My small "Democrat" side: Will Cons be happy with govt service cutbacks???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ok. Here is one of my few areas of siding with Dems. That is adequate local govt funding. Most here know I'm very pro-police, pro-firemen. And with the public sector unions being defeated, so too will many of the benefits and compensation deals for cops and firemen. The question is.....will everyone be happy when they find out that the service they get from those groups may suffer as a result? Let me explain..........

I believe there are a few solid core roles the govt plays, and imo only the govt can do. Military, police, fire are among the few. Why? Simply put...a steady revenue, training, and everyone contributes for the protection. Thats another thread, but the all-in-together way works for funding those things. My focus for this thread will be local police and fire.

Our society has evolved to a point where local govt is looked to for things that people should be doing themselves. But...govt politicians have promised more, and are willing to give it. For example....people now regularly call the police because their kids are misbehaving. Not assault. Not a real crime. Just....being rude, or not doing chores. For the cops to, in the parents words often, "do something, because I dont know what to do". They also call because their neighbor's dog is barking, or the neighbor's music is loud. Have they actually spoken to the neighbor themselves? NO, of course not, thats what the cops are for right? Same for firemen. They are often trained paramedics also. But instead of gonig to the ER or doctor (and getting a bill), people have gotten the idea that they can call 911 for a medical emergency, the fire dept and paramedics on the fire truck arrive, and as long as they dont go with the ambulance, they get free health treatment at home from the fire dept paramedics.

With local govt cuts, due to not wanting to have adequate taxes OR wasting money on shit like parks and rec while cutting police/fire, we will inevitably have to cut services. People will dial 911 and ask for a cop to come over for their unruly 12 year old. And will be told no. They'll call 911 because they have a migraine and expect the FD to come with meds. They'll be told no. They'll call the cops because they lost their iphone and just want a report for an insurance claim....and they'll be told the cops are too busy to come (understaffed). Hell, the Oakland PD has already started refusing to come to any burglary or car break-in that hasn't freshly occurred in the previous 20 minutes. The local Charleston PD has begun making their cops put their OWN money into the cars for gas for ON DUTY patrols (not off duty, ON duty). Yep. They have a certain amount allowed. After that, each month, they gotta pay for their own gas to patrol. And guess what? Charleston PD cars can be seen parked in empty lots, not patrolling, with cops on foot. Response time is shorter. Crime is up. But Charleston somehow found $20 million for a new Gaillard Auditorium for the rich locals to watch plays. Oh, those same rich locals are bitching about the crime being up, while also opposing a proposed Public Safety Sales Tax increase because they say "We wont raise taxes". Fair enough.

But point is.....for my fellow conservatives.......if you are only willing to pay Red Roof Inn prices for your local services, dont come demanding you get 5-star Hilton "service". Charleston locals have been pissed lately about the rise in crime, due to cuts at all the local PD's, but these same folks are at Tea Parties saying lower taxes, etc, etc.

And one last gripe, a bit unrelated. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Police Dept, Fire Dept, do not "SERVE" you. If YOU want to be "served" go to Outback and order a steak. They work on your behalf. They do dirty work SO YOU DONT HAVE TO. They fight wars on your behalf so you dont have to. They go after drug dealers and rapists so you dont have to. They run into burning buildings so you dont have to. They work on your behalf. They are not your personal butler or servant. I'm so sick of hearing people who are pissed at something the military, police or fire say "I PAY YOUR SALARY". Sure douchebag, and someone pays yours when they shop at WalMart, McD's, the insurance company, or wherever you work. I know it is just a vocabulary technicality. But it irks me when people look at those folks and truly think they are "servants" to them. They aren't. They risk their lives so you, me, our kids, our parents, dont have to fight off invasions, go vigilante style to catch the guy who robbed us, or run into our burning house to save the kids. Thats what we all chip in for, to pay them to do that shit on our behalf...........not to show up with a pen and paper to take our order and ask if we would like dessert with that.

