My White Privilege Analyzed

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Am I REALLY privileged as a white male? Well, to start out with, please allow me to quote the late, great Peter Steele:

“Been doing some thinking, I have an answer
To arrest the spreading cancer
Send you back to where you're from
Get the fuck rid of you subhuman scum

If you don't pay taxes you shouldn't vote
So get in line and get on the boat
I'd love to tear down all those projects
Kiss my ass, home relief reject”

Der Untermenshe
– Slow, Deep, and Hard

Ah! More beautiful words have never been uttered by human lips! But let me get back on point here.

I look around and think, “Hmmm… am I priviledged? Let’s see. I went to shitty public school here in the deep, deep south. I then went to college, followed by grad school, obtaining degrees in both. Nobody helped me get into those schools, nor did they do the work from me while I was there. Plus, I had to work when I was in college in order to pay my rent because I went to school out of town.

Now, a dummy may say, “Now, looky here, honky. If’n you were black, then you would not be getting into them there fancy smancy colleges and universities!! You only got there cuz you’d duh white Devil!!”

First off, you do not know if I would have not gotten into college if I was not white. I DO know that back when I went to school there were plenty of admission spots set aside for minorities, as well as grants, scholarships, and financial boosts to pay for a black person’s school. Maybe others are just not smart enough to get into college?

The dummy replies, “Well, now, looky here! That there SAT tests is racist cuz it disproportionately scores duhh minorities under the whiteys. It am ‘sTruCturAllY raSist!” and “You damn whiteys don’t gives us enough money to properly edumacate am Chilluns so dat they be ready fer such rAsist testimonies!!”

My response is this: Give me a fucking break!! Go take an SAT course, you fucking moron!!! You have got every advantage in the world in the USA in seeking college admission. Plus, enough blacks go to college and excel in it for you to be trying to pimp this stupid argument about racism. The same goes for both public and private sector employment.

Moreover, how am I “privileged”? I think the term exists to denote disparity in similarly situated people. Note that all of this is based upon the focus on the collective over the individual. As such, it is a collectivist (i.e., Marxist) theory/narrative. “Privilege” also weirdly seems to imply that you should feel shame for your accomplishments if you are white. I find this to be extremely odd.

Did my white upbringing privilege me over blacks? Well hell, it must have, right? My parents raised me to have independence and self-respect. Thus, with the assumption of privilege, it must be the case that black parents do not raise their kids to be independent and have self-respect.

My parents also raised me to respect others, be a moral person, and seek to prosper. If this brings me privilege, then most assuredly it must be the case that black parents DO NOT teach their children to respect others. They do not teach their children to be moral. They do not teach their kids to seek prosperity.

It seems to me that if this privilege thing is real, then blacks would be well-advised to emulate white folks. That’s a no-brainer, right?

Well, apparently not. Instead of emulating lives in order to get the same thing whites get, blacks want the same things without having to do any of that; you know, they don’t want to have to do all the same hard word you did to get somewhere in life. I got news for you, Tyrone: Sitting on your ass and smoking weed is going to get you nowhere in life, fast!

The thing is that, in addition to “privilege” being a false Marxist narrative being used by leftists to once again fool blacks with, it is strictly from the point of view of the blacks. It is an expression of envy on some level. They claim that “We am do same mafuckin thing as da white man but still cain’t git no where!” Well, I find such a claim to be totally false and patently absurd. If you work hard at building something with monetary value (even your own labor), then you will get somewhere. You are only limited by your mind. Far too many blacks are successful today for this bullshit to still be relevant. You know, “da Unkle Toms and such”.

Essentially, the privilege narrative is divisive and the antithesis to anything uplifting for blacks. It is entirely negative, and false. It is objectively false.

Why shouldn’t blacks emulate whites if we are the privileged ones? Because that affects your identity? Well, good, because your identity has not been working very well for you over the past 60 years since desegregation. No whitey gets anything for nothing, save for the nominal number of trust fund kids out there, which are statistically insignificant.

If we adapt out society for the 13% who are black, we get shitty results. The victims here are black people. They deserve the same education as everyone else with the same sink or swim risks. Preferences and set-aside policies dumb it down for the black man, which do blacks an extreme disservice.

Hell, I will even one up you on this: I will GIVE YOU the privilege argument as true and reparate you to the extent necessary, PROVIDED you – black people – take responsibility for YOUR PART in your present station in life. YOU murder, rob, and rape each other. YOU lack the social values of education, morality, and civility. YOU suck at keeping your families together. Etc…Etc…Etc…

Worst of all, you keep falling for leftist lies. The left USES you. It manipulates you for political purposes. It does so by stripping you of your individual identities and reducing your humanity to mere skin color. It matters not who you are or what you feel inside. Your importance is solely that you have dark skin. This is the Democrat plantation, and you are stuck on it. Your job is to escape from it and evolve from there, on your own. Nobody gives a damn that you are black anymore … except for Dem/leftists, and then only to the extent they can manipulate you for their gain.

