Myths conservatives believe about liberalism

1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

1. Liberals hate the rich (AKA OWS), Liberals are "socialist" (well no duh, look at our welfare programs, and listen to MSNBC say your children belong to the community).

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom (well yeah, we'll just forget how Obama signed Executive Order 13618)

3. Liberals think the same way. (Obviously they do, you need look no further than this forum to confirm it).

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong (of course they do, but they ignore it and vote for him anyway. Heheheheheee *snort*)

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government (just ask a black liberal, they want OBAMA MONEY! If you want the sound clip, just ask.)

So Billy, these are just examples I pulled off the top of my head. These purported myths of yours, are realities you are afraid to deal with.

Okay let me explain your stupidity to you in simple terms. Black liberals, Obama, liberals on this forum do not speak for liberals in general. Those are individual people dumbass. It's not like all liberals have a meeting every month to decide what we all believe.

I just can't believe you don't see the stupidity in your logic. If you would just take some time to think, you would understand what i am saying.

Not all liberals think like Micheal Moore. Not all conservatives think like Glenn Beck. Nothing is black and white. Get that through your skull.

Asking them to think might be asking a bit too much.
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

1. Liberals hate the rich (AKA OWS), Liberals are "socialist" (well no duh, look at our welfare programs, and listen to MSNBC say your children belong to the community).

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom (well yeah, we'll just forget how Obama signed Executive Order 13618)

3. Liberals think the same way. (Obviously they do, you need look no further than this forum to confirm it).

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong (of course they do, but they ignore it and vote for him anyway. Heheheheheee *snort*)

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government (just ask a black liberal, they want OBAMA MONEY! If you want the sound clip, just ask.)

So Billy, these are just examples I pulled off the top of my head. These purported myths of yours, are realities you are afraid to deal with.

Okay let me explain your stupidity to you in simple terms. Black liberals, Obama, liberals on this forum do not speak for liberals in general. Those are individual people dumbass. It's not like all liberals have a meeting every month to decide what we all believe.

I just can't believe you don't see the stupidity in your logic. If you would just take some time to think, you would understand what i am saying.

Not all liberals think like Micheal Moore. Not all conservatives think like Glenn Beck. Nothing is black and white. Get that through your skull.

But they mostly do, which is why they are liberals. Of course again there's the cognitive dissonance as you accuse conservatives--all conservatives--of thinking a certain way about liberals.
Michael Moore thinks corporations are destroying America. Obama also thinks this. So do virtuall all liberals. Michael Moore thinks the answer to any problem is a well funded gov't program. So does Obama. So do virtually all liberals.
See how this works?
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

1. Liberals hate the rich (AKA OWS), Liberals are "socialist" (well no duh, look at our welfare programs, and listen to MSNBC say your children belong to the community).

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom (well yeah, we'll just forget how Obama signed Executive Order 13618)

3. Liberals think the same way. (Obviously they do, you need look no further than this forum to confirm it).

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong (of course they do, but they ignore it and vote for him anyway. Heheheheheee *snort*)

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government (just ask a black liberal, they want OBAMA MONEY! If you want the sound clip, just ask.)

So Billy, these are just examples I pulled off the top of my head. These purported myths of yours, are realities you are afraid to deal with.

Okay let me explain your stupidity to you in simple terms. Black liberals, Obama, liberals on this forum do not speak for liberals in general. Those are individual people dumbass. It's not like all liberals have a meeting every month to decide what we all believe.

I just can't believe you don't see the stupidity in your logic. If you would just take some time to think, you would understand what i am saying.

Not all liberals think like Micheal Moore. Not all conservatives think like Glenn Beck. Nothing is black and white. Get that through your skull.

When I see a liberal disagree with Moore and agree with Beck. You may have a point.
Liberals do not reject capitalism.
Not for themselves, no. Capitalism for them, socialism for everybody else.

Ah, now I understand. Bankers are liberals.

Got it!

What does 'liberal' even mean, folks? It's become just a catch phrase, full of argument and division signifying nothing. This kind of dualism serves us poorly.

in my OPINION.., liberal/liberalism/liarberals mean anti America, anti Constitution AND most especially the second amendment of the Bill of Rights.
Liberals love micheal moore, he makes movies dogging capitalism, and without capitalism he would be on welfare. He is the ultimate hypocrite, thats why liberals love him.
1. Liberals hate the rich (AKA OWS), Liberals are "socialist" (well no duh, look at our welfare programs, and listen to MSNBC say your children belong to the community).

