My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

98% of teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms.
There are too many variables where they will do much more harm than good.

You're going to need to explain yourself on this one.

When you say "teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms." At first glance, that's a "no shit Sherlock", of course teachers don't want guns in their classrooms.

But if you mean teachers don't want to have the gun themselves, while it's true a majority of teachers do not want to carry in the classroom, it's nowhere near 98%.
Think about it, the Police were called to this kid's house 39 times, he was expelled from school, he posted a you tube where he claimed to be a future mass murderer and a tipster reported to the FBI in January that he was stockpiling weapons and planning mass murder. Nothing happened because the FBI was focused on a cover up of their illegal surveillance of the President.

And under what law would the FBI be able to confiscate his guns?
I heard about a law in four states allowing law enforcement to temporarily seize weapons in a case like this:
Seizure of weapons[edit]
Connecticut statutes allows police, after investigating and determining probable cause, to get a court warrant and seize guns from anyone posing an imminent risk of harming himself or someone else. A judge must hold a hearing within 14 days after the seizure and order the police to hold the guns for up to one year or return them. The judge (1) must, when assessing probable cause, consider recent acts of violence, threatening, or animal cruelty and (2) may, when assessing imminent risk, consider such factors as reckless gun use or display, violent threats, alcohol abuse, illegal drug use, and prior involuntary psychiatric confinement.[15] Connecticut's weapons seizure law does not require the individual to be compensated by authorities when weapons are permanently confiscated, as the seizure action falls within the purview of an "enforcement action," (and thus a civil forfeiture) rather than a "seizure of property for public benefit," thereby making the seizure outside of the scope of the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution requiring just compensation for property taken. Currently, only three other states (California, New York and Indiana) have weapons seizure laws similar to Connecticut's.
Gun laws in Connecticut - Wikipedia

IMO, this should be federal law.
Fuck that law, You have no understanding of the rural America.
I live in rural America. I was raised by rural Americans. That law should be in place in all 50 states. Real rural Americans don't want crazies carrying guns either.
Na, Rural America is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, They are in no way in favor of firearm confiscation.
In the red areas of this country they do not agree with you in the least... That is a fact

That is why Donald Trump is president because progressive anti-gun nutters like yourself overstepped during the Obama administration...

Donald Trump will most likely be able to nominate two maybe three more Supreme Court justices, and they will be pro second amendment.
Overstepped? Are you tripping? They got nothing accomplished, not even after 20 first graders were gunned down in their classroom.
Shush Mr Hyperbole...NOBODY listens to your complete BS

Here's you "look at me!!!! I'm Joe!!!!! I'm SMART!!!!"

Everybody be like freaking moon bat

Oh, Fat Irish Sow, nobody ever thought you could hold up your end of a conversation. The short bus will be around for you soon.

Are you saying our teachers are mentally unstable and they might shoot their own students?

Um, no. Clearly reading comprehension isn't one of your strong suits.

Okay, let's look at this. Most teachers suck at classroom management. They really don't teach it. It's kind of sink or swim, which is why 50% of new teachers burn out after the first few years.

So in addition to all the other stresses of keeping track of a classroom, they now have to worry about where the gun is. Did I remember to lock it in my drawer? Did I leave it in my purse. Did little Billy just swipe it to threaten little Paco with?


Yeah, I'm sure that will work just fine. And when the cops arrive to respond to the Active Shooter, they will have to sort out the teachers nervously handling guns from the Active Shooters nervously handling guns.

Or they can just shoot them all and let God sort them out.

From my reading of these mass shootings, teachers have been throwing themselves heroically in front of the gunman to save the students.

If they can contain their nervousness to sacrifice their lives, I think they would be able to handle a gun.

And under what law would the FBI be able to confiscate his guns?
I heard about a law in four states allowing law enforcement to temporarily seize weapons in a case like this:
Seizure of weapons[edit]
Connecticut statutes allows police, after investigating and determining probable cause, to get a court warrant and seize guns from anyone posing an imminent risk of harming himself or someone else. A judge must hold a hearing within 14 days after the seizure and order the police to hold the guns for up to one year or return them. The judge (1) must, when assessing probable cause, consider recent acts of violence, threatening, or animal cruelty and (2) may, when assessing imminent risk, consider such factors as reckless gun use or display, violent threats, alcohol abuse, illegal drug use, and prior involuntary psychiatric confinement.[15] Connecticut's weapons seizure law does not require the individual to be compensated by authorities when weapons are permanently confiscated, as the seizure action falls within the purview of an "enforcement action," (and thus a civil forfeiture) rather than a "seizure of property for public benefit," thereby making the seizure outside of the scope of the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution requiring just compensation for property taken. Currently, only three other states (California, New York and Indiana) have weapons seizure laws similar to Connecticut's.
Gun laws in Connecticut - Wikipedia

IMO, this should be federal law.
Fuck that law, You have no understanding of the rural America.
I live in rural America. I was raised by rural Americans. That law should be in place in all 50 states. Real rural Americans don't want crazies carrying guns either.
Na, Rural America is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, They are in no way in favor of firearm confiscation.
In the red areas of this country they do not agree with you in the least... That is a fact

That is why Donald Trump is president because progressive anti-gun nutters like yourself overstepped during the Obama administration...

