Mysterious Chinese COVID Lab Uncovered in City of Reedly CA

No, it can't. Virologist are unanimous that the COVID 19 pathogen is man-made

Those who aren't bought by the Chinese that is.
Nope - no such facts exist or are shared by the majority of scientists.
Show me a valid source that would state otherwise.

This man made, and the lab issue are what they are - conspiracy theories with no sufficient backing and proof and opposing opinions are pushed of the table with again unfounded speculations and excuses - such as "scientists being bought of by China".

It's up to you what you prefer to believe - that's all.
Taiwan was occupied by whom? from around 1870 - to 1945. Old Kanji characters sets are exactly the same as old mandarin or Hànyŭ character sets - but are pronounced differently.

Wow, TL:DR.

Bottom line, people in Taiwan continued to speak Mandarin and write in Hanzi even after the Japanese took over.

Your argument seems to be that since I can go down to Mexico and understand SOME of the signs, they must be speaking English.
Nope - no such facts exist or are shared by the majority of scientists.
Show me a valid source that would state otherwise.

This man made, and the lab issue are what they are - conspiracy theories with no sufficient backing and proof and opposing opinions are pushed of the table with again unfounded speculations and excuses - such as "scientists being bought of by China".

It's up to you what you prefer to believe - that's all.

The ONLY people pushing your line of bullshit are the Chinese, and those who funded them.
Wow, TL:DR.

Bottom line, people in Taiwan continued to speak Mandarin and write in Hanzi even after the Japanese took over.
Mandarin Chinese is the official language on Taiwan. Mandarin spoken in Taiwan assumes two forms the Standard Mandarin and the Taiwanese Mandarin (Hokkien). The Standard Mandarin was instituted as the official language during the occupation of the Kuomintang.
I had never stated that today's Taiwan speaks or writes Kanji - but: The PRC doesn't use the old Taiwan Kanji/Mandarin

So stop putting words in my mouth.

Your argument seems to be that since I can go down to Mexico and understand SOME of the signs, they must be speaking English.
Nope - you simply don't seem to understand or know, that a vast amount of Latin words (Today's Spanish/Italian and French) were simply in-cooperated into the English language.

Words such as direction, doctor, cure, express, electricity, vehicle, car, utility, etc. etc. are not English words but derive from Latin - and are therefore the same or similar in Spanish/Italian and French.

You seem to know very little about languages.
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The ONLY people pushing your line of bullshit are the Chinese, and those who funded them.
The only ones who push Covid and other conspiracy theories towards China are MAGA's or dumb China bashers.
Which thank God are an absolute minority on this planet.

But don't worry, you got the same crackpots in China, propagating that Covid was developed by the USA and brought into China via the Wuhan military games.
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I have no interest in providing either, it's like asking "proof and source the sky is blue"
Because there are no viable sources that would confirm your conspiracy theories.
The only fact you have - is that there is a virology lab in Wuhan. - which no one ever disputed, such as that the sky "sometimes" is blue.
Because there are no viable sources that would confirm your conspiracy theories.
The only fact you have - is that there is a virology lab in Wuhan. - which no one ever disputed, such as that the sky "sometimes" is blue.

US Senator Rand Paul has spent the past 3 years uncovering the trail from NIH to Wuhan, but by all means, please reiterate the CCP Wet Market cover story

The GOF in Coronavirus at Wuhan was so thorough in its design to attack the human respiratory system that the bioweapon no longer was able to infect bats! It was at that point I decided to get the “vax”

US Senator Rand Paul has spent the past 3 years uncovering the trail from NIH to Wuhan, but by all means, please reiterate the CCP Wet Market cover story

Hilarious indeed - since Dr. Rand Paul according you is a scientist and virology expert? his medical expertise is purely restricted to ophthalmology.
He is a dumb MAGA supporter - who had nothing better to do, but to point out last year that Ukraine and Georgia used to belong to the Soviet Union.
Which only proves as to how ignorant this fellow is.

Statement: ...that there was reasonable belief behind the scientific hypothesis that I had, which was that this virus evolved in the laboratory as a consequence of gain-of-function scientific experiments."
Again Belief and Hypothesis - and not irrevocable proof. And his "professional" opinion and Hypothesis is based on an article written by a news journalist.
You keep turning in endless circles - whilst not being able to forward a single irrevocable proof.

Anyway it's obvious to everyone that the US government developed Covid and infected China intentionally during the Wuhan military games. - there you go.
And the only ones disputing this are MAGA's and shills paid for by the US government and the US pharmaceutical industry.

I also have no interest in providing sources and proof, it's like asking "proof and source that rain is wet"
The only ones who push Covid and other conspiracy theories towards China are MAGA's or dumb China bashers.
Which thank God are an absolute minority on this planet.

But don't worry, you got the same crackpots in China, propagating that Covid was developed by the USA and brought into China via the Wuhan military games.

