Myths, Hypotheses and Facts Concerning the Origin of Peoples

Your intent is to debunk them and you can't. They are available as is on various legitimate websites. Why is it hard for you to accept them as is?

feel free at anytime to offer your definition of "legitimate" and then, provide the sites where you got those quotes.

i can produce info from "legitimate" websites that says we have been placed on this planet from aliens from outer space.
I don't need to, you're doing a great job of it. Keep up the good work.

all legitimate means is that it is not illegal. i mean, by that reckoning, one could claim "stormfront" is a legitimate site, as is the jDL site, or any number of DISREPUTABLE sites.

so, let's see your sites.
I'll stick to your sites, how's that. How's Wikipedia, which not only didn't help your cause but in fact made it worse? Ha ha ha.
So according to Muhsain, Jordan is Palestine now, and between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences, and once the greedy Arabs which ended up with all the land in the region also take over all of Israel they will unite it Jordan. In other words the term Palestinian is just a temporary tactic and a fraud to use against Israel. Thanks for clearing that "context" up buddy. Ha ha ha. You just put your foot further in your mouth.

"Usually Jews". What a rabid anti Semite. LOLOLOL

that quote in that form used by B467 is usually used by jews or jewish websites.

that is the truth. if the truth is regarded by you as anti-semitic, that says more about you than me.

you all just can't seem to not take it out of a context.
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You can't spin away Muhsein's statement.

Even you acknowledge that he said: "Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity."

He admitted that the "Palestinian identity" was made up to fight against Israel.

Deal with it.

i deal with it quite well...and you are twisting what i said and taking it out of context, as you have done with muhsein.

i expect it of you.

you really do need to try to understand the meaning of what is said...and the meaning of what is said has a context, and so does the truth.
Actually, you're seem to be having a great problem understanding the meaning. The guy just said there is no "unique identity" of Palestinians. They are the same as their neighbors the Jordanians, Syrians, and Lebanese. Use of the term Palestinian is just a tactic to defeat the Zionists, and once they are defeated, the land will be united with JORDAN.

There ya go, the "national aspirations" of the Palestinians according to Muhsain: "we'll call ourselves Palestinians just to defeat the Jews, once we do that, we'll call ourselves JORDANIANS"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
that quote in that form used by B467 is usually used by jews or jewish websites.

that is the truth. if the truth is regarded by you as anti-semitic, that says more about you than me.

you all just can't seem to not take it out of a context.

The quote that is in my signature is accurate and, with respect to the key points, substantively identical to your version.

I'm not going to quibble over the translation, as I don't speak Dutch (I suspect that you don't either).

Whichever translation is used, the statement is an admission that there is no such thing as a distinct "Palestinian people," as the anti-Israel narrative suggests. Rather, there is simply a group of Arabs that has designated itself as "Palestinians" for the purpose of creating a platform to attack Israel.
So according to Muhsain, Jordan is Palestine now, and between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences, and once the greedy Arabs which ended up with all the land in the region also take over all of Israel they will unite it Jordan. In other words the term Palestinian is just a temporary tactic and a fraud to use against Israel. Thanks for clearing that "context" up buddy. Ha ha ha. You just put your foot further in your mouth.

"Usually Jews". What a rabid anti Semite. LOLOLOL

that quote in that form used by B467 is usually used by jews or jewish websites.

that is the truth. if the truth is regarded by you as anti-semitic, that says more about you than me.

you all just can't seem to not take it out of a context.
Jews Jews Jews. None of the context presented changed the meaning of the quotes.
I'll stick to your sites, how's that. How's Wikipedia, which not only didn't help your cause but in fact made it worse? Ha ha ha.

only to fools.

i see you are either incapable or unwilling to produce the "legitimate" sites for your quotes.
Thats not my job, that's yours. You made a claim now back it up. So far the all context you have provided have fallen flat.
that quote in that form used by B467 is usually used by jews or jewish websites.

that is the truth. if the truth is regarded by you as anti-semitic, that says more about you than me.

you all just can't seem to not take it out of a context.

The quote that is in my signature is accurate and, with respect to the key points, substantively identical to your version.

I'm not going to quibble over the translation, as I don't speak Dutch (I suspect that you don't either).

