What you are doing is taking literally a propaganda poster which takes facts and puts them in a biased and misleading context in order to promote a political point of view against Mr. and Mrs. Obama. It's childish and foolish that anyone would believe such nonsense.

Hello, Esmeralda. unlike you or most ppl reading this thread, I spent twelve years of my life witnessing SELFISH, immature, apathetic black American girls and women experiencing some type of emotional or mental illness preventing them from embracing a mom's natural maternal urge to protect hers, as well as any child from experiencing emotional harm...

...as well as failing to recognize that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets, will most likely result with a fairly or wonderfully happy child maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and adult citizen caring about their own well being, (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) as well as embracing compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful and less fortunate neighbors.

I spent twelve years of my life, on a daily basis. speaking with, interviewing or interrogating fellow American citizens, many, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, were physically or emotionally harmed (or worse) by a significant population of mostly "living wild" black or American teen boys and men of African descent who were raised and nurtured by the girls and women OBAMA urban-TRUTH-teller friends and WH guests HATEFULLY denigrate as less then human bitches and hoes.

Esmerald, let me help EDUCATE you about the real world where, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, large numbers of black or American children and teens are being deprived from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood all American have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to experience during a critical period of human development.

Apparently, UNLIKE YOU Esmeralda, I actually listen to our fellow citizen's sharing their thoughts, concerns, opinions and FEARS:

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men"

"Dr Oya Maat Tommy Sotomayor CHILD ABUSE"

"#FATHERLESS American Men Discuss SYSTEMIC Black Child Abuse"

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community

"Emotional Woman Wants Her 'TRIFLING SAVAGE' Black Sisters Destroyed!" ~Chyna Fox

NSFW video filled with genuine human emotion and PAIN.

The UGLY truth about Chicago. They're going to flag this video so watch while you can!

How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost Killed Me" ~Polaris Law

"How black Women sabotage their sons," ~Polaris Law

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost Killed Me" • r/mentalhealth

If you watch both Polaris Law video broadcasts and do not want to offer him a hug or hand shake, accompanied by kind words praising, as well as thanking Polaris for showing his strength and imparting his hard earned wisdom, you may need to take a long look in the mirror.

Esmeralda, if listening to these folks does not help clear up some of your ignorance, let me know, I have listened to and collected many hours of apparent caring, reasonably responsible American citizens sharing on video, their PAIN and FEARS, as wll as anger and disappoint with large numbers of girls and women who OBAMA friends and WH guests HATEFULLY degrade as less them human bitches and hoes.

As for me being politically motivated, I challenge you to find any politics in my writings.

Esmeralda, if you decide to reply, plz share your theory why for MORE THAN 30 YEARS, large numbers of black American music makers have been composing music HATING black or African American girls and women?

Respectfully, if you do not offer a cogent theory, I will no longer waste my time on you or try to help EDUCATE you.

One last point, Esmerelda. have you ever considered how VIOLENCE riddled, HATEFUL music affects young Americans?

When, Why Did American Moms Become Less Than Human Creatures?


I think you have serious mental issues.

The sad fact about you is that you don't realize this is propaganda.

Why do you say it's propaganda? You want to shelter women from abuse and out the misogynists? Or only misogynists that are not in one of your protected classes? You don't think there's a pile of Black American women SUFFERING from the popular thug culture? There are. I guarantee it. And it does more to destroy to destroy Black lives than you think...
Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.

What you are doing is taking literally a propaganda poster which takes facts and puts them in a biased and misleading context in order to promote a political point of view against Mr. and Mrs. Obama. It's childish and foolish that anyone would believe such nonsense.

You must be a fan of misogyny and woman-hating to think that expressing a revulsion to popular culture depictions of women as chattle is propaganda. Why would a President of the USA CONDONE and WELCOME 'their art" to the White House just to impress and entertain his daughters??

You gonna discuss and answer the questions here -- or just ----- :soapbox: :yapyapyapf: --- heckle??
However, sadly, imo, he is pussified, allowing America's illogical thinking, hateful, slow-to-evolve "Pro-Black Community", as well as his illogical thinking, star-struck "GIRL POWER" wife to walk all over him.

Seems like he was just proving his "blackness" to the detriment of his daughters and women in general. There's a LOT of "group think" to overcome. Especially in the black community. With your interests -- I'm sure you've experienced the push back.

