My name is Old Glory

Thanx Will & Hoss for making my Independence Day so much better.
We ain't always right, we ain't always wrong; but we are more right than wrong!


Happy Independence Day!!!

*****HAPPY SMILE*****

I was expecting a punch line at the end where he lights the flag on fire and says “dis flag been keepin’ me DOWN, y’all!”
Tear Jerker

John Wayne loves her so much that he passed up a chance to fight for her in WWII

Phony Patriot

John Wayne registered for the draft but he was too old and had 4 kids.

Roberts and Olson’s John Wayne, American states that in 1943, Duke was given a “3A” deferment for dependency reasons. The deferment was later changed to “A” status for National Service. Another deferment was given in late 1945 because he was too old for the draft.

In fairness to Wayne, he did register for the draft and would have gone if he’d been called. More important, Wayne did not request the deferment; Republic Studio President Herbert Yates did. He’d already lost Gene Autry to the service, and he was determined to keep Wayne, his leading moneymaker, out of uniform and in front of the camera.

Film scholar James Denniston offers a different take on the issue: “Duke largely could not get an officer’s commission to enter the military because he had an old injury, which would have kept anyone from being eligible, and also had four children. Also, the powers that be saw the immense contribution Duke could make on the screen to help national morale. His overall roles involved our exposure to what we were fighting abroad, and he also went on many trips drumming up support. He gets a bad rap for not being in the fight as others were, but let no one make that mistake. He was the real deal, no matter where he showed up.”

You could have left out the DD meme and got my full support for this. The Video is NOT political in any way. And I served under that Flag. I didn't serve that flag. That flag is a symbol of the United States of America and what we all should strive to live up to.
'The westsiders won at the last minute, ejecting the river towns from Vermont, at which the great bulk of the eastsiders walked out and threatened secession to form the "College" state. Radicalism was also triumphant in Georgia, where it was led by artisans and others in the Liberty Society of Savannah, by back country farmers, and by such wealthy planters as Button Gwinnett, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The temporary constitution of April 1776 was succeeded by a similar permanent constitution the following year. The legislature was unicameral, and any hint of executive or oligarchic judicial rule was systematically checked in advance. A governor and council were chosen by the legislature for brief terms and had no veto power and negligible executive power. The judges were t be chosen by the legislature and were removable at any time, An important libertarian and democratic feature of the Georgia constitution was the elevation of the power of juries: special jurors were to be judges of the law as well as of fact, and were to exercise judicial review on interpreting the constitution. In this was, judicial oligarchies would be kept strictly subordinate to the cross section of the people embodied in the juries.'
(Rothbard, Conceived in Liberty)

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