n korea thinks trump is bluffing

You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
You would rather wait until the massive deaths of Alaskans and our major oil reserves are so contaminated we can't use them?
No. Apparently those who know what they're talking about would rather find another option. That is all I'm saying.
You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
in no way shape form or fashion would i prefer we take the military way.

what i am saying is we have a uber-freak psychotic kid in power over there building and testing nukes all the time with the stated desire to nuke us. sanctions he doesn't care about cause he just seems to take it out on the people there. he doesn't seem to have missed a meal at all while others in his country starve.

that said, trump is not bluffing. and again when he's testing nukes with the stated desire to kill us, when do we take it seriously enough to do something more than hope he's kidding?
You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
You would rather wait until the massive deaths of Alaskans and our major oil reserves are so contaminated we can't use them?
No. Apparently those who know what they're talking about would rather find another option. That is all I'm saying.
Fat boy has the choice. The only choice. Not me not you but fat boy. And thus far his choice does not look good for either of us.
You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
in no way shape form or fashion would i prefer we take the military way.

what i am saying is we have a uber-freak psychotic kid in power over there building and testing nukes all the time with the stated desire to nuke us. sanctions he doesn't care about cause he just seems to take it out on the people there. he doesn't seem to have missed a meal at all while others in his country starve.

that said, trump is not bluffing. and again when he's testing nukes with the stated desire to kill us, when do we take it seriously enough to do something more than hope he's kidding?

Why do we care about human rights in NK, and how do you know what its like. All news about it is always neg.
Look what we did to Iraq, and now Syria.
You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
You would rather wait until the massive deaths of Alaskans and our major oil reserves are so contaminated we can't use them?
No. Apparently those who know what they're talking about would rather find another option. That is all I'm saying.
Fat boy has the choice. The only choice. Not me not you but fat boy. And thus far his choice does not look good for either of us.
yep. i would agree we will be accountable for our actions - but the n korean pillsbury dough boy isn't giving people many options when he screams KILL THEM 90% of his waking hours.
You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
in no way shape form or fashion would i prefer we take the military way.

what i am saying is we have a uber-freak psychotic kid in power over there building and testing nukes all the time with the stated desire to nuke us. sanctions he doesn't care about cause he just seems to take it out on the people there. he doesn't seem to have missed a meal at all while others in his country starve.

that said, trump is not bluffing. and again when he's testing nukes with the stated desire to kill us, when do we take it seriously enough to do something more than hope he's kidding?

Why do we care about human rights in NK, and how do you know what its like. All news about it is always neg.
Look what we did to Iraq, and now Syria.
who said i gave a shit about human rights in NK. i said fat boy doesn't care about sanctions cause his people starve.

as for how do i know. guess tortured americans who wanted a stupid poster gave me a clue as well as stories like this:

What it's like to live in - and leave - one of the world's most feared dictatorships

bottom line - he shoots off his mouth enough someone will smack him down. nothing new, and nothing surprising.
So far the NK fish head has refrained from testing another nuke. So, in that regard, he must not think POTUS is bluffing

So far the NK fish head has refrained from testing another nuke. So, in that regard, he must not think POTUS is bluffing

he talks tough all the time and flies in the face of reason. if the chinese can't reel him he he won't be reeled in. sooner or later someone *will* take him out.
You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
in no way shape form or fashion would i prefer we take the military way.

what i am saying is we have a uber-freak psychotic kid in power over there building and testing nukes all the time with the stated desire to nuke us. sanctions he doesn't care about cause he just seems to take it out on the people there. he doesn't seem to have missed a meal at all while others in his country starve.

that said, trump is not bluffing. and again when he's testing nukes with the stated desire to kill us, when do we take it seriously enough to do something more than hope he's kidding?
You just presented an argument for the military option. Quit pretending it's not your preference, is all I'm saying.
You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
in no way shape form or fashion would i prefer we take the military way.

what i am saying is we have a uber-freak psychotic kid in power over there building and testing nukes all the time with the stated desire to nuke us. sanctions he doesn't care about cause he just seems to take it out on the people there. he doesn't seem to have missed a meal at all while others in his country starve.

that said, trump is not bluffing. and again when he's testing nukes with the stated desire to kill us, when do we take it seriously enough to do something more than hope he's kidding?
You just presented an argument for the military option. Quit pretending it's not your preference, is all I'm saying.

All other options have been exhausted. We can't let NK treat us like Iran treats Israel.