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom (well yeah, we'll just forget how Obama signed Executive Order 13618)

3. Liberals think the same way. (Obviously they do, you need look no further than this forum to confirm it).

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong (of course they do, but they ignore it and vote for him anyway. Heheheheheee *snort*)

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government (just ask a black liberal, they want OBAMA MONEY! If you want the sound clip, just ask.)

So Billy, these are just examples I pulled off the top of my head. These purported myths of yours, are realities you are afraid to deal with.

Okay let me explain your stupidity to you in simple terms. Black liberals, Obama, liberals on this forum do not speak for liberals in general. Those are individual people dumbass. It's not like all liberals have a meeting every month to decide what we all believe.

I just can't believe you don't see the stupidity in your logic. If you would just take some time to think, you would understand what i am saying.

Not all liberals think like Micheal Moore. Not all conservatives think like Glenn Beck. Nothing is black and white. Get that through your skull.

When I see a liberal disagree with Moore and agree with Beck. You may have a point.

Yeah that logic makes perfect sense. :eusa_eh:

Anyone who agrees with what Beck says is at the very least borderline mentally retarded. Hell buy into O'Reilly if you'd like. Maybe Limbaugh on a good day, but Beck? You are doing your brain a disservice if you give him the time of day.
Liberals love micheal moore, he makes movies dogging capitalism, and without capitalism he would be on welfare. He is the ultimate hypocrite, thats why liberals love him.

I think its hysterical you chose to just ignore everything I've been saying. Why did you even bother posting on this thread?

Judging by your avatar you are a bigot. Take your shallow reasoning elsewhere sir.
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

1. Liberals hate the rich (AKA OWS), Liberals are "socialist" (well no duh, look at our welfare programs, and listen to MSNBC say your children belong to the community).

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom (well yeah, we'll just forget how Obama signed Executive Order 13618)

3. Liberals think the same way. (Obviously they do, you need look no further than this forum to confirm it).

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong (of course they do, but they ignore it and vote for him anyway. Heheheheheee *snort*)

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government (just ask a black liberal, they want OBAMA MONEY! If you want the sound clip, just ask.)

So Billy, these are just examples I pulled off the top of my head. These purported myths of yours, are realities you are afraid to deal with.

Okay let me explain your stupidity to you in simple terms. Black liberals, Obama, liberals on this forum do not speak for liberals in general. Those are individual people dumbass. It's not like all liberals have a meeting every month to decide what we all believe.

I just can't believe you don't see the stupidity in your logic. If you would just take some time to think, you would understand what i am saying.

Not all liberals think like Micheal Moore. Not all conservatives think like Glenn Beck. Nothing is black and white. Get that through your skull.

That's funny because he knows this but he wouldn't be able to whine and cry like he does if he admitted it.
Except all of those are true.

Well, libs don't hate some rich people. George Soros comes to mind. But let some middle class guy get uppity and build his business up to where he's earning 300k/yr and you get "you didnt build that." "You have to spread the wealth." "At some point you've made enough."

Libs believe in the freedom to boink your same sex partner and get an abortion. Start your own business? No. Enter into contracts freely? No. Buy large size sodas? No. SMoke? No. Own guns? Hell no. But they believe in freedom. Right.

Libs dont think the same way. That's why we get exactly the same talking points coming from the usual dependable left wing brain dead on here.

Libs think Obama is wrong. He is wrong in not pushing for single payer. He was wrong for talking to the GOP in Congress (which he didnt). He was wrong for not pushing for 90% tax rates. Yeah.

Libs dont believe in mooching off the gov't. That's why they havent passed the biggest new entitlement in 80 years, have insisted on 99 weeks of unemployment, which contributes to unemployment itself, pushed for "green energy" projects which have resulted in nothing but loss and business failure, and have seen disability rolls skyrocket. No, that's justice, not mooching.

We could add that conservatives mistakenly believe libs are dedicated to a racist society where the color of your skin determines whether you get into that school or get that job.

