Zone1 No, Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God

You don't know?
Well, some fruit loops are red, some are green, but whatever the color they are all fruit loops, right? What color are you? What species of Jesus eater is an apologist for Mohammed? Fraud.

Your cover is blown. No one believes you are Christian. Report back to headquarters immediately so that Allah can bless you with beatings.
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The tendency you have to cover for the Qatar oligarchs.

Is Muslim Brotherhood banned in Qatar?

Where is Qatar?

Nope they don't ban Muslim Brotherhood. I have been to Qatar a long time ago. I don't know much about it.

Qatar isn't in Arabia.
Nope they don't ban Muslim Brotherhood. I have been to Qatar a long time ago. I don't know much about it.

Qatar isn't in Arabia.

Sure Arabians are proud you have already excluded Qatar
from the Arabian peninsula, anything goes...

For 'Bedouin talk', say whatever,
tomorrow is a new sun...

Selling your mouth,
for cheap Qatari lies.
Not how it works sweety. I didn't say god doesn't exist. I just haven't been convinced he does.
Sure it does. If you can’t prove He doesn’t exist then you acknowledge He might exist. Now let’s move on to basic logic.

How likely is it that He exists?

We know there has to be the top of the the food chain as well as the bottom. A being of higher intelligence than humans is very probable. God would be the top.

Could He create the universe? Yes. Humans can create computer simulations so it only stands to reason that a being of much higher intelligence could create something of a much higher caliber, our universe and everything in it.

Look around you. Do you really think all this happened by accident?

I don’t expect you to believe, just see the probability that God exists.
Sure Arabians are proud you have already excluded Qatar
from the Arabian peninsula, anything goes...

For 'Bedouin talk', say whatever,
tomorrow is a new sun...

Selling your mouth,
for cheap Qatari lies.
Netanyahu works closely with Qatar. They handle his payments to Hamas.
Netanyahu works closely with Qatar. They handle his payments to Hamas.

The least thing Qatar regime wants, is association with Hamas.

To leverage Qatari pennies, binding them publicly
appears more clever in long term strategy,
than thrill-eager Islamists can admit.
Sure it does. If you can’t prove He doesn’t exist then you acknowledge He might exist. Now let’s move on to basic logic.

How likely is it that He exists?

We know there has to be the top of the the food chain as well as the bottom. A being of higher intelligence than humans is very probable. God would be the top.

Could He create the universe? Yes. Humans can create computer simulations so it only stands to reason that a being of much higher intelligence could create something of a much higher caliber, our universe and everything in it.

Look around you. Do you really think all this happened by accident?

I don’t expect you to believe, just see the probability that God exists.
I can't argue with your logic. It's so absurd, and you make so many unsupported claims till I wouldn't know where to start.
The least thing Qatar regime wants, is association with Hamas.

To leverage Qatari pennies, binding them publicly
appears more clever in long term strategy,
than thrill-eager Islamists can admit.

Most Arabs want peace. It's right up there with a civil society.

Qatar also has relations with Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Muslim Brotherhood is not banned in Qatar.
The least thing Qatar regime wants, is association with Hamas.

To leverage Qatari pennies, binding them publicly
appears more clever in long term strategy,
than thrill-eager Islamists can admit.

Former Shin Bet director Yoram Cohen on Tuesday slammed consecutive Israeli governments run by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with facilitating Qatari funding of Hamas as being a deep strategic source of the October 7 failure to stop Hamas's southern invasion.

Speaking at Reichman University, while Cohen agreed that the IDF and the Shin Bet failed their operational missions to anticipate the invasion in advance and to thwart it, he said that the larger problems were strategic and came from the government.

Former Shin Bet director Yoram Cohen on Tuesday slammed consecutive Israeli governments run by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with facilitating Qatari funding of Hamas as being a deep strategic source of the October 7 failure to stop Hamas's southern invasion.

Speaking at Reichman University, while Cohen agreed that the IDF and the Shin Bet failed their operational missions to anticipate the invasion in advance and to thwart it, he said that the larger problems were strategic and came from the government.

The only time you admit Qatar funds Muslim Brotherhood,
is to twist it against Israeli use of these funds as leverage,
but that's your weakness now, because these are,
the people now representing Islam.

The stink of Qatari Muslim Brotherhood trolls,
is in every Arab conversation on twitter.

The same screaming degenerates -
associated with raping women across the
civilized world, and all "for glory of Islam" of course.
The only time you admit Qatar funds Muslim Brotherhood,
is to twist it against Israeli use of these funds as leverage,
but that your weakness now, because these
are the people now representing Islam.

The same screaming degenerates -
associated with raping women across the
civilized world, and all "for glory of Islam" of course.

Qatar established unofficial trade relations with the State of Israel in 1996, the first amongst all nations of the Arabian Peninsula after Oman reportedly did, concurrently with Israel–Jordan peace treaty. Until 2009, Qatar and Israel maintained trade relations, but due to Operation Cast Lead, Qatar broke the trade with Israel.
Qatar established unofficial trade relations with the State of Israel in 1996, the first amongst all nations of the Arabian Peninsula after Oman reportedly did, concurrently with Israel–Jordan peace treaty. Until 2009, Qatar and Israel maintained trade relations, but due to Operation Cast Lead, Qatar broke the trade with Israel.

So it's actually Oman...why the need to twist facts,
don't you have minimal intellectual integrity?

Once met with reality,
Islamists beg for ceasefires in a choir,
and suck up as the "greatest Zionists since Herzl".
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It's the stupid stuff that gets you.

Chaos in Judaea

Judaea, now part of modern day Israel, had been a Roman ally since the second century BC and became a Roman province in 6 AD. Decades later, it was descending into chaos.

Local people had begun to rebel against Roman rule. To some, these men were freedom fighters, but to men like Josephus, a wealthy Jewish priest, they were no more than terrorists who killed at random.

A full-scale rebellion was triggered in 66 AD, when somebody emptied a pot full of urine outside a synagogue, defiling a holy site. The Jews were furious and a riot broke out, during which some Jews shouted insults at Florus, the Roman Governor of Judaea.

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