My, how the so-called "libertarians" are silent.

A Libertarian party is, by definition, an oxymoron.

The philosophy of libertarians eschews party politics.

The greatest hope of achieving a libertarian country would be to eliminate political parties all together and make every vote a vote about the person and their ideas.
A Libertarian party is, by definition, an oxymoron.

The philosophy of libertarians eschews party politics.

The greatest hope of achieving a libertarian country would be to eliminate political parties all together and make every vote a vote about the person and their ideas.

😂 Good luck
How about innocent until proven guilty?

Anyhoo, you will disagree and have convicted the slime no matter what.

You better hope they found something.

When someone is as openly criminal as Trump, we literally watched his crime spree every day of his Presidency. You want evidence of his crimes while in office, read his Twitter feed.
I think real Republican “libertarians” today are few and far between. Even Rand Paul seems to me to be all over the map, just another political opportunist. I recall him even rejecting the very term “libertarian” some years back. Of course in rural sparsely populated areas there can still be found conservatives or traditionalists who claim to be libertarians, but as a political or economic force they are negligible. I think the OP writer’s idea that libertarians ought to leap to the defense of the authoritarian, demagogic and megalomaniacal Trump … is sort of ridiculous.

I suppose there are still old fashioned “civil libertarians” around, for example in the ACLU. Surely there are many others who focus narrowly on “individual rights,” and want to decriminalize all supposed “crimes without victims,” e.g. legalize prostitution and drugs.

Probably the main contemporary cultural issue in the U.S. where “libertarians” are fighting now and also under attack from the right and religious authoritarians … is over woman’s right to abortion.

See my OP on Barry Goldwater’s early brand of Republican “libertarianism” here:

“Democracy” vs. “authoritarian rule” certainly separates much of the West and China / Russia. It is more and more considered to be the fundamental dividing line in the world between countries that are “pro-liberty” and outright dictatorships that do not recognize even free speech rights. But of course things are rarely so simple as they seem, or as our own Wall Street oligarchs, media and Cold War leaders make them out to be.

When all is said and done, however, we do still live in a country with a great many individual rights, and with historically won social & democratic rights too — and we ought to be willing to defend them.
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When someone is as openly criminal as Trump, we literally watched his crime spree every day of his Presidency. You want evidence of his crimes while in office, read his Twitter feed.
That’s for the judge and jury. The rest of us are guaranteed our free opinions by the 1st smendment.
Hold on…I thought you were all for the suppression of free speech?
Remember misinformation / disinformation?
Who says Trump is “not granted the right to any opinions”???

That’s absolutely ridiculous! He has had more free media time than any President in history. He also has his own internet platform and an internet army of true believers that echo his every word … here and all over!

That he sounds ever more crazy and is being investigated … well, so what? Even his reality TV program finally lost viewers and got cancelled. Whose fault was that?

The guy will get his day in court. Americans being as gullible as they are Trump may even be re-elected!

Whatever. I figure he can always “go out on 5th Avenue” and shout out his opinions. Of course these days if he went out and actually shot somebody on 5th Avenue … he might actually lose some votes, or even get arrested. :cool:
When someone is as openly criminal as Trump, we literally watched his crime spree every day of his Presidency. You want evidence of his crimes while in office, read his Twitter feed.
Unlike in your communist country China, America has a little thing called innocent until proven guilty but you don’t care about that do you?

It isn’t my opinion that matters but what a court and a jury ruling that will matter or if Trump pleas guilty will matter!

Now unlike you I keep my mind open and do not scream “ guilty “ because of my political leaning and let me tell you something the fact is you have been proven wrong so many times by me Dulles that you shouldn’t even write to me but you are such a arrogant bitch you can’t help yourself!

So what will you do if Trump is never convicted?

Will you be like all those idiots that wrote Hillary was going to Prison and say the system is unfair?

Of course you will!

You don’t care about Justice, you only care about your opinion which is easily swayed because of your political way of thinking and that is everyone that is not Communist must be guilty and killed!

Also let remember the media has been found guilty many times spinning events to fit their narrative on something, so I will await a jury Verdict and if Trump is found guilty then throw the book at him and if the penalty is death then so let it be but not until then will I say he is guilty!

Also you vile bitch let remember you have no issue with Politicians breaking the law from Hillary Clinton to Obama as long as they are Democrat but you have a long ass history on other boards calling anyone who writes about their crimes being racist and sexist!

You have no problem with the lying, cheating or even possible war crimes as long as done by a Democrat and let me be clear if Trump were a Democrat you would be defending the worthless fuck like you defend Obama, Biden and Clinton!

Now you will take my words as if I am defending Trump while missing the parts of found guilty throw the book at him and what a worthless fuck he is, well like you are!

So fuck you and your comment because I do not convict someone unless they are proven guilty and you will be hell bent on finding me saying “ Lock her up “ when it come to Clinton and I will not do the same with Trump because I have not seen all the evidence and before you proclaim you have seen enough evidence the fact is what you have seen is political opinion and spin and this is why the DOJ hasn’t arrested Trump yet nor have they charged him with a crime or even showed what material they took because they are still investigating!

Could Trump go to Jail?


Could he walk free?



Until then I will await for the DOJ investigation to be done and will reserve my “ Guilty “ until all evidence is out!

The DOJ has to make sure they have a slam dunk of a case versus someone like Trump and my bet is they do not bring charges at all like with Hillary Clinton…
A Libertarian party is, by definition, an oxymoron.

The philosophy of libertarians eschews party politics.

The greatest hope of achieving a libertarian country would be to eliminate political parties all together and make every vote a vote about the person and their ideas.
Fascists should love libertarians then. They’d be easy to pick off, since they have an aversion to parties.
A Libertarian party is, by definition, an oxymoron.

The philosophy of libertarians eschews party politics.

The greatest hope of achieving a libertarian country would be to eliminate political parties all together and make every vote a vote about the person and their ideas.

Not really. That might be true with an Anarchist party. Libertarians are NOT against the idea of a government. They are simply for as small of a government as possible. Since they indeed do support a government there is no reason they would not want to participate in that.
When all is said and done, however, we do still live in a country with a great many individual rights, and with historically won social & democratic rights too — and we ought to be willing to defend them.
The "we" is the problem now. While you and I know what you mean by that word, I don't think it's hyperbole to say that E Pluribus Unum is all but dead now. Feeding into that is another tragic fact, that "we" are no longer even operating under the same realities.

Really Bozo? You mean I just IMAGINED that Trump was totally wiped off social media barred from FB and Twitter with a veritable blackout by media covering his rallies and interviews?

You lie badly.

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