Whichever translation is used, the statement is an admission that there is no such thing as a distinct "Palestinian people," as the anti-Israel narrative suggests. Rather, there is simply a group of Arabs that has designated itself as "Palestinians" for the purpose of creating a platform to attack Israel.
Exactly what I said:

The "national aspirations" of the Palestinians according to Muhsain: "we'll call ourselves Palestinians just to defeat the Jews, once we do that, we'll call ourselves JORDANIANS"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
You can't spin away Muhsein's statement.

Even you acknowledge that he said: "Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity."

He admitted that the "Palestinian identity" was made up to fight against Israel.

Deal with it.

i deal with it quite well...and you are twisting what i said and taking it out of context, as you have done with muhsein.

i expect it of you.

you really do need to try to understand the meaning of what is said...and the meaning of what is said has a context, and so does the truth.
Actually, you're seem to be having a great problem understanding the meaning. The guy just said there is no "unique identity" of Palestinians. They are the same as their neighbors the Jordanians, Syrians, and Lebanese. Use of the term Palestinian is just a tactic to defeat the Zionists, and once they are defeated, the land will be united with JORDAN.

There ya go, the "national aspirations" of the Palestinians according to Muhsain: "we'll call ourselves Palestinians just to defeat the Jews, once we do that, we'll call ourselves JORDANIANS"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

exactly what part of a pan-arab nationalist movement are you failing to comprehend. that is the context to what is being quoted.

so let me get this straight. you are in agreement with what zahir muhsein is saying?

what exactly do you think this means...

"A separate Palestinian entity needs to fight for the national interest in the then remaining occupied territories. The Jordanian government cannot speak for Palestinians in Israel, Lebanon or Syria. Jordan is a state with specific borders. It cannot lay claim on - for instance - Haifa or Jaffa, while I AM entitled to Haifa, Jaffa, Jerusalem en Beersheba. Jordan can only speak for Jordanians and the Palestinians in Jordan. The Palestinian state would be entitled to represent all Palestinians in the Arab world en elsewhere. Once we have accomplished all of our rights in all of Palestine, we shouldn't postpone the unification of Jordan and Palestine for one second."
that quote in that form used by B467 is usually used by jews or jewish websites.

that is the truth. if the truth is regarded by you as anti-semitic, that says more about you than me.

you all just can't seem to not take it out of a context.

The quote that is in my signature is accurate and, with respect to the key points, substantively identical to your version.

I'm not going to quibble over the translation, as I don't speak Dutch (I suspect that you don't either).

Whichever translation is used, the statement is an admission that there is no such thing as a distinct "Palestinian people," as the anti-Israel narrative suggests. Rather, there is simply a group of Arabs that has designated itself as "Palestinians" for the purpose of creating a platform to attack Israel.

your quote is not acurate. i can only find it on jewish/zionist sources.

the quote i use comes from a neutral and reputable source and it is substantively different from your version. it acknowledges the palestinians, as it does jordanians and syrians and lebanese etc as parts of a more broad, arab world.
Your source is Wikipedia, which is a "user-submitted encyclopedia." In other words, anyone could have provided the translation found there.

Either way, you're wrong. The two versions are substantively identical, as both admit that the "Palestinian identity" was created to combat Israel.

Game over.
Your source is Wikipedia, which is a "user-submitted encyclopedia." In other words, anyone could have provided the translation found there.

Either way, you're wrong. The two versions are substantively identical, as both admit that the "Palestinian identity" was created to combat Israel.

Game over.

actually, the game isn't over. due to the controversy of the accuracy of the two quotes, i believe you are in violation of copyright law by not producing a link to the source of your quote. you should include that link in your sig line.

i think you may want to argue with toastman as to the validity of wikipedia, i find them generally reliable and they do strive to be objective and, in act, put great efforts towards that end. they are certainly more reputable than propaganda sources.

the two versions are not identical at all. muhsein merely folds the palestinians, lebanese, jordanians, syrians etc into a grerater arab world. what don't you get about that?

tell ya what though, you got one guy...roudy has a handful. how about i come up with a bunch of israelis and jews who say palestinians do exist, in reference. let's begin with every prime minister of israel who has referred to palestinians.
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Off topic! Perhaps you didn't look properly and what you found didn't suit your prejudices?

