My Theory On Violence At Trump Rallies

No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

"If I don't get what I want... I think there will be riots"
"If you don't do what I say, there will be hell to pay"
"Nice house you have there .... it would be a shame if something were to.. you know, happen to it"

These are not "opinions"; those are threats disguised as technical opinions. At the least, wishful thinking when they're uttered by the entity who's in control of whether those things happen or not.

Same as --
"they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!"
--- is demonstrably NOT an opinion of concern on the welfare of the Ricketts family.

Who's the "idiot" now?

And by the way, true to his thinskinned petty petulance, Rump is now threatening to run attack ads against the Chicago Cubs.

Get that? The whining child wants to run ads against a baseball team. That's how meltdown-fragile that growth-stunted ego is.

What the hell does it take to pull away from the Kool Aid and smell what's going on?

Trump never said any of those things, that's the spins & twists, not what he actually said.

Why is it that Trump's, twitter is not an actual twitter quote like the reporters is?
Pssst - an actual twitter account quote has the little blue bird at the top like hers and says follow.
Having just the one link about that reporters twitter with trump seems to be about a conversation right in the middle of something else going on so I don't see how anyone can judge about the baseball team unless a person has been following this in sports.
Oh, he didn't say it?
Show me where Trump threatened riots.

“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN. “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.

You can play all the semantic games you like and try to label it something else, but it still amounts to a threat. Or, in this case, marching orders.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

Yes, because that's the ONLY thing in the world that constitutes a threat. :eusa_hand:

Or is it just that Trumpettes are too frigging stupid to recognize anything more subtle than a brick upside the head? Yeah, that's probably it.
If it was a threat by Trump he did not say it right.

If Trump was making a threat he should have said;

You will have riots, not I think you have riots.
You will have problems like you have never seen before, not I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before.
You will see bad things happen, not I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.
The word you will invokes the marching orders (a threat)- not by using the word, I think you would (which is an opinion).
I follow the theory but it seems implausible that George Soros would spend a dime to help Trump get the nomination. He and other deep pocket Liberals are funding the most violent and obnoxious of the protesters. There are certainly others that are not paid protesters who genuinely despise Trump and feel it is their duty to impose their will on the rest of us. The end result is the beautiful irony of Leftist Strong arm tactics working to boost Trump's numbers.

I never said Trump and Soros were necessarily coordinating this behind the scenes, although I don't think it's implausible. After all, if Soros can get Trump in as the Republican nominee, then no matter which party wins the election, he's got a liberal landscape stretching out for the next four years.

I don't doubt for a second many of the protesters, if not all, are true believers utterly ignorant of Trump's manipulation of them and glee at having them do what they're doing. See the phrase: useful idiots.

The end result is the ugly irony of the nouveaux-right licking their chops at getting over on the Left, while never seeing that they're being played, too.
If it was a threat by Trump he did not say it right.

If Trump was making a threat he should have said;

You will have riots, not I think you have riots.
You will have problems like you have never seen before, not I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before.
You will see bad things happen, not I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.
The word you will invokes the marching orders (a threat)- not by using the word, I think you would (which is an opinion).

You mistake "say it right" for "say it explicitly". He said it EXACTLY right, if his goal was to make a threat while providing cover for his worshipers to issue outraged protestations of faux innocence on his behalf.

And look! It worked.
-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

You are the one lacking in understanding and comprehension. You don't see the forest for the trees. It is suggestion and manipulation on his part. He is playing you folks like a fiddle.

You might want to take a look at both parties because they are both playing the American Citizens like a fiddle and the Democrats are masters at it.

We always knew the left played their followers like fiddles, and even that they deliberately dumbed as many people down as they possibly could to facilitate that.

Now we have a candidate from the same playbook, and the geniuses salivating over him are actually HAPPY that he's doing it, oddly enough while remaining oblivious to the fact that he's doing it to THEM, as well.
If it was a threat by Trump he did not say it right.