Anyway, mostly towards my conservative friends, are you willing to accept less govt service in exchange for less taxes?
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In case anyone wonders about why I posted this rant, it's because we just had a local apt complex burned by a meth lab explosion. 3 people were killed (one a 4 yr old child). About 30 units burned down. Horrible.

But...people in the news and online comments were blasting the cops and firemen. They demanded to know why "something wasn't done sooner" about the meth lab. And why it took the fire dept so long to get there. And why this and that and this and that wasn't done before, etc, etc, etc.

Our superhero Captain Hindsight was in full force.

Little do they know....the local PD and FD has gone through big time cuts in funding, training budget, equipment lately. They are short staffed, underfuned, overworked. And I guarantee those same folks who complained will be at the next Tea Party demanding less taxes, less spending.

I agree with the right wing idea of "smaller" govt. But we have a minimum need that must be met, and some on the right have gotten so drunk on Tea that they have cut stuff far beyond that minimum.
Why didn't the tenants and/or the owner of the building report this earlier?

Meth labs let off awfully noxious fumes that are pretty difficult to disguise and miss.
Here are small examples of the $11.0 billion in Federal Expenditures that is a START!!!

are you OK with these Uses of YOUR tax dollars?

* $2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job
* The (NIH) spent nearly $442,340 to study male prostitutes in Vietnam and their social setting.
* A university study of how much alcohol college freshmen women require before agreeing to sex!
* $700,000 federal grant to examine "greenhouse gas emission from organic dairies, caused by cow burps.
* The National Science Foundation spent $250k to Stanford to study how Americans use the Internet to find love.
* (ATF) spent over $20,000 in taxpayer money "to unravel the anonymity of a 2,500-year-old mummy."

See these and more egregious uses of OUR tax dollars!
Down load this report and get nauseous of examples how $11.5 billion in tax dollars absolutely WASTEFULLY spent like the above...;File_id=774a6cca-18fa-4619-987b-a15eb44e7f18


"Cow burps"??? $250,000 to study how they contribute to greenhouse gas???
These are NOT necessities!
These are just a few of examples Coburn's report shows!
And believe you me trillions of dollars in taxes would be forthcoming IF the federal govt wasn't spending for stupid idiotic projects like above!
There is over $1 trillion off shore by companies that have shareholder responsibilities and many shareholders WOULD be OK with paying a 35% tax IF this money was being spent WISELY!
But Obama Personally has SPENT more in trips that ANY other President!
All of these examples are making MORE americans less prone to pay taxes!
TErrible wasteful spending!
Guess what group makes more average salaries ... FEDERAL Workers!
In Dallas for example a communications Director making $186,000! WASTEFUL!
Federal employees earn higher average salaries than private-sector workers in more than eight out of 10 occupations, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data finds
Overall, federal workers earned an average salary of $67,691 in 2008
for occupations that exist both in government and the private sector, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. The average pay for the same mix of jobs in the private sector was $60,046 in 2008, the most recent data available.

Federal pay ahead of private industry -
Federal employees earn higher average salaries than private-sector workers in more than eight out of 10 occupations, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data finds
Overall, federal workers earned an average salary of $67,691 in 2008
for occupations that exist both in government and the private sector, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. The average pay for the same mix of jobs in the private sector was $60,046 in 2008, the most recent data available.

Federal pay ahead of private industry -
Cops and firefighters aren't federal employees, dude.
In case anyone wonders about why I posted this rant, it's because we just had a local apt complex burned by a meth lab explosion. 3 people were killed (one a 4 yr old child). About 30 units burned down. Horrible.

But...people in the news and online comments were blasting the cops and firemen. They demanded to know why "something wasn't done sooner" about the meth lab. And why it took the fire dept so long to get there. And why this and that and this and that wasn't done before, etc, etc, etc.

Our superhero Captain Hindsight was in full force.

