My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.
Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

Wouldn't you be happier for your daughter's sake if handguns and military style semi automatics (mssa) weren't so easily available? Or do you think her vulnerability is a reasonable price to pay for easy access to handguns and mmsa?

Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

How have the "gun-free" asylums worked out?

17 dead at one this past week. Gun free worked soooooo well
Criminals love themselves some gun free zones... lol
It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.
Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

Wouldn't you be happier for your daughter's sake if handguns and military style semi automatics (mssa) weren't so easily available? Or do you think her vulnerability is a reasonable price to pay for easy access to handguns and mmsa?

Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

How have the "gun-free" asylums worked out?

17 dead at one this past week. Gun free worked soooooo well
Criminals love themselves some gun free zones... lol

We lose a lot of cops. Way more than any other civilized country. Last I checked they are armed.
You know you're lying. You know you picked "classrooms" for a reason. Man up, Nancy

Yes, you want more laws. Psst, I have a secret, criminals don't obey laws, honest citizens do. Man, didn't see that coming, did you?

And again, explain how drug laws have eliminated drugs

I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns
It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.
Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

Wouldn't you be happier for your daughter's sake if handguns and military style semi automatics (mssa) weren't so easily available? Or do you think her vulnerability is a reasonable price to pay for easy access to handguns and mmsa?

Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

How have the "gun-free" asylums worked out?

17 dead at one this past week. Gun free worked soooooo well
Criminals love themselves some gun free zones... lol

We lose a lot of cops. Way more than any other civilized country. Last I checked they are armed.

How many more would be if unarmed?

I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.
We are the third most populous nation on the planet, with an open southern border that any fucked up criminal can cross at anytime they want. Shit happens, that’s why we should arm ourselves...
By the way Progressives control the highest crime areas in the country… Karma is a bitch

Yep. Our shootings happen where there are the most laws. I like how simpleton calls himself "brain" think you've hit on a big one, huh? A regular semantic Captain Ahab!

You know you're lying. You know you picked "classrooms" for a reason. Man up, Nancy

I am fighting for the safety of people who go into schools and shoot people? More awesome from you. You are on a roll, hot dog.

Yes, you want more laws. Psst, I have a secret, criminals don't obey laws, honest citizens do. Man, didn't see that coming, did you?

And again, explain how drug laws have eliminated drugs

I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

Sit and admit to yourself you lied. No one was using the emotional word "classrooms" until you did. You're such a shallow liar, it's pathetic

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.

Right, we're talking about laws. Drug laws don't work, they don't work at all. Yet you're claiming a cosmic magic wave will envelope the country and make laws to remove guns suddenly work.

Explain how that makes any sense even in your feeble mind

You have never witnessed me lying, fool. You never will.

We are talking about ways to restrict access to some weapons. You are unable to do that effectively, so you want to talk about something else.


By the way, kaz no fewer than THREE people, including the OP, used the word "classroom" in this thread before I did. You are wrong and stupid. much more will you eat shit in this thread.

That's just comic.

First, on classrooms, be honest with yourself. You know you chose that word because to make your argument sound more emotional. Now, what makes you think anyone would not know that and say oh, you denied it. You're like a five year old with cookies all over his face and your hand in the cookie jar saying you didn't take a cookie. You're not a man.

And on that drug laws don't work

LoneLaughedAt. We need more gun laws to get rid of guns. Drug laws don't work, we have drugs anyway? What does that have to do with it! What? What does it have to do with it???? I don't get it! Why does that drug laws have done nothing to remove drugs have to do with that gun laws won't remove guns!

Dude, directly. You even oppose any real southern border security. Even if you got your gestapo to take the 300 millions guns already here away, YOU want a system where they can continue to flow freely in.

Starting with by the same people who import drugs now! Think about it. But don't hurt yourself, you're not used to that. Oy vey.


Were your man parts actually removed or do they just not function anymore?

Hold on, hombre! Did anyone use the word classroom before I did in this thread? You now know the answer to that question. Were they shooting for emotional strings?

And..what kind of weirdo thinks saying "classroom" shooting is more emotionally charged than saying "school" shooting?

Not only are you wrong....but you are weird. You chose to focus on something that NOBODY else focused on. That makes you weird.
I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

Sit and admit to yourself you lied. No one was using the emotional word "classrooms" until you did. You're such a shallow liar, it's pathetic

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.

