Mystery Babylon.

I'm getting sick and tired of your deliberate lies. If you read the entire chapter, it is perfectly clear that Jesus was speaking to the Scribes and the Pharisees. Not Jews in general. You are nothing but a Jew-hating Schmuck! STFU already!! PUNK!

Jesus said unto them, "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word Ye are of your father the devil."

You're of the devil, too, shithead. That's why you can't understand Jesus, even as Jesus simply and explicitly explains the quality of rejecting him is what establishes the Jews as being the children of the devil. Not the quality of joining the sect of the Pharisees.

You accuse me of Jew-hating. So what? Jesus hates the Jews with a perfect hatred. And, you hate Jesus, the real Jesus.

Yes, the chapter starts by telling us that the Scribes and Pharisees brought a whore to Jesus to test Jesus. The Scribes represent the most expert of Jews. The Pharisees represent the most devoted of Jews. But, it's not expertise and devotion that makes them children of the Devil. It's their rejection of Christ, you illiterate fool. Also, shithead, while member of those two groups of Jews were testing Jesus, by no means does the chapter say the crowd of Jews there was limited to those two groups. And, regardless of who was standing there, Jesus addresses "Jews", both by the word and by their nature.

BTW, shithead, the whore of Babylon are the Jews. Their unfaithfulness made these Babylonian-captives-in-spirit spiritual whores.
Jew hater. Enough said. You label an entire race as children of Satan. What about Messianic Jews? Are they 'children of Satan' also? Jesus was talking to the assembled crowd. They were there, most of them, to test Jesus and try to trap Him. That is why Jesus called them children of Satan. But that does not apply to all Jews. Your assertion is no different than claiming that all 'n*ggers' are criminals on welfare.
Jew hater. Enough said. You label an entire race as children of Satan. What about Messianic Jews? Are they 'children of Satan' also? Jesus was talking to the assembled crowd. They were there, most of them, to test Jesus and try to trap Him. That is why Jesus called them children of Satan. But that does not apply to all Jews. Your assertion is no different than claiming that all 'n*ggers' are criminals on welfare.

Jews are a religion of Antichrist. Jesus identified them as children of Satan. I'm only accepting the very logical claim of Christ. You commit the same error as the children of Satan to whom Jesus was talking. You believe that ancestry is what makes someone a Jew. That makes you a fool, like those who claimed to be descendants of Abraham to establish their relationship with God. But, what makes you a total fool is that Talmudists whom you call Jews have no claim of ancestry to Abraham. Too bad the shit in your skull can't understand this non-controversial fact.

Jesus didn't say "Because you're trying to trap me, you're children of Satan." Jesus said, "If God were your father, you would love me." Seriously, how putrid is that shit in your skull that you can't understand it's about accepting or rejecting Christ, not about an act a few people were engaged in.

The term "Jew" is analogous to the term "Democrat" not to black. All Democrats vote for candidates who support abortion and same-sex tyranny (and, you give aid and support to the Jews who serve the Democrat party). Jews are found in all races. But, they all reject Christ.

What about Messianic Jews?

The term "Messianic Jew" was invented by illiterate Zionists in the 20th century. There's no such thing. That state of Israel denies there's a such thing. Every Rabbi on earth denies there's such a thing. And, every Christian who doesn't have a skull full of shit knows there's no such thing. At best, a "Messianic Jew" is an illiterate Talmudist who converted to Christianity, and is no longer regarded as a Jew by the Jewish and non-shithead Christian communities.
Jew hater. Enough said. You label an entire race as children of Satan. What about Messianic Jews? Are they 'children of Satan' also? Jesus was talking to the assembled crowd. They were there, most of them, to test Jesus and try to trap Him. That is why Jesus called them children of Satan. But that does not apply to all Jews. Your assertion is no different than claiming that all 'n*ggers' are criminals on welfare.

Jews are a religion of Antichrist. Jesus identified them as children of Satan. I'm only accepting the very logical claim of Christ. You commit the same error as the children of Satan to whom Jesus was talking. You believe that ancestry is what makes someone a Jew. That makes you a fool, like those who claimed to be descendants of Abraham to establish their relationship with God. But, what makes you a total fool is that Talmudists whom you call Jews have no claim of ancestry to Abraham. Too bad the shit in your skull can't understand this non-controversial fact.

Jesus didn't say "Because you're trying to trap me, you're children of Satan." Jesus said, "If God were your father, you would love me." Seriously, how putrid is that shit in your skull that you can't understand it's about accepting or rejecting Christ, not about an act a few people were engaged in.

The term "Jew" is analogous to the term "Democrat" not to black. All Democrats vote for candidates who support abortion and same-sex tyranny (and, you give aid and support to the Jews who serve the Democrat party). Jews are found in all races. But, they all reject Christ.

