My Pillow Guy Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

Voter suppression laws will not stop the tide.

Why would the Neo-GOP impeach a sitting Vice President?

Ohhh, one LIVING citizen, one vote is SUPRESSION.

Without fraud, you Nazis can't win, and you know it.

By 2023, Quid Pro will be dead or out to pasture. Maybe he'll make it 90 days, but given that disaster of a "press conference" last week, I doubt it.

Now they know they can win in the South and everyone's vote matters. Traditional Republicans, you know the one still loyal to the US Constitution, will join the struggle against the Neo Fascist State you and the Banana Republicans represent.
You mean they can defraud them again if the laws are not changed.

The laws are changing so it will be goal of the Democrats to show up at the polls in even greater numbers to not only keep control of Congress but also to flip the State Houses as well and get those nasty fascist leaning Banana Republicans out of office.
If the can cheat, they will. They have proven that.
If that unduly embarrassed your avatar, well my avatar regrets that.
Should I use this instead?
Have any proof that masses of “Trump supporters” believe it is going to happen? Nope, yet the story is pushed out by lame stream media as if it is a fact that all righties believe this.
Ummm, a couple of things:
One, no one has alleged (that I've seen on this thread) that 'masses of Trump supporters' believe the Pillow Guy. Why would you allege that they do?
You offer us a straw-man?

Second, "pushed by lame stream media".
Ah, poster Hawk. Lemme refer you back to the OP. Even google up the Newsweek story referenced in the OP.

In that reportage it is made abundantly clear that the Pillow Guy told Steve Bannon on Steve Bannon's podcast that Trump-Would-Rise-Again.

It didn't come from your version of the 'main steam media'.
Unless, you think Steve Bannon is "Main Stream". ????

Do you?

I don't know where you would find one single honest judge.

Ummm, that may very well be in the narrow life that poster lives in

But not in mine.
I know two judges pretty well, a third, somewhat.

I admire all three. They are good sincere men who mean well.
I knew two of them as lawyers before they went to the bench.
They were good lawyers, too.

So, in defense of my friends, there ARE good sincere well-meaning ---and competent ---men (and women, tho I know none of them)....who serve on our various benches.

After all, in America, there are about 1,700 federal judges, and maybe 30,000 state judges.
And poster Blair is suggesting that none of those near 32,000 people could be honest.

I respectfully demur.
Voter suppression laws will not stop the tide.

Why would the Neo-GOP impeach a sitting Vice President?

Ohhh, one LIVING citizen, one vote is SUPRESSION.

Without fraud, you Nazis can't win, and you know it.

By 2023, Quid Pro will be dead or out to pasture. Maybe he'll make it 90 days, but given that disaster of a "press conference" last week, I doubt it.

Now they know they can win in the South and everyone's vote matters. Traditional Republicans, you know the one still loyal to the US Constitution, will join the struggle against the Neo Fascist State you and the Banana Republicans represent.
You mean they can defraud them again if the laws are not changed.
Defraud what, nut? There was virtually no fraud in that state.
Have any proof that masses of “Trump supporters” believe it is going to happen? Nope, yet the story is pushed out by lame stream media as if it is a fact that all righties believe this.
Ummm, a couple of things:
One, no one has alleged (that I've seen on this thread) that 'masses of Trump supporters' believe the Pillow Guy. Why would you allege that they do?
You offer us a straw-man?

Second, "pushed by lame stream media".
Ah, poster Hawk. Lemme refer you back to the OP. Even google up the Newsweek story referenced in the OP.

In that reportage it is made abundantly clear that the Pillow Guy told Steve Bannon on Steve Bannon's podcast that Trump-Would-Rise-Again.

It didn't come from your version of the 'main steam media'.
Unless, you think Steve Bannon is "Main Stream". ????

Do you?

I don't know where you would find one single honest judge.

Ummm, that may very well be in the narrow life that poster lives in

But not in mine.
I know two judges pretty well, a third, somewhat.

I admire all three. They are good sincere men who mean well.
I knew two of them as lawyers before they went to the bench.
They were good lawyers, too.