American blacks are fucked unless they reject the leftist ideologies and place the importance – the worth – on the individual and NOT the collective. Collectivism is dehumanizing. Blacks owe NOTHING to the Democrat party regardless of what they claim to have done for you. These Democrats today have, in fact, done ASBOLUTELY NOTHING for you. It was the liberal American Democrats, but mainly the GOP, that gave you freedom along with civil rights, liberties, and legal equality. Today’s Democrats are leftist scum who were not around back then when the policies really beneficial to you were enacted. My point being that you are not beholden to these people today.

Tl;dr: F you!
My point being that you are not beholden to these people today.
The point being, it's all true for possibly a majority of black people, but not all.
And the the point becomes the question of 'what made it true'?

I've offered the explanation of it being southern states whites (a majority) not being capable of their perceived right to keep slaves.

And then Trump enflamed that rage against blacks, back to 1960's levels, with his border wall scam.

Now America may have to burn again!
Am I REALLY privileged as a white male? Well, to start out with, please allow me to quote the late, great Peter Steele:

“Been doing some thinking, I have an answer
To arrest the spreading cancer
Send you back to where you're from
Get the fuck rid of you subhuman scum

If you don't pay taxes you shouldn't vote
So get in line and get on the boat
I'd love to tear down all those projects
Kiss my ass, home relief reject”

Der Untermenshe
– Slow, Deep, and Hard

Ah! More beautiful words have never been uttered by human lips! But let me get back on point here.

I look around and think, “Hmmm… am I priviledged? Let’s see. I went to shitty public school here in the deep, deep south. I then went to college, followed by grad school, obtaining degrees in both. Nobody helped me get into those schools, nor did they do the work from me while I was there. Plus, I had to work when I was in college in order to pay my rent because I went to school out of town.

Now, a dummy may say, “Now, looky here, honky. If’n you were black, then you would not be getting into them there fancy smancy colleges and universities!! You only got there cuz you’d duh white Devil!!”

First off, you do not know if I would have not gotten into college if I was not white. I DO know that back when I went to school there were plenty of admission spots set aside for minorities, as well as grants, scholarships, and financial boosts to pay for a black person’s school. Maybe others are just not smart enough to get into college?

The dummy replies, “Well, now, looky here! That there SAT tests is racist cuz it disproportionately scores duhh minorities under the whiteys. It am ‘sTruCturAllY raSist!” and “You damn whiteys don’t gives us enough money to properly edumacate am Chilluns so dat they be ready fer such rAsist testimonies!!”

My response is this: Give me a fucking break!! Go take an SAT course, you fucking moron!!! You have got every advantage in the world in the USA in seeking college admission. Plus, enough blacks go to college and excel in it for you to be trying to pimp this stupid argument about racism. The same goes for both public and private sector employment.

Moreover, how am I “privileged”? I think the term exists to denote disparity in similarly situated people. Note that all of this is based upon the focus on the collective over the individual. As such, it is a collectivist (i.e., Marxist) theory/narrative. “Privilege” also weirdly seems to imply that you should feel shame for your accomplishments if you are white. I find this to be extremely odd.

Did my white upbringing privilege me over blacks? Well hell, it must have, right? My parents raised me to have independence and self-respect. Thus, with the assumption of privilege, it must be the case that black parents do not raise their kids to be independent and have self-respect.

My parents also raised me to respect others, be a moral person, and seek to prosper. If this brings me privilege, then most assuredly it must be the case that black parents DO NOT teach their children to respect others. They do not teach their children to be moral. They do not teach their kids to seek prosperity.

It seems to me that if this privilege thing is real, then blacks would be well-advised to emulate white folks. That’s a no-brainer, right?

Well, apparently not. Instead of emulating lives in order to get the same thing whites get, blacks want the same things without having to do any of that; you know, they don’t want to have to do all the same hard word you did to get somewhere in life. I got news for you, Tyrone: Sitting on your ass and smoking weed is going to get you nowhere in life, fast!

The thing is that, in addition to “privilege” being a false Marxist narrative being used by leftists to once again fool blacks with, it is strictly from the point of view of the blacks. It is an expression of envy on some level. They claim that “We am do same mafuckin thing as da white man but still cain’t git no where!” Well, I find such a claim to be totally false and patently absurd. If you work hard at building something with monetary value (even your own labor), then you will get somewhere. You are only limited by your mind. Far too many blacks are successful today for this bullshit to still be relevant. You know, “da Unkle Toms and such”.