What about Messianic Jews?

The term "Messianic Jew" was invented by illiterate Zionists in the 20th century. There's no such thing. That state of Israel denies there's a such thing. Every Rabbi on earth denies there's such a thing. And, every Christian who doesn't have a skull full of shit knows there's no such thing. At best, a "Messianic Jew" is an illiterate Talmudist who converted to Christianity, and is no longer regarded as a Jew by the Jewish and non-shithead Christian communities.

Although I do understand how someone of your intelligence might believe it, being repulsive is not a superpower.
Jew hater. Enough said. You label an entire race as children of Satan. What about Messianic Jews? Are they 'children of Satan' also? Jesus was talking to the assembled crowd. They were there, most of them, to test Jesus and try to trap Him. That is why Jesus called them children of Satan. But that does not apply to all Jews. Your assertion is no different than claiming that all 'n*ggers' are criminals on welfare.

Jews are a religion of Antichrist. Jesus identified them as children of Satan. I'm only accepting the very logical claim of Christ. You commit the same error as the children of Satan to whom Jesus was talking. You believe that ancestry is what makes someone a Jew. That makes you a fool, like those who claimed to be descendants of Abraham to establish their relationship with God. But, what makes you a total fool is that Talmudists whom you call Jews have no claim of ancestry to Abraham. Too bad the shit in your skull can't understand this non-controversial fact.

Jesus didn't say "Because you're trying to trap me, you're children of Satan." Jesus said, "If God were your father, you would love me." Seriously, how putrid is that shit in your skull that you can't understand it's about accepting or rejecting Christ, not about an act a few people were engaged in.

The term "Jew" is analogous to the term "Democrat" not to black. All Democrats vote for candidates who support abortion and same-sex tyranny (and, you give aid and support to the Jews who serve the Democrat party). Jews are found in all races. But, they all reject Christ.

What about Messianic Jews?

The term "Messianic Jew" was invented by illiterate Zionists in the 20th century. There's no such thing. That state of Israel denies there's a such thing. Every Rabbi on earth denies there's such a thing. And, every Christian who doesn't have a skull full of shit knows there's no such thing. At best, a "Messianic Jew" is an illiterate Talmudist who converted to Christianity, and is no longer regarded as a Jew by the Jewish and non-shithead Christian communities.
This is funny. You claim to be a Christian, yet look at the language you are using. Insults and vulgar language. And all I did was disagree with you.
I'm getting sick and tired of your deliberate lies. If you read the entire chapter, it is perfectly clear that Jesus was speaking to the Scribes and the Pharisees. Not Jews in general. You are nothing but a Jew-hating Schmuck! STFU already!! PUNK!

Jesus said unto them, "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word Ye are of your father the devil."

You're of the devil, too, shithead. That's why you can't understand Jesus, even as Jesus simply and explicitly explains the quality of rejecting him is what establishes the Jews as being the children of the devil. Not the quality of joining the sect of the Pharisees.

You accuse me of Jew-hating. So what? Jesus hates the Jews with a perfect hatred. And, you hate Jesus, the real Jesus.

Yes, the chapter starts by telling us that the Scribes and Pharisees brought a whore to Jesus to test Jesus. The Scribes represent the most expert of Jews. The Pharisees represent the most devoted of Jews. But, it's not expertise and devotion that makes them children of the Devil. It's their rejection of Christ, you illiterate fool. Also, shithead, while member of those two groups of Jews were testing Jesus, by no means does the chapter say the crowd of Jews there was limited to those two groups. And, regardless of who was standing there, Jesus addresses "Jews", both by the word and by their nature.

BTW, shithead, the whore of Babylon are the Jews. Their unfaithfulness made these Babylonian-captives-in-spirit spiritual whores.
To be fair, the whore of Babylon appears more specifically to be Jerusalem, a Judean city. Jesus blamed the Jews for murdering the prophets, in Jerusalem.

Jesus came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matt. 15:24) ( or Samaria), and yes, was not entirely averse to ministering to a Canaanite woman because she believed in him. Even Canaanites, and others, too, would dwell with Israel in the kingdom of God when their time came. When the Christians, who would do greater works than Jesus, ministered to the world.

I have no clue what this mystery Babylon thing is, though. Babylon was not a mystery; it was an ancient empire. We all know that.
To be fair, the whore of Babylon appears more specifically to be Jerusalem, a Judean city. Jesus blamed the Jews for murdering the prophets, in Jerusalem.