Donald Trump will most likely be able to nominate two maybe three more Supreme Court justices, and they will be pro second amendment.
Overstepped? Are you tripping? They got nothing accomplished, not even after 20 first graders were gunned down in their classroom.
There is a reason why they got nothing done their ideas were fucked up, an insult to dead kids everywhere due to gun free zones...
.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.
There really is no solution. That is the reality of it. Strict gun control? That did not stop some of the deadliest attacks in Paris and Norway. Both of which were deadlier than anything that ever happened here.

What if there were no such thing as guns? Well, I seem to remember planes and box cutters being used to commit the worst terror attack ever and also seem to remember another attack that used fertilizer. I also seem to remember a bomb being used in England at some sluts concert, and a box truck in France.

Our world is cynical. There is too much information being passed around on the internet. We are worse than the wild wild west of the 1800s. Far worse and there is no real answer.

Not to mention that the worst school massacre in history happened in Michigan in 1927.

The weapon of choice for that massacre...bombs.

You're the one fighting for the safety of people to go into schools and shoot people, and you're talking about someone else's post being "stupid?"

And obviously you picked the word "classrooms" rather than "schools" to appeal to emotion. Man up to it, Nancy think you've hit on a big one, huh? A regular semantic Captain Ahab!

You know you're lying. You know you picked "classrooms" for a reason. Man up, Nancy

I am fighting for the safety of people who go into schools and shoot people? More awesome from you. You are on a roll, hot dog.

Yes, you want more laws. Psst, I have a secret, criminals don't obey laws, honest citizens do. Man, didn't see that coming, did you?

And again, explain how drug laws have eliminated drugs

I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you
I heard about a law in four states allowing law enforcement to temporarily seize weapons in a case like this:
Seizure of weapons[edit]
Connecticut statutes allows police, after investigating and determining probable cause, to get a court warrant and seize guns from anyone posing an imminent risk of harming himself or someone else. A judge must hold a hearing within 14 days after the seizure and order the police to hold the guns for up to one year or return them. The judge (1) must, when assessing probable cause, consider recent acts of violence, threatening, or animal cruelty and (2) may, when assessing imminent risk, consider such factors as reckless gun use or display, violent threats, alcohol abuse, illegal drug use, and prior involuntary psychiatric confinement.[15] Connecticut's weapons seizure law does not require the individual to be compensated by authorities when weapons are permanently confiscated, as the seizure action falls within the purview of an "enforcement action," (and thus a civil forfeiture) rather than a "seizure of property for public benefit," thereby making the seizure outside of the scope of the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution requiring just compensation for property taken. Currently, only three other states (California, New York and Indiana) have weapons seizure laws similar to Connecticut's.
Gun laws in Connecticut - Wikipedia

IMO, this should be federal law.
Fuck that law, You have no understanding of the rural America.
I live in rural America. I was raised by rural Americans. That law should be in place in all 50 states. Real rural Americans don't want crazies carrying guns either.
Na, Rural America is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, They are in no way in favor of firearm confiscation.
In the red areas of this country they do not agree with you in the least... That is a fact

That is why Donald Trump is president because progressive anti-gun nutters like yourself overstepped during the Obama administration...

Donald Trump will most likely be able to nominate two maybe three more Supreme Court justices, and they will be pro second amendment.
Overstepped? Are you tripping? They got nothing accomplished, not even after 20 first graders were gunned down in their classroom.
There is a reason why they got nothing done their ideas were fucked up, an insult to dead kids everywhere due to gun free zones...
You admit it, then. So quit disgorging bullshit like you did a post ago.
That is why Donald Trump is president because progressive anti-gun nutters like yourself overstepped during the Obama administration...
98% of teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms.
There are too many variables where they will do much more harm than good.

You're going to need to explain yourself on this one.

When you say "teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms." At first glance, that's a "no shit Sherlock", of course teachers don't want guns in their classrooms.

But if you mean teachers don't want to have the gun themselves, while it's true a majority of teachers do not want to carry in the classroom, it's nowhere near 98%.