Essentially, the privilege narrative is divisive and the antithesis to anything uplifting for blacks. It is entirely negative, and false. It is objectively false.

Why shouldn’t blacks emulate whites if we are the privileged ones? Because that affects your identity? Well, good, because your identity has not been working very well for you over the past 60 years since desegregation. No whitey gets anything for nothing, save for the nominal number of trust fund kids out there, which are statistically insignificant.

If we adapt out society for the 13% who are black, we get shitty results. The victims here are black people. They deserve the same education as everyone else with the same sink or swim risks. Preferences and set-aside policies dumb it down for the black man, which do blacks an extreme disservice.

Hell, I will even one up you on this: I will GIVE YOU the privilege argument as true and reparate you to the extent necessary, PROVIDED you – black people – take responsibility for YOUR PART in your present station in life. YOU murder, rob, and rape each other. YOU lack the social values of education, morality, and civility. YOU suck at keeping your families together. Etc…Etc…Etc…

Worst of all, you keep falling for leftist lies. The left USES you. It manipulates you for political purposes. It does so by stripping you of your individual identities and reducing your humanity to mere skin color. It matters not who you are or what you feel inside. Your importance is solely that you have dark skin. This is the Democrat plantation, and you are stuck on it. Your job is to escape from it and evolve from there, on your own. Nobody gives a damn that you are black anymore … except for Dem/leftists, and then only to the extent they can manipulate you for their gain.

American blacks are fucked unless they reject the leftist ideologies and place the importance – the worth – on the individual and NOT the collective. Collectivism is dehumanizing. Blacks owe NOTHING to the Democrat party regardless of what they claim to have done for you. These Democrats today have, in fact, done ASBOLUTELY NOTHING for you. It was the liberal American Democrats, but mainly the GOP, that gave you freedom along with civil rights, liberties, and legal equality. Today’s Democrats are leftist scum who were not around back then when the policies really beneficial to you were enacted. My point being that you are not beholden to these people today.

Tl;dr: F you!
That's quite a rant. You touched on almost all the racist memes. Why are you so upset today? Did they not send your disability check or food stamps? Did you have a fight with your wife/sister?
Listen. Go take a walk around the trailer park and cool off.
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  • #6
That's quite a rant. You touched on almost all the racist memes. Why are you so upset today? Did they not send your disability check or food stamps? Did you have a fight with your wife/sister?
Listen. Go take a walk around the trailer park and cool off.
^ totally not worthwhile
  • Thread starter
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  • #8
The point being, it's all true for possibly a majority of black people, but not all.
And the the point becomes the question of 'what made it true'?

I've offered the explanation of it being southern states whites (a majority) not being capable of their perceived right to keep slaves.

And then Trump enflamed that rage against blacks, back to 1960's levels, with his border wall scam.

Now America may have to burn again!
Fuck you, Cucknadian.
Am I REALLY privileged as a white male? Well, to start out with, please allow me to quote the late, great Peter Steele:

“Been doing some thinking, I have an answer
To arrest the spreading cancer
Send you back to where you're from
Get the fuck rid of you subhuman scum

If you don't pay taxes you shouldn't vote
So get in line and get on the boat
I'd love to tear down all those projects
Kiss my ass, home relief reject”

Der Untermenshe
– Slow, Deep, and Hard

Ah! More beautiful words have never been uttered by human lips! But let me get back on point here.

I look around and think, “Hmmm… am I priviledged? Let’s see. I went to shitty public school here in the deep, deep south. I then went to college, followed by grad school, obtaining degrees in both. Nobody helped me get into those schools, nor did they do the work from me while I was there. Plus, I had to work when I was in college in order to pay my rent because I went to school out of town.

Now, a dummy may say, “Now, looky here, honky. If’n you were black, then you would not be getting into them there fancy smancy colleges and universities!! You only got there cuz you’d duh white Devil!!”

First off, you do not know if I would have not gotten into college if I was not white. I DO know that back when I went to school there were plenty of admission spots set aside for minorities, as well as grants, scholarships, and financial boosts to pay for a black person’s school. Maybe others are just not smart enough to get into college?

The dummy replies, “Well, now, looky here! That there SAT tests is racist cuz it disproportionately scores duhh minorities under the whiteys. It am ‘sTruCturAllY raSist!” and “You damn whiteys don’t gives us enough money to properly edumacate am Chilluns so dat they be ready fer such rAsist testimonies!!”

My response is this: Give me a fucking break!! Go take an SAT course, you fucking moron!!! You have got every advantage in the world in the USA in seeking college admission. Plus, enough blacks go to college and excel in it for you to be trying to pimp this stupid argument about racism. The same goes for both public and private sector employment.

