Zone1 No, Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God

You're just afraid of modernity..taking a giant step backwards in reaction to science and modernity.

Muslims believe in the same God of Abraham..the most merciful creator. That same fear fueled the fundamentalist movement in the US before WW1...remember the Scopes Monkey Trial and growing popularity of the Scofield heresy?
There ya go!
One in a while you guys drop a nugget that makes the lunacy worthwhile

Scofield Heresy

More weirdity from the Land of the Gods that I didn't know of.

You are hopeless, as you continue to defend a pagan death cult.

Allah was the chief god of the Arab pagan pantheon. It was the moon god. Which is why Islam is represented by a crescent moon with a star in the middle of it, which is a lie.
Pagan death cult you say?

So who was it that murdered nearly every living being on the planet?
Who murdered the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Who murdered babies in Egypt?
All because he was pissed.


So is a "God death cult" better than a "Pagan death cult?"
Correct, which means they do not believe in the same God either.

As Jesus told them, they do not know the Father.
So Jesus was the bastard son of an unwed teenage mother raped by God.
Doesn't mean everyone else is.
The Jews at large were historically derided by their more God-fearing countrymen. They were the Satan, i.e., the adversaries to God's will.

It's all there, from Genesis to Revelation.
Nuttin like some good old Jew hate on a quiet Sunday.
Pagan death cult you say?

So who was it that murdered nearly every living being on the planet?
Who murdered the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Who murdered babies in Egypt?
All because he was pissed.


So is a "God death cult" better than a "Pagan death cult?"
Sounds like you hate Jews.

If you have a problem with God, take it up with them.
"Hail Satan!" Right?

Maybe talk to the families of the October massacre

Have you looked into the numbers murdered by the Atheist Cult?
Let's also talk to the 25K families of women and children murdered in the Jewish bloodlust.
Should be a great conversation.

I've looked into the millions murdered by the ChristoCult.
Would Allah murder almost everyone because he was pissed or rape a little girl?
Allah don't want nothing to do with Jehovah or the evil he represents.
Would God save the human race by ridding the earth of nephilim? Yes, He would. God explains the reason Noah and his family were saved and the nasty, murdering, freak hybrids were not.
Genesis 6:9 These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation.

God raped no one. Mary agreed to bearing the Messiah. Christ was supernaturally implanted in Mary's womb. It was immaculate.
As for raping little girls, that's an Allah thing...

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Would God save the human race by ridding the earth of nephilim? Yes, He would. God explains the reason Noah and his family were saved and the nasty, murdering, freak hybrids were not.
Genesis 6:9 These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation.

God raped no one. Mary agreed to bearing the Messiah. Christ was supernaturally implanted in Mary's womb. It was immaculate.
As for raping little girls, that's an Allah thing...
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The children in your picture are flower girls. Don't the Jews have anything like that?

You believe in the Nephilim? That's from the religion of the Canaanites and Sumer.
So Jesus was the bastard son of an unwed teenage mother raped by God.

Well, according to the story, some guy who claimed to be the angel Gabriel came to her window in the middle of the night and said she was chosen by God to give birth to the messiah....

When she was asked what man did it she said "I was never with a man" an angel came to me etc.

Many 'believers' believe that God did the deed but thats not what the story says.

As a side note, at the time it was the practice for temple priests to take on the name of angels and believed it was their religious duty, a command from God, to pass on their 'holy' seed.
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So who was it that murdered nearly every living being on the planet?
It was probably a meteor. There is a crater on the bottom of the Indian Ocean about 25 times the size of meteor crater in Arizona that dates to the approximate time of the flood story which would have instantly vaporized billions of metric tons of water into the atmosphere causing a mind boggling worldwide deluge, mega tsunamis, and superstorms that would have washed away coastal civilizations and every city town village and settlement near rivers, streams books and even dry washes in the deserts which would have killed millions and lasted for many weeks.

So people assumed that there was an angry God up there somewhere with the power to destroy the planet, and they didn't have to exaggerate the actual destructive reality of that catastrophic event, and wrote stories to teach their children moral lessons in an attempt to avoid his wrath.

Whats your problem with that?
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No. Allah is the Arabic word for God.

There are millions of Arabic speaking Christians. Their word for God is Allah because they speak Arabic.

Do French speaking Christians worship a “different” God because their word for god is “dieu”? Of course not
The fact that both Revere the Pentatuech has some bearing on it I think. In fact all three of the Abrahamic religions agree to these books.
The fact that both Revere the Pentatuech has some bearing on it I think. In fact all three of the Abrahamic religions agree to these books.
They do not agree on the identity of their Supreme Being. Allah is an Arabic name and does not translate into YHWH or anything similar. Behind that noun is also a deeper metaphysical difference. Disputing this fact is merely serving an unclear agenda.
They do not agree on the identity of their Supreme Being. Allah is an Arabic name and does not translate into YHWH or anything similar. Behind that noun is also a deeper metaphysical difference. Disputing this fact is merely serving an unclear agenda.

Muslims worship the God of Abraham. Allah is just God in Spanish, French and Italian have words in their language for God . They don't worship a different God either. You certainly are a provincial ass.
The fact that both Revere the Pentatuech has some bearing on it I think. In fact all three of the Abrahamic religions agree to these books.
As if I need to appeal to other sources for proof that common sense shows there is no equivalence...
You mean make up out of nothing.
Perceptions are "tricky" things. The difference between them and "hallucinations" is zero, as far as brain function is concerned. Remember also that there is negative hallucination, where what is perceived by most is not perceived by others. Thus, "God" may be perceived and be real and not perceived by some for whatever reason. Objectively, we cannot authoritatively decide this.
Personally, it is clear that only revelation to an individual is a valid basis for faith in deity. Simply reading or hearing about such a thing is hearsay. If you know, you know and you don't care who doesn't know. Insisting too much that others share one's ideas indicates insecurity that one is correct.
Satan is the Great Deceiver and the Father of Lies -- according to the Bible. That makes sense doesn't it?

According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers" (3:54; 8:30). The phrase is often translated into English as "best of planners," "best of schemers," or "best of plotters," but the root word (makr) means "deception." Hence, the following Qur'an verses should be rendered as follows:

Since the Bible declares that Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44), the question must be raised: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
They both believe in the God of Abraham. So you figure it out idiot.

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