Wrong. Occams Razor should be your guide. Is it more likely that a genetically engineered virus appears in a wet market, populated by critters that are IMMUNE to the virus, and are NOT carriers, or that the genetically engineered virus came from the lab NAMED after the virus:eusa_think:
Wrong. Occams Razor should be your guide. Is it more likely that a genetically engineered virus appears in a wet market, populated by critters that are IMMUNE to the virus, and are NOT carriers, or that the genetically engineered virus came from the lab NAMED after the virus:eusa_think:
After Trump and the despotic leader of N-Korea became buddies, the Trump administration financed several labs in N-Korea developing bio-weapons. He did the same in Ukraine.
There is enough proof and verified reports in regards to e.g. Ukraine.
Quote: Despite 6 years of international negotiation, the United States has rejected a Protocol to strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).

These enhanced viruses were send to the USA, where due to a lab-leak - the virus escaped and infected US soldiers - who then brought it unknowingly into China.

The truth however is that the US intentionally infected own military personal - that were then intentionally send to Wuhan.
I have no interest in providing sources and proof, it's like asking "proof and source that rain is wet"

Thanks for your time and your valuable contributions to this thread.
After Trump and the despotic leader of N-Korea became buddies, the Trump administration financed several labs in N-Korea developing bio-weapons. He did the same in Ukraine.
There is enough proof and verified reports in regards to e.g. Ukraine.
Quote: Despite 6 years of international negotiation, the United States has rejected a Protocol to strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).

These enhanced viruses were send to the USA, where due to a lab-leak - the virus escaped and infected US soldiers - who then brought it unknowingly into China.

The truth however is that the US intentionally infected own military personal - that were then intentionally send to Wuhan.
I have no interest in providing sources and proof, it's like asking "proof and source that rain is wet"

Thanks for your time and your valuable contributions to this thread.

You are turning ever more farcical.
I had never stated that today's Taiwan speaks or writes Kanji - but: The PRC doesn't use the old Taiwan Kanji/Mandarin

No, they use HANZI, not Kanji. They are similar, but not the same thing. In addition to Kanji characters, Japanese also use Hiragana and Katakana characters, making their written text quite different from Chinese.

Taiwan used TRADITIONAL Hanzi characters. The PRC uses SIMPLIFIED Hanzi characters that they started adopting after 1960. The simplified letters are much better, because they are easier to learn.
No, they use HANZI, not Kanji. They are similar, but not the same thing. In addition to Kanji characters, Japanese also use Hiragana and Katakana characters, making their written text quite different from Chinese.

Taiwan used TRADITIONAL Hanzi characters. The PRC uses SIMPLIFIED Hanzi characters that they started adopting after 1960. The simplified letters are much better, because they are easier to learn.
Obviously you never read my posts.
And during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan - the PRC didn't even exist.
But the people of Taiwan still spoke Mandarin and wrote in Hanzi.
Jesus man - in that time 1870 - 1945 the vast majority of people on Taiwan composed of the indigenous Dayak related folks - who have their own language, and those of Chinese ancestry spoke either Hokkien or Hakka. Kanji and old Mandarin was only known to the intellectuals or government associated personal.
And during the occupation of Taiwan the official language was JAPANESE - therefore KANJI - who's characters are 100% originating from old Mandarin and had been added with new Japanese Kanji characters.

Therefore for the 10th time: The PRC doesn't use the old Taiwan Kanji/Mandarin
Jesus man - in that time 1870 - 1945 the vast majority of people on Taiwan composed of the indigenous Dayak related folks - who have their own language,
You are working off a lot of misinformation... The Chinese had been colonizing Taiwan since the Ming dynasty. but nice try.
You are working off a lot of misinformation... The Chinese had been colonizing Taiwan since the Ming dynasty. but nice try.
Get some information as to the population mix/ratio on Taiwan from 1650-1945 - and stop forwarding bullshit statements.
According to your logic - the official language on Taiwan in 1660 must have been Dutch, and in Northern Taiwan till 1640 Spanish

Aside from private HAN Chinese traders, fishermen and some settlers (Hokkien,Hakka and Cantonese) - you got any idea as to when China (Qing Dynasty) officially started to settle Taiwan?
The Ming Dynasty had simply claimed Taiwan to be their territory and had indeed settled the Spratly Islands and had errected militay encampments - only after defeating the Spanish and Dutch, did they actually start to settle and officially control Taiwan's coastal areas.
They were never able and also not interested to control the central part of Taiwan - even the Japanese didn't have full control.

The factual main influx of Han Chinese came upon the Kuomintang occupying Taiwan with the remnants of their army and it's attached civilians in 1948. Slaughtering off and persecuting the indigenous population - then due to representing the population majority and being the self-appointed government they, the KMT introduced old Kanji/Mandarin as the official Language for Taiwan, replacing the previous Japanese Kanji as the official language.

Now stop wasting my time.
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