My GOD the conspiracy cooks, anti-govt crowd, and cop haters are out in full force!!!

Yep, that about covers it. I also expected them to turn on the military. It will get worse...

It isn't likely many of them are "turning on the military"; even with the ones claiming there were military observers (which is probably accurate) it seems like it is more about how the government directs the military. There is no real-world connection between the US military and a bunch of potgutted flatfeet wannabes testing the constraints of flak jackets as they push women and children around hoping not to have to face actual criminals.
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This truly blows my mind. It has barely been more than 1 week, and the Glenn Beck/ Alex Jones / Radical right anti-govt, anti-cop crowd has gone F**KING INSANE. Its truly unbelievable. It didnt even take 10 days for them to go full batshit whacko, believing all the cops and government folks planned this attack, and did it.

And, LIKE I SAID a month or so ago..........they are now saying they saw undercover MILITARY members in the crowd before the bomb. They think the military is in on it. They are starting their turn against the military, like I said they would.

I dont know exactly what it was, or what point in time it happened. But a significant % of our population in the US has gone full batshit crazy with the anti-govt, anti-cop, and slowly even anti-military..........and began to truly believe their local, county, state and federal govts are ALL involved in this grand scheme to take away their civil liberties.

Its sad. Its pathetic. Its actually worrisome and scary......because their beliefs and radicalism wont change, but only get worse.

Thank God we have you to tell us about this. I can't find it on a single news program, no one is reporting what you are reporting. Talk about paranoia! Seek help! No one is turning against our military, there is no revolution! It's alright! Calm down and go get your bong. Liberals. Yeesh!
Don't we all love Lakhotas crystal ball?


The liberals have gone mad. Their obsession with Alex Jones is bizarre! They are in fear of a revolution now? What are these people on?

they have to find some boogeyman, last week it was the Nra, before that it was the Tea party and the boogeyman list goes on and's a sickness with them
The most violent wingnut civil unrest may be a few years away, but I fully expect to see martial law declared nationwide - for an extended period of time (maybe years).

How ironic that you post this in a conspiracy thread. Lol, good job.
Its not often that I say a person is a danger to the country or stability of society just from their speech. But sometimes they are. Like radical Muslim clerics who preach hate and murder.

But Glenn Beck and Alex Jones are pushing themselves closer and closer to that level.

I wonder why they aren't held complicit when one of their nutter followers goes off the deep end and kills someone.

You really love the drama and let your emotions run.

The liberals are the most paranoid people I've ever seen in my life. It is truly bizarre. You have to wonder what they are being told. Their behavior does not make sense. I'm wondering is it because all the mass shooters, murderers, terrorists have turned out to be Obama supporters? Registered democrats? I undestand Alex Jones connected a few of the dots of big pharmaceutical cartels lobbyists paying off democrats. But not all of it.

Democrat politicians were paid off by these pharm cartels to hide the true dangers of Prozac, Zoloft, and the other psychotropic drugs. There is now alot of research that has revealed the SSRI's cause liver cancer, cancerous tumors, many deaths caused by these drugs. Another side effect is suicide, people snapping and going on a mass murder spree as we have already seen. Interesting - SSRI's accumulate in the liver - they do not go away - synthetic drugs remain in the brain indefinitely. The pharmaceutical company that led the way in these drugs is owned by the SOLVAY family. The head of Bilderberg is a Solvay family member. That is why in the last bank bailout Solvay owned banks received more money than any other foreign bank on the list. Who helped the Solvays to hide the harmful side effects of these drugs we are finding out about? The Democrat party. The judge who let the Solvay pharmaceutical giant go free in the recent lawsuit, civil trial? Again, a liberal judge. They are all in bed together.
The most violent wingnut civil unrest may be a few years away, but I fully expect to see martial law declared nationwide - for an extended period of time (maybe years).

How ironic that you post this in a conspiracy thread. Lol, good job.

Lakhota is talking about the re-education camps that don't exist. Years of martial law must be music to a liberals ears. Unfortunately, they didn't factor in that neither Russia nor China want to play 2nd fiddle in the NWO. When the time comes? They are not going to play ball.
What do you suppose motivates these folks to pander to the right wing anti-government conspiracy crowd?

Do you believe they have an ulterior motive other than to keep their ratings high?

they are now saying they saw undercover MILITARY members in the crowd before the bomb.

