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My take on the Politicization of the Jab

Which can be summed up in one word:

What has the GOP done to stop this crap?


So you are correct, they are part of the problem

Thanks for that.
I see, so people asking questions about what they are made to do certain things by politicians are the ones who are politicizing this stuff?

Do you even hear yourself speak?

If politicians were not ramming this down our throats, it would not be a political issue moron.

And what the hell more harm does saying Merry Christmas have than saying Happy Holidays, or did I just make your brain explode by my previous comment?
Who rammed it down your throat in Feb, Mar, Apr...

Correct answer, NO ONE.
But screaming "FUCK THE VACCINE" in Jan 22 is not asking questions, fool.

So riddle me this buttwad...
Should Trump be praised for facilitating the vaccine or condemned because the vaccine is so "dangerous?'
Ohhhh. Trap question. Any answer gets you thrown out of the clubhouse.
So, instead of answer, you will whine like the Querdeken you are and then toss a few weak-ass insults thinking you've shown your brilliance which, among the Querdeken, may actually be true, but still leaves you too stupid to differentiate your ass and mouth while wiping.

Why should I say "merry Christmas" on nov 28?
There are at least 15 recognized holidays between Dec 1 and Dec 30.
Christmas is 1/15th of the holidays and 1/30th of the days
Merry Christmas is appropriate for Dec 24 and 25
but every other day of the month it is simply dishonest and disrespectful.
Oh, and Christmas was stolen from the non-christian Germanic peoples.
There's no excuse for you fools to politicize a holiday, a religious holiday, but you hold your annual War on Christmas anyway.
This did not happen.
Yes Biden and Kamala were the first antivaxers

Spin the truth away their buddy. I can hear those little feet of yours start to pidder padder as you read. LOL.

That is, unless someone is reading for you.

And if you really believe the Jab would save those who voted for Trump and wished to reach them, you would admit as much so that maybe they might see through the political crap and have some middle ground, but no, you would rather win elections than save lives.
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Who rammed it down your throat in Feb, Mar, Apr...

Correct answer, NO ONE.
But screaming "FUCK THE VACCINE" in Jan 22 is not asking questions, fool.

So riddle me this buttwad...
Should Trump be praised for facilitating the vaccine or condemned because the vaccine is so "dangerous?'
Ohhhh. Trap question. Any answer gets you thrown out of the clubhouse.
So, instead of answer, you will whine like the Querdeken you are and then toss a few weak-ass insults thinking you've shown your brilliance which, among the Querdeken, may actually be true, but still leaves you too stupid to differentiate your ass and mouth while wiping.

Why should I say "merry Christmas" on nov 28?
There are at least 15 recognized holidays between Dec 1 and Dec 30.
Christmas is 1/15th of the holidays and 1/30th of the days
Merry Christmas is appropriate for Dec 24 and 25
but every other day of the month it is simply dishonest and disrespectful.
Oh, and Christmas was stolen from the non-christian Germanic peoples.
There's no excuse for you fools to politicize a holiday, a religious holiday, but you hold your annual War on Christmas anyway.
The vaccine was rushed through in order to help save the foundations of society. I think Trump did an excellent job bypassing many of the safeguards to get this done.

But as you point out, were they really concerned with the overall safety? I think to some degree, but it was a risk/reward calculation that I think either administration would have pushed and did push.

But Biden promising no mandates and then lying about it was in my mind a political calculation to not only get more people vaccinated, but also crush their opposition by taking their economic livelihoods away and ostracizing them from soceity. This is what Trump would not have done in my opinion. But we will never know.
There are lots of nice people, in fact, probably a majority.

But each day as citizens have a gun pointed to their collective heads, there are fewer and fewer nice people.

Soon all opposition may become like the Taliban. Just hardened mountain fighters hiding in caves which becomes their life.

Again, if the problem were just coercion, why didn’t all y’all get vaccinated in the 8 months that we were being nice about it?

Hell, we were handing cold hard cash to people just to get them to get vaccinated and it still didn’t work well enough.

Don’t blame others for your intransigence.
How about some more trolling hateful democrats to push more people away? After all, we hear it every day

Here is Kimmel saying those not getting vaxed should not get medical treatment

Here is Arnold saying "F" you and your rights

Yea, I'm sure they converted thousands.

Good work Leftists.
Again, if the problem were just coercion, why didn’t all y’all get vaccinated in the 8 months that we were being nice about it?

Hell, we were handing cold hard cash to people just to get them to get vaccinated and it still didn’t work well enough.

Don’t blame others for your intransigence.
People are skeptical of a vaccine that was rushed through, as well as a government that lies to them 24/7. And rightly so. That was a thing called freedom back in the day.

Fauci: Don't wear a mask.............no, wear a mask.............no double mask................no, shove your head up your arse, etc. All nonsense.

Don't get me wrong, if you threaten the economic livelihood of people, you will get more people vaxed, which they did do.

They will probably get even more people vaxed if they threaten their first born. Sound good to you?

And from what I hear, we can save even more lives by banning smoking and alcohol and driving!

To hell with Freedom!!!

In fact, a jail cell is the safest place for everyone. It is a virtual Left wing utopia.

1. Food is free

2. Shelter is free

3. Cloths are free

4. Medical care is free

5.. It is a gun free zone

6. And everyday is gay pride day.

Sound good to you?
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People are skeptical of a vaccine that was rushed through, as well as a government that lies to them 24/7. And rightly so. That was a thing called freedom back in the day.

Fauci: Don't wear a mask.............no, wear a mask.............no double mask................no, shove your head up your arse, etc. All nonsense.

Don't get me wrong, if you threaten the economic livelihood of people, you will get more people vaxed, which they did do.

