My Pillow Guy Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

Newsweek among a couple dozen news outlets reports this today, March 29th:

"Mike Lindell Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome."

We live in interesting times.
Alongside interesting people.
And not a few nutjobs, too.
They add the spice.
And the snickers snidery, and snarkisms.
Which makes it sorta fun.

I went into a couple of betting websites to see what the odds were that Trump is back in the Oval Office by this August.
None that I've found offer a betting line. So far.

Would any of our Trump supporters on this venue be willing to lay a wager on the Trump/August thingy?
So if Newsweek was indeed reporting that, why did you not include Newsweek's link? :dunno:
so lazy people can exercise their minds, by looking it up themselves
You are lazy for making a claim and then not backing that shit up and making folks try to look it up.

Both Google and Duckduck hid that article down deep you n00b. I had to use Startpage to find it.

Most wouldn't even think to use Startpage, or might not even know what Startpage is.

". . . What are the odds now?

No one looms larger over the 2022 Minnesota governor's race right now than Lindell, early as it is.

Roughly a half-dozen Republicans — most with far deeper backgrounds in electoral politics — are testing the waters. Yet in a sign of Lindell's strength, Minnesota Republican Party Chair Jennifer Carnahan vowed in a post on Twitter last fall that her party would make Lindell the state's next governor. She has since said she can't comment on would-be candidates before the party endorsement. Carnahan's tweet prompted a state senator to challenge her for party leadership this spring. Even the potential of a Lindell run has prompted targeted fundraising pushes by the Minnesota DFL Party and Gov. Tim Walz's re-election campaign in a way no other potential challenger has so far.

Lindell insists that he won't run if the same voting machines are still in use. Minnesota election officials noted that just six counties used Dominion equipment in the election, five of which were won by Trump.

Talk of a potential run for governor gained momentum a year ago when Lindell — by then "honorary chair" of Trump's re-election campaign in Minnesota — declared that he was strongly considering challenging Walz.

Yet multiple state Republican Party operatives calculate that there is virtually no chance Lindell runs. Some question his ability to remain disciplined, others believe the election fraud quest and subsequent lawsuit tank his viability.

"I think it definitely was [a possibility] a year ago at this time," said Amy Koch, a GOP strategist and former state Senate majority leader. "But that was before January 6, 2021, and all of his statements since the elections."

But conventional wisdom has never guided Lindell, and he doesn't sound like a man shutting the door on a run for office. He likes to say he would manage Minnesota as he does MyPillow. And Lindell still sermonizes about what he sees as the shortcomings in Walz's response to COVID-19 and civil unrest.

"One of the things I have an advantage in is I don't have to announce until the very last minute because everyone knows me," Lindell said. "My name is out there.
Lindell is working with screenwriters to turn his 2019 book into a movie. He said he recently called them to insist his fight over the election results — that bad part of the movie that the hero must overcome — be added.
"This has all changed," Lindell said he told them. "This is bringing me to a level that I've never thought God would bring me to."
Seems Lindell's treatment isn't going very well.:(

Be nice OL. Mike is trying EVER so hard! :laugh2:

Newsweek among a couple dozen news outlets reports this today, March 29th:

"Mike Lindell Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome."

We live in interesting times.
Alongside interesting people.
And not a few nutjobs, too.
They add the spice.
And the snickers snidery, and snarkisms.
Which makes it sorta fun.

I went into a couple of betting websites to see what the odds were that Trump is back in the Oval Office by this August.
None that I've found offer a betting line. So far.

Would any of our Trump supporters on this venue be willing to lay a wager on the Trump/August thingy?
So if Newsweek was indeed reporting that, why did you not include Newsweek's link? :dunno:
so lazy people can exercise their minds, by looking it up themselves
You are lazy for making a claim and then not backing that shit up and making folks try to look it up.

Both Google and Duckduck hid that article down deep you n00b. I had to use Startpage to find it.

