My, how the so-called "libertarians" are silent.

The "we" is the problem now. While you and I know what you mean by that word, I don't think it's hyperbole to say that E Pluribus Unum is all but dead now. Feeding into that is another tragic fact, that "we" are no longer even operating under the same realities.
Right. Let's talk about "reality" and whose is real.
Really Bozo? You mean I just IMAGINED that Trump was totally wiped off social media barred from FB and Twitter with a veritable blackout by media covering his rallies and interviews?
That's just because he's a dickhead. The Constitution doesn't demand that we put up with dickheads.
No, but the FIRST AMENDMENT of the Bill of Rights DOES, asshole.
No. It doesn't. You clearly don't understand the Constitution, nor the First Amendment.
The whole POINT to freedom of speech is to PROTECT speech you don't agree with, not oppress it, Moron.
The whole point of the First Amendment is to protect speech from being regulated by the government (which is exactly what you jerkoffs are clamoring for). The First Amendment doesn't force us to cater to dickheads.
No. It doesn't. You clearly don't understand the Constitution, nor the First Amendment.
That must be why I have a shelf of books behind me on the organic laws of the United States!

The whole point of the First Amendment is to protect speech from being regulated by the government.
Thanks for admitting that, idiot. It was the GOVERNMENT behind oppressing Trump. The Fed is working with Big Tech to regulate and limit speech harmful to their interests! Last year when networks were reporting negative stories about Biden, the fed came to them and told them to tone it down. Zuckerberg himself just admitted that the reason why Facebook banned discussion of Hunter's laptop was because the FBI contacted him a couple years ago and demanded he do so!

You're such a misinformed idiot that you are actually DEFENDING the people doing what you profess to be against!!

The First Amendment doesn't force us to cater to dickheads.
Remember that on November 8.

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That must be why I have a shelf of books behind me on the organic laws of the United States!
Maybe try reading them?
It was the GOVERNMENT behind oppressing Trump.
I've been very clear - we should put a stop to that. Regulating social media won't put a stop to that. It will give the government even more power to control social media. Pull your head out of your ass and think about what you're doing.
Maybe try reading them?

I've been very clear - we should put a stop to that. Regulating social media won't put a stop to that. It will give the government even more power to control social media. Pull your head out of your ass and think about what you're doing.
Yep, better not bust up the Left's monopoly on social media, news media and speech, right, idiot? Might lead to something radical like FREEDOM and HONESTY.

Oh no.
Yep, better not bust up the Left's monopoly on social media, news media and speech, right, idiot? Might lead to something radical like FREEDOM and HONESTY.
Regulating social media won't bust up anything. It will simply give government more power to control social media. If that's your goal, why not just move to China?
Maybe try reading them?

I've been very clear - we should put a stop to that. Regulating social media won't put a stop to that. It will give the government even more power to control social media. Pull your head out of your ass and think about what you're doing.
Platforms publish things that many people disagree with. Facebook and Twitter (among others) are no longer platforms.Social media should be accountable for what they do. They do not deserve to be called platforms and receive protection due only to platforms.
Platforms publish things that many people disagree with. Facebook and Twitter (among others) are no longer platforms.Social media should be accountable for what they do. They do not deserve to be called platforms and receive protection due only to platforms.
Yes, comrade. Things will be all better when government is running everything.
Regulating social media won't bust up anything.
REALLY? So why then does the Fed regulate everything else? We need to PROSECUTE companies who oppress political opposition in order to affect elections, including any government agencies such as the FBI now admitted by Zuckerberg to pressuring his Facebook to suppress any discussion of Hunter's laptop because it might not reflect well on Poor Joe.

It will simply give government more power to control social media.
That's the point. They are ALREADY controlling social media, toward their own ends instead of making sure social media remains free and open.

If that's your goal, why not just move to China?
I'm already living in China, you jackass, for the past 19 months, that's the problem, I want my country back. Until Joe Biden, only countries like CHINA broke into and raided the homes of political opponents taking and doing whatever they want with no accountability.
Maybe try reading them?

Implying YOU HAVE? OK, Blackie, since YOU are such an expert on organic law, here's your opportunity to PROVE IT. Tell me where in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers or wherever it states what you claim that you suggest I need to read?

1, 2, 3, GO. I'm waiting.
Implying YOU HAVE? OK, Blackie, since YOU are such an expert on organic law, here's your opportunity to PROVE IT. Tell me where in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers or wherever it states what you claim that you suggest I need to read?

1, 2, 3, GO. I'm waiting.
Let's start with the First Amendment. Particularly the first few words: "Congress shall pass no law ..."

It's a restriction on government. Not a requirement that social media sites be unbiased.
Let's start with the First Amendment. Particularly the first few words: "Congress shall pass no law ..."
So you think all laws are illegal? Is that why Biden writes more EOs than you can shake a stick at?

Gee, I really thought you'd come up with something better than this, constitutional EXPERT!
So you think all laws are illegal?
Uh, no. Are you going to start the strawman thing now?
Is that why Biden writes more EOs than you can shake a stick at?
Swing and a miss. Not a Biden supporter.
Gee, I really thought you'd come up with something better than this, constitutional EXPERT!
So, just ignore it, and keep repeating your gibberish. Louder. Eventually you won't even remember.
Uh, no. Are you going to start the strawman thing now?
You are the one who just said that Congress shall pass no law.

Swing and a miss. Not a Biden supporter.
How could anyone support THAT?

So, just ignore it, and keep repeating your gibberish. Louder. Eventually you won't even remember.
What gibberish? You are the one writing me to tell me how much I don't know! Can you even name the four Organic Laws of the United States?

Without looking it up.

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