My Theory on Obama's Election Wins

Oh, wait. The GOP did do something about health care when they owned the whole government.

They added a trillion dollar government entitlement program to buy the senior vote in 2004.

And didn't pay for it.
Obama was the right man at the right time

He saw his opportunity to win and he took it. One of the most dynamic campaigns in our history, Everything fell into place for him
And then he fucked up the Presidency. Remember "elections have consequences"? That was the death knell of bipartisanship. Barack Obama destroyed bipartisanship in this country. He ran as a bipartisan, lying all the way, before leading the most partisan government in history in 2009 and 2010.

Such revisionist history

Ignoring Republicans that refused to work with the President on a single issue
That is totally false. Republicans wanted to participate, but Nancy "Partisan" Pelosi said "we won the election, we'll write the bill" and Obama said "elections have consequences". Similarly, Democrats shut Republicans out of contributing to healthcare reform. Instead they wrote stuff up that they claimed was Republican in origin, and called that bipartisanship.

Pelosi, Reid, and Obama are responsible for the colossal election defeat in 2010, and yet they all were rewarded with reelection in 2012. Odd.

The same Republicans who supported TARP and auto company bailouts under Bush to fix the economy, unanimously refused to do the same to help Obama fix the economy
The zombie banks should have been nationalized and broken up.

They should have been sold off and replaced by banks with better business models.

Instead, after their losses were absorbed by everyone on the planet, they became bigger and more corrupt than ever. Manipulating LIBOR, manipulating ISDAfix, manipulating the prices of commodities, front running their own clients, the list goes on and on and on.
Obama was the right man at the right time

He saw his opportunity to win and he took it. One of the most dynamic campaigns in our history, Everything fell into place for him
And then he fucked up the Presidency. Remember "elections have consequences"? That was the death knell of bipartisanship. Barack Obama destroyed bipartisanship in this country. He ran as a bipartisan, lying all the way, before leading the most partisan government in history in 2009 and 2010.

Such revisionist history

Ignoring Republicans that refused to work with the President on a single issue
That is totally false. Republicans wanted to participate, but Nancy "Partisan" Pelosi said "we won the election, we'll write the bill" and Obama said "elections have consequences". Similarly, Democrats shut Republicans out of contributing to healthcare reform. Instead they wrote stuff up that they claimed was Republican in origin, and called that bipartisanship.

Pelosi, Reid, and Obama are responsible for the colossal election defeat in 2010, and yet they all were rewarded with reelection in 2012. Odd.

The same Republicans who supported TARP and auto company bailouts under Bush to fix the economy, unanimously refused to do the same to help Obama fix the economy
Revisionist history and lies. Pelosi said "we won the election, we'll write the bill". Why did she say that?
Obama was the right man at the right time

He saw his opportunity to win and he took it. One of the most dynamic campaigns in our history, Everything fell into place for him
And then he fucked up the Presidency. Remember "elections have consequences"? That was the death knell of bipartisanship. Barack Obama destroyed bipartisanship in this country. He ran as a bipartisan, lying all the way, before leading the most partisan government in history in 2009 and 2010.

Such revisionist history

Ignoring Republicans that refused to work with the President on a single issue
That is totally false. Republicans wanted to participate, but Nancy "Partisan" Pelosi said "we won the election, we'll write the bill" and Obama said "elections have consequences". Similarly, Democrats shut Republicans out of contributing to healthcare reform. Instead they wrote stuff up that they claimed was Republican in origin, and called that bipartisanship.

Pelosi, Reid, and Obama are responsible for the colossal election defeat in 2010, and yet they all were rewarded with reelection in 2012. Odd.

The same Republicans who supported TARP and auto company bailouts under Bush to fix the economy, unanimously refused to do the same to help Obama fix the economy
Revisionist history and lies. Pelosi said "we won the election, we'll write the bill". Why did she say that?
She said that about the stimulus bill in January 2009, right after the 2008 election. Everybody wanted to add their pork, and Pelosi was basically saying "to the victor go the spoils".