Most wouldn't even think to use Startpage, or might not even know what Startpage is.

". . . What are the odds now?

No one looms larger over the 2022 Minnesota governor's race right now than Lindell, early as it is.

Roughly a half-dozen Republicans — most with far deeper backgrounds in electoral politics — are testing the waters. Yet in a sign of Lindell's strength, Minnesota Republican Party Chair Jennifer Carnahan vowed in a post on Twitter last fall that her party would make Lindell the state's next governor. She has since said she can't comment on would-be candidates before the party endorsement. Carnahan's tweet prompted a state senator to challenge her for party leadership this spring. Even the potential of a Lindell run has prompted targeted fundraising pushes by the Minnesota DFL Party and Gov. Tim Walz's re-election campaign in a way no other potential challenger has so far.

Lindell insists that he won't run if the same voting machines are still in use. Minnesota election officials noted that just six counties used Dominion equipment in the election, five of which were won by Trump.

Talk of a potential run for governor gained momentum a year ago when Lindell — by then "honorary chair" of Trump's re-election campaign in Minnesota — declared that he was strongly considering challenging Walz.

Yet multiple state Republican Party operatives calculate that there is virtually no chance Lindell runs. Some question his ability to remain disciplined, others believe the election fraud quest and subsequent lawsuit tank his viability.

"I think it definitely was [a possibility] a year ago at this time," said Amy Koch, a GOP strategist and former state Senate majority leader. "But that was before January 6, 2021, and all of his statements since the elections."

But conventional wisdom has never guided Lindell, and he doesn't sound like a man shutting the door on a run for office. He likes to say he would manage Minnesota as he does MyPillow. And Lindell still sermonizes about what he sees as the shortcomings in Walz's response to COVID-19 and civil unrest.

"One of the things I have an advantage in is I don't have to announce until the very last minute because everyone knows me," Lindell said. "My name is out there.
Lindell is working with screenwriters to turn his 2019 book into a movie. He said he recently called them to insist his fight over the election results — that bad part of the movie that the hero must overcome — be added.
"This has all changed," Lindell said he told them. "This is bringing me to a level that I've never thought God would bring me to."
Seems Lindell's treatment isn't going very well.:(
did he lose the suit?
Newsweek among a couple dozen news outlets reports this today, March 29th:

"Mike Lindell Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome."

We live in interesting times.
Alongside interesting people.
And not a few nutjobs, too.
They add the spice.
And the snickers snidery, and snarkisms.
Which makes it sorta fun.

I went into a couple of betting websites to see what the odds were that Trump is back in the Oval Office by this August.
None that I've found offer a betting line. So far.

Would any of our Trump supporters on this venue be willing to lay a wager on the Trump/August thingy?
So if Newsweek was indeed reporting that, why did you not include Newsweek's link? :dunno:
so lazy people can exercise their minds, by looking it up themselves
You are lazy for making a claim and then not backing that shit up and making folks try to look it up.

Both Google and Duckduck hid that article down deep you n00b. I had to use Startpage to find it.

Most wouldn't even think to use Startpage, or might not even know what Startpage is.

". . . What are the odds now?

No one looms larger over the 2022 Minnesota governor's race right now than Lindell, early as it is.

Roughly a half-dozen Republicans — most with far deeper backgrounds in electoral politics — are testing the waters. Yet in a sign of Lindell's strength, Minnesota Republican Party Chair Jennifer Carnahan vowed in a post on Twitter last fall that her party would make Lindell the state's next governor. She has since said she can't comment on would-be candidates before the party endorsement. Carnahan's tweet prompted a state senator to challenge her for party leadership this spring. Even the potential of a Lindell run has prompted targeted fundraising pushes by the Minnesota DFL Party and Gov. Tim Walz's re-election campaign in a way no other potential challenger has so far.