About that I suspect they were right. I suspect HSA agents were probably there but I do not find that alarming unless someone can prove to me their pupose was nafarious, rather than protective.

They think the military is in on it. They are starting their turn against the military, like I said they would.

Well if they hate government, the government's military has got to be a threat to them, too, no?

An analysis by Gallup earlier this year revealed that Mr. Obama has been the most polarizing occupant of the Oval Office in the past 60 years.
Obama's Fourth Year in Office Ties as Most Polarized Ever

What kind of President says and does the following?

Five years that are so exceptional polarizing of ALL AMERICANS that When Obama said:
1) "I'd like higher gas prices.." ..........THANKS to Obama the EPA adding 25 cents per gallon next year!
Really you think MOST people want to have higher gas prices????

2) “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket".
Really you think MOST people want to have higher utility rates??????
Proof from USAToday:Household electricity bills skyrocket ?
"Electric bills have skyrocketed in the last five years, a sharp reversal from a quarter-century when Americans enjoyed stable power bills even as they used more electricity.
Households paid a record $1,419 on average for electricity in 2010, the fifth consecutive yearly increase above the inflation rate, a USA TODAY analysis of government data found. The jump has added about $300 a year to what households pay for electricity. That's the largest sustained increase since a run-up in electricity prices during the 1970s

3)" So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can. it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Really you think MOST people want to have companies go bankrupt???

4)Told Brazil.."we'll be your best [oil] customer".
Really you think MOST people want to have our BEST OIL supplier be from a foreign supplier????

5) "I favor single payer insurance".. meaning 1,400 insurance companies stop: paying $100 billion in Fed/state/local taxes as well as LOCAL property taxes.
400,000 employees let go collecting $6 billion in unemployment checks!
Really you think MOST people want to have their neighbors out of work, or have to make up the $100 billion in taxes... REALLY????
Obama still thinks there 46 million uninsured because HE doesn't evidently know that:
a) 10 million are not citizens but he counts them as Uninsured!
b) 14 million all they have to do is enroll but OBAMA counts them as uninsured.. why doesn't he just enroll them??? instead of counting them?
c) 18 million Obama WANTS to force buying health insurance THAT don't want it, can afford it (make over $50k!) and pay their own expenses out of pocket.

That means there are less then 4 million.

If Obama/Congress hadn't taken $300 million in lawyers'donations those 4 million could be covered from a 10% tax on the $200 billion lawyers' income!

6) Since Obama NEVER was in the military he had NO problem saying our military methodically planned and executed "air raids on villages killing civilians" Obama did!
Really do you think MOST AMERICANS really believe our military that represents US methodically and systematically executed "air raids to kill civilians" ?

7) And for those of you that are in this category..i.e. polarized Americans-- here is what Obama thinks about you!!!

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." --explaining his troubles winning over some working-class voters"
EDITORIAL: Obama's gaffes not for laughs - Washington Times

the president is manifestly obsessed with dismantling traditional, free-market capitalist America and transforming it into a socialist nanny state.

Remember, these people are revolutionaries (that is, engaged in “bringing about a major or fundamental change,” as Merriam-Webster puts it) and utterly committed to replacing one societal structure – America’s constitutional, limited-government, free-enterprise system – with another – a socialist, wealth-redistributionist system run by an all-powerful government.

“All of this is so in our face. Everything that people hold dear is under assault. Deliberately making people upset! This is not what presidents do.”
- unless they happen to be leftist revolutionaries, in which case “deliberately making people upset” is precisely what they do to accomplish their intended “fundamental transformation.”
What do you suppose motivates these folks to pander to the right wing anti-government conspiracy crowd?

Here's the thing: Ideology often turns people into zealots, zealotry makes people crazy. As evidence, I humbly offer many posts you see on this board from people on both ends: Absolutely batshit crazy, you have to wonder if they're serious, but it turns out they actually are.

It's predictable: Just like any other zealot, the anti-government loons create their own little world. They listen to Jones and Beck and the like, they confine most of their reading to sites that support their zealotry, they hang out with other zealots. They create their own bubble from which they don't often emerge. Over time, stuff that they should know is loony becomes "fact", and they defend those "facts" as if their life depends on it. And there is absoutely no reasoning with them.

