My Thoughts on the Paul Pelosi Shenanigans

There are pictures of the door, clearly showing broken glass on the outside.

I also have a picture of Paul and DePape both in their jockey underwear in a gay embrace holding hammers with Paul with full erection and a shocked deer-in-headlights look on his face as the police walked in on them! First publisher to offer me 2 million gets it! :smoke:

I also understand that Nancy is filing for divorce and moving in with Hillary now. :eusa_whistle:

Statement. Statement.
What the fuck? You a parrot? :auiqs.jpg:
Wanna cracker?

You consume your own bodily excrements, don't you? I mean, you'll swallow just about anything else....:laughing0301:
It was Pelosi that opened the door! Then calmly returned to DePape. Show the body cam and surveillance tapes. This is looking worse and worse.
I also have a picture of Paul and DePape both in their jockey underwear in a gay embrace holding hammers with Paul with full erection and a shocked deer-in-headlights look on his face as the police walked in on them! First publisher to offer me 2 million gets it! :smoke:

I also understand that Nancy is filing for divorce and moving in with Hillary now. :eusa_whistle:
Yes and tonight is "Who has the highest eyebrows Contest".
What the fuck? You a parrot?
🦜 Just call me Polly.

Wanna cracker?
Very racist of you.

You consume your own bodily excrements, don't you?
Why, you were hoping I could save them up for you? I realize these are difficult times, Jack, the elections, J6 failing, MarALago raid dead, Trump surging, MAGA winning, Biden stumbling, Harris sucking, America revolting, Europe switching back to coal, Musk buying up your idols, Disney screwed, Nancy losing her job and humiliated, just don't get too depressed and do anything you'd regret.
What became of the unknown person that the police said answered the door and let them in?
As if you needed more evidence Trumplings are as much pieces of trash as their orange faced cult leader, here it is.
Uh, we have no cult leader, we are not the cult.
Calling people who want law, order, low crime, small government, secure borders and autonomous opportunity as has been the promise of America for the past ten generations a "cult" is just a way of dismissing a group of people whom you otherwise cannot intelligently engage against.

People flock to Trump's ideals much like all of Europe flocked toward freedom and security during the invasions of Nazi Germany.

Lefties hate "Trumpism" because they simply have no counterpart to likewise engage the passion of people. Democrats offer nothing to people but empty promises to isolated groups of minorities at the fringe of society left over after all the normal people have chosen life and liberty.

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