Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

This all started when the muslims decided to enforce themselves on the Myanmarese like they are doing in Europe. They just didn't count on anyone fighting back.

And by 'enforce themselves on the Myanmareese' you mean by forcing the Myanmareese to rape and kill their Muslim women and children.

We really have turned a corner, haven't we?

Cheering for genocide.

I guess that is the difference between the Islamophobes and good Americans.

I am opposed to the genocide, murder and rape of men, women and children regardless of whether they are Muslim, Christian, or Buddhists.

The Islamophobes? Not so much.
This all started when the muslims decided to enforce themselves on the Myanmarese like they are doing in Europe. They just didn't count on anyone fighting back.

And by 'enforce themselves on the Myanmareese' you mean by forcing the Myanmareese to rape and kill their Muslim women and children.
You know nothing about the hijra do you? It is what Muslims do with different cultures and eventually destroy those cultures.

We really have turned a corner, haven't we?

Cheering for genocide.

I guess that is the difference between the Islamophobes and good Americans.

I am opposed to the genocide, murder and rape of men, women and children regardless of whether they are Muslim, Christian, or Buddhists.

The Islamophobes? Not so much.
Your saying conservatives are cheering on genocide is hyperbole.Try a real reason why Muslims are not welcome.

We really have turned a corner, haven't we?

Cheering for genocide.

I guess that is the difference between the Islamophobes and good Americans.

I am opposed to the genocide, murder and rape of men, women and children regardless of whether they are Muslim, Christian, or Buddhists.

The Islamophobes? Not so much.
Your saying conservatives are cheering on genocide is hyperbole.Try a real reason why Muslims are not welcome.

Not hyperbole- the OP was pretty clear- according to his post the Rohinga women and children deserve what they get because some Muslims in the world are evil.

And what are the Rohinga women and children getting from the 'peaceful Buddhists' of Myanmar


800,000 Rohinga have fled the Myanmar Army's campaign of terror against them.
This all started when the muslims decided to enforce themselves on the Myanmarese like they are doing in Europe. They just didn't count on anyone fighting back.

And by 'enforce themselves on the Myanmareese' you mean by forcing the Myanmareese to rape and kill their Muslim women and children.
You know nothing about the hijra do you? It is what Muslims do with different cultures and eventually destroy those cultures.

Tell us more about how you think that the rape and murder of Rohinga women and children is okay- because of 'hijira'.

We really have turned a corner, haven't we?

Cheering for genocide.

I guess that is the difference between the Islamophobes and good Americans.

I am opposed to the genocide, murder and rape of men, women and children regardless of whether they are Muslim, Christian, or Buddhists.

The Islamophobes? Not so much.
Your saying conservatives are cheering on genocide is hyperbole.Try a real reason why Muslims are not welcome.

Not hyperbole- the OP was pretty clear- according to his post the Rohinga women and children deserve what they get because some Muslims in the world are evil.

And what are the Rohinga women and children getting from the 'peaceful Buddhists' of Myanmar


800,000 Rohinga have fled the Myanmar Army's campaign of terror against them.
Are conservatives the OP? That is what you are saying, in fact, did say. That these things that are happening are somehow different when done to Muslims shows a glaring double standard and the way Islam has intimidated the emasculated leaders and globalist media of the Western world.

We really have turned a corner, haven't we?

Cheering for genocide.

I guess that is the difference between the Islamophobes and good Americans.

I am opposed to the genocide, murder and rape of men, women and children regardless of whether they are Muslim, Christian, or Buddhists.

The Islamophobes? Not so much.
Your saying conservatives are cheering on genocide is hyperbole.Try a real reason why Muslims are not welcome.

Not hyperbole- the OP was pretty clear- according to his post the Rohinga women and children deserve what they get because some Muslims in the world are evil.

And what are the Rohinga women and children getting from the 'peaceful Buddhists' of Myanmar


800,000 Rohinga have fled the Myanmar Army's campaign of terror against them.
Are conservatives the OP? That is what you are saying, in fact, did say. That these things that are happening are somehow different when done to Muslims shows a glaring double standard and the way Islam has intimidated the emasculated leaders and globalist media of the Western world.

The OP is a conservative, and he is being cheered on by the contard Islamophobe echo chamber.