So, in defense of my friends, there ARE good sincere well-meaning ---and competent ---men (and women, tho I know none of them)....who serve on our various benches.

After all, in America, there are about 1,700 federal judges, and maybe 30,000 state judges.
And poster Blair is suggesting that none of those near 32,000 people could be honest.

I respectfully demur.
Have you ever heard of financial reward or intimidation? There are a lot of ways you can get someone to do what you want. The judges blocked evidence from being heard. That is a fact. If they allowed evidence fraud would have been proven.
Voter suppression laws will not stop the tide.

Why would the Neo-GOP impeach a sitting Vice President?

Ohhh, one LIVING citizen, one vote is SUPRESSION.

Without fraud, you Nazis can't win, and you know it.

By 2023, Quid Pro will be dead or out to pasture. Maybe he'll make it 90 days, but given that disaster of a "press conference" last week, I doubt it.

Now they know they can win in the South and everyone's vote matters. Traditional Republicans, you know the one still loyal to the US Constitution, will join the struggle against the Neo Fascist State you and the Banana Republicans represent.
You mean they can defraud them again if the laws are not changed.
Defraud what, nut? There was virtually no fraud in that state.
I have heard that before. There was massive fraud. Next.
Lucid people do not think he won the election

The 2020 election had people in North Korea and the Congo stunned by the level of corruption.

Hey, let's drop ballots on random crowds and not use ID or signature match... Then democrats can count them in secret...

Nothing the democrat Reich fears more than free and fair elections.
Hey let's make shit up to defend voter disenfranchisement and intimidation
This loon thinks the Supreme Court is going to hear his case.

Like Trump, Lindell continues to promote the baseless conspiracy theory that President Joe Biden and the Democrats "stole" or "rigged" the 2020 election. Despite dozens of election lawsuits filed by Trump and his supporters in state and federal court, no evidence of widespread fraud has been brought forward to corroborate this extraordinary claim. But in Friday comments on the War Room: Pandemic podcast, which is hosted by former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, Lindell claimed he has been collecting evidence that will soon be brought before the Supreme Court.

"What I'm talking about Steve is what I have been doing since January 9th. All of the evidence I have, everything that is going to go before the Supreme Court and the election of 2020 is going bye-bye," Lindell claimed. "It was an attack by another country—communism coming in. I don't know what they're going to do with it after they pull it down but it's going down."

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome.

Furthermore the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security, which was led by a Trump appointee, said in November that the 2020 election was the "most secure in American history." The agency added that, "there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

This loon thinks the Supreme Court is going to hear his case.

Like Trump, Lindell continues to promote the baseless conspiracy theory that President Joe Biden and the Democrats "stole" or "rigged" the 2020 election. Despite dozens of election lawsuits filed by Trump and his supporters in state and federal court, no evidence of widespread fraud has been brought forward to corroborate this extraordinary claim. But in Friday comments on the War Room: Pandemic podcast, which is hosted by former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, Lindell claimed he has been collecting evidence that will soon be brought before the Supreme Court.

"What I'm talking about Steve is what I have been doing since January 9th. All of the evidence I have, everything that is going to go before the Supreme Court and the election of 2020 is going bye-bye," Lindell claimed. "It was an attack by another country—communism coming in. I don't know what they're going to do with it after they pull it down but it's going down."

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome.

Furthermore the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security, which was led by a Trump appointee, said in November that the 2020 election was the "most secure in American history." The agency added that, "there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

Allah wills it
Trump must weigh over 300 pounds, he's will turn 75 in June. I don't need to see his medical records, his ass and stomach speak.
so you think you're a god now. gotcha. you need help

Trump does weigh over 300 pounds now.. Can't be good.
He's six feet tall. I weight 210 at 5' 8" so what. Are you a doctor? are you a god? Ghostbuster fk

A man 6 feet tall should weigh 180 to 210.
is that because-"they"-say?
This loon thinks the Supreme Court is going to hear his case.