He was asked for a link but I don’t think he provided one, he just went away. think you've hit on a big one, huh? A regular semantic Captain Ahab!

You know you're lying. You know you picked "classrooms" for a reason. Man up, Nancy

I am fighting for the safety of people who go into schools and shoot people? More awesome from you. You are on a roll, hot dog.

Yes, you want more laws. Psst, I have a secret, criminals don't obey laws, honest citizens do. Man, didn't see that coming, did you?

And again, explain how drug laws have eliminated drugs

I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.
Fuck that law, You have no understanding of the rural America.
I live in rural America. I was raised by rural Americans. That law should be in place in all 50 states. Real rural Americans don't want crazies carrying guns either.
Na, Rural America is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, They are in no way in favor of firearm confiscation.
In the red areas of this country they do not agree with you in the least... That is a fact

That is why Donald Trump is president because progressive anti-gun nutters like yourself overstepped during the Obama administration...

Donald Trump will most likely be able to nominate two maybe three more Supreme Court justices, and they will be pro second amendment.
Overstepped? Are you tripping? They got nothing accomplished, not even after 20 first graders were gunned down in their classroom.
There is a reason why they got nothing done their ideas were fucked up, an insult to dead kids everywhere due to gun free zones...
You admit it, then. So quit disgorging bullshit like you did a post ago.
That is why Donald Trump is president because progressive anti-gun nutters like yourself overstepped during the Obama administration...
Everything Obama did was wrong… End of story. Or tried to do... too LOL
You're the one fighting for the safety of people to go into schools and shoot people, and you're talking about someone else's post being "stupid?"

And obviously you picked the word "classrooms" rather than "schools" to appeal to emotion. Man up to it, Nancy think you've hit on a big one, huh? A regular semantic Captain Ahab!

You know you're lying. You know you picked "classrooms" for a reason. Man up, Nancy

I am fighting for the safety of people who go into schools and shoot people? More awesome from you. You are on a roll, hot dog.

Yes, you want more laws. Psst, I have a secret, criminals don't obey laws, honest citizens do. Man, didn't see that coming, did you?

And again, explain how drug laws have eliminated drugs

I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

Sit and admit to yourself you lied. No one was using the emotional word "classrooms" until you did. You're such a shallow liar, it's pathetic

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.

Right, we're talking about laws. Drug laws don't work, they don't work at all. Yet you're claiming a cosmic magic wave will envelope the country and make laws to remove guns suddenly work.

Explain how that makes any sense even in your feeble mind

You have never witnessed me lying, fool. You never will.

We are talking about ways to restrict access to some weapons. You are unable to do that effectively, so you want to talk about something else.


By the way, kaz no fewer than THREE people, including the OP, used the word "classroom" in this thread before I did. You are wrong and stupid. much more will you eat shit in this thread.

That's just comic.

First, on classrooms, be honest with yourself. You know you chose that word because to make your argument sound more emotional. Now, what makes you think anyone would not know that and say oh, you denied it. You're like a five year old with cookies all over his face and your hand in the cookie jar saying you didn't take a cookie. You're not a man.

And on that drug laws don't work

LoneLaughedAt. We need more gun laws to get rid of guns. Drug laws don't work, we have drugs anyway? What does that have to do with it! What? What does it have to do with it???? I don't get it! Why does that drug laws have done nothing to remove drugs have to do with that gun laws won't remove guns!

Dude, directly. You even oppose any real southern border security. Even if you got your gestapo to take the 300 millions guns already here away, YOU want a system where they can continue to flow freely in.

Starting with by the same people who import drugs now! Think about it. But don't hurt yourself, you're not used to that. Oy vey.


Were your man parts actually removed or do they just not function anymore?
You know you're lying. You know you picked "classrooms" for a reason. Man up, Nancy

Yes, you want more laws. Psst, I have a secret, criminals don't obey laws, honest citizens do. Man, didn't see that coming, did you?

And again, explain how drug laws have eliminated drugs

I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.
More frivolous laws? Criminals love the idea of more frivolous gun laws...

Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.
We are the third most populous nation on the planet, with an open southern border that any fucked up criminal can cross at anytime they want. Shit happens, that’s why we should arm ourselves...
By the way Progressives control the highest crime areas in the country… Karma is a bitch
It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.
Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

Wouldn't you be happier for your daughter's sake if handguns and military style semi automatics (mssa) weren't so easily available? Or do you think her vulnerability is a reasonable price to pay for easy access to handguns and mmsa?
Semiautomatic rifles no matter what they look like are not "military style" since they are not capable of selective or automatic fire. think you've hit on a big one, huh? A regular semantic Captain Ahab!