The stimulus bill was a giant boondoggle.
Before he became pres, Obama had an undistinguished record in Illinois and Congress.He really didn't do dogshit either place.
I have a theory that most people who voted for him did so to prove to themselves and the rest of the world that they aren't racists.
I suspect that's why he got the Nobel Prize, too.It's called "White Guilt.

Wow- you came up with that on your own?

I guess you missed the GOP claiming that for the last 7 years?
I can understand voting for a black man for the first time in the nations history. But then when he reveals himself to be a feckless fucking idiot and you vote for him again...that is inexcusable.

And yet the voters disagreed with you.

But I am not surprised that you despise American voters.
Obama won because we deserve him.

If Bush hadn't fucked up so badly, no one would have ever heard of Obama. And if the GOP had not doubled down on batshit craziness, Obama would not have been re-elected.

Think about it. How collectively crazy and stupid and incompetent do you have to be to lose to Obama...TWICE!?

You get the government you deserve.

There is some truth to that- but really ANY Democrat would have been elected in 2008- that doesn't account why Barack Obama was elected rather than Hilary Clinton.

For myself- and most people I knew(most of whom were Hilary supporters before becoming Obama supporters) we were inspired by his message in the 2008 campaign.

As far as Obama as President- I am sort of meh- better than Bush- and better than what Romney was selling- and still better than eveyr single one of the GOP front runners.
Before he became pres, Obama had an undistinguished record in Illinois and Congress.He really didn't do dogshit either place.
I have a theory that most people who voted for him did so to prove to themselves and the rest of the world that they aren't racists.
I suspect that's why he got the Nobel Prize, too.It's called "White Guilt.
I don't consider it theory, I think it is an undeniable fact.
Were he white he'd have been gone before the first primary vote.
Ironically he made race relations worse, far worse.

You confuse your opinion with fact.
Obama was the right man at the right time

He saw his opportunity to win and he took it. One of the most dynamic campaigns in our history, Everything fell into place for him
And then he fucked up the Presidency. Remember "elections have consequences"? That was the death knell of bipartisanship. Barack Obama destroyed bipartisanship in this country. He ran as a bipartisan, lying all the way, before leading the most partisan government in history in 2009 and 2010.

Such revisionist history

Ignoring Republicans that refused to work with the President on a single issue
That is totally false. Republicans wanted to participate, but Nancy "Partisan" Pelosi said "we won the election, we'll write the bill" and Obama said "elections have consequences". Similarly, Democrats shut Republicans out of contributing to healthcare reform. Instead they wrote stuff up that they claimed was Republican in origin, and called that bipartisanship.

Pelosi, Reid, and Obama are responsible for the colossal election defeat in 2010, and yet they all were rewarded with reelection in 2012. Odd.

The same Republicans who supported TARP and auto company bailouts under Bush to fix the economy, unanimously refused to do the same to help Obama fix the economy
Revisionist history and lies. Pelosi said "we won the election, we'll write the bill". Why did she say that?

Show where she refused to accept any Republican input
Republicans participated in the ACA comittee, they voted on the bill, they added ammendments to it
When Obama offered me what you want added to the bill so that you can vote for it...they replied...Tear it up and start over
Obama is a great orator and a lousy president. He's extremely intelligent and doesn't seem to like people much. He won for two reasons, lousy opponents and the black vote. McCain and Romney. Ha! I believe that Romney would have been a better president, but he was a terrible candidate. Godawful. And of course he would have brought the Republican nutjobs to power with him. McCain was a joke. He's not a terribly bright guy, and the financial crisis undid him.

Interesting people have fallen for the "Obama is a great orator and extremely intelligent" fallacy.
I looked on the Internet for articles about Obama being extremely intelligent and there were many articles.
I came away with the impression these articles concluded his IQ was about 140 and he was smart.
The reason I've a problem is some very simple pronunciations gaffes from Obama.
Remember "corpse-man"? Remember "Pock-i-stan" or "Tali-bonn"? The example of Bush and his "newcleEar" can be excused as he NEVER claimed being the smartest!
But Obama the pompous butt has told us in his own words how good he is!