Like Trump, Lindell continues to promote the baseless conspiracy theory that President Joe Biden and the Democrats "stole" or "rigged" the 2020 election. Despite dozens of election lawsuits filed by Trump and his supporters in state and federal court, no evidence of widespread fraud has been brought forward to corroborate this extraordinary claim. But in Friday comments on the War Room: Pandemic podcast, which is hosted by former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, Lindell claimed he has been collecting evidence that will soon be brought before the Supreme Court.

"What I'm talking about Steve is what I have been doing since January 9th. All of the evidence I have, everything that is going to go before the Supreme Court and the election of 2020 is going bye-bye," Lindell claimed. "It was an attack by another country—communism coming in. I don't know what they're going to do with it after they pull it down but it's going down."

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome.

Furthermore the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security, which was led by a Trump appointee, said in November that the 2020 election was the "most secure in American history." The agency added that, "there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

This damn fool won't stop until he finds himself flat on his back sniffing cocaine...again.
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Lucid people do not think he won the election

The 2020 election had people in North Korea and the Congo stunned by the level of corruption.

Hey, let's drop ballots on random crowds and not use ID or signature match... Then democrats can count them in secret...

Nothing the democrat Reich fears more than free and fair elections.
Hey let's make shit up to defend voter disenfranchisement and intimidation are these laws going to affect the "truthful" demonRATS? they shouldnt have anything to worry about, because they are "honest"...LOL
Fruitcake, Georgia didn't mail out unrequested ballots.

And how is closing the polls at 5pm instead of 7pm on election day going to prevent fraud?

Oh look, it's Farouk the fraud!


Favorito suspects similar surges in Biden ballots may have taken place during the counting of mail-in ballots on other nights, including Election Night. On Nov. 3, Fulton County elections officials informed observers that they were shutting down the tabulation center before midnight, only to continue counting throughout the night while no one was watching.

“Fulton County elections officials falsely announced that the counting of ballots would stop at 10:30 p.m.,” Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer complained in a recent Tweet. “Officials unlawfully resumed the counting of ballots after our observers left the center.”

Favorito fears that what he observed on Nov. 5 was not an isolated incident. “There could have been multiple 20,000-batch irregularities,” he said, “but they never got reported because they cleared out the observers.”

He does not rule out “ballot harvesting” as the culprit behind the sudden surges of mail-in votes for Biden.

He said the hundreds of drop boxes Raffensperger agreed to distribute at shopping centers and other cities throughout the state may have encouraged third parties to collect ballots in the name of other voters and stuff them into the boxes, which is illegal.

“That’s just begging for fraud,” Favorito said.





As much as I would like to believe one honest judge would rule against the fraud of the Biden
presidency I don't know where you would find one single honest judge.
Translated from cult to English:

All judges that rule in a manner that goes against my magical cult beliefs are dishonest. Those that don't, arent. That's what cultism is, after all.
Our government is corrupt. They just installed an illegitimate president. Judges are a big part of that corruption. Saying anything different makes you look silly. It is a fact our government is thoroughly corrupt.
This loon thinks the Supreme Court is going to hear his case.

Like Trump, Lindell continues to promote the baseless conspiracy theory that President Joe Biden and the Democrats "stole" or "rigged" the 2020 election. Despite dozens of election lawsuits filed by Trump and his supporters in state and federal court, no evidence of widespread fraud has been brought forward to corroborate this extraordinary claim. But in Friday comments on the War Room: Pandemic podcast, which is hosted by former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, Lindell claimed he has been collecting evidence that will soon be brought before the Supreme Court.

"What I'm talking about Steve is what I have been doing since January 9th. All of the evidence I have, everything that is going to go before the Supreme Court and the election of 2020 is going bye-bye," Lindell claimed. "It was an attack by another country—communism coming in. I don't know what they're going to do with it after they pull it down but it's going down."

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome.

Furthermore the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security, which was led by a Trump appointee, said in November that the 2020 election was the "most secure in American history." The agency added that, "there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

This damn fool won't stop until he finds himself flat on his back sniffing cocaine...again.

I would bet money on it..

I am very certain this man has a serious mental issue. Even after he is sued for more than $1,000,000,000....he continues to dig a deeper hole.
Trump supporters were never much in the brains department

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