Zone1 No, Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God

Whore of Babylon
The whore of Babylon is the name given to the secret "MYSTERY RELIGION" of the Roman government and military, called a harlot for mating with all pagan beliefs and practices, hence Catholic (meaning, UNIVERSAL) Church, a superstitious religion that originated in Babylon around the 6th century BCE whose Indo-Iranian roots may go back to the 15th century BCE.

Christmas, the birth of Mithras, was celebrated on Dec 25th when people exchanged gifts and "made merry". Thats why you celebrate Easter, Halloween, have seven sacraments, eat Jesus crackers and drink blood. Mithraism. The secret MYSTERY RELIGION of the Roman government.


And he called out with a mighty voice, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, for every vile and loathsome beast and bird. For all nations have drunk deep of the fierce wine of her fornication; the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and merchants the world over have grown rich on her bloated wealth "
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Yes, Rome was the best from the sea, as your post #177 says.

Israel, the Whore of Babylon, was the beast from the earth. Those were the two factions of the Jewish-Roman wars that annihilated Judaism.

Some of the righteous Jews often called their fellow Jews such names as Whore of Babylon. Even Jesus had some choice epithets for them.

Thanks. I was pretty sure. The prophets used some harsh language against Israel like when she went "whoring after false gods". It's a reoccurring theme.

I'm not as sure about Paul telling them to submit to the beast. Can you elaborate on that?
And, unlike Paul who taught submission, Jesus said fuck you to them all, to the end of time, just like the talking serpent in Eden was condemned by God as the lowest of lowlifes......forever.....

You know, "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Tenga mucho cuidado en su proceder. No me obligue a enseñarle lo que yo sé......

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus is teaching more passive resistance to the Roman occupation.

I don't speak Spanish.
The whore of Babylon is the name given to the secret "MYSTERY RELIGION" of the Roman government and military, called a harlot for mating with all pagan beliefs and practices, hence Catholic (meaning, UNIVERSAL) Church, a superstitious religion that originated in Babylon around the 6th century BCE whose Indo-Iranian roots may go back to the 15th century BCE.

Christmas, the birth of Mithras, was celebrated on Dec 25th when people exchanged gifts and "made merry". Thats why you celebrate Easter, Halloween, have seven sacraments, eat Jesus crackers and drink blood. Mithraism. The secret MYSTERY RELIGION of the Roman government.


And he called out with a mighty voice, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, for every vile and loathsome beast and bird. For all nations have drunk deep of the fierce wine of her fornication; the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and merchants the world over have grown rich on her bloated wealth "

December 25 was first identified as the date of Jesus' birth by Sextus Julius Africanus in 221 and later became the universally accepted date. That wasn't the case in first century Rome.
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus is teaching more passive resistance to the Roman occupation.
At the time Israel was no match for the barbaric Roman military, hence passive "fishermen"

Things have changed.

"Behold! First I will send for many fishermen, and they shall fish for them. After that I will send for many hunters and they shall hunt them from every mountain and every hill, and out of the clefts of the rocks, for my eyes are on all their ways and their evil is not concealed from me." Jer. 16:16

I don't speak Spanish.
Thats a shame.
December 25 was first identified as the date of Jesus' birth by Sextus Julius Africanus in 221 and later became the universally accepted date. That wasn't the case in first century Rome.

Thats because in first century Rome they practiced Mithraism.

Behold the antichrist! A false substitute counterfeit Jesus, Mithras.

* Mithra was born on December 25th. Called "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun", it was incorporated into the church in the 4th century AD as the birthday of Christ. Although Jesus was born in October, christians today celebrate Mithra' birthday, believing it was Jesus' birthday.

* Mithra' birth was witnessed by shepherds and by Magi (wise men) who brought gifts to his sacred birth-cave of the Rock

* He was considered a great travelling teacher and master.

* He had 12 companions or disciples, which in Mithraism were represented by the 12 astrological signs.

