Mystery of Falling Birds?

I think as in most cases of things like this there is a natural, rational explanation that makes more sense than fireworks that happen every year without incident. I also think we'll never know what it is. Probably because they're not looking for it.

I just like mysteries.

don't know if anyone mentioned this, but on my local news it said a bunch of dead birds were reported in Tennessee today that all had something blue in their beaks, and Italy had a bunch of dead Doves falling from the sky today....

THIS is Bigger than we know....imo.
I think as in most cases of things like this there is a natural, rational explanation that makes more sense than fireworks that happen every year without incident. I also think we'll never know what it is. Probably because they're not looking for it.

I just like mysteries.

don't know if anyone mentioned this, but on my local news it said a bunch of dead birds were reported in Tennessee today that all had something blue in their beaks, and Italy had a bunch of dead Doves falling from the sky today....

THIS is Bigger than we know....imo.

Yes. The fish are dying en masse as well. Were they traumatized by the fireworks too?

I thinki not.. :)

I've been meaning to ask you, Care. How did you handle 1-1-11?
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OK look, I live in Arkansas, and eventhough Beebe is a few hours south the climate is similiar. New Years Eve was relatively cold, probably in the upper 20's for that area. When you consider the movement of sound waves through cold air WITHOUT snow cover theory holds water. I don't see anything particularly odd about this. Of course, I've never seen birds fall out of the sky on the 4th of July either, but that is a very different set of circumstances.
I think as in most cases of things like this there is a natural, rational explanation that makes more sense than fireworks that happen every year without incident. I also think we'll never know what it is. Probably because they're not looking for it.

I just like mysteries.

don't know if anyone mentioned this, but on my local news it said a bunch of dead birds were reported in Tennessee today that all had something blue in their beaks, and Italy had a bunch of dead Doves falling from the sky today....

THIS is Bigger than we know....imo.

Yes. The fish are dying en masse as well. Were they traumatized by the fireworks too?

I thinki not.. :)

I've been meaning to ask you, Care. How did you handle 1-1-11?


I refused to write its date in that manner! it was 1/1/2011 in my house!

still too many ones and ELEVENs FOR COMFORT THOUGH!!!!!:eek:

This bird/fish thing is not looking good to me either......

and of course, the Bible book of Revelation that i coincidentally just read, saying 1/3 of the birds and 1/3 of the fish would be killed/would die off in one of its 7 plagues prophesy has me just slightly freaked out..... :lol:
don't know if anyone mentioned this, but on my local news it said a bunch of dead birds were reported in Tennessee today that all had something blue in their beaks, and Italy had a bunch of dead Doves falling from the sky today....

THIS is Bigger than we know....imo.

Yes. The fish are dying en masse as well. Were they traumatized by the fireworks too?

I thinki not.. :)

I've been meaning to ask you, Care. How did you handle 1-1-11?


I refused to write its date in that manner! it was 1/1/2011 in my house!

still too many ones and ELEVENs FOR COMFORT THOUGH!!!!!:eek:

This bird/fish thing is not looking good to me either......

and of course, the Bible book of Revelation that i coincidentally just read, saying 1/3 of the birds and 1/3 of the fish would be killed/would die off in one of its 7 plagues prophesy has me just slightly freaked out..... :lol:

A couple of them mentioned you in that thread. So funny. :)
Yes. The fish are dying en masse as well. Were they traumatized by the fireworks too?

I thinki not.. :)

I've been meaning to ask you, Care. How did you handle 1-1-11?


I refused to write its date in that manner! it was 1/1/2011 in my house!

still too many ones and ELEVENs FOR COMFORT THOUGH!!!!!:eek:

This bird/fish thing is not looking good to me either......

and of course, the Bible book of Revelation that i coincidentally just read, saying 1/3 of the birds and 1/3 of the fish would be killed/would die off in one of its 7 plagues prophesy has me just slightly freaked out..... :lol:

A couple of them mentioned you in that thread. So funny. :)

huh? what thread sarah?

I refused to write its date in that manner! it was 1/1/2011 in my house!

still too many ones and ELEVENs FOR COMFORT THOUGH!!!!!:eek:

This bird/fish thing is not looking good to me either......

and of course, the Bible book of Revelation that i coincidentally just read, saying 1/3 of the birds and 1/3 of the fish would be killed/would die off in one of its 7 plagues prophesy has me just slightly freaked out..... :lol:

A couple of them mentioned you in that thread. So funny. :)

huh? what thread sarah?

I posted this NYD.
Why else were the birds flying at night?

It's more believeablke that the government had killed John Wheeler than it is to think that something that has been done for years every years shooting off fireworks caused the deaths of birds worlkd wide.

So, you don't have any reason that birds are flying at night, huh.....

a firework falling into their roost would cause them to fly.

This must be the first year that we have ever had fireworks display. I doubt we will ever have them again as a nation. I guess the birds at Beebe were spooked by the fireworks world wide. However if thats what you will accept as an answer go for it, eat it up. As for me anything but that is a more logical explaination. How would you explain the mass fish kill in the same state?
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Yes big Reb, I saw on the news last night about the polar shift taking place....and we know birds use the magnetic field for travel.
Apparently people walking around with too much change in their pockets has created this magnetic shift. Come on people be green, half of you walk in a counuter-clockwise motion. lol
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(CNN) -- Arkansas game officials hope testing scheduled to begin Monday will solve the mystery of why up to 5,000 birds fell from the sky just before midnight New Year's Eve.

The birds -- most of which were dead -- were red-winged blackbirds and starlings, and they were found within a one-mile area of Beebe, about 40 miles northeast of Little Rock, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said. Birds fell over about a one-mile area, the commission said in a statement.

As of Saturday, between 4,000 and 5,000 birds had been found dead, said Keith Stephens with the commission.

"Shortly after I arrived, there were still birds falling from the sky," said commission wildlife officer Robby King in the statement. He said he collected about 65 dead birds.

Arkansas game officials probe mystery of falling birds -

Global warming? Is the end near? You decide.
AGW? Thats funny. AGW is like einstiens theory of everything, no matter what happens you can blame it on AGW.:lol::lol:

Given the pattern of the bird and fishkills I would say its likely a result of some unusual vulcanism. SO2 would have the effects on both the birds and the fish that I've seen so far and SO2 is a precurser to a vlocanic event. Not to say that is the reason, but its the only one I've seen so far that makes any sence to all of the recent incidents.
(CNN) -- Arkansas game officials hope testing scheduled to begin Monday will solve the mystery of why up to 5,000 birds fell from the sky just before midnight New Year's Eve.

The birds -- most of which were dead -- were red-winged blackbirds and starlings, and they were found within a one-mile area of Beebe, about 40 miles northeast of Little Rock, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said. Birds fell over about a one-mile area, the commission said in a statement.

As of Saturday, between 4,000 and 5,000 birds had been found dead, said Keith Stephens with the commission.

"Shortly after I arrived, there were still birds falling from the sky," said commission wildlife officer Robby King in the statement. He said he collected about 65 dead birds.

Arkansas game officials probe mystery of falling birds -

Global warming? Is the end near? You decide.
AGW? Thats funny. AGW is like einstiens theory of everything, no matter what happens you can blame it on AGW.:lol::lol:

Given the pattern of the bird and fishkills I would say its likely a result of some unusual vulcanism. SO2 would have the effects on both the birds and the fish that I've seen so far and SO2 is a precurser to a vlocanic event. Not to say that is the reason, but its the only one I've seen so far that makes any sence to all of the recent incidents.

They don't have volcanos in Arkansas.

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