My GOD the conspiracy cooks, anti-govt crowd, and cop haters are out in full force!!!

Uh oh.


When and where was this photo taken?

Link your source.


Nothing for Tejas except contempt.

So then that picture could have been taken in any country at any time.

Oh and thanks for showing yourself to be another dishonest liberal coward.
When and where was this photo taken?

Link your source.

Looks like the SWAT teams that were searching house to house and making citizens leave their homes at gunpoint. Mass USA

So what excuse are you going to give by at gunpoint being forced to leave home in sake of national security? I BET NOT A FUCKING WORD.

First prove that this picture is what you say it is and second prove innocent civilians were forced out of their houses at gunpoint.
When and where was this photo taken?

Link your source.

Looks like the SWAT teams that were searching house to house and making citizens leave their homes at gunpoint. Mass USA

So what excuse are you going to give by at gunpoint being forced to leave home in sake of national security? I BET NOT A FUCKING WORD.

First prove that this picture is what you say it is and second prove innocent civilians were forced out of their houses at gunpoint.

there are videos of if aned I would post but the forum wont allow me to post links yet

btw if you notice the edit the last part was for Ravi not you.
BTW, I have the highest respect for the people and women of our police force and the duties they provide. But violating our 4th isn't something us Americans should stand for. You open that door and next goes the 1 and 2nd to the liberal oppressors.
Looks like the SWAT teams that were searching house to house and making citizens leave their homes at gunpoint. Mass USA

So what excuse are you going to give by at gunpoint being forced to leave home in sake of national security? I BET NOT A FUCKING WORD.

First prove that this picture is what you say it is and second prove innocent civilians were forced out of their houses at gunpoint.

there are videos of if aned I would post but the forum wont allow me to post links yet

btw if you notice the edit the last part was for Ravi not you.

I don't give a rat's ass who your post was directed at. I commented on it.

And since you cannot support any of your claims with links I suggest you stop making them until you can.
BTW, I have the highest respect for the people and women of our police force and the duties they provide. But violating our 4th isn't something us Americans should stand for. You open that door and next goes the 1 and 2nd to the liberal oppressors.

There is no proof that anyone's 4th amendment rights were violated.

But don't let silly facts stop you.
When and where was this photo taken?

Link your source.


Nothing for Tejas except contempt.

So then that picture could have been taken in any country at any time.

Oh and thanks for showing yourself to be another dishonest liberal coward.

I'm not a liberal you fake-conservative white trash cocksucker. I was a conservative before your hero destroyed the Republican Party tripling the national debt in the 1980s. That is probably a little complex for a Tejan, so we'll move on...

Anyone with a 60 iq knows the link is embedded in the picture.

Now fuck off.
Its not often that I say a person is a danger to the country or stability of society just from their speech. But sometimes they are. Like radical Muslim clerics who preach hate and murder.

But Glenn Beck and Alex Jones are pushing themselves closer and closer to that level.

I agree. Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and other rightwing fanatics are dangerous because they push the unstable among us over the edge.

It's absolutely great to live in a free country like the US but there should be limits on "Hate speech" which generate hate on top of hate and glorify killing abortion doctors, Gays, and undocumented immigrants. Also the rise of the Tea Party as the base of the Republican has turned that political group into a metastasizing cancer, a disease that spreads.
The most violent wingnut civil unrest may be a few years away, but I fully expect to see martial law declared nationwide - for an extended period of time (maybe years).

so the conspiracy is true then ?
I dont know what their anger and conspiracy nut theories are based in.

They are based on making a buck. People like Alex Jones sell the exact message that the many people with mental health issues that manifest in irrational paranoia love to scoop up, and I'm sure he's doing quite well.
Its not often that I say a person is a danger to the country or stability of society just from their speech. But sometimes they are. Like radical Muslim clerics who preach hate and murder.

But Glenn Beck and Alex Jones are pushing themselves closer and closer to that level.

I agree. Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and other rightwing fanatics are dangerous because they push the unstable among us over the edge.

It's absolutely great to live in a free country like the US but there should be limits on "Hate speech" which generate hate on top of hate and glorify killing abortion doctors, Gays, and undocumented immigrants. Also the rise of the Tea Party as the base of the Republican has turned that political group into a metastasizing cancer, a disease that spreads.

well something clearly pushed you over the edge..maybe you should stop listening ?

Nothing for Tejas except contempt.

So then that picture could have been taken in any country at any time.

Oh and thanks for showing yourself to be another dishonest liberal coward.

I'm not a liberal you fake-conservative white trash cocksucker. I was a conservative before your hero destroyed the Republican Party tripling the national debt in the 1980s. That is probably a little complex for a Tejan, so we'll move on...

Anyone with a 60 iq knows the link is embedded in the picture.

Now fuck off.

I don't blame you for being too embarrassed to admit it. But your actions prove you are a liberal, right down to the childish name calling.
I dont know what their anger and conspiracy nut theories are based in.

They are based on making a buck. People like Alex Jones sell the exact message that the many people with mental health issues that manifest in irrational paranoia love to scoop up, and I'm sure he's doing quite well.

sounds like a paranoid conspiracy theory...
BTW, I have the highest respect for the people and women of our police force and the duties they provide. But violating our 4th isn't something us Americans should stand for. You open that door and next goes the 1 and 2nd to the liberal oppressors.

There is no proof that anyone's 4th amendment rights were violated.

But don't let silly facts stop you.

Local news said different at the time.
People were ordered out of their homes at gunpoint.
Consent at gunpoint is not consent.

There are two entirely different subjects here.

One is whether there is some kind of conspiracy or other. Who knows? Who cares? Some filthy fucking parasite claiming conspiracy where none existed derailed another thread discussing honest questions about desirable limits of police presence and authority.

The other is whether US cities should look like this every time a bad act is committed. There are plenty of legitimate questions about desirable limits of police presence and authority absent declarations of martial law. Plenty of questions. ALL OF THEM LEGITIMATE.

So far, no American cities have looked like that so your point is retarded.

Uh oh.

:cuckoo: That's a police swat team, not army tanks.
There is no proof that anyone's 4th amendment rights were violated.

But don't let silly facts stop you.

Local news said different at the time.
People were ordered out of their homes at gunpoint.
Consent at gunpoint is not consent.

I gave you links and you claimed they weren't good enough.

Any house that the police thought might hold the bombers were entered without search warrants. Without a warrant that violates my 4th.

Maybe a refresher mine help.....

The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. It was adopted as a response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, which is a type of general search warrant, in the American Revolution. Search and seizure (including arrest) should be limited in scope according to specific information supplied to the issuing court, usually by a law enforcement officer, who has sworn by it. The Fourth Amendment applies to the states by way of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Now do I think the police had the right to enter any house they thought held the bombers. You bet your ratsass I do,BUT< after following the LAW and having a warrant. How hard was it to get a judge to answer the phone and have his office fax it to police head qts? All police officers have smart phones that the warrant can to sent to.
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