Little do they know....the local PD and FD has gone through big time cuts in funding, training budget, equipment lately. They are short staffed, underfuned, overworked. And I guarantee those same folks who complained will be at the next Tea Party demanding less taxes, less spending.

I agree with the right wing idea of "smaller" govt. But we have a minimum need that must be met, and some on the right have gotten so drunk on Tea that they have cut stuff far beyond that minimum.

Good points all; "Why wasn't a cop around"?, "How could THEY let this happen"? When there was fire in my dwelling, 8 years ago, the fire department arrived like lightening, it only SEEMED to take a long time; same with law enforcement, 98% I know are fine, 1 or 2 don't give a da*n, less than in many occupations.
Why didn't the tenants and/or the owner of the building report this earlier?

Meth labs let off awfully noxious fumes that are pretty difficult to disguise and miss.

FEAR of reprisals by the alleged "cookers", perhaps?
Why didn't the tenants and/or the owner of the building report this earlier?

Meth labs let off awfully noxious fumes that are pretty difficult to disguise and miss.

FEAR of reprisals by the alleged "cookers", perhaps?
I'd be more afraid of amateurs blowing up my building and killing my tenants.
There have been instances of the Fire Dept and Police Dept reacting slowly to emergencies in response to losing ground by their unions. This is why unions have no place in govt. Corruption is the end result.
Your tax dollars are paying more to Federal workers!

Question for you...
At what point on the teeter toter will the bloated Federal budget collapse because there are NO MORE
for profit companies employing people that pay taxes?

Where will the Federal govt get revenue?
You realize this is the REALITY of Federal Revenue???

Sources of Federal Tax revenue From The Joy of Economics

$915 or 44% comes from Personal income tax from employees of companies that work for profits
$891 43% withholding Social security tax
$138 6% Corporate income tax
$ 67 3% Excise taxes
$ 94 4% Other
$2,105 Total

1,774,000 Federal government civilian employees, excluding Post Office
615,000 Post Office
1,172,913 Military enlisted
230,577 Military Officers
2,424,000 State government (excluding education and hospitals)
5,594,000 Local government (excluding education and hospitals)
That's a total of 11,810,490 government jobs.

The total number of jobs in the U.S. in 2006 was 150,600,000, so government employment makes up 7.84% of all jobs.
In 2007, the U.S. population (according to the Census Bureau) was 301,621,157, so about 4% of Americans are employed by the government.

Read more: What percentage of Americans are government employed
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About the OP::

I'm not looking for a bargain price on basic services.. Even tho I moved out of California before that massive bill hits the table.. What I'm looking for is for LOCALS to CONCENTRATE on basic services. Quit getting distracted by soda bans, bullying programs, outdoor smoking bans, high speed rail and trolleys, convention centers, "smart growth" initiatives, jumping thru Wash. mandates, etc...

AND CONCENTRATE on basic services and stuff like FAIR ELECTIONS and managing pension funds.

Washington and party affiliations wouldn't matter to issues of local firefighters if the locals weren't saddled by so many UNFUNDED MANDATES and useless 'feel-good' crap..

As for the public "over-using" police/fire services -- probably true. But observe closely that the reaction has been to STOP RESPONDING to private security alarms and nuisances. I'm already relying more on my security system and my gun collection than on the response time of the locals..

In my town -- we live clean and have a surplus. Public works is respected and well-run.. Don't tell me it's impossible. The leadership (primarily left leaning) have created these crisises. California for instance interferred with the state pension fund (largest in the nation) and FORCED them to invest in GREEN and politically correct SHIT for equity. And you want to blame these problems on ME???
It's a shame that there isn't enough money for the things that benefit the entire community. The town I live in has scaled back fire, police and even ambulance personnel because of lack of funding. One thing that has risen steadily, especially in the last few years, is the number of people on welfare. That never gets scaled back and people keep jumping on.

