My Pillow Guy Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

Newsweek among a couple dozen news outlets reports this today, March 29th:

"Mike Lindell Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome."

We live in interesting times.
Alongside interesting people.
And not a few nutjobs, too.
They add the spice.
And the snickers snidery, and snarkisms.
Which makes it sorta fun.

I went into a couple of betting websites to see what the odds were that Trump is back in the Oval Office by this August.
None that I've found offer a betting line. So far.

Would any of our Trump supporters on this venue be willing to lay a wager on the Trump/August thingy?
Nope. He will be back in office January 20th 2025 after the Dems TOTALLY fuck everything up.

Trump won't survive four more years, he's obese, lazy and will drop dead eating a diet of fast food.
And old fool Biden will? Probably not. but he WILL go 100% senile.
So cute. He’s much smarter and more sane than the orange sociopath.

such trumpkin losers.
He is a Dog faced Pony Soldier. Trump walks on water. It took Jesus 3 days to arise. It will take Trump 4 years. And We Shall Gather At the River.

Shall we gather at the river for your baptism, or merciful Drowning? :D
Would any of our Trump supporters on this venue be willing to lay a wager on the Trump/August thingy?
I'll bet you, but I get 100,000 to 1 odds. I put up a dollar and you pay $100,000 if Trump somehow gets back in. Or I'll paypal you a dollar. Easy money for you.
Sounds like wishful thinking.

Voter fraud has been outlawed in Georgia, meaning that it will go back to Red. Other states are likewise ending the massive fraud that was behind 2020 - including unrequested mail in ballots. The Americans will take the house in 2022, and MUST Impeach Kamala Harris on DAY one of the new session. (Quid Pro will be long gone by then.)
Voter fraud is outlawed in every state stupid.

Nothing in the Georgia law is about fraud.

It's all about lowering vote totals. Making it as hard as possible to vote
Lucid people do not think he won the election

The 2020 election had people in North Korea and the Congo stunned by the level of corruption.

Hey, let's drop ballots on random crowds and not use ID or signature match... Then democrats can count them in secret...

Nothing the democrat Reich fears more than free and fair elections.
Sounds like wishful thinking.

Voter fraud has been outlawed in Georgia, meaning that it will go back to Red. Other states are likewise ending the massive fraud that was behind 2020 - including unrequested mail in ballots. The Americans will take the house in 2022, and MUST Impeach Kamala Harris on DAY one of the new session. (Quid Pro will be long gone by then.)
Fruitcake, Georgia didn't mail out unrequested ballots.

And how is closing the polls at 5pm instead of 7pm on election day going to prevent fraud?
Sounds like wishful thinking.

Voter fraud has been outlawed in Georgia, meaning that it will go back to Red. Other states are likewise ending the massive fraud that was behind 2020 - including unrequested mail in ballots. The Americans will take the house in 2022, and MUST Impeach Kamala Harris on DAY one of the new session. (Quid Pro will be long gone by then.)
Voter fraud is outlawed in every state stupid.

Nothing in the Georgia law is about fraud.

It's all about lowering vote totals. Making it as hard as possible to vote
Because the more people who come out to vote reduces the chances of Republicans winning.
Newsweek among a couple dozen news outlets reports this today, March 29th:

"Mike Lindell Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome."

We live in interesting times.
Alongside interesting people.
And not a few nutjobs, too.
They add the spice.
And the snickers snidery, and snarkisms.
Which makes it sorta fun.

I went into a couple of betting websites to see what the odds were that Trump is back in the Oval Office by this August.
None that I've found offer a betting line. So far.

Would any of our Trump supporters on this venue be willing to lay a wager on the Trump/August thingy?

Can't happen. The World ends next Tuesday according to an old dude with a sign. Of course, he has crossed out previous dates on the same sign. Same thing.
How DARE you!

Gretta ain't no old dude
Lucid people do not think he won the election

The 2020 election had people in North Korea and the Congo stunned by the level of corruption.

Hey, let's drop ballots on random crowds and not use ID or signature match... Then democrats can count them in secret...

Nothing the democrat Reich fears more than free and fair elections.
When democrats commit crimes, they go all out
I have several brothers who are all 6'4" to 6'5".. Trump is 100 pounds overweight. At 240 Trump was already obese.

In other words, you're just flinging shit at the object of your hatred like a feral baboon. :thup:

I also have several sons.. I know men's weights and sizes.. Trump probably weighs 310-320.. He's a read tub of lard.. When he was a young man he weighed 170-180.
Lucid people do not think he won the election

The 2020 election had people in North Korea and the Congo stunned by the level of corruption.

Hey, let's drop ballots on random crowds and not use ID or signature match... Then democrats can count them in secret...

Nothing the democrat Reich fears more than free and fair elections.
Trumps attempt to steal the election was worthy of Kim Jong Un
Sounds like wishful thinking.

Voter fraud has been outlawed in Georgia, meaning that it will go back to Red. Other states are likewise ending the massive fraud that was behind 2020 - including unrequested mail in ballots. The Americans will take the house in 2022, and MUST Impeach Kamala Harris on DAY one of the new session. (Quid Pro will be long gone by then.)
Fruitcake, Georgia didn't mail out unrequested ballots.

And how is closing the polls at 5pm instead of 7pm on election day going to prevent fraud?

No Georgia has strict voter registration requirements and they don't mail out unrequested ballots.
Fruitcake, Georgia didn't mail out unrequested ballots.

And how is closing the polls at 5pm instead of 7pm on election day going to prevent fraud?

Oh look, it's Farouk the fraud!


Favorito suspects similar surges in Biden ballots may have taken place during the counting of mail-in ballots on other nights, including Election Night. On Nov. 3, Fulton County elections officials informed observers that they were shutting down the tabulation center before midnight, only to continue counting throughout the night while no one was watching.

“Fulton County elections officials falsely announced that the counting of ballots would stop at 10:30 p.m.,” Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer complained in a recent Tweet. “Officials unlawfully resumed the counting of ballots after our observers left the center.”

Favorito fears that what he observed on Nov. 5 was not an isolated incident. “There could have been multiple 20,000-batch irregularities,” he said, “but they never got reported because they cleared out the observers.”

He does not rule out “ballot harvesting” as the culprit behind the sudden surges of mail-in votes for Biden.

He said the hundreds of drop boxes Raffensperger agreed to distribute at shopping centers and other cities throughout the state may have encouraged third parties to collect ballots in the name of other voters and stuff them into the boxes, which is illegal.

“That’s just begging for fraud,” Favorito said.



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