You are right though- this does show the glaring double standard- when Muslims rape, murder and commit genocide these same people correctly decry the crimes against the victims of those Muslims.

But when Budhists rape, murder and commit genocide against Muslims, they rationalize why its okay for Muslims to be raped and murdered.

This is what makes me different from all of you.

I think it is wrong when it is done to Muslims- just as I think it is wrong when it is done by Muslims.

We really have turned a corner, haven't we?

Cheering for genocide.

I guess that is the difference between the Islamophobes and good Americans.

I am opposed to the genocide, murder and rape of men, women and children regardless of whether they are Muslim, Christian, or Buddhists.

The Islamophobes? Not so much.
Your saying conservatives are cheering on genocide is hyperbole.Try a real reason why Muslims are not welcome.

Not hyperbole- the OP was pretty clear- according to his post the Rohinga women and children deserve what they get because some Muslims in the world are evil.

And what are the Rohinga women and children getting from the 'peaceful Buddhists' of Myanmar


800,000 Rohinga have fled the Myanmar Army's campaign of terror against them.
Are conservatives the OP? That is what you are saying, in fact, did say. That these things that are happening are somehow different when done to Muslims shows a glaring double standard and the way Islam has intimidated the emasculated leaders and globalist media of the Western world.

The OP is a conservative, and he is being cheered on by the contard Islamophobe echo chamber.

You are right though- this does show the glaring double standard- when Muslims rape, murder and commit genocide these same people correctly decry the crimes against the victims of those Muslims.

But when Budhists rape, murder and commit genocide against Muslims, they rationalize why its okay for Muslims to be raped and murdered.

This is what makes me different from all of you.

I think it is wrong when it is done to Muslims- just as I think it is wrong when it is done by Muslims.
What a bunch of bullshit. You honestly think others here do not feel that way? You avoid the problems Islam creates and believes all those terrible things are OK if they advance Islam.

I would worry about how those people feel, and realize how many are going to be taught to feel that way..
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It certainly sounds like genocide.

AP finds mass graves, latest evidence of Rohingya genocide in Myanmar
In the videos of the graves obtained by the AP, dating to 13 days after the killing began, blue-green puddles of acid sludge surround corpses without heads and torsos that jut into the air. Skeletal hands seem to claw at the ground.

Survivors said that the soldiers carefully planned the Aug. 27 attack, and then deliberately tried to hide what they had done. They came to the slaughter armed not only with rifles, knives, rocket launchers and grenades, but also with shovels to dig pits and acid to burn away faces and hands so that the bodies could not be identified. Two days before the attack, villagers say, soldiers were seen buying 12 large containers of acid at a nearby village's market.

The killing began around noon, when more than 200 soldiers swept into Gu Dar Pyin from the direction of a Buddhist village to the south, firing their weapons. The Rohingya who could move fast enough ran toward the north or toward a river in the east, said Mohammad Sha, 37, a shop owner and farmer.

How a Rohingya massacre unfolded in Tula Toli - CNN
Discarded and left for dead, Mumtaz says she found herself on top of a mound of charred, entangled bodies.
"They killed and killed and piled the bodies up high. It was like cut bamboo," says Mumtaz, a Rohingya woman from the village of Tula Toli in western Myanmar.
"In the pile there was someone's neck, someone's head, someone's leg. I was able to come out, I don't know how."
The horrors Mumtaz says she endured didn't stop there. After escaping the mass grave, Mumtaz says she was dragged to a village house and raped by soldiers. The wooden house was then locked and set on fire.
It was her seven-year-old daughter Razia, who was in the hut, that ultimately saved her.
"I called to my mum. And my mum said, 'who are you?,'" Razia says. "My mother's head was split. She was thrown aside. They struck me and threw me aside."
"I said 'your finger is on fire.' Then my mum and I got out and left."
The pair squeezed through a damaged part of a fence and hid in a vegetable patch, before other villagers found them and helped them get to Bangladesh, where a staggering 615,000 Rohingya refugees have fled since August 25, according to aid agencies.

Rohingya children 'beheaded and burned alive' in Burma
Rohingya children have been beheaded and civilians burned alive, according to witness testimony amid claims that Burma's military and paramilitary forces are committing "genocide" or a "pogrom" against the Muslim minority in the country’s western Rakhine state.