You know you're lying. You know you picked "classrooms" for a reason. Man up, Nancy

I am fighting for the safety of people who go into schools and shoot people? More awesome from you. You are on a roll, hot dog.

Yes, you want more laws. Psst, I have a secret, criminals don't obey laws, honest citizens do. Man, didn't see that coming, did you?

And again, explain how drug laws have eliminated drugs

I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

Sit and admit to yourself you lied. No one was using the emotional word "classrooms" until you did. You're such a shallow liar, it's pathetic

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.

Right, we're talking about laws. Drug laws don't work, they don't work at all. Yet you're claiming a cosmic magic wave will envelope the country and make laws to remove guns suddenly work.

Explain how that makes any sense even in your feeble mind

You have never witnessed me lying, fool. You never will.

We are talking about ways to restrict access to some weapons. You are unable to do that effectively, so you want to talk about something else.

Just like prohibition, firearm confiscation will never work like progressives think it will. Gun free zones are killing fields waiting to happen, a bunch of dead kids is proof of that...

Yep. What it really comes down to is that for LoneLaughedAt gun laws are working, and for that reason. The body counts are going up.

It's not directly that he wants kids murdered. The goal of leftists is to have only government armed. The 17 dead are just acceptable losses to get that
Fuck that law, You have no understanding of the rural America.
I live in rural America. I was raised by rural Americans. That law should be in place in all 50 states. Real rural Americans don't want crazies carrying guns either.
Na, Rural America is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, They are in no way in favor of firearm confiscation.
In the red areas of this country they do not agree with you in the least... That is a fact

That is why Donald Trump is president because progressive anti-gun nutters like yourself overstepped during the Obama administration...

Donald Trump will most likely be able to nominate two maybe three more Supreme Court justices, and they will be pro second amendment.
Overstepped? Are you tripping? They got nothing accomplished, not even after 20 first graders were gunned down in their classroom.
There is a reason why they got nothing done their ideas were fucked up, an insult to dead kids everywhere due to gun free zones...
You admit it, then. So quit disgorging bullshit like you did a post ago.
That is why Donald Trump is president because progressive anti-gun nutters like yourself overstepped during the Obama administration...

We anti-gun nutters are losing. Not one administrator or teacher was armed. You got your way. Why the continued tantrum over it? You won. Shooters are far safer thanks to you, good job
It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.
Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

Wouldn't you be happier for your daughter's sake if handguns and military style semi automatics (mssa) weren't so easily available? Or do you think her vulnerability is a reasonable price to pay for easy access to handguns and mmsa?

Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

How have the "gun-free" asylums worked out?
You know you're lying. You know you picked "classrooms" for a reason. Man up, Nancy

Yes, you want more laws. Psst, I have a secret, criminals don't obey laws, honest citizens do. Man, didn't see that coming, did you?

And again, explain how drug laws have eliminated drugs

I gave no particular forethought to the use of the word "classrooms", retard.

Sit and admit to yourself you lied. No one was using the emotional word "classrooms" until you did. You're such a shallow liar, it's pathetic

We aren't talking about drugs here, Spanky.

Yes, I want more laws. You nailed it.

Right, we're talking about laws. Drug laws don't work, they don't work at all. Yet you're claiming a cosmic magic wave will envelope the country and make laws to remove guns suddenly work.

Explain how that makes any sense even in your feeble mind

You have never witnessed me lying, fool. You never will.

We are talking about ways to restrict access to some weapons. You are unable to do that effectively, so you want to talk about something else.

Just like prohibition, firearm confiscation will never work like progressives think it will. Gun free zones are killing fields waiting to happen, a bunch of dead kids is proof of that...

Yep. What it really comes down to is that for LoneLaughedAt gun laws are working, and for that reason. The body counts are going up.

It's not directly that he wants kids murdered. The goal of leftists is to have only government armed. The 17 dead are just acceptable losses to get that
Yep, and if the federal government are the only ones that are armed they can kill whoever disagrees with them... No questions asked
And armed criminals can be used for their purposes to scare of the public into submission
It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.
Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

Wouldn't you be happier for your daughter's sake if handguns and military style semi automatics (mssa) weren't so easily available? Or do you think her vulnerability is a reasonable price to pay for easy access to handguns and mmsa?

Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

How have the "gun-free" asylums worked out?
A bunch dead kids as in memorial of what is to come
It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.
Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

Wouldn't you be happier for your daughter's sake if handguns and military style semi automatics (mssa) weren't so easily available? Or do you think her vulnerability is a reasonable price to pay for easy access to handguns and mmsa?

Where the inmates are running the asylum and the answer is always more guns.

How have the "gun-free" asylums worked out?

17 dead at one this past week. Gun free worked soooooo well

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