As always, the government solutions make problems worse and end up on the wrong path.
In case anyone wonders about why I posted this rant, it's because we just had a local apt complex burned by a meth lab explosion. 3 people were killed (one a 4 yr old child). About 30 units burned down. Horrible.

But...people in the news and online comments were blasting the cops and firemen. They demanded to know why "something wasn't done sooner" about the meth lab. And why it took the fire dept so long to get there. And why this and that and this and that wasn't done before, etc, etc, etc.

Our superhero Captain Hindsight was in full force.

Little do they know....the local PD and FD has gone through big time cuts in funding, training budget, equipment lately. They are short staffed, underfuned, overworked. And I guarantee those same folks who complained will be at the next Tea Party demanding less taxes, less spending.

I agree with the right wing idea of "smaller" govt. But we have a minimum need that must be met, and some on the right have gotten so drunk on Tea that they have cut stuff far beyond that minimum.

If the federal government wasn't blowing so much money on crap, they wouldn't need to tax as much and as such local governments would have access to more reliable revenue streams. The problem is the feds take too much money out of the local economies to redistribute when more of it should be left to be spent locally on local needs. You need to stop the spending at the federal level and the rest will fall into place.
Lots of good points here. I agree, the Feds waste far more than local govts. Why? I can't speak for the other 49 states, although I bet it's mostly the same, but SC's state law mandates a balanced budget for all city govts. They, by law, must be balanced, no exception.

But, as one person said, the "concentration" of local resources to basic govt functions are what we need. No more govt spending on bullshit parks, massive recreation dept projects that while fun are not necessary. No more Taj Mahal like palaces for rich folks to watch operas in, like the Gaillard Auditorium in Charleston, SC, that the city is spending millions on while their police are being told to use their own money to put gas in the patrol car for ON DUTY patrols and 911 calls.

The Tea Party movement is very strong in South Carolina. The state is already a low-tax state. The state is also yearly in the top 5 for worst rates of violent crime. People here are bitching about the crime, about why the cops dont "do something" about it, then in the next breathe have an outcry for less taxes and smaller government. And, for the record, South Carolina has ZERO police or fire dept unions. It is a non-union state, and every single cop and firemen is employed at-will, no contract, non-union.

Just food for thought next time someone wonders why crime is up, response time is worse, and morale amongst the cops and firemen drops and fewer of them are wanting to go "above and beyond" their basic core roles.
Ok. Here is one of my few areas of siding with Dems. That is adequate local govt funding. Most here know I'm very pro-police, pro-firemen. And with the public sector unions being defeated, so too will many of the benefits and compensation deals for cops and firemen. The question is.....will everyone be happy when they find out that the service they get from those groups may suffer as a result? Let me explain..........

I believe there are a few solid core roles the govt plays, and imo only the govt can do. Military, police, fire are among the few. Why? Simply put...a steady revenue, training, and everyone contributes for the protection. Thats another thread, but the all-in-together way works for funding those things. My focus for this thread will be local police and fire.

Our society has evolved to a point where local govt is looked to for things that people should be doing themselves. But...govt politicians have promised more, and are willing to give it. For example....people now regularly call the police because their kids are misbehaving. Not assault. Not a real crime. Just....being rude, or not doing chores. For the cops to, in the parents words often, "do something, because I dont know what to do". They also call because their neighbor's dog is barking, or the neighbor's music is loud. Have they actually spoken to the neighbor themselves? NO, of course not, thats what the cops are for right? Same for firemen. They are often trained paramedics also. But instead of gonig to the ER or doctor (and getting a bill), people have gotten the idea that they can call 911 for a medical emergency, the fire dept and paramedics on the fire truck arrive, and as long as they dont go with the ambulance, they get free health treatment at home from the fire dept paramedics.