They will probably get even more people vaxed if they threaten their first born. Sound good to you?

And from what I hear, we can save even more lives by banning smoking and alcohol and driving!

To hell with Freedom!!!

In fact, a jail cell is the safest place for everyone. It is a virtual Left wing utopia.

1. Food is free

2. Shelter is free

3. Cloths are free

4. Medical care is free

5. And everyday is gay pride day.

Sound good to you?
It still doesn’t sink in that we aren’t as concerned about the individual who decides to avoid vaccination, rather the community.

When your actions affect you and you alone, the grounds for coercion are minimal. When your actions affect the community at large, it’s a different story. As much as you want to ignore it, your actions affect others. That’s exactly what government is here to deal with.
It still doesn’t sink in that we aren’t as concerned about the individual who decides to avoid vaccination, rather the community.

When your actions affect you and you alone, the grounds for coercion are minimal. When your actions affect the community at large, it’s a different story. As much as you want to ignore it, your actions affect others. That’s exactly what government is here to deal with.

Every action you make in life "affect" the community.

Smoking and drinking affects the community, driving affects the community, etc.

You are arguing for an end of freedom by preaching the gospel of community safety.

But directly seeking to do people harm is treated differently, and rightly so.

People should be free to live their lives, as it is true that such freedom may lead to the demise of others unknowingly or by mistake.

That's life. Time to suck it up or climb into the safe utopia of a Progressive jail cell.
The vast majority of political stooges in office are stupid as rocks.
Not in my experience. I'd say that most are way above the intellect of the people they represent.
The better question is, with the advent of such things as AI and the Deep State, who is steering the Left? Think about it, computers collect information about everything and everyone 24/7. It never stops and it will find ways to control you. For example, it is used on cell phones to do nothing but find ways to keep you on your phone. All the information it collects about you is geared towards that. This much we know, but what else is AI geared towards that we don't know, such as steering voters a certain way.
Now you're in conspiracy territory. I know plenty of government types and they are a mirror of the general population, some Right some Left, I'd say it is about 50-50. There are enough on both sides that if one side wanted to do anything illegal or immoral it would certainly come out.
Tough shit. Biden thinks herd immunity is 98%

Dudes a fucking loon
If we had herd immunity, the south wouldn’t have been hit so hard by COVID and lots of lives would have been saved.

Don’t let it keep you up at night.
You live in a society. Don’t be surprised if people don’t want you around if you can’t acknowledge that.
I work with the public DAILY. Not once has anyone ever asked me if I was vaxed. The only people concerning themselves with the lives of others are the partisan lefties
Let me give you a perspective on the situation that you may have not thought of before. I'm not saying I'm right, but I think it worthwhile to consider.

My take on the Jab is that those who oppose it are simply being trolled. Those pushing the Jab know that those who hate Biden and the democrats will naturally begin to resist them the more they try to force it down their throats.

Let me explain

We saw the politicization of the Jab begin long before the vaccine hit the markets. Trump was being blamed for every single Covid death as both Biden and Kamala said they would not take the Jab because Trump singed off on it. Then once Trump lost, Pfiezer, whose CEO wanted Biden to win, let the vaccine hit the market a week after Trump had lost the election. That way Trump could not get credit for it as Biden questioned if there would ever be a vaccine. Biden then took the Jab which probably saved his elderly arse. As funny as it seems, Trump may have saved the life of Biden.

And now that Biden was in charge, naturally all the Covid deaths were not his fault like it was Trumps. Instead, it was the fault of Trump supporters who would not get the Jab. In addition to this, Biden broke his promise that the Jab would not be mandated as he began his own mandates and pretty much bullied corporations to do the same.

Now those who opposed Biden, will not only lose their job, they may have a higher rate of death than those not taking the Jab. The issue will also continually be raised as an election issue to try and show how the political opponents of the DNC are against science, even though it was Trump who used the science to bring us the vaccine. So not only would those who oppose Biden be poorer, they would also lose more elections because of the radicalness of those against the vaccine would be exploited to offend voters.

I realize many think that the Jab is death, and it is true that there are those who have died from it, as have others from other vaccines, so it behooves you to know the statistics of risk/reward to see if it is worth it. For example, it makes the least sense to vaccinate the young and healthy, etc. As for the long term effects, who the hell knows? Does the government care? No, not really, they have their own agendas for pushing the vaccine, such as vanquishing their political foes and trying to resume normalcy as much as possible now that they are in charge, at least in the near term. And if it is shown that their are long range issues, everyone knows Trump will be blamed anyway and they will be long gone.

So what is the alternative view? The alternative view is that they are giving the Jab to everyone to kill them off so that the only people left are really pissed off conservatives who are armed to the teeth! That does not seem right to me.

Again, just another point of view I had thought of, not saying I'm right. But as I see conservatives get trolled every day with this crap, like the Governor of New York actually walking into a church, something she probably had never done before, and telling people it was God's will for them to take the Jab and to join her holy army, you know she is just trolling conservatives, right? After all, the flesh of those on the Left begins to burn uncontrollably if they so much as get within 50 feet of a church, so the message was directed at people she knew did not like her and did not trust her and would be appalled at such words and not listen to her.

Just food for thought. But the best part of all, is the way this Jab crap divides average citizens. I am personally outrage people are being made to take it, and would stand by anyone refusing to do so. It is not only Unconstitutional, it is immoral.
Dying from the 'rona and/or losing your livelihood to own the libs
Right wingers are moronic retards. They believe any cockamamie story that someone is out to get them. As if Bubba’s fealty is something elite educated folk give a shit about.

Natural selection will fix this unless Idiocracy was prophetic.

Where’s the outrage for the dozen Vax you need to go to school? Morons. All of them.

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