My opinion on the Holocaust

..........there were a LOT more Jews than disabled/gays/gypsies/etc !!
what's your point? nazis were good guys??!!!
Yeah Morty! Get with the program! There’s a scoring system in the Victimhood Olympics. Everyone knows that...
Here's my take on it. Yes it happened and it was awful but it was no more awful than the millions that Stalin murdered or the millions that the Japanese brutally murdered in China and throughout the balance of Asia. Furthermore genocide has occurred since and is still going on to this very day so it's long past time to stop whining about the Holocaust and move on. The same sentiment applies to the blacks and slavery in this country. It's over, learn from it and grow then shut up, stop the incessant whineing and move along. We can't progress as long as we're constantly dwelling on the past. Other peoples throughout history have been though rough patches, the Japaneese in this country for example but they shook it off and kept moving forward. It's long past time for the Jews and blacks in this country to do the same.
What is the point of arguing back and forth as to who was murdered, who was more evil, and who was responsible for more deaths. This is history and the murdered will not come back.

The most important point in any discussion is what can be done so that this sort of behavior is never, ever repeated on this planet. History in this case is moral instruction.The people who deny or denigrate the Holocaust and similar horrors approve of these murders and wish to repeat this sort of horror. They are people who have no values and hope to raise up another generation with no values.

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