Yes, to be precise, the whore is Jerusalem. Calling it "mystery" means that it's not the ancient kingdom of Babylon, for that Babylon is not a mystery veiled in a symbolic name.
Jew hater. Enough said. You label an entire race as children of Satan. What about Messianic Jews? Are they 'children of Satan' also? Jesus was talking to the assembled crowd. They were there, most of them, to test Jesus and try to trap Him. That is why Jesus called them children of Satan. But that does not apply to all Jews. Your assertion is no different than claiming that all 'n*ggers' are criminals on welfare.

Jews are a religion of Antichrist. Jesus identified them as children of Satan. I'm only accepting the very logical claim of Christ. You commit the same error as the children of Satan to whom Jesus was talking. You believe that ancestry is what makes someone a Jew. That makes you a fool, like those who claimed to be descendants of Abraham to establish their relationship with God. But, what makes you a total fool is that Talmudists whom you call Jews have no claim of ancestry to Abraham. Too bad the shit in your skull can't understand this non-controversial fact.

Jesus didn't say "Because you're trying to trap me, you're children of Satan." Jesus said, "If God were your father, you would love me." Seriously, how putrid is that shit in your skull that you can't understand it's about accepting or rejecting Christ, not about an act a few people were engaged in.

The term "Jew" is analogous to the term "Democrat" not to black. All Democrats vote for candidates who support abortion and same-sex tyranny (and, you give aid and support to the Jews who serve the Democrat party). Jews are found in all races. But, they all reject Christ.

What about Messianic Jews?

The term "Messianic Jew" was invented by illiterate Zionists in the 20th century. There's no such thing. That state of Israel denies there's a such thing. Every Rabbi on earth denies there's such a thing. And, every Christian who doesn't have a skull full of shit knows there's no such thing. At best, a "Messianic Jew" is an illiterate Talmudist who converted to Christianity, and is no longer regarded as a Jew by the Jewish and non-shithead Christian communities.
This is funny. You claim to be a Christian, yet look at the language you are using. Insults and vulgar language. And all I did was disagree with you.

You used the term n*gger, as if it was nothing at all.
You used the term n*gger, as if it was nothing at all.

He never directly responded to any of the points I ever made, in the first place. He's worse than useless. He plays his role of posing as a Christian to lead other Christians into anti-Christian doctrine.

The real thing is he doesn't believe Jesus. He doesn't believe Jesus when Jesus said to the Jews "If God were your father, you would love me." He doesn't believe Jesus when Jesus answered when the temple would be destroyed, "this generation". He does not believe Christ.
What is it? There are a few theories, and they all sound good. Some believe it is America. Others believe it is Rome. What do you think?

In the book of Rev its Rome , Rome is the second land that totally destroyed the jewish temple, thus the new Babylon.
Catholic theology gets really weird on this point. The images of Holy Mother Church and the Whore of Babylon have precisely the same elements. Then there is also the fact that according to Catholic beliefs about prophecy include that the False Prophet and/or Anti-Christ will become the Pope and execute believing Catholics as heretics.

  1. [*]17:1–19:10 The punishment of Babylon is now described as a past event and, metaphorically, under the image of the great harlot who leads people astray into idolatry.
    [*]17:1–6 Babylon, the symbolic name (Rev 17:5) of Rome, is graphically described as “the great harlot.”

  1. This is from the NABRE Rev 17 footnotes. (Its a Catholic Bible). They admit it. Its the second empire that destroyed the jewish temple completely.
The term "Jew" is analogous to the term "Democrat" not to black. All Democrats vote for candidates who support abortion and same-sex tyranny (and, you give aid and support to the Jews who serve the Democrat party). Jews are found in all races. But, they all reject Christ.
Is "Jew" a term for anyone who rejects Jesus? Are Muslims, Hindus, etc., all "Jews"?
The term "Jew" is analogous to the term "Democrat" not to black. All Democrats vote for candidates who support abortion and same-sex tyranny (and, you give aid and support to the Jews who serve the Democrat party). Jews are found in all races. But, they all reject Christ.
Is "Jew" a term for anyone who rejects Jesus? Are Muslims, Hindus, etc., all "Jews"?

We can ask a Jew but they disagree on the meaning, some say its a culture, some say a religion.
If you can't even understand Jesus when he said clearly that Jews are children of the devil, what hope do you have to understand me when I explain Mystery Babylon?
Jesus is/was a Jew.

BTW, any human being not having the Spirit of Christ is a child of the devil. Satan is the ruler of the world UNTIL Christ returns.
If you can't even understand Jesus when he said clearly that Jews are children of the devil, what hope do you have to understand me when I explain Mystery Babylon?
Jesus is/was a Jew.

BTW, any human being not having the Spirit of Christ is a child of the devil. Satan is the ruler of the world UNTIL Christ returns.

What is it? There are a few theories, and they all sound good. Some believe it is America. Others believe it is Rome. What do you think?
Catholic Church

They didn't have the Catholic Church at the time of the writing of Rev. Good try though.

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