Wow, you are something else. Are you just willfully ignorant or just that stupid? It blows my mind anyone can be so black and white. Do realize that this all or nothing thinking you have is an intellectual weakness? Do you really not see that? Frankly I feel sorry for you.

Uhhhhhh.....Where exactly is he wrong? Everything he stated is true.
The MAJOR distinction between ALMOST ALL liberals and Almost ALL conservatives is that to Liberals the "Golden Rule" is a theological only meme.
Most conservatives understand the "Golden Rule" .. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" has practical applications.

Examples are most conservatives think people are responsible for society's advancement .. most liberals think it is the laws constrain people,i.e most
liberals think people are innately bad and need government to manage their lives.

When you look at Arthur C Brooks', book "Who Really Cares :The Surprising Truth about Compassionate Conservatism
On Page 22 :
Registered Republicans were seven points more likely to give at least once in 2002 then Democrats (90% to 83%)
More then money and time, blood donations.

If liberals and moderates gave blood at the same rate as conservatives, the blood supply in the U.S. would jump by about 45%.
In 2002 self-described liberals younger than 30 were 12% less like to give money and 33% less willing to give blood then their conservatives counter-parts.

Liberal young Americans [voted for Obama!] in 2004 were also significantly less likely than the young conservatives express a willingness to sacrifice for their loved ones.
A lower percentage said they [young liberals] would prefer to suffer than let a loved one suffer.

Page 23:
Among states which 60% or more voted for Bush, average portion of income donated was 3.5% versus states giving less then 40% for Bush - donated 1.9%.
In 2003 residents in the top five "Bush states" were 51% more likely to volunteer those in the bottom five.

His initial research for Who Really Cares revealed that religion played a far more significant role in giving than he had previously believed.
In 2000, religious people gave about three and a half times as much as secular people — $2,210 versus $642.

And even when religious giving is excluded from the numbers, Mr. Brooks found, religious people still give $88 more per year to nonreligious charities.

So while Liberals talk a good game, they don't walk the talk as conservatives do.
Perfect illustration of a liberal good talker..

The White House released the filings for both the President and the First Lady on Wednesday. Combined, the family brought in an adjusted gross income of $2,656,902, mostly from the sale of the President's books.
The Obamas paid $855,323 in federal income tax.
BUT donated only $172,050 - or about 6.5% of their adjusted gross income to 37 different charities.
Obama Tax Returns For 2008: See The Complete Filings

While President and Mrs. George W. Bush reported taxable income of $719, 274 for the tax year 2007
and paid $221,635 in federal income taxes, the White House said Friday.
The Bushes contributed a total of $165,660 [23%] to churches and charitable organizations.
Bush earned $719,000 in 2007 -

So a good talker .. Obama donated just 6.5% on income that was over 3 times what Bush earned while Bush donated 23% of his income to churches and charities.

Finally a picture a worth a thousand words..
Obama's brother lives in the below $12 a year hut... and no matter how much Liberals protest, this is the image that really hurts!!
Remember Obama preaches "I'm my brother's keeper"...

Last edited:
What they like to do is make up positions and attribute them to "liberals".

You like fucking dogs don't cha, ya dog fucker! Liberals love fucking dogs, just look at them! Why do you like dog fucking, dog fucker?

Then they want responses to their made up bullshit
Okay let me explain your stupidity to you in simple terms. Black liberals, Obama, liberals on this forum do not speak for liberals in general. Those are individual people dumbass. It's not like all liberals have a meeting every month to decide what we all believe.

I just can't believe you don't see the stupidity in your logic. If you would just take some time to think, you would understand what i am saying.

Not all liberals think like Micheal Moore. Not all conservatives think like Glenn Beck. Nothing is black and white. Get that through your skull.

When I see a liberal disagree with Moore and agree with Beck. You may have a point.

Yeah that logic makes perfect sense. :eusa_eh:

Anyone who agrees with what Beck says is at the very least borderline mentally retarded. Hell buy into O'Reilly if you'd like. Maybe Limbaugh on a good day, but Beck? You are doing your brain a disservice if you give him the time of day.

Yes it does. And it counters your claim quite well.

Another liberal tenet it to marginalize and attack those whom you disagree with.
Liberals do not reject capitalism.
Not for themselves, no. Capitalism for them, socialism for everybody else.