But in GENERAL --- you're very right. And you're on the High Side of this moral issue. The only way they will attack you is by criticizing you for targeting Barack and Michelle. There's plenty of other "guilty parties" that actively praise and support this mess.

We're supposed to be in love with "art" and artists. We should tolerate their right to perform. But that doesn't mean we condone that performance. And we darn sure should idolize leaders and politicians that condone their "art"..
Obama promotes everything that's harmful to this country, always has.

Like higher pay for working Americans.
Except blacks, who couldn't find jobs until Trump became President.

Unemployment for blacks was 12.7% when Obama took office, 7.8% when he left.

The issue is PAY. The American worker is grossly underpaid.
I see you're a one issue poster.

Being underpaid IS the number one issue affecting the vast majority of middle class and the economy.
Obama promotes everything that's harmful to this country, always has.

Like higher pay for working Americans.
Except blacks, who couldn't find jobs until Trump became President.

Unemployment for blacks was 12.7% when Obama took office, 7.8% when he left.

The issue is PAY. The American worker is grossly underpaid.
I see you're a one issue poster.

Being underpaid IS the number one issue affecting the vast majority of middle class and the economy.
No it isn't. Some people may be underpaid but aren't worth minimum wage.
Why is this in the writing forum?

Because it's member contributed reporting and analysis?? Could be..

Personally, I wish we had more people putting this level of effort in on these boards. Plenty of things that can be discussed about questionable pop art and culture that impacts various communities.
Why is this in the writing forum?

Because it's member contributed reporting and analysis?? Could be..

Personally, I wish we had more people putting this level of effort in on these boards. Plenty of things that can be discussed about questionable pop art and culture that impacts various communities.
Clearly, My understanding of a writing forum differs from others.
Oh, and I would love to contribute, but writing is hard enough without a lot of the ridicule that happens. I usually come here to enjoy the writing, free of politics would be My preference.
Oh, and I would love to contribute, but writing is hard enough without a lot of the ridicule that happens. I usually come here to enjoy the writing, free of politics would be My preference.

Seems to me that social commentary and tales from affected members of a community are pretty valuable. Isn't that what NPR thrives on? And they think they are artsy and avant garde.. :poke:
Oh, and I would love to contribute, but writing is hard enough without a lot of the ridicule that happens. I usually come here to enjoy the writing, free of politics would be My preference.

Be brave. :19: It's a tough audience. But they're also not paying a cover charge..
Seems like he was just proving his "blackness" to the detriment of his daughters and women in general. There's a LOT of "group think" to overcome. Especially in the black community. With your interests -- I'm sure you've experienced the push back.

Hello, flacaltenn. Sorry, I meant to reply to your comments earlier though I became distracted and forgot.

Yes, I do receive some 'push back', though 100% of my apparent ignorance or HATE embracing critics are quickly silenced when I ask the following TWO questions:

"Do YOU have a theory explaining why for more than thirty years significant numbers of American urban story-TRUTH-tellers, including at least THIRTEEN (13) American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and recording artists President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. Michelle "Girl Power" Obama invited to their children's and Nation's home...

...compose VIOLENCE riddled, female demeaning American music art HATEFULLY informing people residing all around our beautiful tiny blue orb, that black or American girls, women and MOTHERS of African descent should be viewed as less than human *itches, *hores, 'hoes' or "THOTS" unworthy of being treated with basic human respect. (TH0T = "That H0E Over There")."


My second silence inducing question:

"IN ALL SERIOUSNESS who is raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns, maturing into apparent emotionally ill, VIOLENT, SUIC!DAL, HOMIC!DAL teen and adult "gang-bangers and thugs" the late social activist Ms. Sandra Bland correctly asserts are causing community FEAR, TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent?

(*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)"


We're supposed to be in love with "art" and artists. We should tolerate their right to perform. But that doesn't mean we condone that performance. And we darn sure should idolize leaders and politicians that condone their "art"..

Frankly flacaltenn, my concerns are focused on the VIOLENT, SUICIDAL, HOMICIDAL people and community harming behaviors that large numbers of apparent depressed, frustrated, angry black or American music recording artists of African descent vividly describe in their music.

People and community harming, anti-social behaviors I personally witnessed, or was informed about by traumatized crime victims during the TWELVE years I provided uniform and investigative police services to young 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn Carter's and the late Biggie Smalls' Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods.


flacaltenn, your sensible, unbiased support is greatly appreciated. :)

Seems like he was just proving his "blackness" to the detriment of his daughters and women in general. There's a LOT of "group think" to overcome. Especially in the black community. With your interests -- I'm sure you've experienced the push back.

