My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Also keep in mind the types of guns have really changed. 30 years ago everyone didn't have high capacity magazines. Now we are littered with them. When I was a kid cops were still using revolvers. Flood a country with guns for mass killing and you get more mass killing. We had the sense to heavily regulate machine guns.

There were far fewer shootings. All your argument boils down to is putting the genie back in the bottle. The trend at all the places that you mentioned is the same as here. You're trying to swim upstream with no indication it will work.

And in fact, shooting after shooting is showing why that is evil, it IS working to disarm honest citizens. How do you look at 17 dead and not think oh your God, maybe some people need to be armed? Where is your soul, man?
OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Nobody else has EVER had the number of guns we have had the last 20-30 years. Those countries put strong gun laws in place before it got out of control. Australia started having mass shootings and curbed them with gun control.
People kill people not firearms, most people Learn that in grade school.
Australia is an island, They don’t have an open southern border like we have for any criminal to cross at anytime they want to.
And they have a fraction of our population, all of our violent crime is in urban progressive controlled areas.
We have countless gun free zones across this country, all future killing fields. We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
There is no such thing as the traditional American family in urban America anymore, they have rejected it. That is why crime is so prevalent there

I haven't noticed any mass shooters who came over that border. You have?
Time will tell, because we have an open southern border and we will let anybody in. Amnesty will be the breeding ground for future mass shooters I’m sure.
So you are saying no?

I thought trump changed that?
There are too many career politicians/deep state people In Washington, It will take a lot more than trump to destroy the collective… Unfortunately
Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Also keep in mind the types of guns have really changed. 30 years ago everyone didn't have high capacity magazines. Now we are littered with them. When I was a kid cops were still using revolvers. Flood a country with guns for mass killing and you get more mass killing. We had the sense to heavily regulate machine guns.

There were far fewer shootings. All your argument boils down to is putting the genie back in the bottle. The trend at all the places that you mentioned is the same as here. You're trying to swim upstream with no indication it will work.

And in fact, shooting after shooting is showing why that is evil, it IS working to disarm honest citizens. How do you look at 17 dead and not think oh your God, maybe some people need to be armed? Where is your soul, man?

Why did the shooter in Parkland stop shooting people when he did?
Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Nobody else has EVER had the number of guns we have had the last 20-30 years. Those countries put strong gun laws in place before it got out of control. Australia started having mass shootings and curbed them with gun control.

Be honest. You've never read an American history book, have you?

Of course I have. Your point?

The answer to your question why there are so many guns in this country requires only learning American History.

So did you understand the book at the time and forget later or did it never really make sense to you?
Shush Mr Hyperbole...NOBODY listens to your complete BS

Here's you "look at me!!!! I'm Joe!!!!! I'm SMART!!!!"

Everybody be like freaking moon bat

Oh, Fat Irish Sow, nobody ever thought you could hold up your end of a conversation. The short bus will be around for you soon.

Are you saying our teachers are mentally unstable and they might shoot their own students?

Um, no. Clearly reading comprehension isn't one of your strong suits.

Okay, let's look at this. Most teachers suck at classroom management. They really don't teach it. It's kind of sink or swim, which is why 50% of new teachers burn out after the first few years.

So in addition to all the other stresses of keeping track of a classroom, they now have to worry about where the gun is. Did I remember to lock it in my drawer? Did I leave it in my purse. Did little Billy just swipe it to threaten little Paco with?


Yeah, I'm sure that will work just fine. And when the cops arrive to respond to the Active Shooter, they will have to sort out the teachers nervously handling guns from the Active Shooters nervously handling guns.

Or they can just shoot them all and let God sort them out.

From my reading of these mass shootings, teachers have been throwing themselves heroically in front of the gunman to save the students.

If they can contain their nervousness to sacrifice their lives, I think they would be able to handle a gun.


That is a very good point. These teachers have put their lives on the line, we trust them to teach our children, we can trust them with a gun and to defend our children.
98% of teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms.
There are too many variables where they will do much more harm than good.
What about the teachers that want to carry? Are you going to force your cowardly views on them.
Progressives absolutely do not know what’s best for the rest of America. So fuck off
The thing is, most parents across the country do not want teachers to be armed. Maybe in redneck country, but not widely across the country. The parents in the school in Florida don't want it. School districts, except in extremely rightwing, redneck districts, will not be able to impose such a plan.