* He performed miracles.

* He was buried in a tomb.

* After three days he rose again, but with no witnesses to the event

* His triumph over death and ascension to heaven were celebrated at the Mithran's most important festival, Easter, held at the spring equinox when the sun rises toward its apogee

* Mithra was called "the Good Shepherd."

* He was considered "the Way, the Truth and the Light, the Redeemer, the Savior, the Messiah."

* In the cult's rituals, Mithra was identified with both the Lion and the Lamb.

* His sacred day was Sunday, and was called "the Lord's Day" hundreds of years before the appearance of Christ.

* Mithraism had a Eucharist or "Lord's Supper" in which bread was eaten as a symbol of Mithra' body, and wine was drunk as a symbol of the blood shed when Mithra overpowered and killed the bull

* Mithra performed many miracles, including raising the dead, healing the sick, making the blind see and the lame walk, casting out devils.

* Mithra was said to carry keys to the kingdom of heaven.

* Mithra was called the god of light and truth, the god of mediation between god and man. He was to his worshippers The creator of life; The Mediator between man and the higher gods; The God of light; The All-seeing one; The Guardian of oaths (covenants); The Protector of the righteous in this world and also in the next.

* A trinity godhead comprised of Mithra (divine god of truth), Rashnu (divine god of justice, judgement and righteousness), Vohu Manah (divine spirit of enlightenment). These three persons were separate yet they were one.

Before returning to heaven, Mithra was said to have celebrated a Last Supper with followers, who represented the twelve signs of the zodiac. In memory of this, his worshippers partook of a sacramental meal of bread marked with the Mithran cross of light. This was one of the seven Mithraic sacraments, believed to be the models for the Christians' seven sacraments, which follow them identically. It was called mizd, latin missa, in other words, English mass. Mithra' image was buried in a rock tomb, the same sacred cave that represented his mother's womb. He was withdrawn from it and said to live again.

Mithraism was an ascetic, anti-female religion. Its priesthood consisted of celibate men only
Israel isn't important to the Arabs. The only problem is their treatment of the Palestinians.. otherwise they don't matter at all.

surada is engaging in 'Bedouin talk',
the origin of Orwel's doublespeak,
anything said - read the opposite:

Arab imperialists,
couldn't care less for Gaza but to fight Israel,
when Arabs kill Arabs - it doesn't hurt their pride.
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So maybe some of you biblical scholars that know all and see all scripture related current events can tell us just who Satan is incarnate right now

The Ottoman empire was purely about stagnation. Same problem in Palestine. It was a sleepy, apolitical backwater.. the various religious groups managed their own communities.

Translucent houris are angels.

The Ottoman caliphate
was result of Arab imperialism.

Only in the the 200 years prior to Zionism,
the land was slashed between opposing Islamist forces - several times.

If that's what you call "apolitical" - may you be Shaitan's favorite "translucent raisin".
surada is engaging in 'Bedouin talk',
the origin of Orwel's doublespeak,
anything said - read the opposite:

Arab imperialists,
couldn't care less for Gaza but to fight Israel,
when Arabs kill Arabs - it doesn't hurt their pride.

The US paid 5000 Jewish settlers $250,000 each to leave Gaza.
Thanks. I was pretty sure. The prophets used some harsh language against Israel like when she went "whoring after false gods". It's a reoccurring theme.

I'm not as sure about Paul telling them to submit to the beast. Can you elaborate on that?
The Revelator didn't refer to the Romans as a beast for any evil or malice. That was the reason the Jews were a beast. Rome was a beast for its formidable and terrible resistance to Jewish insurrection.

Like the Revelator, Paul referred to Jews as beasts for their behavior (1 Cor 15:32) when they chased him out of a synagogue in Ephesus. He wouldn't have viewed Rome negatively. Rome was an ally of Christ, though of course the Romans didn't know it. In his letter to the Roman Christians, Paul simply advises them to abide Roman custom, i.e., to keep the peace of Rome, or Pax Romana.
The Revelator didn't refer to the Romans as a beast for any evil or malice. That was the reason the Jews were a beast. Rome was a beast for its formidable and terrible resistance to Jewish insurrection.