With local govt cuts, due to not wanting to have adequate taxes OR wasting money on shit like parks and rec while cutting police/fire, we will inevitably have to cut services. People will dial 911 and ask for a cop to come over for their unruly 12 year old. And will be told no. They'll call 911 because they have a migraine and expect the FD to come with meds. They'll be told no. They'll call the cops because they lost their iphone and just want a report for an insurance claim....and they'll be told the cops are too busy to come (understaffed). Hell, the Oakland PD has already started refusing to come to any burglary or car break-in that hasn't freshly occurred in the previous 20 minutes. The local Charleston PD has begun making their cops put their OWN money into the cars for gas for ON DUTY patrols (not off duty, ON duty). Yep. They have a certain amount allowed. After that, each month, they gotta pay for their own gas to patrol. And guess what? Charleston PD cars can be seen parked in empty lots, not patrolling, with cops on foot. Response time is shorter. Crime is up. But Charleston somehow found $20 million for a new Gaillard Auditorium for the rich locals to watch plays. Oh, those same rich locals are bitching about the crime being up, while also opposing a proposed Public Safety Sales Tax increase because they say "We wont raise taxes". Fair enough.

But point is.....for my fellow conservatives.......if you are only willing to pay Red Roof Inn prices for your local services, dont come demanding you get 5-star Hilton "service". Charleston locals have been pissed lately about the rise in crime, due to cuts at all the local PD's, but these same folks are at Tea Parties saying lower taxes, etc, etc.

And one last gripe, a bit unrelated. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Police Dept, Fire Dept, do not "SERVE" you. If YOU want to be "served" go to Outback and order a steak. They work on your behalf. They do dirty work SO YOU DONT HAVE TO. They fight wars on your behalf so you dont have to. They go after drug dealers and rapists so you dont have to. They run into burning buildings so you dont have to. They work on your behalf. They are not your personal butler or servant. I'm so sick of hearing people who are pissed at something the military, police or fire say "I PAY YOUR SALARY". Sure douchebag, and someone pays yours when they shop at WalMart, McD's, the insurance company, or wherever you work. I know it is just a vocabulary technicality. But it irks me when people look at those folks and truly think they are "servants" to them. They aren't. They risk their lives so you, me, our kids, our parents, dont have to fight off invasions, go vigilante style to catch the guy who robbed us, or run into our burning house to save the kids. Thats what we all chip in for, to pay them to do that shit on our behalf...........not to show up with a pen and paper to take our order and ask if we would like dessert with that.

Anyway, mostly towards my conservative friends, are you willing to accept less govt service in exchange for less taxes?
Everything in this OP is based upon local and state governments inability to maturely prioritize where the peoples money is to be spent.

It has nothing to do with being against Fire, Police or anything else. Stop spending money on stupid things and apply them where they matter.

One other thing. No cop should show up for your lost phone, an unruly child, or a a headache. Get you own brat under control, file a lost or stolen report at the police station and learn to take a fucking aspirin.
Ok. Here is one of my few areas of siding with Dems. That is adequate local govt funding. Most here know I'm very pro-police, pro-firemen. And with the public sector unions being defeated, so too will many of the benefits and compensation deals for cops and firemen. The question is.....will everyone be happy when they find out that the service they get from those groups may suffer as a result? Let me explain..........

I believe there are a few solid core roles the govt plays, and imo only the govt can do. Military, police, fire are among the few. Why? Simply put...a steady revenue, training, and everyone contributes for the protection. Thats another thread, but the all-in-together way works for funding those things. My focus for this thread will be local police and fire.

Our society has evolved to a point where local govt is looked to for things that people should be doing themselves. But...govt politicians have promised more, and are willing to give it. For example....people now regularly call the police because their kids are misbehaving. Not assault. Not a real crime. Just....being rude, or not doing chores. For the cops to, in the parents words often, "do something, because I dont know what to do". They also call because their neighbor's dog is barking, or the neighbor's music is loud. Have they actually spoken to the neighbor themselves? NO, of course not, thats what the cops are for right? Same for firemen. They are often trained paramedics also. But instead of gonig to the ER or doctor (and getting a bill), people have gotten the idea that they can call 911 for a medical emergency, the fire dept and paramedics on the fire truck arrive, and as long as they dont go with the ambulance, they get free health treatment at home from the fire dept paramedics.

