My name is Travis Michael Bell and I believe in the future.


Oct 10, 2018
As I sit here on my phone , pondering how I'm going to address all of you reading this, I really am just so happy and filled with pleasant joy as I think about how one day we will all truly be living in a world of peace and prosperity.

One day I hope that we can all wake up and we can feel happy, ready for the day, everyday not only because we all knew our nation was safe and secure but because we knew the world and all our fellow brothers and sisters around the world were safe and sound.

It's sad though because some think of this as nothing but a mere many others a fear... but to me I only see the inevitable.

I see destiny calling not only for me but for all of us who wish to unite all good willed people towards the advancement of the human race.

I firmly believe that we humans have surpassed all previous achievements already set in stone and we are now tasked with traveling further beyond what even the stars promised.

As a U.S citizen I have many thoughts and ideas as to how we can collectively come together but as of right now I'll be as breif as I can be and try to be as short as I can be about my overall philosophy.

As a U.S citizen I believe in a strong State and Federal Government unison in order to offer for the most ideal and prosperous living experience for all citizens. Without a strong Federal and State Government we won't have enough communitcaton capabilities
to manage the entire nation; which that is what we are. Let us also not forget that without public unison we can't run and manage our own governments and I firmly believe that we have more than enough intelligence to come together at all levels society.

I will also make it clear you can never forget that we are the ones who run this county. We U.S citizens work hard at all levels to make sure we can create a peaceful future for us all.

We as well cannot forget that we elect and are promoted to all positions in a respectable society, nothing is truly earned forever without effort, so never forget you can only go as far as you can achieve and as long as you keep working hard for the greater good of society only then we will all truly never be forgotten. If time can last forever then so can we.

If there is one thing I fear the most right now in my nation it would have to be the considerable gross m isrepresentation we citizens have here and abroad around the globe.

I, with undoubtably hundreds of millions of others, are being held back so far that we can no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are being blinded by the darkness that resides within the hearts of the evil so we must never give in during these critical moments in U.S and world history.

It's sad that I have taken so long to be brought to the light of realization but I cannot dwell on previous false ideologys because it is those mistakes that have lead to my current awakening. Only now can I truly work with all of you to bring hope and happiness to all reaches of the world.

Only through our hard work and dedication can we fight past the pain of positive growth. Only through our love and intelligence for one another will we finally prove can we go farther than ever before .We must not give in. We must not give up.

I guess I will just have to try to remind everyone that only through our faith and intelligence will we be able to band together in unison and if you wish to work towards that great and prosperous future then simply say it now as only now is the only moment that truly matters;for it dictates the next.

As of right now I am living as a resident of the great State of Florida and am currently working very hard to bring together as many people as possible to not only help provide the invaluable support and motivation needed to become the greatest soictey in history but to resecure our own future to make sure there will be never again be failure.

For far too long have many of us sat by and watched our fellow citizens sit in sorrow and regret when in thought about our future. For far too long have many of us listened to the problems plaugeing the world and done nothing. No longer will we sit idol, no longer will we
remain content.

I'm not sure where to go next from here because it's here that I know I can now, hopefully ,finally be surrounded by the many who wish to see us all advance farther than ever before.

-Travis Michael Bell, NRP -
Welcome. Try being a bit more pithy and people might read your posts.
Hi fellow Floridian, I am that rare bird, fl native known as a "Fl Cracker". 4th generation.

We can assume you either own a fine generator or don't live in the panhandle? AKA Southern Georgia.
As I sit here on my phone , pondering how I'm going to address all of you reading this, I really am just so happy and filled with pleasant joy as I think about how one day we will all truly be living in a world of peace and prosperity.

One day I hope that we can all wake up and we can feel happy, ready for the day, everyday not only because we all knew our nation was safe and secure but because we knew the world and all our fellow brothers and sisters around the world were safe and sound.

It's sad though because some think of this as nothing but a mere many others a fear... but to me I only see the inevitable.

I see destiny calling not only for me but for all of us who wish to unite all good willed people towards the advancement of the human race.

I firmly believe that we humans have surpassed all previous achievements already set in stone and we are now tasked with traveling further beyond what even the stars promised.

As a U.S citizen I have many thoughts and ideas as to how we can collectively come together but as of right now I'll be as breif as I can be and try to be as short as I can be about my overall philosophy.