Right, we're talking about laws. Drug laws don't work, they don't work at all. Yet you're claiming a cosmic magic wave will envelope the country and make laws to remove guns suddenly work.

Explain how that makes any sense even in your feeble mind

You have never witnessed me lying, fool. You never will.

We are talking about ways to restrict access to some weapons. You are unable to do that effectively, so you want to talk about something else.

Just like prohibition, firearm confiscation will never work like progressives think it will. Gun free zones are killing fields waiting to happen, a bunch of dead kids is proof of that...

Yep. What it really comes down to is that for LoneLaughedAt gun laws are working, and for that reason. The body counts are going up.

It's not directly that he wants kids murdered. The goal of leftists is to have only government armed. The 17 dead are just acceptable losses to get that
Yep, and if the federal government are the only ones that are armed they can kill whoever disagrees with them... No questions asked
And armed criminals can be used for their purposes to scare of the public into submission

Yes. The reason that the leftists want guns out of the hands of honest citizens is because we will band together and oppose the government, we are a much more direct threat to their God, government. Criminals just kill random people, they aren't a threat to the existence of the State so leftists like brain and laughedat aren't concerned about them
You know you're lying. You know you picked "classrooms" for a reason. Man up, Nancy

Yes, you want more laws. Psst, I have a secret, criminals don't obey laws, honest citizens do. Man, didn't see that coming, did you?

And again, explain how drug laws have eliminated drugs

I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

Sit and admit to yourself you lied. No one was using the emotional word "classrooms" until you did. You're such a shallow liar, it's pathetic

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.

Right, we're talking about laws. Drug laws don't work, they don't work at all. Yet you're claiming a cosmic magic wave will envelope the country and make laws to remove guns suddenly work.

Explain how that makes any sense even in your feeble mind

You have never witnessed me lying, fool. You never will.

We are talking about ways to restrict access to some weapons. You are unable to do that effectively, so you want to talk about something else.


By the way, kaz no fewer than THREE people, including the OP, used the word "classroom" in this thread before I did. You are wrong and stupid. much more will you eat shit in this thread.

That's just comic.

First, on classrooms, be honest with yourself. You know you chose that word because to make your argument sound more emotional. Now, what makes you think anyone would not know that and say oh, you denied it. You're like a five year old with cookies all over his face and your hand in the cookie jar saying you didn't take a cookie. You're not a man.

And on that drug laws don't work

LoneLaughedAt. We need more gun laws to get rid of guns. Drug laws don't work, we have drugs anyway? What does that have to do with it! What? What does it have to do with it???? I don't get it! Why does that drug laws have done nothing to remove drugs have to do with that gun laws won't remove guns!

Dude, directly. You even oppose any real southern border security. Even if you got your gestapo to take the 300 millions guns already here away, YOU want a system where they can continue to flow freely in.

Starting with by the same people who import drugs now! Think about it. But don't hurt yourself, you're not used to that. Oy vey.


Were your man parts actually removed or do they just not function anymore?

Hold on, hombre! Did anyone use the word classroom before I did in this thread? Were they shooting for emotional strings?

And..what kind of weirdo thinks saying "classroom" shooting is more emotionally charged than saying "school" shooting?

Not only are you wrong....but you are weird. You chose to focus on something that NOBODY else focused on. That makes you weird.

I only mentioned it. The discussion went on because of all the feathers you sent flying over it.

The reason you like the emotional word classroom better than school is because classroom has the connotation that it's the direct interaction between the teachers and the students, that somehow the presence of a gun violates that sacred institution.

You only think that because you live in a blue inner city cocoon where guns are magical and emanate evil. You don't know actual Americans. Guns are tools. They have no brain, emanate no aura. A gun discretely under a professors jacket for protection of everyone in the "classroom" doesn't have all the magical affects you believe guns have.

Though that's just an excuse anyway. Your objective is actually only having government armed. Honest citizens are the threat to government. That's why no leftist argument is stupid enough for you to disagree with it. It serves your goal.

