My list of GOP candidates who aren't mortally injured yet


Feb 14, 2011

On the fence about Gingrich (I thought he was fatally injured but Foxfyre made me look again)

And I'll add Gary Johnson by default because he hasn't gotten enough attention for me to know one way or the other about him.

The only one so far whom I think could lead me to vote for Obama if they won the nomination would be Bachmann.

What's your list?

on the fence about gingrich (i thought he was fatally injured but foxfyre made me look again)

and i'll add gary johnson by default because he hasn't gotten enough attention for me to know one way or the other about him.

The only one so far whom i think could lead me to vote for obama if they won the nomination would be bachmann.

What's your list?

a b o...
There's not one guy on the list, not even Huntsman or Paul, whose candidacy would make me vote for this President's re-election.
At this point with Obama pitting one American against the other in class warfare?

it isn't even close...ANYONE except the Community Organizer/Professional shit disturber.

Oh look! Eric Cantor took a shit and it is now posting on USMB! Kewl.
There's not one guy on the list, not even Huntsman or Paul, whose candidacy would make me vote for this President's re-election.
At this point with Obama pitting one American against the other in class warfare?

it isn't even close...ANYONE except the Community Organizer/Professional shit disturber.

Oh look! Eric Cantor took a shit and it is now posting on USMB! Kewl.
Fuck Off Lunger.
Romney- avoiding any serious damage, most likely candidate
Perry- wounded, will have to work much harder to make up lost ground
Cain- hanging around, could still be the last man standing

The rest......really should stop wasting everyones time
The you need some aTTenTion? I find you to be a bit less than interesting enough to give you much of my time......but.....if you are going to be so emotional I might have to reconsider. This side of you is more fun.
On the fence about Gingrich (I thought he was fatally injured but Foxfyre made me look again)
And I'll add Gary Johnson by default because he hasn't gotten enough attention for me to know one way or the other about him.
The only one so far whom I think could lead me to vote for Obama if they won the nomination would be Bachmann.
What's your list?

I would probably vote for Romney, Huntsman and maybe Gingrich (Whom I believe is actually campaigning for the VP slot) over Obama.

If Perry, Paul or Bachmann are even near the GOP ticket, I will probably hold my nose and vote Obama. I have friends who are Conservative, Liberal and Independent all over the country. This seems to be their view as well - although some of them seem very put off by Cain as well.

Really, Obama should have been SO easy to beat. WTF? THis is the best the GOP has to offer? Two whackjobs, the reincarnation of Bush and the rest of the field already showing major chinks in the armor before the primaries are halfway done?
Romney- avoiding any serious damage, most likely candidate
Perry- wounded, will have to work much harder to make up lost ground
Cain- hanging around, could still be the last man standing

The rest......really should stop wasting everyones time

Go figure, another liberal spouting "Romney". Color me unsurprised.
MSM much?
The same MSM supported Mr McCain in the primaries, but then cheered Mr Obama as the one once the bloodletting was over.
Romney- avoiding any serious damage, most likely candidate
Perry- wounded, will have to work much harder to make up lost ground
Cain- hanging around, could still be the last man standing

The rest......really should stop wasting everyones time

Go figure, another liberal spouting "Romney". Color me unsurprised.
MSM much?
The same MSM supported Mr McCain in the primaries, but then cheered Mr Obama as the one once the bloodletting was over.
The left wants ROMNEY...HE can be defeated by Obama...and they know it.
The you need some aTTenTion? I find you to be a bit less than interesting enough to give you much of my time......but.....if you are going to be so emotional I might have to reconsider. This side of you is more fun.
You're speaking in Tongues... *The T* doesn't translate...NOR does he wish to.

Come back when you speak common American English and cease hiding behind an Agenda.
My list of GOP candidates who aren't mortally injured yet


On the fence about Gingrich (I thought he was fatally injured but Foxfyre made me look again)

And I'll add Gary Johnson by default because he hasn't gotten enough attention for me to know one way or the other about him.

The only one so far whom I think could lead me to vote for Obama if they won the nomination would be Bachmann.

What's your list?
Huntsman and Romney are both "liberal light". That makes them media darlings until the primaries are over, just like Mr McCain was.

When my choices were Mr McCain and Mr Obama I opted to not cast a vote for president (because both options sucked), and instead I only voted on local issues and candidates. I'll do the same if Mr Romney or Mr Huntsman are presidential candidates.

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