Topic title: Myths, Hypotheses and Facts Concerning the Origin of Peoples :eusa_eh:

Philip Khuri Hitti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hitti was educated at an American Presbyterian mission school at Suq al-Gharb and at the American University of Beirut. After graduating in 1908 he taught at the American University of Beirut before moving to Columbia University where he taught Semitic languages and got his PhD in 1915. After World War I he returned to American University of Beirut and taught there until 1926. In February 1926 he was offered a Chair at Princeton University which he held until he retired in 1954. He was both Professor of Semitic Literature and Chairman of the Department of Oriental Languages. After formal retirement he accepted a position at Harvard. He also taught in the summer schools at the University of Utah and George Washington University in Washington, D.C. He subsequently held a research position at the University of Minnesota. Philip Hitti almost single handedly created the discipline of Arabic Studies in the United States.
In 1944 before a U. S. House committee, Hitti gave testimony in support of the view that there was no historical justification for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. His testimony was reprinted in the Princeton Herald. In response, Albert Einstein and his friend and colleague Erich Kahler jointly replied in the same newspaper with their counter-arguments. Hitti then published a response and Einstein and Kahler concluded the debate in the Princeton Herald with their second response.[1] In 1945 Hitti served as an adviser to the Iraqi delegation at the San Francisco Conference which established the United Nations. In 1946, Hitti was the first Arab-American witness at the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine. Bartley Crum, an American member of the committee, recalled that Hitti.. explained that there was actually no such entity as Palestine- never had been; it was historically part of Syria, and "the Sunday schools have done a great deal of harm to us because by smearing the walls of classrooms with maps of Palestine, they associate it with the Jews in the minds of the average American and Englishman"... He asserted that Zionism.. was an imposition on the Arabs of alien way of life which they resented and to which they would never submit.[2]
Hitti was a distant relative of Christa McAuliffe, a teacher-astronaut who was killed in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster on January 28, 1986.[3] McAuliffe's mother was Hitti's niece.

Why would I object to this?
How does it change the meaning? He said there is no Palestinian people or entity ever. It's a Zionist invention.

Aren't you the one that keeps telling us about this historic Palestinian people with all sorts of rights to land that the "Jews stole"? Here's one Arab historian that disagrees with you totally. No objections? Great. Ha ha ha ha.

...and no historical justification for a Jewish homeland in Palestine either :dunno:

I don't think I'm the one. I've consistently said that the indigenous Palestinians and Jews are the same people with the same claims to the land. When it comes to land theft, I've only referred to that in terms of the occupied territories. I actually agree with this historian.

Please keep your people straight.
i deal with it quite well...and you are twisting what i said and taking it out of context, as you have done with muhsein.

i expect it of you.

you really do need to try to understand the meaning of what is said...and the meaning of what is said has a context, and so does the truth.
Actually, you're seem to be having a great problem understanding the meaning. The guy just said there is no "unique identity" of Palestinians. They are the same as their neighbors the Jordanians, Syrians, and Lebanese. Use of the term Palestinian is just a tactic to defeat the Zionists, and once they are defeated, the land will be united with JORDAN.

There ya go, the "national aspirations" of the Palestinians according to Muhsain: "we'll call ourselves Palestinians just to defeat the Jews, once we do that, we'll call ourselves JORDANIANS"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

exactly what part of a pan-arab nationalist movement are you failing to comprehend. that is the context to what is being quoted.

so let me get this straight. you are in agreement with what zahir muhsein is saying?

what exactly do you think this means...

"A separate Palestinian entity needs to fight for the national interest in the then remaining occupied territories. The Jordanian government cannot speak for Palestinians in Israel, Lebanon or Syria. Jordan is a state with specific borders. It cannot lay claim on - for instance - Haifa or Jaffa, while I AM entitled to Haifa, Jaffa, Jerusalem en Beersheba. Jordan can only speak for Jordanians and the Palestinians in Jordan. The Palestinian state would be entitled to represent all Palestinians in the Arab world en elsewhere. Once we have accomplished all of our rights in all of Palestine, we shouldn't postpone the unification of Jordan and Palestine for one second."

You having reading reading comprehension problems? This is from your own wikipedia:

Between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. We are all part of ONE people, the Arab nation. Look, I have family members with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenship. We are ONE people. Just for political reasons we carefully underwrite our Palestinian identity. Because it is of national interest for the Arabs to advocate the existence of Palestinians to balance Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity.