Lindell insists that he won't run if the same voting machines are still in use. Minnesota election officials noted that just six counties used Dominion equipment in the election, five of which were won by Trump.

Talk of a potential run for governor gained momentum a year ago when Lindell — by then "honorary chair" of Trump's re-election campaign in Minnesota — declared that he was strongly considering challenging Walz.

Yet multiple state Republican Party operatives calculate that there is virtually no chance Lindell runs. Some question his ability to remain disciplined, others believe the election fraud quest and subsequent lawsuit tank his viability.

"I think it definitely was [a possibility] a year ago at this time," said Amy Koch, a GOP strategist and former state Senate majority leader. "But that was before January 6, 2021, and all of his statements since the elections."

But conventional wisdom has never guided Lindell, and he doesn't sound like a man shutting the door on a run for office. He likes to say he would manage Minnesota as he does MyPillow. And Lindell still sermonizes about what he sees as the shortcomings in Walz's response to COVID-19 and civil unrest.

"One of the things I have an advantage in is I don't have to announce until the very last minute because everyone knows me," Lindell said. "My name is out there.
Lindell is working with screenwriters to turn his 2019 book into a movie. He said he recently called them to insist his fight over the election results — that bad part of the movie that the hero must overcome — be added.
"This has all changed," Lindell said he told them. "This is bringing me to a level that I've never thought God would bring me to."
Seems Lindell's treatment isn't going very well.:(

Be nice OL. Mike is trying EVER so hard! :laugh2:

View attachment 473944
ahhh the irony
Sounds like wishful thinking.

Voter fraud has been outlawed in Georgia, meaning that it will go back to Red. Other states are likewise ending the massive fraud that was behind 2020 - including unrequested mail in ballots. The Americans will take the house in 2022, and MUST Impeach Kamala Harris on DAY one of the new session. (Quid Pro will be long gone by then.)

Probably not.. and Texas may go blue as well.


Texas also is putting through integrity laws to cut off the fraud that was behind 2020.

The Reich will lose both houses in 2022. I have no faith in the GOP, but if they have even a hint of intelligence, they'll impeach Harris on day one. The Reich has set the stage with the incitement idiocy. Harris is well documented fomenting riots and arson, as well as financially supporting the Brown Shirts.

Impeach and remove. No idea who the VP will be, perhaps Kim Jong Un or Nicholas Maduro, but it still is vital to impeach her, regardless of what whackjob the party selects as her VP.

Voter suppression laws will not stop the tide.

Why would the Neo-GOP impeach a sitting Vice President?
Sounds like wishful thinking.

Voter fraud has been outlawed in Georgia, meaning that it will go back to Red. Other states are likewise ending the massive fraud that was behind 2020 - including unrequested mail in ballots. The Americans will take the house in 2022, and MUST Impeach Kamala Harris on DAY one of the new session. (Quid Pro will be long gone by then.)

Probably not.. and Texas may go blue as well.


Texas also is putting through integrity laws to cut off the fraud that was behind 2020.

The Reich will lose both houses in 2022. I have no faith in the GOP, but if they have even a hint of intelligence, they'll impeach Harris on day one. The Reich has set the stage with the incitement idiocy. Harris is well documented fomenting riots and arson, as well as financially supporting the Brown Shirts.

Impeach and remove. No idea who the VP will be, perhaps Kim Jong Un or Nicholas Maduro, but it still is vital to impeach her, regardless of what whackjob the party selects as her VP.

Voter suppression laws will not stop the tide.

Why would the Neo-GOP impeach a sitting Vice President?
why would the demofk party steal an election?
Trump must weigh over 300 pounds, he's will turn 75 in June. I don't need to see his medical records, his ass and stomach speak.
so you think you're a god now. gotcha. you need help

Trump does weigh over 300 pounds now.. Can't be good.

