Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

I've considered that yes,.like Job.
Of COURSE not. Don't be an idiot. Turn the other cheek and LEAVE. Don't carry vengeance in your heart. Just leave.

You have more excuses on why you stay in this marriage than almost anyone I have ever seen. It's how you get attention for yourself. Ohh poooorrr boy, so hurt, so innocent, so put upon. So helpless. Oh where oh where is this strong person that can battle these demons for him. Since he can't do it himself.
So it's some guy in a "magic book" that made you weak? Do tell.

Want some cheese to go with that whine?
Of COURSE not. Don't be an idiot. Turn the other cheek and LEAVE. Don't carry vengeance in your heart. Just leave.

You have more excuses on why you stay in this marriage than almost anyone I have ever seen. It's how you get attention for yourself. Ohh poooorrr boy, so hurt, so innocent, so put upon. So helpless. Oh where oh where is this strong person that can battle these demons for him. Since he can't do it himself.
You can celebrate, we will divorce.
Meh, sounds to me like the OP failed to keep his pimp hand strong. :laughing0301:

It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
I don't think you understand the scripture nor Jesus Christ. He turned the other cheek for the aggressor's sake. He wasn't thinking about himself. Jesus said love those who hate and despise you. So, try loving the persons making your life difficult or just leave the situation.
By the way, it is okay to defend yourself. Jesus never said not to. He only wants us to when it is absolutely necessary. An occasional kick in the butt or slap on the face may relieve the aggressor's troubles a bit and maybe you need that kick or slap. Judge righteously before taking the step to injure another person.
It's that simple, in the headline,

I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.
You have to understand/comprehend the difference between "turning the other cheek" in relation to a situation where no one is threatening your life or your property. There is a difference between someone insulting you or your beliefs verbally or in a physical manner that clearly does not threaten your life, such as addressed in Matthew 5:38-42. Jesus being a Jew from birth and practicing the Law of Moses from birth is addressing how the law should be interpreted when there is no direct threat to your personal rights of self-protection.

Jesus is making the point that one's life is much easier when they avoid conflict over minor things and ideologies. If someone wants to slap you and challenge you to a battle its best to turn the other cheek in an attempt to reason things out....if someone wants your tunic let him have your cloak as well....etc.,

You have every right to guard and protect your property and your life when threatened. Jesus was not stating that we should remain silent and allow everyone to walk over you because of your faith.....especially when unrighteousness and injustice is present. One of the Jewish laws that Jesus followed stated "Hate evil, love good and establish justice...." -- Amos 5:15. An example of how a Christian handles injustice and protects his/her rights is found with the Apostle Paul. Paul had duel citizenship and was a Roman citizen with all the rights thereof.......he used these rights of Roman citizenship when necessary (Acts 16:37, 22:25, 25:8-12)

Jesus is stating that if one is willing to forgive the personal trespasses of others.....God then would be willing to forgive your trespasses. If you are not willing to at least attempt to correct the problem in a peaceful manner....God will not be willing to forgive your trespasses (Matthew 6:14-15).

The Old Law instructed there is a season for all things.....even for justified killing, not murder in taking the life of an innocent but killing in the act of self protection when one's life is under immediate threat (Eccl. 3:3) There is a time to seek forgiveness and a time to seek justice, a time to plant, a time to harvest....etc.,

Jesus taught and carried this ideology over into the N.T. of Grace.....there is a time/season for everything. A time to protect your rights of property as Jesus taught in parable format, "When a strong man........fully armed, guards his own palace (home)....his goods are in peace." -- Luke 11:21

Jesus also taught there was a time that required carrying Jesus' day that would be carrying a blade/sword. The first time Jesus sent His disciples (first the 12, then over 70 disciples -- Luke 9:1-6, Luke 10: 1-17 to evangelize (spread the gospel), He instructed them to carry nothing but the clothes on their back....take no provisions with you but depend upon the generosity of those being taught the word. Why would they require no preparations for these first campaigns? Because they would be traveling and preaching the word to their neighbors in their own land (Matthew 10:5-6)....their own countrymen.

When He sent them out again.........He instructed them in a totally different manner. "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals.......did you lack anything? So they said, no, nothing. But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; AND HE WHO HAS NO SWORD, LET HIM SELL HIS GARMENTS TO PURCHASE ONE......." -- Luke 22:35-36. Why the difference this time? Jesus knew that thieves and murderers prayed upon travelers in this foreign land....Jesus was sending them out to evangelize lands that were different from their own country, as referenced in (Luke 10:30)

And these weapons were not to be used as weapons of war........but self defense only. How do we know? Jesus told them that 2 swords would be enough between them for self protection (Luke 22:38)

Its clear that Peter carried a blade most of the fact He used it when they came to arrest Jesus, Peter cut the ear from one of the high priest's servant (Malchus) that was with the arresting force (John 18:10).
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