If Trump was making a threat he should have said;

You will have riots, not I think you have riots.
You will have problems like you have never seen before, not I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before.
You will see bad things happen, not I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.
The word you will invokes the marching orders (a threat)- not by using the word, I think you would (which is an opinion).

You mistake "say it right" for "say it explicitly". He said it EXACTLY right, if his goal was to make a threat while providing cover for his worshipers to issue outraged protestations of faux innocence on his behalf.

And look! It worked.

Everything was going well until the left came in and started shouting so that no one was able to listen to him.
You don't see any of that from the right doing it to Sanders rallies, even though the right thinks he hates American Freedom.
Sanders is the one who started preaching a revolution.
Show me where Trump threatened riots.

“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN. “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.

You can play all the semantic games you like and try to label it something else, but it still amounts to a threat. Or, in this case, marching orders.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

Yes, because that's the ONLY thing in the world that constitutes a threat. :eusa_hand:

Or is it just that Trumpettes are too frigging stupid to recognize anything more subtle than a brick upside the head? Yeah, that's probably it.
Trump could say "BOO" and morons like you would consider it a threat.
If it was a threat by Trump he did not say it right.

If Trump was making a threat he should have said;

You will have riots, not I think you have riots.
You will have problems like you have never seen before, not I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before.
You will see bad things happen, not I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.
The word you will invokes the marching orders (a threat)- not by using the word, I think you would (which is an opinion).

You mistake "say it right" for "say it explicitly". He said it EXACTLY right, if his goal was to make a threat while providing cover for his worshipers to issue outraged protestations of faux innocence on his behalf.

And look! It worked.

Everything was going well until the left came in and started shouting so that no one was able to listen to him.
You don't see any of that from the right doing it to Sanders rallies, even though the right thinks he hates American Freedom.
Sanders is the one who started preaching a revolution.

Blah blah blah "It's all someone else's fault! Trump is utterly blameless in EVERYTHING, it's ALWAYS someone else!"

You're right about one thing: you don't see this at anyone else's rallies. Remarkably, no one else has publicly advocated it, either. Could there possibly be a connection? Oh, hell no, because that would mean that Narcissus-on-Fifth-Avenue isn't perfect.

I noticed in another thread that you seem inclined to blame Cruz for the ad featuring a naked Melania Trump, even though it was created and run by an unaffiliated anti-Trump PAC. Can you say, "double standard"? If Cruz is responsible for the actions of every person in the country who uses his name as "someone, anyone, other than Trump!", why is Trump not responsible for people at his rallies cheering for him?
“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN. “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.

You can play all the semantic games you like and try to label it something else, but it still amounts to a threat. Or, in this case, marching orders.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

Yes, because that's the ONLY thing in the world that constitutes a threat. :eusa_hand:

Or is it just that Trumpettes are too frigging stupid to recognize anything more subtle than a brick upside the head? Yeah, that's probably it.
Trump could say "BOO" and morons like you would consider it a threat.

And as Trump himself noted, he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and you evil dribbling minions would start making excuses for why it was the other guy's fault.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

Yes, because that's the ONLY thing in the world that constitutes a threat. :eusa_hand:

Or is it just that Trumpettes are too frigging stupid to recognize anything more subtle than a brick upside the head? Yeah, that's probably it.
Trump could say "BOO" and morons like you would consider it a threat.

And as Trump himself noted, he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and you evil dribbling minions would start making excuses for why it was the other guy's fault.
BOO! Now go change your pants. :lol:
-- that guy's running for POTUS is he?
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

"If I don't get what I want... I think there will be riots"
"If you don't do what I say, there will be hell to pay"
"Nice house you have there .... it would be a shame if something were to.. you know, happen to it"

These are not "opinions"; those are threats disguised as technical opinions. At the least, wishful thinking when they're uttered by the entity who's in control of whether those things happen or not.