325 would be my bet. And I ALWAYS win “Guess the Weight”!contests when county fair comes to town - Can we put Rump in a Freak Show? I pay BIGLY!! :D
Last edited:
Trump must weigh over 300 pounds, he's will turn 75 in June. I don't need to see his medical records, his ass and stomach speak.
so you think you're a god now. gotcha. you need help

Trump does weigh over 300 pounds now.. Can't be good.
He's six feet tall. I weight 210 at 5' 8" so what. Are you a doctor? are you a god? Ghostbuster fk

Which ^ makes you officially & morbidly obese! :)
Newsweek among a couple dozen news outlets reports this today, March 29th:

"Mike Lindell Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome."

We live in interesting times.
Alongside interesting people.
And not a few nutjobs, too.
They add the spice.
And the snickers snidery, and snarkisms.
Which makes it sorta fun.

I went into a couple of betting websites to see what the odds were that Trump is back in the Oval Office by this August.
None that I've found offer a betting line. So far.

Would any of our Trump supporters on this venue be willing to lay a wager on the Trump/August thingy?
Nope. He will be back in office January 20th 2025 after the Dems TOTALLY fuck everything up.

Trump won't survive four more years, he's obese, lazy and will drop dead eating a diet of fast food.
And old fool Biden will? Probably not. but he WILL go 100% senile.

He's about 85% there
Sounds like wishful thinking.

Voter fraud has been outlawed in Georgia, meaning that it will go back to Red. Other states are likewise ending the massive fraud that was behind 2020 - including unrequested mail in ballots. The Americans will take the house in 2022, and MUST Impeach Kamala Harris on DAY one of the new session. (Quid Pro will be long gone by then.)

Probably not.. and Texas may go blue as well.


Texas also is putting through integrity laws to cut off the fraud that was behind 2020.

The Reich will lose both houses in 2022. I have no faith in the GOP, but if they have even a hint of intelligence, they'll impeach Harris on day one. The Reich has set the stage with the incitement idiocy. Harris is well documented fomenting riots and arson, as well as financially supporting the Brown Shirts.

Impeach and remove. No idea who the VP will be, perhaps Kim Jong Un or Nicholas Maduro, but it still is vital to impeach her, regardless of what whackjob the party selects as her VP.

Voter suppression laws will not stop the tide.

Why would the Neo-GOP impeach a sitting Vice President?
why would the demofk party steal an election?

They didn't, and the opposition failed to prove otherwise. All they can do is Squeal.

Trump must weigh over 300 pounds, he's will turn 75 in June. I don't need to see his medical records, his ass and stomach speak.
so you think you're a god now. gotcha. you need help

Trump does weigh over 300 pounds now.. Can't be good.
He's six feet tall. I weight 210 at 5' 8" so what. Are you a doctor? are you a god? Ghostbuster fk

A man 6 feet tall should weigh 180 to 210.
Newsweek among a couple dozen news outlets reports this today, March 29th:

"Mike Lindell Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome."

We live in interesting times.
Alongside interesting people.
And not a few nutjobs, too.
They add the spice.
And the snickers snidery, and snarkisms.
Which makes it sorta fun.

I went into a couple of betting websites to see what the odds were that Trump is back in the Oval Office by this August.
None that I've found offer a betting line. So far.

Would any of our Trump supporters on this venue be willing to lay a wager on the Trump/August thingy?
So if Newsweek was indeed reporting that, why did you not include Newsweek's link? :dunno:
so lazy people can exercise their minds, by looking it up themselves
You are lazy for making a claim and then not backing that shit up and making folks try to look it up.

Both Google and Duckduck hid that article down deep you n00b. I had to use Startpage to find it.

Most wouldn't even think to use Startpage, or might not even know what Startpage is.

". . . What are the odds now?

No one looms larger over the 2022 Minnesota governor's race right now than Lindell, early as it is.