Criminals killing a few random people is fine, it doesn't threaten the totalitarian leftist State that you crave
I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Nobody else has EVER had the number of guns we have had the last 20-30 years. Those countries put strong gun laws in place before it got out of control. Australia started having mass shootings and curbed them with gun control.
I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

Sit and admit to yourself you lied. No one was using the emotional word "classrooms" until you did. You're such a shallow liar, it's pathetic

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.

Right, we're talking about laws. Drug laws don't work, they don't work at all. Yet you're claiming a cosmic magic wave will envelope the country and make laws to remove guns suddenly work.

Explain how that makes any sense even in your feeble mind

You have never witnessed me lying, fool. You never will.

We are talking about ways to restrict access to some weapons. You are unable to do that effectively, so you want to talk about something else.


By the way, kaz no fewer than THREE people, including the OP, used the word "classroom" in this thread before I did. You are wrong and stupid. much more will you eat shit in this thread.

That's just comic.

First, on classrooms, be honest with yourself. You know you chose that word because to make your argument sound more emotional. Now, what makes you think anyone would not know that and say oh, you denied it. You're like a five year old with cookies all over his face and your hand in the cookie jar saying you didn't take a cookie. You're not a man.

And on that drug laws don't work

LoneLaughedAt. We need more gun laws to get rid of guns. Drug laws don't work, we have drugs anyway? What does that have to do with it! What? What does it have to do with it???? I don't get it! Why does that drug laws have done nothing to remove drugs have to do with that gun laws won't remove guns!

Dude, directly. You even oppose any real southern border security. Even if you got your gestapo to take the 300 millions guns already here away, YOU want a system where they can continue to flow freely in.

Starting with by the same people who import drugs now! Think about it. But don't hurt yourself, you're not used to that. Oy vey.


Were your man parts actually removed or do they just not function anymore?

Hold on, hombre! Did anyone use the word classroom before I did in this thread? Were they shooting for emotional strings?

And..what kind of weirdo thinks saying "classroom" shooting is more emotionally charged than saying "school" shooting?

Not only are you wrong....but you are weird. You chose to focus on something that NOBODY else focused on. That makes you weird.

I only mentioned it. The discussion went on because of all the feathers you sent flying over it.

The reason you like the emotional word classroom better than school is because classroom has the connotation that it's the direct interaction between the teachers and the students, that somehow a gun violates that sacred situation.

You only think that because you live in a blue inner city cocoon where guns are magical and emanate evil. You don't know actual Americans. Guns are tools. They have no brain, emanate no aura. A gun discretely under a professors jacket for protection of everyone in the "classroom" doesn't have all the magical affects you believe guns have

No..dummy. I already told you that I gave no particular forethought to the word. The fucking thread is about teachers...who work in classrooms, which are in schools, being armed. The word was used three times in this thread before I posted. Were those people using the word to illicit greater emotion?

What kind of weirdo thinks the way you do?

You didn't "only mention it". You focused on it and accused me of doing something that only a fucking weirdo would do. You then accused me of lying about same. You could man up, Nancy, and retract your accusation. But you won't. You haven't got the integrity.
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Nobody else has EVER had the number of guns we have had the last 20-30 years. Those countries put strong gun laws in place before it got out of control. Australia started having mass shootings and curbed them with gun control.

Be honest. You've never read an American history book, have you?
I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Also keep in mind the types of guns have really changed. 30 years ago everyone didn't have high capacity magazines. Now we are littered with them. When I was a kid cops were still using revolvers. Flood a country with guns for mass killing and you get more mass killing. We had the sense to heavily regulate machine guns.
Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Nobody else has EVER had the number of guns we have had the last 20-30 years. Those countries put strong gun laws in place before it got out of control. Australia started having mass shootings and curbed them with gun control.

Be honest. You've never read an American history book, have you?