It just won't happen.
Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Nobody else has EVER had the number of guns we have had the last 20-30 years. Those countries put strong gun laws in place before it got out of control. Australia started having mass shootings and curbed them with gun control.
People kill people not firearms, most people Learn that in grade school.
Australia is an island, They don’t have an open southern border like we have for any criminal to cross at anytime they want to.
And they have a fraction of our population, all of our violent crime is in urban progressive controlled areas.
We have countless gun free zones across this country, all future killing fields. We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
There is no such thing as the traditional American family in urban America anymore, they have rejected it. That is why crime is so prevalent there

I haven't noticed any mass shooters who came over that border. You have?

Mass? No, but lots of murderers. Do you know that 23% of inmates in Federal prisons are illegal aliens?

But that wasn't his point. He was talking about that with no southern border, guns can flow freely into the country like drugs do. I mean OMG, how did you not grasp that since I keep making the same point to you?
Shush Mr Hyperbole...NOBODY listens to your complete BS

Here's you "look at me!!!! I'm Joe!!!!! I'm SMART!!!!"

Everybody be like freaking moon bat

Oh, Fat Irish Sow, nobody ever thought you could hold up your end of a conversation. The short bus will be around for you soon.

Are you saying our teachers are mentally unstable and they might shoot their own students?

Um, no. Clearly reading comprehension isn't one of your strong suits.

Okay, let's look at this. Most teachers suck at classroom management. They really don't teach it. It's kind of sink or swim, which is why 50% of new teachers burn out after the first few years.

So in addition to all the other stresses of keeping track of a classroom, they now have to worry about where the gun is. Did I remember to lock it in my drawer? Did I leave it in my purse. Did little Billy just swipe it to threaten little Paco with?


Yeah, I'm sure that will work just fine. And when the cops arrive to respond to the Active Shooter, they will have to sort out the teachers nervously handling guns from the Active Shooters nervously handling guns.

Or they can just shoot them all and let God sort them out.

From my reading of these mass shootings, teachers have been throwing themselves heroically in front of the gunman to save the students.

If they can contain their nervousness to sacrifice their lives, I think they would be able to handle a gun.


That is a very good point. These teachers have put their lives on the line, we trust them to teach our children, we can trust them with a gun and to defend our children.

You trust public school teachers? That's new.
98% of teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms.
There are too many variables where they will do much more harm than good.
What about the teachers that want to carry? Are you going to force your cowardly views on them.
Progressives absolutely do not know what’s best for the rest of America. So fuck off
The thing is, most parents across the country do not want teachers to be armed. Maybe in redneck country, but not widely across the country. The parents in the school in Florida don't want it. School districts, except in extremely rightwing, redneck districts, will not be able to impose such a plan.

It just won't happen.
Works in South Dakota and has been in place since 2013
Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Also keep in mind the types of guns have really changed. 30 years ago everyone didn't have high capacity magazines. Now we are littered with them. When I was a kid cops were still using revolvers. Flood a country with guns for mass killing and you get more mass killing. We had the sense to heavily regulate machine guns.

There were far fewer shootings. All your argument boils down to is putting the genie back in the bottle. The trend at all the places that you mentioned is the same as here. You're trying to swim upstream with no indication it will work.

And in fact, shooting after shooting is showing why that is evil, it IS working to disarm honest citizens. How do you look at 17 dead and not think oh your God, maybe some people need to be armed? Where is your soul, man?

That doesn't respond to the types of guns at all. Weren't mass shootings when everyone had a musket. Now we have lots of guns for mass killings and we have lots of mass killings.

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul? There was an armed off duty cop at Orlando. He was outgunned and so many died. Again, we have lots of guns for mass killing. Lot of guns in Vegas, but they couldn't stop him. More mass killing guns. These guys were all armed and look how many died:
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem.
98% of teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms.
There are too many variables where they will do much more harm than good.
What about the teachers that want to carry? Are you going to force your cowardly views on them.
Progressives absolutely do not know what’s best for the rest of America. So fuck off
The thing is, most parents across the country do not want teachers to be armed. Maybe in redneck country, but not widely across the country. The parents in the school in Florida don't want it. School districts, except in extremely rightwing, redneck districts, will not be able to impose such a plan.

It just won't happen.

It's already happening
kaz ...four questions.

Does LL have a son who is a police officer?
Does LL have a firearm and a CC permit?
Does LL live in a big city or a suburban beach town?
Did LL grow up hunting and fishing in the woods or hanging out in the hood?