With local govt cuts, due to not wanting to have adequate taxes OR wasting money on shit like parks and rec while cutting police/fire, we will inevitably have to cut services. People will dial 911 and ask for a cop to come over for their unruly 12 year old. And will be told no. They'll call 911 because they have a migraine and expect the FD to come with meds. They'll be told no. They'll call the cops because they lost their iphone and just want a report for an insurance claim....and they'll be told the cops are too busy to come (understaffed). Hell, the Oakland PD has already started refusing to come to any burglary or car break-in that hasn't freshly occurred in the previous 20 minutes. The local Charleston PD has begun making their cops put their OWN money into the cars for gas for ON DUTY patrols (not off duty, ON duty). Yep. They have a certain amount allowed. After that, each month, they gotta pay for their own gas to patrol. And guess what? Charleston PD cars can be seen parked in empty lots, not patrolling, with cops on foot. Response time is shorter. Crime is up. But Charleston somehow found $20 million for a new Gaillard Auditorium for the rich locals to watch plays. Oh, those same rich locals are bitching about the crime being up, while also opposing a proposed Public Safety Sales Tax increase because they say "We wont raise taxes". Fair enough.

But point is.....for my fellow conservatives.......if you are only willing to pay Red Roof Inn prices for your local services, dont come demanding you get 5-star Hilton "service". Charleston locals have been pissed lately about the rise in crime, due to cuts at all the local PD's, but these same folks are at Tea Parties saying lower taxes, etc, etc.

And one last gripe, a bit unrelated. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Police Dept, Fire Dept, do not "SERVE" you. If YOU want to be "served" go to Outback and order a steak. They work on your behalf. They do dirty work SO YOU DONT HAVE TO. They fight wars on your behalf so you dont have to. They go after drug dealers and rapists so you dont have to. They run into burning buildings so you dont have to. They work on your behalf. They are not your personal butler or servant. I'm so sick of hearing people who are pissed at something the military, police or fire say "I PAY YOUR SALARY". Sure douchebag, and someone pays yours when they shop at WalMart, McD's, the insurance company, or wherever you work. I know it is just a vocabulary technicality. But it irks me when people look at those folks and truly think they are "servants" to them. They aren't. They risk their lives so you, me, our kids, our parents, dont have to fight off invasions, go vigilante style to catch the guy who robbed us, or run into our burning house to save the kids. Thats what we all chip in for, to pay them to do that shit on our behalf...........not to show up with a pen and paper to take our order and ask if we would like dessert with that.

Anyway, mostly towards my conservative friends, are you willing to accept less govt service in exchange for less taxes?
Everything in this OP is based upon local and state governments inability to maturely prioritize where the peoples money is to be spent.

It has nothing to do with being against Fire, Police or anything else. Stop spending money on stupid things and apply them where they matter.

One other thing. No cop should show up for your lost phone, an unruly child, or a a headache. Get you own brat under control, file a lost or stolen report at the police station and learn to take a fucking aspirin.

First priority of any government is public of liberty...all else will follow.
Ok. Here is one of my few areas of siding with Dems. That is adequate local govt funding. Most here know I'm very pro-police, pro-firemen. And with the public sector unions being defeated, so too will many of the benefits and compensation deals for cops and firemen. The question is.....will everyone be happy when they find out that the service they get from those groups may suffer as a result? Let me explain..........

I believe there are a few solid core roles the govt plays, and imo only the govt can do. Military, police, fire are among the few. Why? Simply put...a steady revenue, training, and everyone contributes for the protection. Thats another thread, but the all-in-together way works for funding those things. My focus for this thread will be local police and fire.

