MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell has been perma-banned from Twitter

Maybe we can get the best nights sleep ever, guaranteed. :D


To stop right wing trash from whining why dont we start crowdfunding a platform that will meet all their wacky needs.

Climate change denial,covid hoaxes,flat earth ,anti vax,holocaust denial,trumpism,racism,greed,anti abortion, pro gun,kill the poor and big handouts to corporate interests.

Everyone can help with this because God forbid they have to get off their flabby arses and do it themselves.

Put me down for 5 grand to the cause of ending the stupid and bringing back facts and truth. :)
When are these idiots gonna learn that the endless spouting of falsehoods and conspiracy theories isn't welcome in civil society?

Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, was banned from Twitter Monday night, according to a Twitter spokesperson.​
Twitter made its decision based on a new policy it enacted after the Capitol insurrection whereby people who repeatedly share election misinformation can be permanently banned.​
"The account you referenced has been permanently suspended due to repeated violations of our Civic Integrity Policy," the spokesperson told CNN.​
It is not immediately clear which tweets lead to Lindell's ban.​
Bed Bath & Beyond stopped selling MyPillow products after Lindell voiced continued support for former President Donald Trump in the wake of the January 6 insurrection and voicing false statements publicly about the validity of the election. Lindell, a major Republican donor, called the attack "very peaceful" and blamed "undercover antifa that dressed as Trump people" for the chaos, according to The New York Times. "Donald Trump will be our president for the next four years," he said earlier this month.​
The same Twitter policy caused Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to be locked out of her account for 12 hours two weeks ago.​

When are you going to learn that a civil society censors no one?
Lies, conspiracy theories and slander isn't free speech.

Lies that cause riots and insurrections aren't free speech.

People are sick and tired of all the lies. It has to stop.

I applaud Twitter for actually enforcing their TOS rules.
When are these idiots gonna learn that the endless spouting of falsehoods and conspiracy theories isn't welcome in civil society?

Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, was banned from Twitter Monday night, according to a Twitter spokesperson.​
Twitter made its decision based on a new policy it enacted after the Capitol insurrection whereby people who repeatedly share election misinformation can be permanently banned.​
"The account you referenced has been permanently suspended due to repeated violations of our Civic Integrity Policy," the spokesperson told CNN.​
It is not immediately clear which tweets lead to Lindell's ban.​
Bed Bath & Beyond stopped selling MyPillow products after Lindell voiced continued support for former President Donald Trump in the wake of the January 6 insurrection and voicing false statements publicly about the validity of the election. Lindell, a major Republican donor, called the attack "very peaceful" and blamed "undercover antifa that dressed as Trump people" for the chaos, according to The New York Times. "Donald Trump will be our president for the next four years," he said earlier this month.​
The same Twitter policy caused Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to be locked out of her account for 12 hours two weeks ago.​


The following is one of many versions of a speech from a Lutheran Pasteur who initially supported Hitler---------the Pasteur often substituted one group as being the victims based and who his audience was. Back then socialists weren't communists--they were in direct opposition of one another---mainly the communists were Jewish while the nazis who were socialists hated all jews. Originally, the socialist part was about communist. The Pasteur supported Hitler's rise----as he himself was anti-jewish and a socialist looking for the free nonsense. Eventually though, he would join a group of other religious leaders opposed to Hitler and be locked up. Apparently, at some point, he realized the the Nazis would find out his secrets and decided to not support Hitler any longer. He wrote these passages after the war-------but it does eloquently catch what always happens with socialists--that Eventually inevitably they start feeding off their own supporters. Eventually LOVE, one of the "groups" that you belong to or someone that you don't want to see harm will belong to a one group or another that the corrupt communists/socialist group will be coming for. Whoever Kamala the ho nominates you should be very worry that you might belong to a group that they he/she/it doesn't like.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
When are these idiots gonna learn that the endless spouting of falsehoods and conspiracy theories isn't welcome in civil society?

Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, was banned from Twitter Monday night, according to a Twitter spokesperson.​
Twitter made its decision based on a new policy it enacted after the Capitol insurrection whereby people who repeatedly share election misinformation can be permanently banned.​
"The account you referenced has been permanently suspended due to repeated violations of our Civic Integrity Policy," the spokesperson told CNN.​
It is not immediately clear which tweets lead to Lindell's ban.​
Bed Bath & Beyond stopped selling MyPillow products after Lindell voiced continued support for former President Donald Trump in the wake of the January 6 insurrection and voicing false statements publicly about the validity of the election. Lindell, a major Republican donor, called the attack "very peaceful" and blamed "undercover antifa that dressed as Trump people" for the chaos, according to The New York Times. "Donald Trump will be our president for the next four years," he said earlier this month.​
The same Twitter policy caused Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to be locked out of her account for 12 hours two weeks ago.​

When are you going to learn that a civil society censors no one?

