my opinion

I think trump is going to win. I never thought id say that.
I never thought he would get the nomination, but now I agree with you. Clearly, Trump has exceeded almost everyone's expectations in this contest and Hillary has failed to meet almost everyone's expectations. If you look at a graph of the polls, it shows the only surges Hillary has had came when Trump attacked the Hispanic judge and when he attacked the father of the Muslim soldiers and he has recovered from both. That suggests Hillary has no independent way of increasing her support and as long as Trump does not make another blunder of that sort, he will win.
Polls are showing it tied here in mn, within two in WI, and close in MI. Those are all Democrat strongholds.
Frankly, I've always thought he never really wanted to win. Why would he? A multi-billionaire septuagenarian spending the golden years of his life chained to a fucking desk, hands bound by the Constitution and his every move controlled by the Secret Service? Heck, I'm not even a millionaire and I wouldn't want that loss of freedom.
If his advisers were trying to convince tRump to not be tRump, thank the non-existent supreme deity he didn't listen to them.
Trump is taking this fight directly to the people, the lowlife filth scrum MSM and moderators are in the tank for Hillary. Hillary is allowed to lie unchallenged. Then there are the filth traitors in the GOP establishment in congress shooting torpedo's into Trump. Taking the fight to the people is his only path to victory.
Not enough of the uneducated cracka base to elect cheetos face
no president has ever been elected without 30-40% of minority voters supporting them .. Trump is toast.

15% black
15% Hispanic

Romney lost with 17%
A month ago you all predicted 2%. What gives?

Trump loses ..
Anybodys guess is as good as yours I suppose. I personally have no idea who's going to win.

Of course you do. You just hate Hillary so much, till it's hard for you to admit she is our next president.
Trump is taking this fight directly to the people, the lowlife filth scrum MSM and moderators are in the tank for Hillary. Hillary is allowed to lie unchallenged. Then there are the filth traitors in the GOP establishment in congress shooting torpedo's into Trump. Taking the fight to the people is his only path to victory.

remind me again, which candidate receive THE MOST primary votes of ALL the candidates? :eusa_think:

Remind me again who had two challengers and who had 17.

And remind me also how many of those primary votes counts in the general

And the one with two challengers had to cheat to win!
I feel bad for the poor LWNJ's, they'll need more "safe spaces" after a Trump win! They'll be Triggered!! Like Trigglypuf!!



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