LL has all the attitudes and opinions of an inner city leftist who would squeal like a school girl and faint if LL ever saw a gun, much less touched one.

Whey would someone who has a CC permit possibly think that admins and teachers in schools could not use them safely? Why on earth would you have such a permit if you believed that? And if you did, how would shooting after shooting with no one shooting back not convince you that you're wrong?

Something is seriously wrong with what you claim
You know you're lying. You know you picked "classrooms" for a reason. Man up, Nancy

Yes, you want more laws. Psst, I have a secret, criminals don't obey laws, honest citizens do. Man, didn't see that coming, did you?

And again, explain how drug laws have eliminated drugs

I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

We will never remove guns from America, it is to tied into the Constitution and culture.

We need to focus on training on teachers catching behaviors, we need parent involved with their children and not coddling them but helping them to become responsible for their lives and where they are at in life.
No..dummy. I already told you that I gave no particular forethought to the word. The fucking thread is about teachers...who work in classrooms, which are in schools, being armed

Bingo! You narrowed it to just teachers and students which you admit is narrow. The shootings happen at the schools, most of the shootings are not in classrooms. But you recognize that the word narrows it to the more emotional students and teachers rather than the full institution which includes everyone else. And everyone else are part of the people shot

The word was used three times in this thread before I posted. Were those people using the word to illicit greater emotion?

I didn't say you made up the word classroom, I said you picked it because you liked the emotional factor. I just mentioned it because I was responding to our post anyway and the feathers flew because you knew I was right

What kind of weirdo thinks the way you do?

It's how leftists argue all the time

You could man up, Nancy, and retract your accusation. But you won't. You haven't got the integrity.

I won't retract it because I was right. You won't be honest that when you saw "classrooms," you liked it, and for the reason I said


Now YOU are lying.

Ask around. See if anyone agrees with you. You are being very weird.

You're going to have to show me that quote. I believe I only said you chose that word for a reason. Your choosing it does not mean others did not choose the same word. I agreed actually that appeal to emotion is a common leftist tactic
One in every 4 teachers in a school packing is insane, Dumbass.

It's your numbers ... You don't trust the teachers ... :dunno:
Why in the hell would you send your child into a classroom with a teacher you don't trust ... Dumbass.

Teachers are not trained to be armed protectors. That's what the police are trained for. I trust teachers to educate children. Otherwise they are just ordinary people, and I would never put them in the role of an armed protector. I have taught for 30 years and know teachers well: most of them are not people I would trust with a gun. Just like I don't trust most of you gun nuts with one. Guns are something only professionals should be in control of.
I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

We will never remove guns from America, it is to tied into the Constitution and culture.

We need to focus on training on teachers catching behaviors, we need parent involved with their children and not coddling them but helping them to become responsible for their lives and where they are at in life.

These countries have not removed all guns. We can have guns, but do we need guns for mass killing? Do we need AR15's with 30 round magazines? Have you noticed that mass killings have increased now that high capacity magazines are everywhere?
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

We will never remove guns from America, it is to tied into the Constitution and culture.

We need to focus on training on teachers catching behaviors, we need parent involved with their children and not coddling them but helping them to become responsible for their lives and where they are at in life.

These countries have not removed all guns. We can have guns, but do we need guns for mass killing? Do we need AR15's with 30 round magazines? Have you noticed that mass killings have increased now that high capacity magazines are everywhere?
Quit lying you pussy, it’s all about total firearm confiscation. It always has been, anybody can see right through progressives on this matter...
Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Also keep in mind the types of guns have really changed. 30 years ago everyone didn't have high capacity magazines. Now we are littered with them. When I was a kid cops were still using revolvers. Flood a country with guns for mass killing and you get more mass killing. We had the sense to heavily regulate machine guns.

There were far fewer shootings. All your argument boils down to is putting the genie back in the bottle. The trend at all the places that you mentioned is the same as here. You're trying to swim upstream with no indication it will work.

And in fact, shooting after shooting is showing why that is evil, it IS working to disarm honest citizens. How do you look at 17 dead and not think oh your God, maybe some people need to be armed? Where is your soul, man?

That doesn't respond to the types of guns at all. Weren't mass shootings when everyone had a musket. Now we have lots of guns for mass killings and we have lots of mass killings.

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul? There was an armed off duty cop at Orlando. He was outgunned and so many died. Again, we have lots of guns for mass killing. Lot of guns in Vegas, but they couldn't stop him. More mass killing guns. These guys were all armed and look how many died:
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem.


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