The problem is, huge and growing industries have popped up that have a significant financial interest in exacerbating this madness, and there doesn't appear to be much we can do about it.

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I dont know exactly what it was, or what point in time it happened. But a significant % of our population in the US has gone full batshit crazy with the anti-govt, anti-cop, and slowly even anti-military..........and began to truly believe their local, county, state and federal govts are ALL involved in this grand scheme to take away their civil liberties.

It's been a gradual development, growing as we've let government grow beyond its Constitutional limits. The radical expansion of the surveillance state (eg "Homeland Security") has pushed this dramatically since 9/11. In other words, as our government has become more intrusive, more secretive, and more ubiquitous, people are becoming more paranoid.

Its sad. Its pathetic. Its actually worrisome and scary......because their beliefs and radicalism wont change, but only get worse.

There are two entirely different subjects here.

One is whether there is some kind of conspiracy or other. Who knows? Who cares? Some filthy fucking parasite claiming conspiracy where none existed derailed another thread discussing honest questions about desirable limits of police presence and authority.

The other is whether US cities should look like this every time a bad act is committed. There are plenty of legitimate questions about desirable limits of police presence and authority absent declarations of martial law. Plenty of questions. ALL OF THEM LEGITIMATE.

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This truly blows my mind. It has barely been more than 1 week, and the Glenn Beck/ Alex Jones / Radical right anti-govt, anti-cop crowd has gone F**KING INSANE. Its truly unbelievable. It didnt even take 10 days for them to go full batshit whacko, believing all the cops and government folks planned this attack, and did it.

And, LIKE I SAID a month or so ago..........they are now saying they saw undercover MILITARY members in the crowd before the bomb. They think the military is in on it. They are starting their turn against the military, like I said they would.

I dont know exactly what it was, or what point in time it happened. But a significant % of our population in the US has gone full batshit crazy with the anti-govt, anti-cop, and slowly even anti-military..........and began to truly believe their local, county, state and federal govts are ALL involved in this grand scheme to take away their civil liberties.

Its sad. Its pathetic. Its actually worrisome and scary......because their beliefs and radicalism wont change, but only get worse.

Kooks, not "cooks".

There are two entirely different subjects here.

One is whether there is some kind of conspiracy or other. Who knows? Who cares? Some filthy fucking parasite claiming conspiracy where none existed derailed another thread discussing honest questions about desirable limits of police presence and authority.

The other is whether US cities should look like this every time a bad act is committed. There are plenty of legitimate questions about desirable limits of police presence and authority absent declarations of martial law. Plenty of questions. ALL OF THEM LEGITIMATE.

So far, no American cities have looked like that so your point is retarded.
There are two entirely different subjects here.

One is whether there is some kind of conspiracy or other. Who knows? Who cares? Some filthy fucking parasite claiming conspiracy where none existed derailed another thread discussing honest questions about desirable limits of police presence and authority.

The other is whether US cities should look like this every time a bad act is committed. There are plenty of legitimate questions about desirable limits of police presence and authority absent declarations of martial law. Plenty of questions. ALL OF THEM LEGITIMATE.

So far, no American cities have looked like that so your point is retarded.

Uh oh.

There are two entirely different subjects here.

One is whether there is some kind of conspiracy or other. Who knows? Who cares? Some filthy fucking parasite claiming conspiracy where none existed derailed another thread discussing honest questions about desirable limits of police presence and authority.

The other is whether US cities should look like this every time a bad act is committed. There are plenty of legitimate questions about desirable limits of police presence and authority absent declarations of martial law. Plenty of questions. ALL OF THEM LEGITIMATE.

So far, no American cities have looked like that so your point is retarded.

Uh oh.


When and where was this photo taken?

Link your source.
Its not often that I say a person is a danger to the country or stability of society just from their speech. But sometimes they are. Like radical Muslim clerics who preach hate and murder.

But Glenn Beck and Alex Jones are pushing themselves closer and closer to that level.

I wonder why they aren't held complicit when one of their nutter followers goes off the deep end and kills someone.

Why dont you tell us because all of the last major killings have been of lefty nutters killing people.
When and where was this photo taken?

Link your source.

Looks like the SWAT teams that were searching house to house and making citizens leave their homes at gunpoint. Mass USA
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