My question for #ClaudineGay, #LizMagill, and #SallyKornbluth: Under what "context" would it be OK for someone to call for the genocide of my Jewish r

thanks..............i usually scroll by...............he has some cred now per your to take another look
If someone said that in front of me, I would be tempted to punch them in the mouth. They deserve no better than a neo nazi. But I would be the only one who committed a crime, that day. Free speech is free speech.

Yes, before you ask, violent antifa dummies can all fuck right off, too.
I love liberal leftist contrarian communists' goofy reliance on fraudulent intellectualism. Jesus, these intellectual frauds can excuse lies and sophism as a chocolate upside down cake.
This is me asking a question under my real name at my own Twitter account:

If the context is that the Jews are white, therefore white supremacists. They are colonizers and oppressors of the darker Palestinians. According to DEI teachings, genocide is understandable and acceptable.

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