As a U.S citizen I believe in a strong State and Federal Government unison in order to offer for the most ideal and prosperous living experience for all citizens. Without a strong Federal and State Government we won't have enough communitcaton capabilities
to manage the entire nation; which that is what we are. Let us also not forget that without public unison we can't run and manage our own governments and I firmly believe that we have more than enough intelligence to come together at all levels society.

I will also make it clear you can never forget that we are the ones who run this county. We U.S citizens work hard at all levels to make sure we can create a peaceful future for us all.

We as well cannot forget that we elect and are promoted to all positions in a respectable society, nothing is truly earned forever without effort, so never forget you can only go as far as you can achieve and as long as you keep working hard for the greater good of society only then we will all truly never be forgotten. If time can last forever then so can we.

If there is one thing I fear the most right now in my nation it would have to be the considerable gross m isrepresentation we citizens have here and abroad around the globe.

I, with undoubtably hundreds of millions of others, are being held back so far that we can no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are being blinded by the darkness that resides within the hearts of the evil so we must never give in during these critical moments in U.S and world history.

It's sad that I have taken so long to be brought to the light of realization but I cannot dwell on previous false ideologys because it is those mistakes that have lead to my current awakening. Only now can I truly work with all of you to bring hope and happiness to all reaches of the world.

Only through our hard work and dedication can we fight past the pain of positive growth. Only through our love and intelligence for one another will we finally prove can we go farther than ever before .We must not give in. We must not give up.

I guess I will just have to try to remind everyone that only through our faith and intelligence will we be able to band together in unison and if you wish to work towards that great and prosperous future then simply say it now as only now is the only moment that truly matters;for it dictates the next.

As of right now I am living as a resident of the great State of Florida and am currently working very hard to bring together as many people as possible to not only help provide the invaluable support and motivation needed to become the greatest soictey in history but to resecure our own future to make sure there will be never again be failure.

For far too long have many of us sat by and watched our fellow citizens sit in sorrow and regret when in thought about our future. For far too long have many of us listened to the problems plaugeing the world and done nothing. No longer will we sit idol, no longer will we
remain content.

I'm not sure where to go next from here because it's here that I know I can now, hopefully ,finally be surrounded by the many who wish to see us all advance farther than ever before.

-Travis Michael Bell, NRP -

Another dozen that think that way Travis -- and we could start communicating about the stuff that TRULY matters. Welcome. Bring the peace..
As I sit here on my phone , pondering how I'm going to address all of you reading this, I really am just so happy and filled with pleasant joy as I think about how one day we will all truly be living in a world of peace and prosperity.

One day I hope that we can all wake up and we can feel happy, ready for the day, everyday not only because we all knew our nation was safe and secure but because we knew the world and all our fellow brothers and sisters around the world were safe and sound.

It's sad though because some think of this as nothing but a mere many others a fear... but to me I only see the inevitable.

I see destiny calling not only for me but for all of us who wish to unite all good willed people towards the advancement of the human race.

I firmly believe that we humans have surpassed all previous achievements already set in stone and we are now tasked with traveling further beyond what even the stars promised.

As a U.S citizen I have many thoughts and ideas as to how we can collectively come together but as of right now I'll be as breif as I can be and try to be as short as I can be about my overall philosophy.

As a U.S citizen I believe in a strong State and Federal Government unison in order to offer for the most ideal and prosperous living experience for all citizens. Without a strong Federal and State Government we won't have enough communitcaton capabilities
to manage the entire nation; which that is what we are. Let us also not forget that without public unison we can't run and manage our own governments and I firmly believe that we have more than enough intelligence to come together at all levels society.

I will also make it clear you can never forget that we are the ones who run this county. We U.S citizens work hard at all levels to make sure we can create a peaceful future for us all.

We as well cannot forget that we elect and are promoted to all positions in a respectable society, nothing is truly earned forever without effort, so never forget you can only go as far as you can achieve and as long as you keep working hard for the greater good of society only then we will all truly never be forgotten. If time can last forever then so can we.

If there is one thing I fear the most right now in my nation it would have to be the considerable gross m isrepresentation we citizens have here and abroad around the globe.

I, with undoubtably hundreds of millions of others, are being held back so far that we can no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are being blinded by the darkness that resides within the hearts of the evil so we must never give in during these critical moments in U.S and world history.

It's sad that I have taken so long to be brought to the light of realization but I cannot dwell on previous false ideologys because it is those mistakes that have lead to my current awakening. Only now can I truly work with all of you to bring hope and happiness to all reaches of the world.