Ah, now I understand. Bankers are liberals.

Got it!

What does 'liberal' even mean, folks? It's become just a catch phrase, full of argument and division signifying nothing. This kind of dualism serves us poorly.

Feel free to come up with a new name. Just keep in mind it needs to fit your political beliefs to be accepted.
I can come up with a shitload of new ones,but you probably wouldnt care for them.
Certainly all of those myths are presented on this board - but do any conservatives believe them?

Personally, I think not. It's just theatre.

I find it very odd on this board that some right-wing extremists are so obsessed with socialism and class war; it's like talking to someone from 1956. Socialism is dead and buried. No one cares anymore. I don't know a single socialist, and I know a lot of people.

These days liberals more often own businesses (as I do), hire people, pay taxes and are as capitalist as any Conservative - they just see tax and social justice a little differently.

I've been amazed by the superiority complex some of our right-wing posters have about liberals - the kind of belief that their own political views make them superior beings that went strangely out of favour in Europe in around 1945.
Liberals love micheal moore, he makes movies dogging capitalism, and without capitalism he would be on welfare. He is the ultimate hypocrite, thats why liberals love him.

I think its hysterical you chose to just ignore everything I've been saying. Why did you even bother posting on this thread?

Judging by your avatar you are a bigot. Take your shallow reasoning elsewhere sir.

I'm a bigot cause i like women? Liberal tolorance at it's best. Kinda like gore tells us to cut back on our energy, but uses more energy in one month than i use in a year. Another example of liberal lunacy is enviromentalist. They will burn down a house for the enviroment but in reality they poison the air. Then the resources to rebuild the house will need to be collected. So tell me how does that help the enviroment?
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

Hate is a strong word. Let's just say that liberals dislike the rich. It wasn't a bunch of Tea Party conservatives that occupied Wall Street, it was liberals. You could reasonably say that unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers is a typical liberal. He must have hated corporate America when he tried to blow them up with WMD's.
When I see a liberal disagree with Moore and agree with Beck. You may have a point.

Yeah that logic makes perfect sense. :eusa_eh:

Anyone who agrees with what Beck says is at the very least borderline mentally retarded. Hell buy into O'Reilly if you'd like. Maybe Limbaugh on a good day, but Beck? You are doing your brain a disservice if you give him the time of day.

Yes it does. And it counters your claim quite well.

Another liberal tenet it to marginalize and attack those whom you disagree with.

Well some people are stupid. Glenn Beck is one of them. I don't think all conservatives are dumb.
What they like to do is make up positions and attribute them to "liberals".

You like fucking dogs don't cha, ya dog fucker! Liberals love fucking dogs, just look at them! Why do you like dog fucking, dog fucker?

Then they want responses to their made up bullshit

First gay marrige, then beastiality cannot say we didn't warn everybody
1. Liberals hate the rich. Liberals are "socialists".

While there certainly some exceptions, liberals in general do not hate the rich. We simply want to limit their power if it negatively affects the middle class and poor (trust me. It does.) Liberalism is NOT socialism. Get that through your skull. Liberals do not reject capitalism. We do not want to change our economic system. We do however want there to be rules set (regulations) in the interest of society at large. The idea of corporate America having unchecked power is a scary thought.

2. Liberals reject the idea of personal freedom.

This is probably the most stupid assumption. We simply believe there needs to be limits set in the interest of people in general.

3. Liberals all think the same way.

It is so obnoxious when i hear cons demonize liberals by generalizing them in some way. People are individuals. We all have our own opinions and level of intellectual reasoning. We don't all agree on the same ideas. For instance, some liberals do not agree with what i am saying here. The same logic applies to conservatives.

4. Liberals think Obama does no wrong.

Of course Obama does shit wrong. Any liberal will tell you that. We don't have this black and white view of him simply because we have an overall favorable opinion of him. Hell some libs don't like him at all.

5. Liberals believe in mooching off the government.

Don't be dense. Any reasonably intelligent person believes in the idea of self reliance. It's just that, believe it or not, some people do need government assistance. Veterans are not alone on this. Are there moochers on the system? Of course there are. It is an undeniable problem. However, that does not mean the philosophy of government assistance is a harmful idea.

Blah blah blah. "Liberals" are busy-body control freaks. It's as simple as that.

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