Rohingya Recount Atrocities: ‘They Threw My Baby Into a Fire’
...In the next violent blur of moments, the soldiers clubbed Rajuma in the face, tore her screaming child out of her arms and hurled him into a fire. She was then dragged into a house and gang-raped.

By the time the day was over, she was running through a field naked and covered in blood. Alone, she had lost her son, her mother, her two sisters and her younger brother, all wiped out in front of her eyes, she says.

Rajuma is a Rohingya Muslim, one of the most persecuted ethnic groups on earth, and she now spends her days drifting through a refugee camp in Bangladesh in a daze.

She relayed her story to me during a recent reporting trip I made to the camps, where hundreds of thousands of Rohingya like her have rushed for safety. Her deeply disturbing account of what happened in her village, in late August, was corroborated by dozens of other survivors, whom I spoke with at length, and by human rights groups gathering evidence of atrocities.

Survivors said they saw government soldiers stabbing babies, cutting off boys’ heads, gang-raping girls, shooting 40-millimeter grenades into houses, burning entire families to death, and rounding up dozens of unarmed male villagers and summarily executing them.

Rohingya Methodically Raped by Myanmar’s Armed Forces
The rape of Rohingya women by Myanmar’s security forces has been sweeping and methodical, the Associated Press found in interviews with 29 women and girls who fled to neighboring Bangladesh. These sexual assault survivors from several refugee camps were interviewed separately and extensively. They ranged in age from 13 to 35, came from a wide swath of villages in Myanmar’s Rakhine state and described assaults between October 2016 and mid-September.

...The most common attack described went much like F’s. In several other cases, women said, security forces surrounded a village, separated men from women, then took the women to a second location to gang rape them.

The women spoke of seeing their children slaughtered in front of them, their husbands beaten and shot. They spoke of burying their loved ones in the darkness and leaving the bodies of their babies behind. They spoke of the searing pain of rapes that felt as if they would never end, and of dayslong journeys on foot to Bangladesh while still bleeding and hobbled.

Rohingya girls under 10 raped while fleeing Myanmar, charity says
Rohingya children, some of them under 10 years old, are receiving treatment for rape in camps on the Bangladesh border, according to medics who say that young refugees account for half of those sexually assaulted while fleeing violence in Myanmar.

Médecins Sans Frontières says dozens of Rohingya girls have been given medical and psychological support at its Kutupalong health facility’s sexual and reproductive health unit – a specialist clinic for survivors of sexual assault based in the largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar.

Of those fleeing Rakhine state who come to the clinic for treatment relating to rape, “about 50% are aged 18 or under, including one girl who was nine years old and several others under the age of 10”, an MSF spokesperson said.

How many mass graves have we found in areas previous occupied by ISIS (who are avowed Muslims)?
It certainly sounds like genocide.

AP finds mass graves, latest evidence of Rohingya genocide in Myanmar
In the videos of the graves obtained by the AP, dating to 13 days after the killing began, blue-green puddles of acid sludge surround corpses without heads and torsos that jut into the air. Skeletal hands seem to claw at the ground.

Survivors said that the soldiers carefully planned the Aug. 27 attack, and then deliberately tried to hide what they had done. They came to the slaughter armed not only with rifles, knives, rocket launchers and grenades, but also with shovels to dig pits and acid to burn away faces and hands so that the bodies could not be identified. Two days before the attack, villagers say, soldiers were seen buying 12 large containers of acid at a nearby village's market.

The killing began around noon, when more than 200 soldiers swept into Gu Dar Pyin from the direction of a Buddhist village to the south, firing their weapons. The Rohingya who could move fast enough ran toward the north or toward a river in the east, said Mohammad Sha, 37, a shop owner and farmer.