Like the Revelator, Paul referred to Jews as beasts for their behavior (1 Cor 15:32) when they chased him out of a synagogue in Ephesus. He wouldn't have viewed Rome negatively. Rome was an ally of Christ, though of course the Romans didn't know it. In his letter to the Roman Christians, Paul simply advises them to abide Roman custom, i.e., to keep the peace of Rome, or Pax Romana.

I didn't realize he called the Jews beasts.. I have to think that through.

The letter is to seven churches around the Mediterranean.

Nero is also the beast.. They feared he would return from the dead to lead an army of Parthians across the river.

The seven churches of Revelation are located in the Roman province of Asia, which is now western Turkey. The churches are also known as the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse and the Seven Churches of Asia. The Book of Revelation describes each church, and some of them are located in Asia Minor, which is present-day Turkey
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I didn't realize he called the Jews beasts.. I have to think that through.

The letter is to seven churches around the Mediterranean.

Nero is also the beast.. They feared he would return from the dead to lead an army of Parthians across the river.

The seven churches of Revelation are located in the Roman province of Asia, which is now western Turkey. The churches are also known as the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse and the Seven Churches of Asia. The Book of Revelation describes each church, and some of them are located in Asia Minor, which is present-day Turkey
Read Acts 19:8-10 to see the connection Paul makes in 1 Cor 15:32 for calling them beasts.
So maybe some of you biblical scholars that know all and see all scripture related current events can tell us just who Satan is incarnate right now

Satan is a metaphor for a human archetype who 'beguiles' the gullible into doing things that put them under the condemnation of God, renders them helpless, and binds them with violence or extortion into doing their bidding even to the death, as if possessed, hypnotized, which they are.

If you open your eyes you will see these narcissistic sociopaths in religion, politics, and the secular world, from the bottom to the top of society, everywhere, exposed by the pathetic sycophants that surround them like a swarm of flies on a rotting corpse or a pile of dogshit, whose individuality has been surgically removed through manipulation, deception, lies, slander, and fear of real and imaginary violence, and deliberately replaced with the will of their sadistic captor or many captors.

Who do you think is vying for the illustrious position of being the supreme king of every species of talking serpent?

Hint: It isn't Joe Biden.
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I understand. Yes, he was calling the Jews beasts.
The Jews at large were historically derided by their more God-fearing countrymen. They were the Satan, i.e., the adversaries to God's will.

It's all there, from Genesis to Revelation.
Satan is the Great Deceiver and the Father of Lies -- according to the Bible. That makes sense doesn't it?

According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers" (3:54; 8:30). The phrase is often translated into English as "best of planners," "best of schemers," or "best of plotters," but the root word (makr) means "deception." Hence, the following Qur'an verses should be rendered as follows:

Since the Bible declares that Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44), the question must be raised: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
So your fantasy is not the same as theirs?


Of course theirs didn't murder almost everyone on earth, torture his most loyal follower on a bet with the devil or rape a little girl so...

ISLAM really is the better make believe religion.
So your fantasy is not the same as theirs?


Of course theirs didn't murder almost everyone on earth, torture his most loyal follower on a bet with the devil or rape a little girl so...

ISLAM really is the better make believe religion.
"Hail Satan!" Right?

Maybe talk to the families of the October massacre

Have you looked into the numbers murdered by the Atheist Cult?
Allah makes it a point, on the Dome of the Rock, that Allah has no son.
The Christian God has a Son named Jesus, the Messiah.
So they can't be the same...
Would Allah murder almost everyone because he was pissed or rape a little girl?
Allah don't want nothing to do with Jehovah or the evil he represents.

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