CDZ My thoughts on child/adult sex

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Active Member
Jun 13, 2015
I know a lot of people on here will probably be mad at me for having these opinions but i would just like for everyone to hear me out as everyone deserves to have their voice heard in my personal opinion i just don't see sex between children and adults as a terrible thing now i just want to make it clear that i'm not advocating for molesting kids here as that is bad no argument there however i feel if kids are taught about sex from an early age instead of during adolescence they would have the knowledge and know what they are getting into and they would be able to consent to not only sex but people could possibly have relationships with them as well well these are just my thoughts what do you guys think??.
A child is unable to consent to sex for a reason. Their brain development and ability to reason are not the same as adults. It's.all to easy for an adult to manipulate a young person for these and other reasons. Whether or not they have been informed about sex early on is of no consequence in this matter.
I believe all child predators should be tasked in both eyeballs, then de-balled with a rusty pair of. Scissors. After that, they need to be roasted till crunchy
A child is unable to consent to sex for a reason. Their brain development and ability to reason are not the same as adults. It's.all to easy for an adult to manipulate a young person for these and other reasons. Whether or not they have been informed about sex early on is of no consequence in this matter.
I believe all child predators should be tasked in both eyeballs, then de-balled with a rusty pair of. Scissors. After that, they need to be roasted till crunchy

I have heard all of this before and actually if you think about it sex really in reality is not that complicated to understand though plus children like having fun and doing fun activities right?? well isn't that what sex is?.
Sex is fun for adults, not children.
And if you've 'heard all this before', you're spending too much fucking time considering it.
I just threw up in my mouth.
Go taze yourself.
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I know a lot of people on here will probably be mad at me for having these opinions but i would just like for everyone to hear me out as everyone deserves to have their voice heard in my personal opinion i just don't see sex between children and adults as a terrible thing now i just want to make it clear that i'm not advocating for molesting kids here as that is bad no argument there however i feel if kids are taught about sex from an early age instead of during adolescence they would have the knowledge and know what they are getting into and they would be able to consent to not only sex but people could possibly have relationships with them as well well these are just my thoughts what do you guys think??.

There are some things you should keep to yourself and try to work out of your system.

Either because you might encourage people to do immoral things.

Or because the powers that be will tag your IP address and start / keep watching you.

Let me help. Just consider sex between adults and children to be totally off the table. Don't fantasize about it. Don't try to think of weird situations where it would be allowable. Draw the line. Hold it firm. Resist the urge.

Good luck buddy.
I know a lot of people on here will probably be mad at me for having these opinions but i would just like for everyone to hear me out as everyone deserves to have their voice heard in my personal opinion i just don't see sex between children and adults as a terrible thing now i just want to make it clear that i'm not advocating for molesting kids here as that is bad no argument there however i feel if kids are taught about sex from an early age instead of during adolescence they would have the knowledge and know what they are getting into and they would be able to consent to not only sex but people could possibly have relationships with them as well well these are just my thoughts what do you guys think??.

There are some things you should keep to yourself and try to work out of your system.

Either because you might encourage people to do immoral things.

Or because the powers that be will tag your IP address and start / keep watching you.

Let me help. Just consider sex between adults and children to be totally off the table. Don't fantasize about it. Don't try to think of weird situations where it would be allowable. Draw the line. Hold it firm. Resist the urge.

Good luck buddy.

I get that this subject is very (quote) (Unquote) (Taboo) however the thing is if people never talk about it nothing will be discussed or done about any subject that is taboo in our modern society

I know a lot of people on here will probably be mad at me for having these opinions but i would just like for everyone to hear me out as everyone deserves to have their voice heard in my personal opinion i just don't see sex between children and adults as a terrible thing now i just want to make it clear that i'm not advocating for molesting kids here as that is bad no argument there however i feel if kids are taught about sex from an early age instead of during adolescence they would have the knowledge and know what they are getting into and they would be able to consent to not only sex but people could possibly have relationships with them as well well these are just my thoughts what do you guys think??.

Illegal, immoral and thirty years in jail!!

I know a lot of people on here will probably be mad at me for having these opinions but i would just like for everyone to hear me out as everyone deserves to have their voice heard in my personal opinion i just don't see sex between children and adults as a terrible thing now i just want to make it clear that i'm not advocating for molesting kids here as that is bad no argument there however i feel if kids are taught about sex from an early age instead of during adolescence they would have the knowledge and know what they are getting into and they would be able to consent to not only sex but people could possibly have relationships with them as well well these are just my thoughts what do you guys think??.

I think you're trying to normalize illegal sex between a child who is incapable of making an informed decision. What you advocate is a violation of law here in the USA and will get a violator sentenced for decades of their lives. What you are describing is the first step that pedophiles use to desensitize children and it screws them up for the rest of their lives in some cases.
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