How a Rohingya massacre unfolded in Tula Toli - CNN
Discarded and left for dead, Mumtaz says she found herself on top of a mound of charred, entangled bodies.
"They killed and killed and piled the bodies up high. It was like cut bamboo," says Mumtaz, a Rohingya woman from the village of Tula Toli in western Myanmar.
"In the pile there was someone's neck, someone's head, someone's leg. I was able to come out, I don't know how."
The horrors Mumtaz says she endured didn't stop there. After escaping the mass grave, Mumtaz says she was dragged to a village house and raped by soldiers. The wooden house was then locked and set on fire.
It was her seven-year-old daughter Razia, who was in the hut, that ultimately saved her.
"I called to my mum. And my mum said, 'who are you?,'" Razia says. "My mother's head was split. She was thrown aside. They struck me and threw me aside."
"I said 'your finger is on fire.' Then my mum and I got out and left."
The pair squeezed through a damaged part of a fence and hid in a vegetable patch, before other villagers found them and helped them get to Bangladesh, where a staggering 615,000 Rohingya refugees have fled since August 25, according to aid agencies.

Rohingya children 'beheaded and burned alive' in Burma
Rohingya children have been beheaded and civilians burned alive, according to witness testimony amid claims that Burma's military and paramilitary forces are committing "genocide" or a "pogrom" against the Muslim minority in the country’s western Rakhine state.

Rohingya Recount Atrocities: ‘They Threw My Baby Into a Fire’
...In the next violent blur of moments, the soldiers clubbed Rajuma in the face, tore her screaming child out of her arms and hurled him into a fire. She was then dragged into a house and gang-raped.

By the time the day was over, she was running through a field naked and covered in blood. Alone, she had lost her son, her mother, her two sisters and her younger brother, all wiped out in front of her eyes, she says.

Rajuma is a Rohingya Muslim, one of the most persecuted ethnic groups on earth, and she now spends her days drifting through a refugee camp in Bangladesh in a daze.

She relayed her story to me during a recent reporting trip I made to the camps, where hundreds of thousands of Rohingya like her have rushed for safety. Her deeply disturbing account of what happened in her village, in late August, was corroborated by dozens of other survivors, whom I spoke with at length, and by human rights groups gathering evidence of atrocities.

Survivors said they saw government soldiers stabbing babies, cutting off boys’ heads, gang-raping girls, shooting 40-millimeter grenades into houses, burning entire families to death, and rounding up dozens of unarmed male villagers and summarily executing them.

Rohingya Methodically Raped by Myanmar’s Armed Forces
The rape of Rohingya women by Myanmar’s security forces has been sweeping and methodical, the Associated Press found in interviews with 29 women and girls who fled to neighboring Bangladesh. These sexual assault survivors from several refugee camps were interviewed separately and extensively. They ranged in age from 13 to 35, came from a wide swath of villages in Myanmar’s Rakhine state and described assaults between October 2016 and mid-September.

...The most common attack described went much like F’s. In several other cases, women said, security forces surrounded a village, separated men from women, then took the women to a second location to gang rape them.

The women spoke of seeing their children slaughtered in front of them, their husbands beaten and shot. They spoke of burying their loved ones in the darkness and leaving the bodies of their babies behind. They spoke of the searing pain of rapes that felt as if they would never end, and of dayslong journeys on foot to Bangladesh while still bleeding and hobbled.

Rohingya girls under 10 raped while fleeing Myanmar, charity says
Rohingya children, some of them under 10 years old, are receiving treatment for rape in camps on the Bangladesh border, according to medics who say that young refugees account for half of those sexually assaulted while fleeing violence in Myanmar.

Médecins Sans Frontières says dozens of Rohingya girls have been given medical and psychological support at its Kutupalong health facility’s sexual and reproductive health unit – a specialist clinic for survivors of sexual assault based in the largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar.

Of those fleeing Rakhine state who come to the clinic for treatment relating to rape, “about 50% are aged 18 or under, including one girl who was nine years old and several others under the age of 10”, an MSF spokesperson said.

How many mass graves have we found in areas previous occupied by ISIS (who are avowed Muslims)?
Is any one defending or minimizing or excusing the barbaric horrors of ISIS? Is anyone justifying the slaughter and abuse of so many people? Why no. I don’t think so.

Yet right here in this thread people are doing exactly that. Defending monsters.

We really have turned a corner, haven't we?

Cheering for genocide.

I guess that is the difference between the Islamophobes and good Americans.

I am opposed to the genocide, murder and rape of men, women and children regardless of whether they are Muslim, Christian, or Buddhists.