A "civil society" involving private companies censors conspiracy theories and outright lies -
Rightfully so because they are DANGEROUS - - -
Truth is good - Try it sometime!
Lies, conspiracy theories and slander isn't free speech.

Lies that cause riots and insurrections aren't free speech.

People are sick and tired of all the lies. It has to stop.

I applaud Twitter for actually enforcing their TOS rules.

I'm no fan of the Twit but they FINALLY got something right.
However, they should have banned Rump and his lies somewhere around 2015.
Better late than never I guess.
When are these idiots gonna learn that the endless spouting of falsehoods and conspiracy theories isn't welcome in civil society?

Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, was banned from Twitter Monday night, according to a Twitter spokesperson.​
Twitter made its decision based on a new policy it enacted after the Capitol insurrection whereby people who repeatedly share election misinformation can be permanently banned.​
"The account you referenced has been permanently suspended due to repeated violations of our Civic Integrity Policy," the spokesperson told CNN.​
It is not immediately clear which tweets lead to Lindell's ban.​
Bed Bath & Beyond stopped selling MyPillow products after Lindell voiced continued support for former President Donald Trump in the wake of the January 6 insurrection and voicing false statements publicly about the validity of the election. Lindell, a major Republican donor, called the attack "very peaceful" and blamed "undercover antifa that dressed as Trump people" for the chaos, according to The New York Times. "Donald Trump will be our president for the next four years," he said earlier this month.​
The same Twitter policy caused Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to be locked out of her account for 12 hours two weeks ago.​

When are you going to learn that a civil society censors no one?

A "civil society" involving private companies censors conspiracy theories and outright lies -
Rightfully so because they are DANGEROUS - - -
Truth is good - Try it sometime!
They have no authority to tell anyone what the truth is. Only emasculated losers listen to them.
They have no authority to tell anyone what the truth is. Only emasculated losers listen to them.

Sad that a Trumpublican who believes in free enterprise tells a private company how they should conduct their business. :confused:
Big Tech and the Regressive Left are ushering in the 21st century fascist movement.

Taz, you know better than that BS. Really - you do!

You don't and that's the problem

A private company isn't the government.

A private company has no obligations to free speech.

When a person signs up on any website they agree to that private website's TOS rules. They also agree if they violate those TOS rules that the site can take what they think are the appropriate steps to enforce their TOS rules.

This isn't fascism. Mostly because a private company isn't the government. The government isn't closing and banning anyone from any website. Nor is the government taking anyone's free speech rights from them.

All it is, is Twitter enforcing their own TOS rules.

If a person wants to use Twitter, they have to follow Twitter's rules.

If people don't like those rules they don't have to use Twitter.

All you're doing is being an extremist and blowing this out of context.

For this to be fascism the government has to be writing the rules, enforcing them and impose the ban.

That didn't happen.

I don't use Twitter. I never have and never will.
Fascism makes Leftards so excited, they literally pee in their pants like babies
Sorry that your Official Lying, isn't doing well.

Oh they're fine .. give 'em another 6 months to find anyone who'd be willing to amplify their garbage ;)
Is this the same Twitter that was banned in Uganda because Uganda feared foreign countries were trying to influence the elections? Didn't Twitter make a plea to Uganda about having an "open internet?" To me, Twitter and Facebook are drama creators and if there is one less thing we need in this world and that is drama. Uganda has a right to protect their elections, Uganda owes Twitter nothing.
Based on their recent behavior, Twitter and Facebook should be banned
When are these idiots gonna learn that the endless spouting of falsehoods and conspiracy theories isn't welcome in civil society?

Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, was banned from Twitter Monday night, according to a Twitter spokesperson.​
Twitter made its decision based on a new policy it enacted after the Capitol insurrection whereby people who repeatedly share election misinformation can be permanently banned.​
"The account you referenced has been permanently suspended due to repeated violations of our Civic Integrity Policy," the spokesperson told CNN.​
It is not immediately clear which tweets lead to Lindell's ban.​
Bed Bath & Beyond stopped selling MyPillow products after Lindell voiced continued support for former President Donald Trump in the wake of the January 6 insurrection and voicing false statements publicly about the validity of the election. Lindell, a major Republican donor, called the attack "very peaceful" and blamed "undercover antifa that dressed as Trump people" for the chaos, according to The New York Times. "Donald Trump will be our president for the next four years," he said earlier this month.​
The same Twitter policy caused Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to be locked out of her account for 12 hours two weeks ago.​

I'll wait to hear from you when your speech is silent, because a billionaire doesn't approve. Oh, hold on i won't. Welcome to the new norm, Obama said we need to get used to.

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