Same as --
"they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!"
--- is demonstrably NOT an opinion of concern on the welfare of the Ricketts family.

Who's the "idiot" now?

And by the way, true to his thinskinned petty petulance, Rump is now threatening to run attack ads against the Chicago Cubs.

Get that? The whining child wants to run ads against a baseball team. That's how meltdown-fragile that growth-stunted ego is.

What the hell does it take to pull away from the Kool Aid and smell what's going on?

Trump never said any of those things, that's the spins & twists, not what he actually said.

Why is it that Trump's, twitter is not an actual twitter quote like the reporters is?
Pssst - an actual twitter account quote has the little blue bird at the top like hers and says follow.
Having just the one link about that reporters twitter with trump seems to be about a conversation right in the middle of something else going on so I don't see how anyone can judge about the baseball team unless a person has been following this in sports.

The first was a paraphrase; the next two lines were examples to illustrate the point.

But the line "they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!" is absolutely Rump's words. And it refers to the Chicago Cubs owners. That was still-yet-more tweet whining from the thinskinned Boss of Butthurt. As another baseball guy said, "you could look it up".
Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

Yes, because that's the ONLY thing in the world that constitutes a threat. :eusa_hand:

Or is it just that Trumpettes are too frigging stupid to recognize anything more subtle than a brick upside the head? Yeah, that's probably it.
Trump could say "BOO" and morons like you would consider it a threat.

And as Trump himself noted, he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and you evil dribbling minions would start making excuses for why it was the other guy's fault.
BOO! Now go change your pants. :lol:

You have Trump dribbling down your chin. Go wash your face.
Does it matter?
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

"If I don't get what I want... I think there will be riots"
"If you don't do what I say, there will be hell to pay"
"Nice house you have there .... it would be a shame if something were to.. you know, happen to it"

These are not "opinions"; those are threats disguised as technical opinions. At the least, wishful thinking when they're uttered by the entity who's in control of whether those things happen or not.

Same as --
"they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!"
--- is demonstrably NOT an opinion of concern on the welfare of the Ricketts family.

Who's the "idiot" now?

And by the way, true to his thinskinned petty petulance, Rump is now threatening to run attack ads against the Chicago Cubs.

Get that? The whining child wants to run ads against a baseball team. That's how meltdown-fragile that growth-stunted ego is.

What the hell does it take to pull away from the Kool Aid and smell what's going on?

Trump never said any of those things, that's the spins & twists, not what he actually said.

Why is it that Trump's, twitter is not an actual twitter quote like the reporters is?
Pssst - an actual twitter account quote has the little blue bird at the top like hers and says follow.
Having just the one link about that reporters twitter with trump seems to be about a conversation right in the middle of something else going on so I don't see how anyone can judge about the baseball team unless a person has been following this in sports.

The first was a paraphrase; the next two lines were examples to illustrate the point.

But the line "they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!" is absolutely Rump's words. And it refers to the Chicago Cubs owners. That was still-yet-more tweet whining from the thinskinned Boss of Butthurt. As another baseball guy said, "you could look it up".

I hate that I'm agreeing with you.
Yes, it most certainly does.
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

"If I don't get what I want... I think there will be riots"
"If you don't do what I say, there will be hell to pay"
"Nice house you have there .... it would be a shame if something were to.. you know, happen to it"

These are not "opinions"; those are threats disguised as technical opinions. At the least, wishful thinking when they're uttered by the entity who's in control of whether those things happen or not.

Same as --
"they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!"
--- is demonstrably NOT an opinion of concern on the welfare of the Ricketts family.

Who's the "idiot" now?

And by the way, true to his thinskinned petty petulance, Rump is now threatening to run attack ads against the Chicago Cubs.

Get that? The whining child wants to run ads against a baseball team. That's how meltdown-fragile that growth-stunted ego is.

What the hell does it take to pull away from the Kool Aid and smell what's going on?

Trump never said any of those things, that's the spins & twists, not what he actually said.