Once we have accomplished all of our rights in all of Palestine, we shouldn't postpone the unification of Jordan and Palestine for one second."

So, to recap, the guy is saying "Let's just make the Palestinians a unique people just for tactical reasons, once we ARABS WHO ARE THE SAME defeat Israel, then we can go ahead and call ourselves JORDANIANS."

Wow, some nationalist movement! Ha ha ha.
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Topic title: Myths, Hypotheses and Facts Concerning the Origin of Peoples :eusa_eh:

Why would I object to this?
How does it change the meaning? He said there is no Palestinian people or entity ever. It's a Zionist invention.

Aren't you the one that keeps telling us about this historic Palestinian people with all sorts of rights to land that the "Jews stole"? Here's one Arab historian that disagrees with you totally. No objections? Great. Ha ha ha ha.

...and no historical justification for a Jewish homeland in Palestine either :dunno:

I don't think I'm the one. I've consistently said that the indigenous Palestinians and Jews are the same people with the same claims to the land. When it comes to land theft, I've only referred to that in terms of the occupied territories. I actually agree with this historian.

Please keep your people straight.
Nope, you got that upside down and ass backwards. He is saying there is no such thing as a Palestine, Palestinian people, or Palestinian history. The word "Palestinian" means JEWS (as I have repeatedly said before), and there is certainly no such thing as a "Palestinian Arab." So again, hearing it from the horse's mouth, AN ARAB HISTORIAN, Palestine is simply southern Syria, there is no distinction between them and the other Arabs.

That totally discredits your claims of a "Palestinian people" separate from their neighboring Arabs. Period end of story.
How does it change the meaning? He said there is no Palestinian people or entity ever. It's a Zionist invention.

Aren't you the one that keeps telling us about this historic Palestinian people with all sorts of rights to land that the "Jews stole"? Here's one Arab historian that disagrees with you totally. No objections? Great. Ha ha ha ha.

...and no historical justification for a Jewish homeland in Palestine either :dunno:

I don't think I'm the one. I've consistently said that the indigenous Palestinians and Jews are the same people with the same claims to the land. When it comes to land theft, I've only referred to that in terms of the occupied territories. I actually agree with this historian.

Please keep your people straight.
Nope, you got that upside down and ass backwards. He is saying there is no such thing as a Palestine, Palestinian people, or Palestinian history. The word "Palestinian" means JEWS (as I have repeatedly said before), and there is certainly no such thing as a "Palestinian Arab." So again, hearing it from the horse's mouth, AN ARAB HISTORIAN, Palestine is simply southern Syria, there is no distinction between them and the other Arabs.

That totally discredits your claims of a "Palestinian people" separate from their neighboring Arabs. Period end of story.

It descredits the Jews as well - they're the same people.
Topic title: Myths, Hypotheses and Facts Concerning the Origin of Peoples :eusa_eh:

Why would I object to this?
How does it change the meaning? He said there is no Palestinian people or entity ever. It's a Zionist invention.

Aren't you the one that keeps telling us about this historic Palestinian people with all sorts of rights to land that the "Jews stole"? Here's one Arab historian that disagrees with you totally. No objections? Great. Ha ha ha ha.

...and no historical justification for a Jewish homeland in Palestine either :dunno:

I don't think I'm the one. I've consistently said that the indigenous Palestinians and Jews are the same people with the same claims to the land. When it comes to land theft, I've only referred to that in terms of the occupied territories. I actually agree with this historian.

Please keep your people straight.
The way I see it, once the Ottoman Empire collapsed the entire region was handled by the French and the British. There was a lot of jockeying going on when dividing the region into states. The Arabs ended up getting almost all the land. The Palestinians who were not considered a distinct group nor an ethnicity nor a separate people were not even asking for a state at the time. The Jews, who have a history with religious, archaeological and spiritual ties in the region and had maintained a presence throughout the millennia were one of the groups jockeying for a state in the land of their ancestors, and they ended up with it.

Arabs were not happy with the creation of a "Jewish state" in their midst because they are intolerant bigoted assholes, and attacked Israel, not to create this mythical Palestine, but to "drive the Jews into the sea", and divide Israel between themselves. They failed miserably, over and over, and then comes the creation of this mythical "Palestinian", and of course the rest is history.

Arabs don't like the way things turned out? Tough. Israel is here to stay, it ain't goin' nowhere. Deal with it.

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