Hello, flacaltenn. Sorry, I meant to reply to your comments earlier though I became distracted and forgot.

Yes, I do receive some 'push back', though 100% of my apparent ignorance or HATE embracing critics are quickly silenced when I ask the following TWO questions:

"Do YOU have a theory explaining why for more than thirty years significant numbers of American urban story-TRUTH-tellers, including at least THIRTEEN (13) American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and recording artists President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. Michelle "Girl Power" Obama invited to their children's and Nation's home...

...compose VIOLENCE riddled, female demeaning American music art HATEFULLY informing people residing all around our beautiful tiny blue orb, that black or American girls, women and MOTHERS of African descent should be viewed as less than human *itches, *hores, 'hoes' or "THOTS" unworthy of being treated with basic human respect. (TH0T = "That H0E Over There")."


My second silence inducing question:

"IN ALL SERIOUSNESS who is raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns, maturing into apparent emotionally ill, VIOLENT, SUIC!DAL, HOMIC!DAL teen and adult "gang-bangers and thugs" the late social activist Ms. Sandra Bland correctly asserts are causing community FEAR, TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent?

(*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)"


We're supposed to be in love with "art" and artists. We should tolerate their right to perform. But that doesn't mean we condone that performance. And we darn sure should idolize leaders and politicians that condone their "art"..

Frankly flacaltenn, my concerns are focused on the VIOLENT, SUICIDAL, HOMICIDAL people and community harming behaviors that large numbers of apparent depressed, frustrated, angry black or American music recording artists of African descent vividly describe in their music.

People and community harming, anti-social behaviors I personally witnessed, or was informed about by traumatized crime victims during the TWELVE years I provided uniform and investigative police services to young 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn Carter's and the late Biggie Smalls' Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods.


flacaltenn, your sensible, unbiased support is greatly appreciated. :)


I remember at one time, this abusive art was blamed on corporations and music empires that marketed it. At that point -- right-thinking liberals were against the promotion of this toxic art. But as the "industry" started to become structured under the deviant artists themselves -- all the joy of attacking "big business" left the field. And I suppose it was hard for anyone to criticize these "moguls of thuggery" even when they started to kill other.

I'm NOT a fan of prohibiting art or content. But I applaud your efforts to spotlight the damage inflicted. Even when people TOLERATE the actions of others, it doesn't mean that they CONDONE those actions. That's what freedom and liberty are all about.

Regardless, most Americans have a love affair with OTHER Black artists and musicians now. This "sub-culture" is not what identifies Black expression to most Americans. And a lot of artist lives are tragic stories. Jimmy Hendricks was not much different from Janice Joplin or Chris Cobain. And there are abusive "threads" of similar anti-social messaging that are (were) present in White Punk or Heavy Metal.

Adolescents love to identify with deviant messaging. Until they are old enough to understand the consequences of promoting "people and community harming" to those who don't have the benefit of mentor ship and role models.
Regardless, most Americans have a love affair with OTHER Black artists and musicians now. This "sub-culture" is not what identifies Black expression to most Americans. And a lot of artist lives are tragic stories. Jimmy Hendricks was not much different from Janice Joplin or Chris Cobain. And there are abusive "threads" of similar anti-social messaging that are (were) present in White Punk or Heavy Metal.

Hello, flacaltenn. According to info gleaned from Wiki, Cobain and Hendrix, during a critical period of human/childhood development, experienced a potentially life scarring medical disease known as 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs).

Recently, 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey learned about and shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS. Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

"Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

There is another way to look at this. Popular music has been reflecting the culture, good and bad, for a long time. Should it be banned for speaking about the bad? I don't know. I remember when Boston radio stations banned the Beatles. And Louie Louie. It didn't set back the teenagers much, but it made the adults feel better, I guess.

Yeah, and remember the Dixie Chicks. Chicks rock!
Oh, and I would love to contribute, but writing is hard enough without a lot of the ridicule that happens. I usually come here to enjoy the writing, free of politics would be My preference.

Seems to me that social commentary and tales from affected members of a community are pretty valuable. Isn't that what NPR thrives on? And they think they are artsy and avant garde.. :poke:
On a website that has dozens of forums for political commentary, a few that dealt with just plain storytelling would have been nice.

As I said, I have a differing idea of what a writing forum should be about.

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