Moreover, how am I “privileged”? I think the term exists to denote disparity in similarly situated people. Note that all of this is based upon the focus on the collective over the individual. As such, it is a collectivist (i.e., Marxist) theory/narrative. “Privilege” also weirdly seems to imply that you should feel shame for your accomplishments if you are white. I find this to be extremely odd.

Did my white upbringing privilege me over blacks? Well hell, it must have, right? My parents raised me to have independence and self-respect. Thus, with the assumption of privilege, it must be the case that black parents do not raise their kids to be independent and have self-respect.

My parents also raised me to respect others, be a moral person, and seek to prosper. If this brings me privilege, then most assuredly it must be the case that black parents DO NOT teach their children to respect others. They do not teach their children to be moral. They do not teach their kids to seek prosperity.

It seems to me that if this privilege thing is real, then blacks would be well-advised to emulate white folks. That’s a no-brainer, right?

Well, apparently not. Instead of emulating lives in order to get the same thing whites get, blacks want the same things without having to do any of that; you know, they don’t want to have to do all the same hard word you did to get somewhere in life. I got news for you, Tyrone: Sitting on your ass and smoking weed is going to get you nowhere in life, fast!

The thing is that, in addition to “privilege” being a false Marxist narrative being used by leftists to once again fool blacks with, it is strictly from the point of view of the blacks. It is an expression of envy on some level. They claim that “We am do same mafuckin thing as da white man but still cain’t git no where!” Well, I find such a claim to be totally false and patently absurd. If you work hard at building something with monetary value (even your own labor), then you will get somewhere. You are only limited by your mind. Far too many blacks are successful today for this bullshit to still be relevant. You know, “da Unkle Toms and such”.

Essentially, the privilege narrative is divisive and the antithesis to anything uplifting for blacks. It is entirely negative, and false. It is objectively false.

Why shouldn’t blacks emulate whites if we are the privileged ones? Because that affects your identity? Well, good, because your identity has not been working very well for you over the past 60 years since desegregation. No whitey gets anything for nothing, save for the nominal number of trust fund kids out there, which are statistically insignificant.

If we adapt out society for the 13% who are black, we get shitty results. The victims here are black people. They deserve the same education as everyone else with the same sink or swim risks. Preferences and set-aside policies dumb it down for the black man, which do blacks an extreme disservice.

Hell, I will even one up you on this: I will GIVE YOU the privilege argument as true and reparate you to the extent necessary, PROVIDED you – black people – take responsibility for YOUR PART in your present station in life. YOU murder, rob, and rape each other. YOU lack the social values of education, morality, and civility. YOU suck at keeping your families together. Etc…Etc…Etc…

Worst of all, you keep falling for leftist lies. The left USES you. It manipulates you for political purposes. It does so by stripping you of your individual identities and reducing your humanity to mere skin color. It matters not who you are or what you feel inside. Your importance is solely that you have dark skin. This is the Democrat plantation, and you are stuck on it. Your job is to escape from it and evolve from there, on your own. Nobody gives a damn that you are black anymore … except for Dem/leftists, and then only to the extent they can manipulate you for their gain.

American blacks are fucked unless they reject the leftist ideologies and place the importance – the worth – on the individual and NOT the collective. Collectivism is dehumanizing. Blacks owe NOTHING to the Democrat party regardless of what they claim to have done for you. These Democrats today have, in fact, done ASBOLUTELY NOTHING for you. It was the liberal American Democrats, but mainly the GOP, that gave you freedom along with civil rights, liberties, and legal equality. Today’s Democrats are leftist scum who were not around back then when the policies really beneficial to you were enacted. My point being that you are not beholden to these people today.

Tl;dr: F you!
Growing up poor with an abusive/unethical father, no welfare system in place, no help other than a small scholarship to go to college and worked for my tuition, books, fees, room and board, having to start from absolute scratch to build a life with my equally poor husband. . .there were many black people more 'privileged' than we were.

We/you do have a white privilege though.

Nobody assumes we got our position or job or promotion due to affirmative action.

Nobody assumes (with cause) that we are going to be a SJW trouble maker if they hire us.

Nobody asks us to speak for our race.

Nobody accuses us of not being a credit to our race.

Nobody accuses us of betraying our people if we are a conservative/Republican/Patriot/liberatarian (small "L"

Nobody accuses us of 'acting white' if we speak and dress for success instead of as they think we should speak and dress.

All this the racists left/Democrats have forced onto black people in this country. They don't do it to white people. Which for 60 years is pretty much the only privilege we have had now.
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