Why is it that Trump's, twitter is not an actual twitter quote like the reporters is?
Pssst - an actual twitter account quote has the little blue bird at the top like hers and says follow.
Having just the one link about that reporters twitter with trump seems to be about a conversation right in the middle of something else going on so I don't see how anyone can judge about the baseball team unless a person has been following this in sports.

The first was a paraphrase; the next two lines were examples to illustrate the point.

But the line "they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!" is absolutely Rump's words. And it refers to the Chicago Cubs owners. That was still-yet-more tweet whining from the thinskinned Boss of Butthurt. As another baseball guy said, "you could look it up".

I hate that I'm agreeing with you.

I know, right? It feels icky. :lol:

But when you're right, you're right, and in this case you're spot on, and I won't hesitate to give credit where due.
You were a worthy adversary and you're a worthier ally, so .... keep 'em coming. :thup:
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

"If I don't get what I want... I think there will be riots"
"If you don't do what I say, there will be hell to pay"
"Nice house you have there .... it would be a shame if something were to.. you know, happen to it"

These are not "opinions"; those are threats disguised as technical opinions. At the least, wishful thinking when they're uttered by the entity who's in control of whether those things happen or not.

Same as --
"they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!"
--- is demonstrably NOT an opinion of concern on the welfare of the Ricketts family.

Who's the "idiot" now?

And by the way, true to his thinskinned petty petulance, Rump is now threatening to run attack ads against the Chicago Cubs.

Get that? The whining child wants to run ads against a baseball team. That's how meltdown-fragile that growth-stunted ego is.

What the hell does it take to pull away from the Kool Aid and smell what's going on?

Trump never said any of those things, that's the spins & twists, not what he actually said.

Why is it that Trump's, twitter is not an actual twitter quote like the reporters is?
Pssst - an actual twitter account quote has the little blue bird at the top like hers and says follow.
Having just the one link about that reporters twitter with trump seems to be about a conversation right in the middle of something else going on so I don't see how anyone can judge about the baseball team unless a person has been following this in sports.

The first was a paraphrase; the next two lines were examples to illustrate the point.

But the line "they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!" is absolutely Rump's words. And it refers to the Chicago Cubs owners. That was still-yet-more tweet whining from the thinskinned Boss of Butthurt. As another baseball guy said, "you could look it up".

I hate that I'm agreeing with you.

I know, right? It feels icky. :lol:

But when you're right, you're right, and in this case you're spot on, and I won't hesitate to give credit where due.
You were a worthy adversary and you're a worthier ally, so .... keep 'em coming. :thup:

Life was simpler when I could just hate liberals and think they were dumb. But when you're invaded by criminally insane zombies, I guess you take whatever allies are still human.

As to this whole "It wasn't a threat because it wasn't blatant and coated in neon" argument . . .

If one of Trump's mobster friends says, "I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse", have you been threatened?
No, it doesn't mean shit. I pointed out the difference between an opinion and a threat. Trump gave an opinion. You idiots are calling it a threat out of desperation. You are idiots.

"If I don't get what I want... I think there will be riots"
"If you don't do what I say, there will be hell to pay"
"Nice house you have there .... it would be a shame if something were to.. you know, happen to it"

These are not "opinions"; those are threats disguised as technical opinions. At the least, wishful thinking when they're uttered by the entity who's in control of whether those things happen or not.

Same as --
"they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!"
--- is demonstrably NOT an opinion of concern on the welfare of the Ricketts family.

Who's the "idiot" now?

And by the way, true to his thinskinned petty petulance, Rump is now threatening to run attack ads against the Chicago Cubs.

Get that? The whining child wants to run ads against a baseball team. That's how meltdown-fragile that growth-stunted ego is.

What the hell does it take to pull away from the Kool Aid and smell what's going on?

Trump never said any of those things, that's the spins & twists, not what he actually said.

