Myths busted at climate change conference

Walleyes, when can we expect to see you at the AGU conferance, disproving AGW? Keep putting it off, and I will speaking there before you are.
Walleyes, when can we expect to see you at the AGU conferance, disproving AGW? Keep putting it off, and I will speaking there before you are.

Sure you will. I posted my invite to present a couple of years back.. You post yours when you get it.
You see, the whole of the scientific community states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

Rolling Rock, seems you ignore posts. Fine with me, but hey, why don't you tell us all how warm is 10PPM of CO2, 20PPM,120PPM or even 280PPM of CO2. hahahahahaahahahahaha, you can't. You can post link after link of the AGW crowd, however dude, you can't prove any of it. ZIP

Continued LoSinG..................
I love his opening statement

"do I 'believe in climate change?' Well of course I do because there's only been climate change for the last 4 and a half BILLION YEARS!"



I'm sure they're losing money on the sin taxes since more and more humans are quitting smoking. That take had to be huge once. Got to dream up something to take its place.
Exactly. Elitists need to constantly feed their greed with money and they are willing to make up almost anything to get it. Next thing you know they'll be trying to create a tax for having a mailbox because they're 'hazardous to drivers'.

I love his opening statement

"do I 'believe in climate change?' Well of course I do because there's only been climate change for the last 4 and a half BILLION YEARS!"



Climate change has always existed. There were always fluctuations in temperatures.
It's just a natural process, not really caused by human beings.
I love his opening statement

"do I 'believe in climate change?' Well of course I do because there's only been climate change for the last 4 and a half BILLION YEARS!"



Climate change has always existed. There were always fluctuations in temperatures.
It's just a natural process, not really caused by human beings.

I try tellin people that all the time but nobody wants to hear it. For some reason a lot people would rather believe there's a problem rather than not.

I love his opening statement

"do I 'believe in climate change?' Well of course I do because there's only been climate change for the last 4 and a half BILLION YEARS!"



Climate change has always existed. There were always fluctuations in temperatures.
It's just a natural process, not really caused by human beings.

I try tellin people that all the time but nobody wants to hear it. For some reason a lot people would rather believe there's a problem rather than not.


Liberals (typical warmers) can't stand the thought of not being in control of everything. They can't look at the chaos that is the climate system of earth and simply acknowledge that we are along for the ride..good or bad. They have to imagine that man is in charge and that they can, in some way, do something about it. The wildness of nature terrifies them.
Thread summary:

None of the deniers want to tell us what myths were busted.

They do praise the conference for endlessly talking about the great socialist conspiracy. As is usual, the conspiracy theories are all they have. And that's why the planet correctly defines deniers as political cultists.

Deniers, let us know when you're willing do some science. Until then, you'll keep getting mocked. Like The Onion did here. Yes, yes, we know you'll now put The Onion on your ever-growing enemies list.

Report: Climate Change Skeptics Could Reach Catastrophic Levels By 2020 | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
WASHINGTON—In a worrying development that could have dire implications for the health of the planet, a report published Wednesday by the Environmental Protection Agency suggests that the number of climate change skeptics could reach catastrophic levels by the year 2020.
Oh look! A bunch of people who make their living off of the climate change scam are claiming to have debunked the deniers' claims.

If you think this has any meaning at all, you are an idiot.
Speakers also cited the Remote Sensing Systems satellite record which shows there now has been no global warming for 17 years and 10 months.
Sure looks like a warming trend when you get the data directly from the RSS website rather than some second hand denier source.

RSS / MSU and AMSU Data / Time Series Trend Browser


Silly ass. 'Lord Monkton;

Climate sceptic Lord Monckton told he's not member of House of Lords | Environment |

The House of Lords has taken the unprecedented step of publishing a "cease and desist" letter on its website demanding that Lord Christopher Monckton, a prominent climate sceptic and the UK Independence party's head of research, should stop claiming to be a member of the upper house.

The move follows a testy interview given by Monckton to an Australian radio station earlier this month in which he repeated his long-stated belief that he is a member of the House of Lords. When asked by ABC Sydney's Adam Spencer if he was a member, he said: "Yes, but without the right to sit or vote … [The Lords] have not yet repealed by act of parliament the letters patent creating the peerage and until they do I am a member of the house, as my passport records. It says I am the Right Honourable Viscount Monckton of Brenchley. So get used to it."

The letter, sent by David Beamish, clerk of the parliaments, to Monckton last Friday and now published on the Lords' website, states: "You are not and have never been a member of the House of Lords. Your assertion that you are a member, but without the right to sit or vote, is a contradiction in terms. No one denies that you are, by virtue of your letters patent, a peer. That is an entirely separate issue to membership of the House. This is borne out by the recent judgement in Baron Mereworth v Ministry of Justice (Crown Office)."

Monkton is a fraud, an asshole with no training in any scientfic discilpline. His only degree is in journalism.
I love his opening statement

"do I 'believe in climate change?' Well of course I do because there's only been climate change for the last 4 and a half BILLION YEARS!"



Climate change has always existed. There were always fluctuations in temperatures.
It's just a natural process, not really caused by human beings.

There have been a number of times that climate change rapidly and radically in the geological history. Thus far, it looks like all the great extinctions, save one, were caused by are very rapid change in GHG levels. Now, just because the change is caused by the actions of mankind, rather than volcanoes or the rapid weathering of rocks does not change the physics. You add GHGs to the atmosphere, whether from trapp volcanics or burning fossil fuels, the result is the same. The atmosphere rapidly warms. It would not take a more than a fraction of the warming experiance in the K-T extinction to make things very difficult for our descendents.
Speakers also cited the Remote Sensing Systems satellite record which shows there now has been no global warming for 17 years and 10 months.
Sure looks like a warming trend when you get the data directly from the RSS website rather than some second hand denier source.

RSS / MSU and AMSU Data / Time Series Trend Browser


Another AGW cult members checks in!!


It is often reported that the temperature of the earth is higher the past 20 years than it has ever been in history. This is simply not true, nor has it ever been. Hundreds of research studies using ice cores, pollen sedimentation, tree rings, etc. have shown that there were dozens of periods in the past 11,000 years (the Holocene period) that earth's temperature was warmer than it is today. Earth's temperature was very much warmer at least four times during the current interglacial period.

Another AGW cult fail!
I love his opening statement

"do I 'believe in climate change?' Well of course I do because there's only been climate change for the last 4 and a half BILLION YEARS!"



Climate change has always existed. There were always fluctuations in temperatures.
It's just a natural process, not really caused by human beings.

There have been a number of times that climate change rapidly and radically in the geological history. Thus far, it looks like all the great extinctions, save one, were caused by are very rapid change in GHG levels. Now, just because the change is caused by the actions of mankind, rather than volcanoes or the rapid weathering of rocks does not change the physics. You add GHGs to the atmosphere, whether from trapp volcanics or burning fossil fuels, the result is the same. The atmosphere rapidly warms. It would not take a more than a fraction of the warming experiance in the K-T extinction to make things very difficult for our descendents.

Another AGW cult member that believes AGW killed off the dinosaurs..

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