Only through our hard work and dedication can we fight past the pain of positive growth. Only through our love and intelligence for one another will we finally prove can we go farther than ever before .We must not give in. We must not give up.

I guess I will just have to try to remind everyone that only through our faith and intelligence will we be able to band together in unison and if you wish to work towards that great and prosperous future then simply say it now as only now is the only moment that truly matters;for it dictates the next.

As of right now I am living as a resident of the great State of Florida and am currently working very hard to bring together as many people as possible to not only help provide the invaluable support and motivation needed to become the greatest soictey in history but to resecure our own future to make sure there will be never again be failure.

For far too long have many of us sat by and watched our fellow citizens sit in sorrow and regret when in thought about our future. For far too long have many of us listened to the problems plaugeing the world and done nothing. No longer will we sit idol, no longer will we
remain content.

I'm not sure where to go next from here because it's here that I know I can now, hopefully ,finally be surrounded by the many who wish to see us all advance farther than ever before.

-Travis Michael Bell, NRP -
Hey, there, Travis! Glad to have you aboard!
Have a donut and let me know what "NRP" means.
As I sit here on my phone , pondering how I'm going to address all of you reading this, I really am just so happy and filled with pleasant joy as I think about how one day we will all truly be living in a world of peace and prosperity.

One day I hope that we can all wake up and we can feel happy, ready for the day, everyday not only because we all knew our nation was safe and secure but because we knew the world and all our fellow brothers and sisters around the world were safe and sound.

It's sad though because some think of this as nothing but a mere many others a fear... but to me I only see the inevitable.

I see destiny calling not only for me but for all of us who wish to unite all good willed people towards the advancement of the human race.

I firmly believe that we humans have surpassed all previous achievements already set in stone and we are now tasked with traveling further beyond what even the stars promised.

As a U.S citizen I have many thoughts and ideas as to how we can collectively come together but as of right now I'll be as breif as I can be and try to be as short as I can be about my overall philosophy.

As a U.S citizen I believe in a strong State and Federal Government unison in order to offer for the most ideal and prosperous living experience for all citizens. Without a strong Federal and State Government we won't have enough communitcaton capabilities
to manage the entire nation; which that is what we are. Let us also not forget that without public unison we can't run and manage our own governments and I firmly believe that we have more than enough intelligence to come together at all levels society.

I will also make it clear you can never forget that we are the ones who run this county. We U.S citizens work hard at all levels to make sure we can create a peaceful future for us all.

We as well cannot forget that we elect and are promoted to all positions in a respectable society, nothing is truly earned forever without effort, so never forget you can only go as far as you can achieve and as long as you keep working hard for the greater good of society only then we will all truly never be forgotten. If time can last forever then so can we.

If there is one thing I fear the most right now in my nation it would have to be the considerable gross m isrepresentation we citizens have here and abroad around the globe.

I, with undoubtably hundreds of millions of others, are being held back so far that we can no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are being blinded by the darkness that resides within the hearts of the evil so we must never give in during these critical moments in U.S and world history.

It's sad that I have taken so long to be brought to the light of realization but I cannot dwell on previous false ideologys because it is those mistakes that have lead to my current awakening. Only now can I truly work with all of you to bring hope and happiness to all reaches of the world.

Only through our hard work and dedication can we fight past the pain of positive growth. Only through our love and intelligence for one another will we finally prove can we go farther than ever before .We must not give in. We must not give up.

I guess I will just have to try to remind everyone that only through our faith and intelligence will we be able to band together in unison and if you wish to work towards that great and prosperous future then simply say it now as only now is the only moment that truly matters;for it dictates the next.

As of right now I am living as a resident of the great State of Florida and am currently working very hard to bring together as many people as possible to not only help provide the invaluable support and motivation needed to become the greatest soictey in history but to resecure our own future to make sure there will be never again be failure.

For far too long have many of us sat by and watched our fellow citizens sit in sorrow and regret when in thought about our future. For far too long have many of us listened to the problems plaugeing the world and done nothing. No longer will we sit idol, no longer will we
remain content.

I'm not sure where to go next from here because it's here that I know I can now, hopefully ,finally be surrounded by the many who wish to see us all advance farther than ever before.

-Travis Michael Bell, NRP -
Let my guess, you're a serious Star Trek fan........ :eusa_whistle:

Welcome to the nuthouse. :D

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