Zone1 No, Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God

Not to worry! surada

"this beast, the one you cry about in fear,
allows no soul to succeed along her path,
she blocks his way and puts an end to him.
She is by nature so perverse and vicious,
her craving belly is never satisfied,
still hungering for food the more she eats.
She mates with many creatures, and will go on
mating with more until the greyhound comes
and tracks her down to make her die in anguish.

He will not feed on either land or money:
his wisdom, love, and virtue shall sustain him;
he will be born between Feltro and Feltro.
He comes to save that fallen Italy
for which the maid Camilla gave her life
and Turnus, Nisus, Euryalus died of wounds.
And he will hunt for her through every city
until he drives her back to Hell once more,
whence Envy first unleashed her on mankind

Dantes Inferno, Canto 1.100-11

"Behold! First I will send for many fishermen, and they shall fish for them. After that I will send for many hunters and they shall hunt them from every mountain and every hill, and out of the clefts of the rocks, for my eyes are on all their ways and their evil is not concealed from me." Jer. 16:16
Dante didn't write the revelation letters.
Nero or Domitian are the beast
And Paul, whose letters are the basis for much of church teaching, wrote a letter from a Roman prison exhorting Christians to "submit to governing authorities" when Nero was caesar.

WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU? Think! You can do it!

After Martin Luther fell out with Rome he started teaching that Rome was the whore of Babylon

Several Old Testament prophets referred to Jerusalem as being a spiritual harlot and a mother of such harlotry (Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; 3:1–11; Ezekiel 16:1–43; 23, as well as Epistle to the Galatians 4:25). Some of these Old Testament prophecies, as well as the warnings in the New Testament concerning Jerusalem, are in fact very close to the text concerning Babylon in Revelation. This suggests that John of Patmos may well have actually been citing those prophecies in his description of Babylon.
And Paul, whose letters are the basis for much of church teaching, wrote a letter from a Roman prison exhorting Christians to "submit to governing authorities" when Nero was caesar.

WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU? Think! You can do it!
That was in the first century, but revelation refers to Jerusalem as the whore of Babylon.

Nero was the beast.
but revelation refers to Jerusalem as the whore of Babylon.

Thats just plain nonsensical. The whore of Babylon was drunk on the blood of her own people?

I don't think so.

Have you never read about the disgraceful history of "your church", lol, and its many historical persecutions and bloody pogroms initiated by this "mother church" against the Jewish people?

You are such a phony antisemitic Episcopalian islamic apologist. Episcopalian, :auiqs.jpg:

You should find another hobby. Maybe you could get a job as a stripper? Your acting skills suck..
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That you believe the 24,000 written manuscripts were the result of the world's greatest conspiracy theory.

And that tells me that you might have the form and shape of a flabby human being but an intelligence slightly above that of a monkey.
Thats just plain nonsensical. The whore of Babylon was drunk on the blood of her own people?

I don't think so.

Have you never read about the disgraceful history of "your church", lol, and its many historical persecutions and bloody pogroms initiated by this "mother church" against the Jewish people?

You are such a phony antisemitic Episcopalian islamic apologist. Episcopalian, :auiqs.jpg:

You should find another hobby. Maybe you could get a job as a stripper? Your acting skills suck..
I'm not catholic but I know the Bible fairly well. I like semites including Arabs.
Do please go on with the telling of your conspiracy theory.
Maybe I should try to use your language.

ooh ooh aah aah. Maybe a visual is better. Here is a video of you having a religious experience.

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So then the "great saint" Paul was an agent of Nero, exhorting christians to submit to the beast.

You are in way over your head dear.
Several emperors demanded to be worshipped..I think Caligula and Augustus Nero and Domitian.
Satan is the Great Deceiver and the Father of Lies -- according to the Bible. That makes sense doesn't it?

According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers" (3:54; 8:30). The phrase is often translated into English as "best of planners," "best of schemers," or "best of plotters," but the root word (makr) means "deception." Hence, the following Qur'an verses should be rendered as follows:

Since the Bible declares that Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44), the question must be raised: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

Hector12 has it right. Same god...different perceptions.


Sorry. Nero or Domitian are the beast, but Israel is the whore of Babylon. It says so over and over again.
Yes, Rome was the best from the sea, as your post #177 says.

Israel, the Whore of Babylon, was the beast from the earth. Those were the two factions of the Jewish-Roman wars that annihilated Judaism.

Some of the righteous Jews often called their fellow Jews such names as Whore of Babylon. Even Jesus had some choice epithets for them.
Several emperors demanded to be worshipped..I think Caligula and Augustus Nero and Domitian.
And, unlike Paul who taught submission, Jesus said fuck you to them all, to the end of time, just like the talking serpent in Eden was condemned by God as the lowest of lowlifes......forever.....

You know, "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Tenga mucho cuidado en su proceder. No me obligue a enseñarle lo que yo sé......

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