrassed to admit it. But your actions prove you are a liberal, right down to the childish name calling.

Whatever you say, Mr Alhat Nocattle Tejan. What is hilarious is the nerve neocon scum have calling themselves conservatives OR fake liberal fascists have calling themselves liberal.

People like me are fed up with you white trash cocksuckers destroying conservatism and with fake liberal fascists regulating everything but how stupid white trash can be.

When you people wake up to the fact that conservatives don't triple or double the national debt, maybe we'll have something to talk about.

Until then, fuck off.

More childish name calling. It doesn't surprise me, that what your kind does when it can't make an intelligent argument.

Your concession is duly noted.

Class dismissed.
CaféAuLait;7140738 said:
This truly blows my mind. It has barely been more than 1 week, and the Glenn Beck/ Alex Jones / Radical right anti-govt, anti-cop crowd has gone F**KING INSANE. Its truly unbelievable. It didnt even take 10 days for them to go full batshit whacko, believing all the cops and government folks planned this attack, and did it.

And, LIKE I SAID a month or so ago..........they are now saying they saw undercover MILITARY members in the crowd before the bomb. They think the military is in on it. They are starting their turn against the military, like I said they would.

I dont know exactly what it was, or what point in time it happened. But a significant % of our population in the US has gone full batshit crazy with the anti-govt, anti-cop, and slowly even anti-military..........and began to truly believe their local, county, state and federal govts are ALL involved in this grand scheme to take away their civil liberties.

Its sad. Its pathetic. Its actually worrisome and scary......because their beliefs and radicalism wont change, but only get worse.

Pretty crazy, eh? These poor people have to listen to how our government supposedly did this to them! Very much reminds me of the man appointed to Obama's cabinet, Van Jones who signed the Truther Movement letters. And Congresswoman McKinney that signed the 9-11 Truther Movement letter, they both actually believed that Bush wired 100,000 to Mohammad Atta after the towers fell to pay him for the job. These conspiracists and the ones believing that our government blew up Boston are hurting the families and survivors, not to mention what they do to those they accuse.

:clap2::clap2::clap2: Well said.

I dont recall the 9-11 truthers being out 8 days later, on 9-18. Not mainstream anyway like they are with the "Boston Truthers" or whatever they'll call themselves.

Its almost like the anti-govt crowd had a knee jerk, involuntary reaction. They just HAD to respond to it with an anti-govt tune. The sight of people cheering and applauding the cops sent them over the edge.

It was the Truther / Birther movements that showed them that there was fortunes to be made in sounding paranoid.
Yep, that about covers it. I also expected them to turn on the military. It will get worse...

Its quite sick. I dont know what their anger and conspiracy nut theories are based in. But they turned on the govt and cops full force. They are showing that turn against the military now. They accused military men of being "on watch" in the crowd before the bombs. Its sick.

For Beck and's $$$$$$

Alex could make a lot more money being a goose stepper in the mainstream media and beck is just a mainstream disinfo agent sent to muddy the waters
So, we have an armed terrorist loose that has already killed 3 and injured scores. He has been throwing bombs, and we have no idea whether or not he has more of them. We are just supposed to go politely about our business?

You wingnutters get further from reality every day. What the police did in Boston was neccessary and commendable. They put an end quite quickly, to a situation that had to potential for much more bloodshed.

Their police state search yielded nothing. A citizen found the terrorist.

And said citizen arrested him? Without the search, that terrorist might easily have gotten away, or killed more Americans. Because of the search, he was left to try to hide in a parked boat. You people are really pathetic. What next from you? Declaring the military part of the conspiracy? Oops. Seems like some of you have already done that.:cuckoo:

:lol: The police prevented citizen from finding the terrorist sooner.

[ame=""]Police Shoot 3 Innocent People In Manhunt [/ame]
CaféAuLait;7140738 said:
Pretty crazy, eh? These poor people have to listen to how our government supposedly did this to them! Very much reminds me of the man appointed to Obama's cabinet, Van Jones who signed the Truther Movement letters. And Congresswoman McKinney that signed the 9-11 Truther Movement letter, they both actually believed that Bush wired 100,000 to Mohammad Atta after the towers fell to pay him for the job. These conspiracists and the ones believing that our government blew up Boston are hurting the families and survivors, not to mention what they do to those they accuse.

:clap2::clap2::clap2: Well said.

I dont recall the 9-11 truthers being out 8 days later, on 9-18. Not mainstream anyway like they are with the "Boston Truthers" or whatever they'll call themselves.

Its almost like the anti-govt crowd had a knee jerk, involuntary reaction. They just HAD to respond to it with an anti-govt tune. The sight of people cheering and applauding the cops sent them over the edge.

It was the Truther / Birther movements that showed them that there was fortunes to be made in sounding paranoid.

fortunes to be made in being a government talking head on CNN

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