My Take: Uninformed juries produce incorrect outcomes

Rittenhouse did not get the benefit of restorative justice. Some things to consider.


I was a troubled teen. I remember the day I was called to my high school’s administrative office to receive a call. He gave me advice I have never forgotten. He told me that he had been notified that the police were going to arrest me and that I needed to tell the truth even if it was going to get me in trouble.

I was in my early 30s when I reflected upon this wisdom when performing part of his eulogy. It was horrible legal advice, but I know it saved my soul.

The mistakes I made as a teenager have informed my whole life’s purpose. My doctoral dissertation, on forgiveness, would not have been written if I had not accounted for my own moral failings.

Kyle Rittenhouse represents a character in the larger story of the divided American society. I follow these events and the attitudes and opinions surrounding them as an expert researcher focused on healing divided societies. There are many bifurcations, and the casualties that are not being discussed are healing and truth. His acquittal is a springboard, and the public is now at increased threat.

No criminal trial is motivated by healing or truth. Trials are about fact finding and fact exclusion. The truth, for example, that after pleading not guilty earlier this year Kyle posed with Proud Boys while flashing a white power hand sign and T-shirt that said “Free as F---,” was not allowed in trial. Rittenhouse remains “Free as F---,” unpermitted facts notwithstanding.

The evidence and the prosecution’s case was very weak, Rittenhouse was part of a public push to prosecute and a nothing case.
The evidence and the prosecution’s case was very weak, Rittenhouse was part of a public push to prosecute and a nothing case.

Killing two people and maiming another is a serious matter. He was armed, underaged and breaking curfew in defiance of the police. I just can't support vigilantism whether Republican or Democrat.
Killing two people and maiming another is a serious matter. He was armed, underaged and breaking curfew in defiance of the police. I just can't support vigilantism whether Republican or Democrat.
He was there just like everyone else that was there. He had the same right to be there as you or me. He was stupid to be there as was the other people that were there and all were looking for trouble and danger, they found it. When you go to such violent events, there is no expectation that one will be safe.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate and extremism, has sounded alarms for increases in hate crimes and violence in recent years and observes the lionization of Rittenhouse through “not factually based” propaganda.

That's outrageous!!!

Only the Southern Poverty Law Center should be allowed to use “not factually based” propaganda.
For taking a weapon to a protest, breaking curfew, defying the police and killing two people??????? Are you sure? Why was he drinking with Proud Boys after he made bail? Look at the big picture.
HE was there LEGALLY PROTECTING PROERTY. He was attacked. In America we have these rights. You communists need to move to country that has laws you like.
Rittenhouse did not get the benefit of restorative justice. Some things to consider.


I was a troubled teen. I remember the day I was called to my high school’s administrative office to receive a call. He gave me advice I have never forgotten. He told me that he had been notified that the police were going to arrest me and that I needed to tell the truth even if it was going to get me in trouble.

I was in my early 30s when I reflected upon this wisdom when performing part of his eulogy. It was horrible legal advice, but I know it saved my soul.

The mistakes I made as a teenager have informed my whole life’s purpose. My doctoral dissertation, on forgiveness, would not have been written if I had not accounted for my own moral failings.

Kyle Rittenhouse represents a character in the larger story of the divided American society. I follow these events and the attitudes and opinions surrounding them as an expert researcher focused on healing divided societies. There are many bifurcations, and the casualties that are not being discussed are healing and truth. His acquittal is a springboard, and the public is now at increased threat.

No criminal trial is motivated by healing or truth. Trials are about fact finding and fact exclusion. The truth, for example, that after pleading not guilty earlier this year Kyle posed with Proud Boys while flashing a white power hand sign and T-shirt that said “Free as F---,” was not allowed in trial. Rittenhouse remains “Free as F---,” unpermitted facts notwithstanding.

Dude the public was at increased threat when BLM and antifa rampaged through an innocent Town attacking an innocent neighborhood. The best part about this whole thing is that three white guys attacked a fourth white guy and sat in front of a white judge and mostly white jury. If you're looking for anything other than that I suggest you turn over a few rocks and see what you can dig up for dead animals..... Or better yet maybe look at some Rachel Dolezal pornography.

The best part of the whole riot was the offing of two oxygen wasting parasites and it was actually good that one of them only got his arm blasted off so he could hang around and tell the story.

I will go with a jury of my peers. They are not as stupid as you think they are... Most have the ability to reason very well. Treating Americans as if they are stupid, is your down fall.
Really don't matter to me. I've never been involved in any type of litigation in my life and rarely have been in a court house

To even be involved in any litigation is pretty stupid and brainless

I'll do it my way and never have to worry. It is the way I've always done it.
"Restorative justice" is I don't like you so I'm going to put you in prison facts be dammed. This is not justice; it is political prosecution...
Restorative justice believes that the perpetrator of crime is also a victim. The perpetrator and the chosen victim must be counseled together to understand the causes of the crime and how the chosen victim participated. There is no incarceration just understanding and healing to restore the parties to wholeness.

Crime is better solved by the victim using a glock.

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