The Islamophobes? Not so much.
It is absolutely sickening how people are justifying an atrocity like this.

Seriously? You are condoning genocide.

Nuke Mecca and then let the chips fall where they may.

I wasn't kidding about that earlier, that's a proper solution for The West. The West you are a part of, missy.

Killing innocent people is never ever a proper solution.
It is when it's for the betterment of the world and a yuge blow to evil.

Okay, The Dome Of The Rock is designed to keep the holiness in, not let it out. True story. Go ahead and do your own research.

I can say that much. Muslims are scumbags.

That's what the Nazi's thought....

are you yanking my chain?

If you're not ready to wear a hijab, and be a slave, don't support Islam, sister.

If that's your cup of tea, it's certainly not freedom tea.
These so people are doing horrific barbaric things to the Rohinga. Burning them alive. Beheading children.

What on earth is there to defend or justify?
What is happening to the Rohinga is what was done to the the Yazidi. There is no difference accept that there are those here who condone it.
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What is happening to the Rohinga is what was done to the the Azidi. There is no difference accept that there are those here who condone it.


I don't have any problem condemning atrocities done by people who are Muslim to others- mostly Muslims- but also the Azidi and Christians and others.

But the posters here somehow feel that when the same kind of atrocities are done to the Rohinda- because they are Muslims- then its just dandy.

What kind of philosophy finds rape, murder and arson just find- because the victims are all Muslim?
It certainly sounds like genocide.

AP finds mass graves, latest evidence of Rohingya genocide in Myanmar
In the videos of the graves obtained by the AP, dating to 13 days after the killing began, blue-green puddles of acid sludge surround corpses without heads and torsos that jut into the air. Skeletal hands seem to claw at the ground.

Survivors said that the soldiers carefully planned the Aug. 27 attack, and then deliberately tried to hide what they had done. They came to the slaughter armed not only with rifles, knives, rocket launchers and grenades, but also with shovels to dig pits and acid to burn away faces and hands so that the bodies could not be identified. Two days before the attack, villagers say, soldiers were seen buying 12 large containers of acid at a nearby village's market.

The killing began around noon, when more than 200 soldiers swept into Gu Dar Pyin from the direction of a Buddhist village to the south, firing their weapons. The Rohingya who could move fast enough ran toward the north or toward a river in the east, said Mohammad Sha, 37, a shop owner and farmer.

How a Rohingya massacre unfolded in Tula Toli - CNN
Discarded and left for dead, Mumtaz says she found herself on top of a mound of charred, entangled bodies.
"They killed and killed and piled the bodies up high. It was like cut bamboo," says Mumtaz, a Rohingya woman from the village of Tula Toli in western Myanmar.
"In the pile there was someone's neck, someone's head, someone's leg. I was able to come out, I don't know how."
The horrors Mumtaz says she endured didn't stop there. After escaping the mass grave, Mumtaz says she was dragged to a village house and raped by soldiers. The wooden house was then locked and set on fire.
It was her seven-year-old daughter Razia, who was in the hut, that ultimately saved her.
"I called to my mum. And my mum said, 'who are you?,'" Razia says. "My mother's head was split. She was thrown aside. They struck me and threw me aside."
"I said 'your finger is on fire.' Then my mum and I got out and left."
The pair squeezed through a damaged part of a fence and hid in a vegetable patch, before other villagers found them and helped them get to Bangladesh, where a staggering 615,000 Rohingya refugees have fled since August 25, according to aid agencies.

Rohingya children 'beheaded and burned alive' in Burma
Rohingya children have been beheaded and civilians burned alive, according to witness testimony amid claims that Burma's military and paramilitary forces are committing "genocide" or a "pogrom" against the Muslim minority in the country’s western Rakhine state.

Rohingya Recount Atrocities: ‘They Threw My Baby Into a Fire’
...In the next violent blur of moments, the soldiers clubbed Rajuma in the face, tore her screaming child out of her arms and hurled him into a fire. She was then dragged into a house and gang-raped.

By the time the day was over, she was running through a field naked and covered in blood. Alone, she had lost her son, her mother, her two sisters and her younger brother, all wiped out in front of her eyes, she says.