Roughly a half-dozen Republicans — most with far deeper backgrounds in electoral politics — are testing the waters. Yet in a sign of Lindell's strength, Minnesota Republican Party Chair Jennifer Carnahan vowed in a post on Twitter last fall that her party would make Lindell the state's next governor. She has since said she can't comment on would-be candidates before the party endorsement. Carnahan's tweet prompted a state senator to challenge her for party leadership this spring. Even the potential of a Lindell run has prompted targeted fundraising pushes by the Minnesota DFL Party and Gov. Tim Walz's re-election campaign in a way no other potential challenger has so far.

Lindell insists that he won't run if the same voting machines are still in use. Minnesota election officials noted that just six counties used Dominion equipment in the election, five of which were won by Trump.

Talk of a potential run for governor gained momentum a year ago when Lindell — by then "honorary chair" of Trump's re-election campaign in Minnesota — declared that he was strongly considering challenging Walz.

Yet multiple state Republican Party operatives calculate that there is virtually no chance Lindell runs. Some question his ability to remain disciplined, others believe the election fraud quest and subsequent lawsuit tank his viability.

"I think it definitely was [a possibility] a year ago at this time," said Amy Koch, a GOP strategist and former state Senate majority leader. "But that was before January 6, 2021, and all of his statements since the elections."

But conventional wisdom has never guided Lindell, and he doesn't sound like a man shutting the door on a run for office. He likes to say he would manage Minnesota as he does MyPillow. And Lindell still sermonizes about what he sees as the shortcomings in Walz's response to COVID-19 and civil unrest.

"One of the things I have an advantage in is I don't have to announce until the very last minute because everyone knows me," Lindell said. "My name is out there.
Lindell is working with screenwriters to turn his 2019 book into a movie. He said he recently called them to insist his fight over the election results — that bad part of the movie that the hero must overcome — be added.
"This has all changed," Lindell said he told them. "This is bringing me to a level that I've never thought God would bring me to."
Seems Lindell's treatment isn't going very well.:(
Just the idea that he believes he has a chance to win a state as liberal as MN, talking the crazy he is talking. . . ????

Newsweek among a couple dozen news outlets reports this today, March 29th:

"Mike Lindell Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome."

We live in interesting times.
Alongside interesting people.
And not a few nutjobs, too.
They add the spice.
And the snickers snidery, and snarkisms.
Which makes it sorta fun.

I went into a couple of betting websites to see what the odds were that Trump is back in the Oval Office by this August.
None that I've found offer a betting line. So far.

Would any of our Trump supporters on this venue be willing to lay a wager on the Trump/August thingy?
Nope. He will be back in office January 20th 2025 after the Dems TOTALLY fuck everything up.

Trump won't survive four more years, he's obese, lazy and will drop dead eating a diet of fast food.
And old fool Biden will? Probably not. but he WILL go 100% senile.
So cute. He’s much smarter and more sane than the orange sociopath.

such trumpkin losers.
He is a Dog faced Pony Soldier. Trump walks on water. It took Jesus 3 days to arise. It will take Trump 4 years. And We Shall Gather At the River.
Trump must weigh over 300 pounds, he's will turn 75 in June. I don't need to see his medical records, his ass and stomach speak.
so you think you're a god now. gotcha. you need help

Trump does weigh over 300 pounds now.. Can't be good.
He's six feet tall. I weight 210 at 5' 8" so what. Are you a doctor? are you a god? Ghostbuster fk

A man 6 feet tall should weigh 180 to 210.
Where does it say what happens if not?
Newsweek among a couple dozen news outlets reports this today, March 29th:

"Mike Lindell Says Trump 'Will Be Back in Office in August' Thanks to His Voter Fraud Lawsuit

"Donald Trump will be back in office in August," the pro-Trump businessman said, waving his finger at the video camera.

Lindell and other Trump loyalists have claimed since November that they have some elusive evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. These claims have been rejected in dozens of legal challenges across the country, with judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans pointing out that they lacked merit. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal and effective Cabinet members, said in early December that there was "no evidence" of fraud that would change the election's outcome."