“I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,”
“It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”
“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors.
And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
10 quotes that haunt President Obama - John F. Harris and James Hohmann

So being the "smartest" as Historian Michael Beschloss said : "Uh. I would say it’s probably – he’s probably the smartest guy ever to become President."
maybe but not one smart person would pronounce words as badly as Obama NOR would "smart" people wanting people to work for him hire such incompetent people like Obama has hired!
He's arrogant, and without sufficient justification. He's not better than everybody at everything, as he has stated. He is intelligent, though. You don't get to be the president of the Harvard Law Review without earning it. As far as his oratorical skills go, they are limited, imo, by the fact that he thinks he's better than everyone. The 2004 keynote address at the Dem convention made his career. The speech he gave on race relations in the USA was vital to his winning against McCain. Otherwise? His last address on terrorism was freaking pathetic. Once he realized he couldn't sway congress with words alone he gave up.
Obama was the right man at the right time

He saw his opportunity to win and he took it. One of the most dynamic campaigns in our history, Everything fell into place for him
And then he fucked up the Presidency. Remember "elections have consequences"? That was the death knell of bipartisanship. Barack Obama destroyed bipartisanship in this country. He ran as a bipartisan, lying all the way, before leading the most partisan government in history in 2009 and 2010.

So it was Obama that had the meeting on the day of his own inauguration vowing not to work with the GOP?

Oh, no that wasn't Obama...

The Republicans' Plan for the New President

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning.
Before he became pres, Obama had an undistinguished record in Illinois and Congress.He really didn't do dogshit either place.
I have a theory that most people who voted for him did so to prove to themselves and the rest of the world that they aren't racists.
I suspect that's why he got the Nobel Prize, too.It's called "White Guilt.

Wow! What a mind-blowing theory! I've never heard anyone say anything like that before. You, my friend, are an asset to this forum. more often. We need more. solid conservative thinkers here.
Obama won because he is an exceptionally strong candidate and Republicans ran weak candidates
Before he became pres, Obama had an undistinguished record in Illinois and Congress.He really didn't do dogshit either place.
I have a theory that most people who voted for him did so to prove to themselves and the rest of the world that they aren't racists.
I suspect that's why he got the Nobel Prize, too.It's called "White Guilt.
There was some of that, sure, white guilt is clearly pretty strong, and certainly the black vote exploded in his favor.

That said, the GOP still failed in providing an attractive enough message/messenger.

You can only control what you can control, and the GOP just failed. Twice.
Perhaps its time the GOP offer me something to vote for. I sat out the last 2 elections because there was no candidate I really liked. To top that off all these candidates are very wealthy and cannot in any way shape or form relate to hard working people who struggle to get by. Yet ironically they think they do. When some working classslob who isn't a millionaire runs, that is my person and as the working classwakes up, this candidate will gain traction. Until then no matter who wins the difference is negligible. It truly is, and rightfully so, about class.
Perhaps its time the GOP offer me something to vote for. I sat out the last 2 elections because there was no candidate I really liked. To top that off all these candidates are very wealthy and cannot in any way shape or form relate to hard working people who struggle to get by. Yet ironically they think they do. When some working classslob who isn't a millionaire runs, that is my person and as the working classwakes up, this candidate will gain traction. Until then no matter who wins the difference is negligible. It truly is, and rightfully so, about class.
Joe the Plumber
Before he became pres, Obama had an undistinguished record in Illinois and Congress.He really didn't do dogshit either place.
I have a theory that most people who voted for him did so to prove to themselves and the rest of the world that they aren't racists.
I suspect that's why he got the Nobel Prize, too.It's called "White Guilt.

Wow! What a mind-blowing theory! I've never heard anyone say anything like that before. You, my friend, are an asset to this forum. more often. We need more. solid conservative thinkers here.

I know- mind boggling isn't it- I hope he will provide us with his prediction of who will win the 2012 World Series....

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