Rajuma is a Rohingya Muslim, one of the most persecuted ethnic groups on earth, and she now spends her days drifting through a refugee camp in Bangladesh in a daze.

She relayed her story to me during a recent reporting trip I made to the camps, where hundreds of thousands of Rohingya like her have rushed for safety. Her deeply disturbing account of what happened in her village, in late August, was corroborated by dozens of other survivors, whom I spoke with at length, and by human rights groups gathering evidence of atrocities.

Survivors said they saw government soldiers stabbing babies, cutting off boys’ heads, gang-raping girls, shooting 40-millimeter grenades into houses, burning entire families to death, and rounding up dozens of unarmed male villagers and summarily executing them.

Rohingya Methodically Raped by Myanmar’s Armed Forces
The rape of Rohingya women by Myanmar’s security forces has been sweeping and methodical, the Associated Press found in interviews with 29 women and girls who fled to neighboring Bangladesh. These sexual assault survivors from several refugee camps were interviewed separately and extensively. They ranged in age from 13 to 35, came from a wide swath of villages in Myanmar’s Rakhine state and described assaults between October 2016 and mid-September.

...The most common attack described went much like F’s. In several other cases, women said, security forces surrounded a village, separated men from women, then took the women to a second location to gang rape them.

The women spoke of seeing their children slaughtered in front of them, their husbands beaten and shot. They spoke of burying their loved ones in the darkness and leaving the bodies of their babies behind. They spoke of the searing pain of rapes that felt as if they would never end, and of dayslong journeys on foot to Bangladesh while still bleeding and hobbled.

Rohingya girls under 10 raped while fleeing Myanmar, charity says
Rohingya children, some of them under 10 years old, are receiving treatment for rape in camps on the Bangladesh border, according to medics who say that young refugees account for half of those sexually assaulted while fleeing violence in Myanmar.

Médecins Sans Frontières says dozens of Rohingya girls have been given medical and psychological support at its Kutupalong health facility’s sexual and reproductive health unit – a specialist clinic for survivors of sexual assault based in the largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar.

Of those fleeing Rakhine state who come to the clinic for treatment relating to rape, “about 50% are aged 18 or under, including one girl who was nine years old and several others under the age of 10”, an MSF spokesperson said.

How many mass graves have we found in areas previous occupied by ISIS (who are avowed Muslims)?

How many ways will you try to rationalize your approval of the murder and rape of Muslim children- because of what ISIS has done?
I guess that is the difference between the Islamophobes and good Americans.

I am opposed to the genocide, murder and rape of men, women and children regardless of whether they are Muslim, Christian, or Buddhists.

The Islamophobes? Not so much.
Your saying conservatives are cheering on genocide is hyperbole.Try a real reason why Muslims are not welcome.

Not hyperbole- the OP was pretty clear- according to his post the Rohinga women and children deserve what they get because some Muslims in the world are evil.

And what are the Rohinga women and children getting from the 'peaceful Buddhists' of Myanmar


800,000 Rohinga have fled the Myanmar Army's campaign of terror against them.
Are conservatives the OP? That is what you are saying, in fact, did say. That these things that are happening are somehow different when done to Muslims shows a glaring double standard and the way Islam has intimidated the emasculated leaders and globalist media of the Western world.

The OP is a conservative, and he is being cheered on by the contard Islamophobe echo chamber.

You are right though- this does show the glaring double standard- when Muslims rape, murder and commit genocide these same people correctly decry the crimes against the victims of those Muslims.

But when Budhists rape, murder and commit genocide against Muslims, they rationalize why its okay for Muslims to be raped and murdered.

This is what makes me different from all of you.

I think it is wrong when it is done to Muslims- just as I think it is wrong when it is done by Muslims.
What a bunch of bullshit. You honestly think others here do not feel that way?

Look at the post of the OP- and every post by Conservatives since- not one has either condemned the atrocities done to the Rohingha and most of explained why they deserve what has happened to them- ranging from "Have you seen what ISIS did" to "Muslims always try to take over culture".
Your saying conservatives are cheering on genocide is hyperbole.Try a real reason why Muslims are not welcome.

Not hyperbole- the OP was pretty clear- according to his post the Rohinga women and children deserve what they get because some Muslims in the world are evil.

