End the Fed!

You aren't even on the topic of what was said in that video, seriously.

Just stahp. You usually appear intelligent.

Now you are just coming off like Lakota or Crep. Stahp embarrassing yourself.

. . . if you aren't going to write anything in the least bit sensible, I don't want to continue.

The US would have been better off without the Morgans and Rockefellers of the world buying up free energy and burying that shit.

Where in the video is the backup for your claim?

I don't want to continue.

You should run away.
Rep Massie just introduce a bill 110 years overdue, to End the Federal Reserve.

The Fed is NOT vital to the US economy, just the opposite. It's the worlds biggest financial vampire sucking the prosperity out of America

Here's what's happened to the value of the US$ since the creation of the Federal Reserve

The only time it gained in value was when Harding/Coolidge/Mellon gave them the gigantic double middle finger



This country needs more Massie and Paul's
I’m not an economist nor well versed in monetary policies and the Fed, etc.

So pardon my learning curve.

Nonetheless, I study and I eventually get a handle on such matters (to a limited extent, I acknowledge).

Since you asked the question, let me offer you one very interesting analysis.

I also invite CrusaderFrank and Oddball to review and chime in, as well as others who have a good handle on this topic.

Like every other financial crisis since 1913, the 07 crisis was the direct result of government actions in the first place. Public losses and private returns are always a guaranteed recipe for a crisis

This is the best, and most up to date summation. This guy does debunking and deep dives, he is so popular some streaming services have now picked him up.

It is light and entertaining too. He lists facts and puts the kibosh on urban myths, in a fun and entertaining way.

. .. that is. . . IF you were really serious about learning? I somehow doubt you were though.

Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 1 | Free Energy & Anti-Gravity Cover-Ups​

2,901,897 views Premiered Apr 19, 2024

most worthy of watching , thx Mr B....~S~

This is the best, and most up to date summation. This guy does debunking and deep dives, he is so popular some streaming services have now picked him up.

It is light and entertaining too. He lists facts and puts the kibosh on urban myths, in a fun and entertaining way.

. .. that is. . . IF you were really serious about learning? I somehow doubt you were though.

Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 1 | Free Energy & Anti-Gravity Cover-Ups​

2,901,897 views Premiered Apr 19, 2024

Great video. Thanks for posting. I was unaware of that podcaster.

However the topic is well known to those paying attention. I remember reading decades ago about some of those amazing inventions.

It’s no surprise our criminal government has silenced these inventors or worse. Our government works for the elite and the elite don’t want anything that might upend their power and control. It’s a story as old as Jesus Christ, yet government as it’s practiced today isn’t eliminated. It just gets more powerful and tyrannical. And the elite get ever more pathological and murderous.
I already understand "lender of last resort".
I don't need to read 101 pages on the topic.
Why don't you read it and decide if a lender of last resort is needed?
I'll be happy to discuss it with someone who understands it.
Please feel free to continue being gutless here.
Then why is the money supply so much larger than the Fed's balance sheet?

It's not ''money.''

To be ''money,'' there has to be a store of value.

What you're calling ''money'' is nothing more than a receipt for a claim check on an IOU bond.

It's monetized debt.

All of the ''base currency''...because that's what it actually is...that is piling up is just a supply of numbers.

And, for the record, there is always more debt in the system than there is ''currency'' in existence to pay the debt. I've explained why this is probably a guh zillion of times before around here.

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