Of course I have. Your point?
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Nobody else has EVER had the number of guns we have had the last 20-30 years. Those countries put strong gun laws in place before it got out of control. Australia started having mass shootings and curbed them with gun control.
People kill people not firearms, most people Learn that in grade school.
Australia is an island, They don’t have an open southern border like we have for any criminal to cross at anytime they want to.
And they have a fraction of our population, all of our violent crime is in urban progressive controlled areas.
We have countless gun free zones across this country, all future killing fields. We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
There is no such thing as the traditional American family in urban America anymore, they have rejected it. That is why crime is so prevalent there
Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Nobody else has EVER had the number of guns we have had the last 20-30 years. Those countries put strong gun laws in place before it got out of control. Australia started having mass shootings and curbed them with gun control.
People kill people not firearms, most people Learn that in grade school.
Australia is an island, They don’t have an open southern border like we have for any criminal to cross at anytime they want to.
And they have a fraction of our population, all of our violent crime is in urban progressive controlled areas.
We have countless gun free zones across this country, all future killing fields. We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
There is no such thing as the traditional American family in urban America anymore, they have rejected it. That is why crime is so prevalent there

I haven't noticed any mass shooters who came over that border. You have?
kaz ...four questions.

Does LL have a son who is a police officer?
Does LL have a firearm and a CC permit?
Does LL live in a big city or a suburban beach town?
Did LL grow up hunting and fishing in the woods or hanging out in the hood?
No..dummy. I already told you that I gave no particular forethought to the word. The fucking thread is about teachers...who work in classrooms, which are in schools, being armed

Bingo! You narrowed it to just teachers and students which you admit is narrow. The shootings happen at the schools, most of the shootings are not in classrooms. But you recognize that the word narrows it to the more emotional students and teachers rather than the full institution which includes everyone else. And everyone else are part of the people shot

The word was used three times in this thread before I posted. Were those people using the word to illicit greater emotion?

I didn't say you made up the word classroom, I said you picked it because you liked the emotional factor. I just mentioned it because I was responding to our post anyway and the feathers flew because you knew I was right

What kind of weirdo thinks the way you do?

It's how leftists argue all the time

You could man up, Nancy, and retract your accusation. But you won't. You haven't got the integrity.

I won't retract it because I was right. You won't be honest that when you saw "classrooms," you liked it, and for the reason I said
Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Nobody else has EVER had the number of guns we have had the last 20-30 years. Those countries put strong gun laws in place before it got out of control. Australia started having mass shootings and curbed them with gun control.
People kill people not firearms, most people Learn that in grade school.
Australia is an island, They don’t have an open southern border like we have for any criminal to cross at anytime they want to.
And they have a fraction of our population, all of our violent crime is in urban progressive controlled areas.
We have countless gun free zones across this country, all future killing fields. We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
There is no such thing as the traditional American family in urban America anymore, they have rejected it. That is why crime is so prevalent there

I haven't noticed any mass shooters who came over that border. You have?
Time will tell, because we have an open southern border and we will let anybody in. Amnesty will be the breeding ground for future mass shooters I’m sure.
No..dummy. I already told you that I gave no particular forethought to the word. The fucking thread is about teachers...who work in classrooms, which are in schools, being armed

Bingo! You narrowed it to just teachers and students which you admit is narrow. The shootings happen at the schools, most of the shootings are not in classrooms. But you recognize that the word narrows it to the more emotional students and teachers rather than the full institution which includes everyone else. And everyone else are part of the people shot

The word was used three times in this thread before I posted. Were those people using the word to illicit greater emotion?

I didn't say you made up the word classroom, I said you picked it because you liked the emotional factor. I just mentioned it because I was responding to our post anyway and the feathers flew because you knew I was right

What kind of weirdo thinks the way you do?

It's how leftists argue all the time

You could man up, Nancy, and retract your accusation. But you won't. You haven't got the integrity.

I won't retract it because I was right. You won't be honest that when you saw "classrooms," you liked it, and for the reason I said


Now YOU are lying.

Ask around. See if anyone agrees with you. You are being very weird.
Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Nobody else has EVER had the number of guns we have had the last 20-30 years. Those countries put strong gun laws in place before it got out of control. Australia started having mass shootings and curbed them with gun control.
People kill people not firearms, most people Learn that in grade school.
Australia is an island, They don’t have an open southern border like we have for any criminal to cross at anytime they want to.
And they have a fraction of our population, all of our violent crime is in urban progressive controlled areas.
We have countless gun free zones across this country, all future killing fields. We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
There is no such thing as the traditional American family in urban America anymore, they have rejected it. That is why crime is so prevalent there

I haven't noticed any mass shooters who came over that border. You have?
Time will tell, because we have an open southern border and we will let anybody in. Amnesty will be the breeding ground for future mass shooters I’m sure.
So you are saying no?

I thought trump changed that?

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