And what are the Rohinga women and children getting from the 'peaceful Buddhists' of Myanmar


800,000 Rohinga have fled the Myanmar Army's campaign of terror against them.
Are conservatives the OP? That is what you are saying, in fact, did say. That these things that are happening are somehow different when done to Muslims shows a glaring double standard and the way Islam has intimidated the emasculated leaders and globalist media of the Western world.

The OP is a conservative, and he is being cheered on by the contard Islamophobe echo chamber.

You are right though- this does show the glaring double standard- when Muslims rape, murder and commit genocide these same people correctly decry the crimes against the victims of those Muslims.

But when Budhists rape, murder and commit genocide against Muslims, they rationalize why its okay for Muslims to be raped and murdered.

This is what makes me different from all of you.

I think it is wrong when it is done to Muslims- just as I think it is wrong when it is done by Muslims.
What a bunch of bullshit. You honestly think others here do not feel that way?

Look at the post of the OP- and every post by Conservatives since- not one has either condemned the atrocities done to the Rohingha and most of explained why they deserve what has happened to them- ranging from "Have you seen what ISIS did" to "Muslims always try to take over culture".
That is what the Koran and the Hadith tell Muslims to do. You do not know enough about Islam to participate in this conversation.
It certainly sounds like genocide.

AP finds mass graves, latest evidence of Rohingya genocide in Myanmar
In the videos of the graves obtained by the AP, dating to 13 days after the killing began, blue-green puddles of acid sludge surround corpses without heads and torsos that jut into the air. Skeletal hands seem to claw at the ground.

Survivors said that the soldiers carefully planned the Aug. 27 attack, and then deliberately tried to hide what they had done. They came to the slaughter armed not only with rifles, knives, rocket launchers and grenades, but also with shovels to dig pits and acid to burn away faces and hands so that the bodies could not be identified. Two days before the attack, villagers say, soldiers were seen buying 12 large containers of acid at a nearby village's market.

The killing began around noon, when more than 200 soldiers swept into Gu Dar Pyin from the direction of a Buddhist village to the south, firing their weapons. The Rohingya who could move fast enough ran toward the north or toward a river in the east, said Mohammad Sha, 37, a shop owner and farmer.

How a Rohingya massacre unfolded in Tula Toli - CNN
Discarded and left for dead, Mumtaz says she found herself on top of a mound of charred, entangled bodies.
"They killed and killed and piled the bodies up high. It was like cut bamboo," says Mumtaz, a Rohingya woman from the village of Tula Toli in western Myanmar.
"In the pile there was someone's neck, someone's head, someone's leg. I was able to come out, I don't know how."
The horrors Mumtaz says she endured didn't stop there. After escaping the mass grave, Mumtaz says she was dragged to a village house and raped by soldiers. The wooden house was then locked and set on fire.
It was her seven-year-old daughter Razia, who was in the hut, that ultimately saved her.
"I called to my mum. And my mum said, 'who are you?,'" Razia says. "My mother's head was split. She was thrown aside. They struck me and threw me aside."
"I said 'your finger is on fire.' Then my mum and I got out and left."
The pair squeezed through a damaged part of a fence and hid in a vegetable patch, before other villagers found them and helped them get to Bangladesh, where a staggering 615,000 Rohingya refugees have fled since August 25, according to aid agencies.

Rohingya children 'beheaded and burned alive' in Burma
Rohingya children have been beheaded and civilians burned alive, according to witness testimony amid claims that Burma's military and paramilitary forces are committing "genocide" or a "pogrom" against the Muslim minority in the country’s western Rakhine state.

Rohingya Recount Atrocities: ‘They Threw My Baby Into a Fire’
...In the next violent blur of moments, the soldiers clubbed Rajuma in the face, tore her screaming child out of her arms and hurled him into a fire. She was then dragged into a house and gang-raped.

By the time the day was over, she was running through a field naked and covered in blood. Alone, she had lost her son, her mother, her two sisters and her younger brother, all wiped out in front of her eyes, she says.

Rajuma is a Rohingya Muslim, one of the most persecuted ethnic groups on earth, and she now spends her days drifting through a refugee camp in Bangladesh in a daze.