We live in interesting times.
Alongside interesting people.
And not a few nutjobs, too.
They add the spice.
And the snickers snidery, and snarkisms.
Which makes it sorta fun.

I went into a couple of betting websites to see what the odds were that Trump is back in the Oval Office by this August.
None that I've found offer a betting line. So far.

Would any of our Trump supporters on this venue be willing to lay a wager on the Trump/August thingy?
So if Newsweek was indeed reporting that, why did you not include Newsweek's link? :dunno:
so lazy people can exercise their minds, by looking it up themselves
You are lazy for making a claim and then not backing that shit up and making folks try to look it up.

Both Google and Duckduck hid that article down deep you n00b. I had to use Startpage to find it.

Most wouldn't even think to use Startpage, or might not even know what Startpage is.

". . . What are the odds now?

No one looms larger over the 2022 Minnesota governor's race right now than Lindell, early as it is.

Roughly a half-dozen Republicans — most with far deeper backgrounds in electoral politics — are testing the waters. Yet in a sign of Lindell's strength, Minnesota Republican Party Chair Jennifer Carnahan vowed in a post on Twitter last fall that her party would make Lindell the state's next governor. She has since said she can't comment on would-be candidates before the party endorsement. Carnahan's tweet prompted a state senator to challenge her for party leadership this spring. Even the potential of a Lindell run has prompted targeted fundraising pushes by the Minnesota DFL Party and Gov. Tim Walz's re-election campaign in a way no other potential challenger has so far.

Lindell insists that he won't run if the same voting machines are still in use. Minnesota election officials noted that just six counties used Dominion equipment in the election, five of which were won by Trump.

Talk of a potential run for governor gained momentum a year ago when Lindell — by then "honorary chair" of Trump's re-election campaign in Minnesota — declared that he was strongly considering challenging Walz.

Yet multiple state Republican Party operatives calculate that there is virtually no chance Lindell runs. Some question his ability to remain disciplined, others believe the election fraud quest and subsequent lawsuit tank his viability.

"I think it definitely was [a possibility] a year ago at this time," said Amy Koch, a GOP strategist and former state Senate majority leader. "But that was before January 6, 2021, and all of his statements since the elections."

But conventional wisdom has never guided Lindell, and he doesn't sound like a man shutting the door on a run for office. He likes to say he would manage Minnesota as he does MyPillow. And Lindell still sermonizes about what he sees as the shortcomings in Walz's response to COVID-19 and civil unrest.

"One of the things I have an advantage in is I don't have to announce until the very last minute because everyone knows me," Lindell said. "My name is out there.
Lindell is working with screenwriters to turn his 2019 book into a movie. He said he recently called them to insist his fight over the election results — that bad part of the movie that the hero must overcome — be added.
"This has all changed," Lindell said he told them. "This is bringing me to a level that I've never thought God would bring me to."
Seems Lindell's treatment isn't going very well.:(

Be nice OL. Mike is trying EVER so hard! :laugh2:

View attachment 473944
That WAS being nice!
Trump must weigh over 300 pounds, he's will turn 75 in June. I don't need to see his medical records, his ass and stomach speak.
so you think you're a god now. gotcha. you need help

Trump does weigh over 300 pounds now.. Can't be good.
He's six feet tall. I weight 210 at 5' 8" so what. Are you a doctor? are you a god? Ghostbuster fk

A man 6 feet tall should weigh 180 to 210.
Where for it say he does if not?

Ask your doctor.
Voter suppression laws will not stop the tide.

Why would the Neo-GOP impeach a sitting Vice President?

Ohhh, one LIVING citizen, one vote is SUPRESSION.

Without fraud, you Nazis can't win, and you know it.

By 2023, Quid Pro will be dead or out to pasture. Maybe he'll make it 90 days, but given that disaster of a "press conference" last week, I doubt it.

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