Our society has evolved to a point where local govt is looked to for things that people should be doing themselves. But...govt politicians have promised more, and are willing to give it. For example....people now regularly call the police because their kids are misbehaving. Not assault. Not a real crime. Just....being rude, or not doing chores. For the cops to, in the parents words often, "do something, because I dont know what to do". They also call because their neighbor's dog is barking, or the neighbor's music is loud. Have they actually spoken to the neighbor themselves? NO, of course not, thats what the cops are for right? Same for firemen. They are often trained paramedics also. But instead of gonig to the ER or doctor (and getting a bill), people have gotten the idea that they can call 911 for a medical emergency, the fire dept and paramedics on the fire truck arrive, and as long as they dont go with the ambulance, they get free health treatment at home from the fire dept paramedics.

With local govt cuts, due to not wanting to have adequate taxes OR wasting money on shit like parks and rec while cutting police/fire, we will inevitably have to cut services. People will dial 911 and ask for a cop to come over for their unruly 12 year old. And will be told no. They'll call 911 because they have a migraine and expect the FD to come with meds. They'll be told no. They'll call the cops because they lost their iphone and just want a report for an insurance claim....and they'll be told the cops are too busy to come (understaffed). Hell, the Oakland PD has already started refusing to come to any burglary or car break-in that hasn't freshly occurred in the previous 20 minutes. The local Charleston PD has begun making their cops put their OWN money into the cars for gas for ON DUTY patrols (not off duty, ON duty). Yep. They have a certain amount allowed. After that, each month, they gotta pay for their own gas to patrol. And guess what? Charleston PD cars can be seen parked in empty lots, not patrolling, with cops on foot. Response time is shorter. Crime is up. But Charleston somehow found $20 million for a new Gaillard Auditorium for the rich locals to watch plays. Oh, those same rich locals are bitching about the crime being up, while also opposing a proposed Public Safety Sales Tax increase because they say "We wont raise taxes". Fair enough.

But point is.....for my fellow conservatives.......if you are only willing to pay Red Roof Inn prices for your local services, dont come demanding you get 5-star Hilton "service". Charleston locals have been pissed lately about the rise in crime, due to cuts at all the local PD's, but these same folks are at Tea Parties saying lower taxes, etc, etc.

And one last gripe, a bit unrelated. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Police Dept, Fire Dept, do not "SERVE" you. If YOU want to be "served" go to Outback and order a steak. They work on your behalf. They do dirty work SO YOU DONT HAVE TO. They fight wars on your behalf so you dont have to. They go after drug dealers and rapists so you dont have to. They run into burning buildings so you dont have to. They work on your behalf. They are not your personal butler or servant. I'm so sick of hearing people who are pissed at something the military, police or fire say "I PAY YOUR SALARY". Sure douchebag, and someone pays yours when they shop at WalMart, McD's, the insurance company, or wherever you work. I know it is just a vocabulary technicality. But it irks me when people look at those folks and truly think they are "servants" to them. They aren't. They risk their lives so you, me, our kids, our parents, dont have to fight off invasions, go vigilante style to catch the guy who robbed us, or run into our burning house to save the kids. Thats what we all chip in for, to pay them to do that shit on our behalf...........not to show up with a pen and paper to take our order and ask if we would like dessert with that.

Anyway, mostly towards my conservative friends, are you willing to accept less govt service in exchange for less taxes?
Everything in this OP is based upon local and state governments inability to maturely prioritize where the peoples money is to be spent.

It has nothing to do with being against Fire, Police or anything else. Stop spending money on stupid things and apply them where they matter.

One other thing. No cop should show up for your lost phone, an unruly child, or a a headache. Get you own brat under control, file a lost or stolen report at the police station and learn to take a fucking aspirin.

Couldn't agree more. Wish more Americans shared your outlook, our country would be better.
. They'll call the cops because they lost their iphone and just want a report for an insurance claim....

I actually had to do that once. THe insurance company would not accept my claim without a police report I live in one of the biggest murder cities in the nation. I felt like a total douchebag calling the cops about a lost cell phone - but there was no other way about it.

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