She relayed her story to me during a recent reporting trip I made to the camps, where hundreds of thousands of Rohingya like her have rushed for safety. Her deeply disturbing account of what happened in her village, in late August, was corroborated by dozens of other survivors, whom I spoke with at length, and by human rights groups gathering evidence of atrocities.

Survivors said they saw government soldiers stabbing babies, cutting off boys’ heads, gang-raping girls, shooting 40-millimeter grenades into houses, burning entire families to death, and rounding up dozens of unarmed male villagers and summarily executing them.

Rohingya Methodically Raped by Myanmar’s Armed Forces
The rape of Rohingya women by Myanmar’s security forces has been sweeping and methodical, the Associated Press found in interviews with 29 women and girls who fled to neighboring Bangladesh. These sexual assault survivors from several refugee camps were interviewed separately and extensively. They ranged in age from 13 to 35, came from a wide swath of villages in Myanmar’s Rakhine state and described assaults between October 2016 and mid-September.

...The most common attack described went much like F’s. In several other cases, women said, security forces surrounded a village, separated men from women, then took the women to a second location to gang rape them.

The women spoke of seeing their children slaughtered in front of them, their husbands beaten and shot. They spoke of burying their loved ones in the darkness and leaving the bodies of their babies behind. They spoke of the searing pain of rapes that felt as if they would never end, and of dayslong journeys on foot to Bangladesh while still bleeding and hobbled.

Rohingya girls under 10 raped while fleeing Myanmar, charity says
Rohingya children, some of them under 10 years old, are receiving treatment for rape in camps on the Bangladesh border, according to medics who say that young refugees account for half of those sexually assaulted while fleeing violence in Myanmar.

Médecins Sans Frontières says dozens of Rohingya girls have been given medical and psychological support at its Kutupalong health facility’s sexual and reproductive health unit – a specialist clinic for survivors of sexual assault based in the largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar.

Of those fleeing Rakhine state who come to the clinic for treatment relating to rape, “about 50% are aged 18 or under, including one girl who was nine years old and several others under the age of 10”, an MSF spokesperson said.

How many mass graves have we found in areas previous occupied by ISIS (who are avowed Muslims)?
Is any one defending or minimizing or excusing the barbaric horrors of ISIS? Is anyone justifying the slaughter and abuse of so many people? Why no. I don’t think so.

Yet right here in this thread people are doing exactly that. Defending monsters.
No you are minimizing the source responsible for the barbaric behavior. That source is Islam. It is what it teaches violence as a legitimate(no matter how horrible) way to advance Islam. When people stop defending a religion that teaches supremacy and hate for non-Muslims we might get somewhere.
Not hyperbole- the OP was pretty clear- according to his post the Rohinga women and children deserve what they get because some Muslims in the world are evil.

And what are the Rohinga women and children getting from the 'peaceful Buddhists' of Myanmar


800,000 Rohinga have fled the Myanmar Army's campaign of terror against them.
Are conservatives the OP? That is what you are saying, in fact, did say. That these things that are happening are somehow different when done to Muslims shows a glaring double standard and the way Islam has intimidated the emasculated leaders and globalist media of the Western world.

The OP is a conservative, and he is being cheered on by the contard Islamophobe echo chamber.

You are right though- this does show the glaring double standard- when Muslims rape, murder and commit genocide these same people correctly decry the crimes against the victims of those Muslims.

But when Budhists rape, murder and commit genocide against Muslims, they rationalize why its okay for Muslims to be raped and murdered.

This is what makes me different from all of you.

I think it is wrong when it is done to Muslims- just as I think it is wrong when it is done by Muslims.
What a bunch of bullshit. You honestly think others here do not feel that way?

Look at the post of the OP- and every post by Conservatives since- not one has either condemned the atrocities done to the Rohingha and most of explained why they deserve what has happened to them- ranging from "Have you seen what ISIS did" to "Muslims always try to take over culture".
That is what the Koran and the Hadith tell Muslims to do. You do not know enough about Islam to participate in this conversation.

I know enough about what is right to take part in this conversation- the murder and rape of women and children, and the burning down of their villages and the theft of all of their property is wrong.

Unfortunately you don't have the morals to participate in this conversation.

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