My, how the so-called "libertarians" are silent.

Typical idiotic exaggeration. Can’t you right wingers ever speak rationally and without hyperbole?
No Tom, we are far too busy just trying to imitate and keep up with you assholes, who haven't spoken with rationality nor been without hyperbole for at least 20-25 years. It all seems to have started with your blow job king in the Oval office getting off with cigars while his ol' lady was backing a truck up to the WH loading all of the furniture as hers.

Sure is amazing how the Left can run a place into the dirt and drop a total clusterfuck on the country after spending seven years bitching how bad the GOP were that you could do so much better a job and end up with the train wreck you've delivered that is Joe Biden then act utterly surprised when people are even one tenth as pissed about it as you folks went on for years and years just because Trump put out a brutally honest, accurate and hilarious tweet about the Left once a day! You fucking amaze me between your arrogance and stupidity.

Go live in Russia today, or China, and speak out against the “regimes” there and see what happens to you.
No thanks. We are getting a pretty good idea what it would be like just watching how Biden is running the country now with his new found gestapo and total contempt for the American people.
So you think all laws are illegal? Is that why Biden writes more EOs than you can shake a stick at?

Gee, I really thought you'd come up with something better than this, constitutional EXPERT!

" Let's go to NY to have them review that replay."

"It appears close to me but I believe he was indeed safe.........replay should show him as safe and over turn the call"

"Here is the call............reply called him OUT"!!!!

"How could they call him out? Are they saying every batter is out"?

Only a very small thinker would say something like you did. How do you go from someone stating that the 1st Amendment prohibitions against speech only applies to the government to the idea that all laws are illegal?
No Tom, we are far too busy just trying to imitate and keep up with you assholes, who haven't spoken with rationality nor been without hyperbole for at least 20-25 years.
There you go again, asshole. You haven’t a freakin idea of who I am, who I’ve supported and not supported politically over the last 25 years. During my adult lifetime I’ve opposed the excesses of the Dems and Repubs, the “Security State,” their wars, and their politician’s corruptions, and I’ve paid a price for it too. You seem blind to everything but your petty partisan partisan cultism. You could never … “imitate” me.

What is really said is that you let all your own irrational impulses get the better of you. You’ve allowed your anger and frustration get channeled by a conman and demagogue … in ways that guarantee your continued mental slavery, to a global system you obviously don’t even understand.
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" Let's go to NY to have them review that replay."

"It appears close to me but I believe he was indeed safe.........replay should show him as safe and over turn the call"

"Here is the call............reply called him OUT"!!!!

"How could they call him out? Are they saying every batter is out"?

Only a very small thinker would say something like you did. How do you go from someone stating that the 1st Amendment prohibitions against speech only applies to the government to the idea that all laws are illegal?
You're missing the point. For Trumpsters arguments are just words. They aren't supposed to make sense. Just something you shout at liburls until they give up and go away.
Government should not be suggesting anything so....whatever.
Hmmm... at all? So If there's a bad auto accident and the highway patrol suggests you take a different route? That shouldn't be allowed?

If the state detects a widespread uptick in hacker activity targeting US businesses, and suggests that said businesses shore up their cyber defenses. Nope?

Or, if intelligence agencies discover a persistent campaign, by the Chinese, to troll social media sites and stir up as much trouble as possible? (google fifty cent army).

I'm not sure where to draw the line. Obviously, if someone from the Biden administration calls Twitter and says, "Trump is a danger to our society and is deliberately spreading disinformation. If you don't get it under control we're going to have to 'reconsider' out regulatory policy regarding your company", it's a different situation. Even though I agree (that Trump is a dangerous liar), the above is clearly coercive. But the example warning of Chinese hacking, and "suggesting" precautionary measures isn't.

The topic warrants serious discussion, which will never happen here.
If it's voluntary, it's not a problem. And that's what Trump supporters just can't accept. Lots of people think that they are dangerous fascists, and some of those people own and operate businesses. Some of them operate websites.

I don't think it would be that hard to prove if it was going on at scale. Eventually, someone would spill the beans and accuse the government of overstepping their bounds. I think the truth is that Twitter and Facebook are owned and operated by people who don't much like Trump. That's allowed.
Yes! It is allowed. However, they need to allow people to sue them over what they "publish"
Hmmm... at all? So If there's a bad auto accident and the highway patrol suggests you take a different route? That shouldn't be allowed
No. I am strictly speaking in the context of private entities censoring speech.

Government suggesting what speech to censor or who to ban is a constitutional violation, even if the private actor did so willingly.

And again, we are not going after the private actor. We're going after the federal motherfucking government for suggesting it. They to keep their fucking cocksucking noses is the fuck out of it.
Tom, no one gives a rat's ass about you or your screwball theories about me or anyone else. Get over yourself.
Good! We’ve finally established that this is not about you, me, or the other commenters here.

Now, have you anything to say about the OP?
About “Libertarians” and their general indifference to Trump’s “troubles” with the gov’t?

For those who do want to understand … this answers the OP question and shows how a genuine “conservative” & “libertarian” Republican once opposed con artists and demagogues like Trump, and religious anti-abortion nuts too:

My, how the so-called "libertarians" are silent.
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Idiot — who called who an “asshole” first?
At least I call them as they act.

All you’ve done here is troll and insult.
Must be why you wrote me first attacking and insulting me. If you have a problem with ME, then you are either clueless or an idiot. Either way, that makes you part of the problem in not realizing that America has been clandestinely infiltrated and seized over the past several decades by a foreign-backed interest that literally has 80-90% of our elected leaders in Washington now in their back pocket, and there are no longer any easy, safe, reasonable ways to solve that problem than to hit a major reset.

Time to flush the bowl.

Good! We’ve finally established that this is not about you, me, or the other commenters here.

Now, have you anything to say about the OP?
About “Libertarians” and their general indifference to Trump’s “troubles” with the gov’t?

For those who do want to understand … this answers the OP question and shows how a genuine “conservative” & “libertarian” Republican once opposed con artists and demagogues like Trump, and religious anti-abortion nuts too:

My, how the so-called "libertarians" are silent.
I am a conservative libertarian. I am not silent. I don’t consider President Donald Trump to be either a demagogue or a con artist.

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