My Sensei Is Going To Thailand


Ninja Kicker
Jul 6, 2012
Next Saturday she leaves, and returns the following Saturday. I do not know exactly where in Thailand she is staying, but she is looking forward to it, although I would have chosen a different country to visit, but that is just me.

I am concerned, though - is Thailand a safe country? Like, what is the crime rate? Do I have any reason to worry about her safety? She will be there with her daughter - any places Tracy should avoid? Any customs or laws she might not be aware of?

I've had a google but all I find are tourist destinations but nothing really specific about customs and laws and whatnot. I know they have strict laws against drugs, though, like most Asian countries.

Does anyone live in Thailand, or know a bit about the country and whether she'll enjoy herself over there?

I'm gonna miss her like crazy while she's gone!

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