Why is it that Trump's, twitter is not an actual twitter quote like the reporters is?
Pssst - an actual twitter account quote has the little blue bird at the top like hers and says follow.
Having just the one link about that reporters twitter with trump seems to be about a conversation right in the middle of something else going on so I don't see how anyone can judge about the baseball team unless a person has been following this in sports.

The first was a paraphrase; the next two lines were examples to illustrate the point.

But the line "they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!" is absolutely Rump's words. And it refers to the Chicago Cubs owners. That was still-yet-more tweet whining from the thinskinned Boss of Butthurt. As another baseball guy said, "you could look it up".

I hate that I'm agreeing with you.

I know, right? It feels icky. :lol:

But when you're right, you're right, and in this case you're spot on, and I won't hesitate to give credit where due.
You were a worthy adversary and you're a worthier ally, so .... keep 'em coming. :thup:

That's how awful he is; he becomes a common 'enemy' (so to speak) among those who usually don't see eye to eye. At the same time, he is a recruitment tool for people like ISIS, a focus for them which will cause more terrorism and violence against innocent people.
Show me where Trump threatened riots.

“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN. “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued.

You can play all the semantic games you like and try to label it something else, but it still amounts to a threat. Or, in this case, marching orders.
More desperation. No matter how much you would like it to be something more, it's an opinion, not a threat. Back to the drawing board.

Like I said, "semantic games". Sounds like the REAL desperation is from the Trumpettes. And kissing Donny's ass the way you do, you SHOULD be desperate.
No, stupid, THIS is what a threat looks like.
“Dear White People if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.”
IT'S ON! Black Lives Matter Leader Issues a Violent Threat to White People if Trump Wins ⋆ Dc Gazette

Yes, because that's the ONLY thing in the world that constitutes a threat. :eusa_hand:

Or is it just that Trumpettes are too frigging stupid to recognize anything more subtle than a brick upside the head? Yeah, that's probably it.
"If I don't get what I want... I think there will be riots"
"If you don't do what I say, there will be hell to pay"
"Nice house you have there .... it would be a shame if something were to.. you know, happen to it"

These are not "opinions"; those are threats disguised as technical opinions. At the least, wishful thinking when they're uttered by the entity who's in control of whether those things happen or not.

Same as --
"they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!"
--- is demonstrably NOT an opinion of concern on the welfare of the Ricketts family.

Who's the "idiot" now?

And by the way, true to his thinskinned petty petulance, Rump is now threatening to run attack ads against the Chicago Cubs.

Get that? The whining child wants to run ads against a baseball team. That's how meltdown-fragile that growth-stunted ego is.

What the hell does it take to pull away from the Kool Aid and smell what's going on?

Trump never said any of those things, that's the spins & twists, not what he actually said.

Why is it that Trump's, twitter is not an actual twitter quote like the reporters is?
Pssst - an actual twitter account quote has the little blue bird at the top like hers and says follow.
Having just the one link about that reporters twitter with trump seems to be about a conversation right in the middle of something else going on so I don't see how anyone can judge about the baseball team unless a person has been following this in sports.

The first was a paraphrase; the next two lines were examples to illustrate the point.

But the line "they better be careful -- they have a lot to hide!" is absolutely Rump's words. And it refers to the Chicago Cubs owners. That was still-yet-more tweet whining from the thinskinned Boss of Butthurt. As another baseball guy said, "you could look it up".

I hate that I'm agreeing with you.

I know, right? It feels icky. :lol:

But when you're right, you're right, and in this case you're spot on, and I won't hesitate to give credit where due.
You were a worthy adversary and you're a worthier ally, so .... keep 'em coming. :thup:

That's how awful he is; he becomes a common 'enemy' (so to speak) among those who usually don't see eye to eye. At the same time, he is a recruitment tool for people like ISIS, a focus for them which will cause more terrorism and violence against innocent people.

As noted yesterday --- Donald Rump is so disgusting, even Fox Noise and Glenn Beck can see it. :rofl:

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