You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
in no way shape form or fashion would i prefer we take the military way.

what i am saying is we have a uber-freak psychotic kid in power over there building and testing nukes all the time with the stated desire to nuke us. sanctions he doesn't care about cause he just seems to take it out on the people there. he doesn't seem to have missed a meal at all while others in his country starve.

that said, trump is not bluffing. and again when he's testing nukes with the stated desire to kill us, when do we take it seriously enough to do something more than hope he's kidding?
You just presented an argument for the military option. Quit pretending it's not your preference, is all I'm saying.
why don't you quit telling me how i feel about things - maybe that would be a excellent fucking start.

i do not want a military option - i just don't see their leadership packing it up and stopping their testing. i don't see sanctions doing anything either. you tell me what other options you think are coming - not what you prefer but coming.

wringing your hands in hope this is doing to resolve itself i don't view as a valid action plan to a man proclaiming to blow up us and tests his ability to do so on a regular basis.

and "do more than hope and pray" isn't ducking out on this and saying ONLY military - you just choose to paint me in a corner again by mischaracterizing what i'm saying and i'm not going to do you the courtesy of taking you seriously again.
You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
in no way shape form or fashion would i prefer we take the military way.

what i am saying is we have a uber-freak psychotic kid in power over there building and testing nukes all the time with the stated desire to nuke us. sanctions he doesn't care about cause he just seems to take it out on the people there. he doesn't seem to have missed a meal at all while others in his country starve.

that said, trump is not bluffing. and again when he's testing nukes with the stated desire to kill us, when do we take it seriously enough to do something more than hope he's kidding?
You just presented an argument for the military option. Quit pretending it's not your preference, is all I'm saying.
why don't you quit telling me how i feel about things - maybe that would be a excellent fucking start.

i do not want a military option - i just don't see their leadership packing it up and stopping their testing. i don't see sanctions doing anything either. you tell me what other options you think are coming - not what you prefer but coming.

wringing your hands in hope this is doing to resolve itself i don't view as a valid action plan to a man proclaiming to blow up us and tests his ability to do so on a regular basis.

Libs love to tell you how you think, or should think for that matter. Some talking head was on TV saying the Pub healthcare plan does away with things 'people need'. Again, they love to tell you how to think and live. Pretty amazing

You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
in no way shape form or fashion would i prefer we take the military way.

what i am saying is we have a uber-freak psychotic kid in power over there building and testing nukes all the time with the stated desire to nuke us. sanctions he doesn't care about cause he just seems to take it out on the people there. he doesn't seem to have missed a meal at all while others in his country starve.

that said, trump is not bluffing. and again when he's testing nukes with the stated desire to kill us, when do we take it seriously enough to do something more than hope he's kidding?
You just presented an argument for the military option. Quit pretending it's not your preference, is all I'm saying.
why don't you quit telling me how i feel about things - maybe that would be a excellent fucking start.

i do not want a military option - i just don't see their leadership packing it up and stopping their testing. i don't see sanctions doing anything either. you tell me what other options you think are coming - not what you prefer but coming.

wringing your hands in hope this is doing to resolve itself i don't view as a valid action plan to a man proclaiming to blow up us and tests his ability to do so on a regular basis.

Libs love to tell you how you think, or should think for that matter. Some talking head was on TV saying the Pub healthcare plan does away with things 'people need'. Again, they love to tell you how to think and live. Pretty amazing

well i've made the mistake of trying to be respectful to her and after last week, i just don't give a shit anymore. i bent over backwards to jump through her hoops and in the end while i admitted plain as day where i was wrong on points, she never did when proven just as wrong. only didn't reply and moved on to bag on me for something else.

respect over. she wants to dive in and try and paint me in a corner, i'll just move on and stop talking to her. she's one of the liberals i did in fact respect when i came in cause she seemed to be open minded at least but i've seen that change in my own interactions with her. now it's all about dropping judgments on people and telling them who they are and why they are evil.

tired of that shit.
You think we will take the military option? I have not heard anyone who is familiar with foreign and military policy think that is a good idea.
in no way shape form or fashion would i prefer we take the military way.

what i am saying is we have a uber-freak psychotic kid in power over there building and testing nukes all the time with the stated desire to nuke us. sanctions he doesn't care about cause he just seems to take it out on the people there. he doesn't seem to have missed a meal at all while others in his country starve.

that said, trump is not bluffing. and again when he's testing nukes with the stated desire to kill us, when do we take it seriously enough to do something more than hope he's kidding?
You just presented an argument for the military option. Quit pretending it's not your preference, is all I'm saying.

All other options have been exhausted. We can't let NK treat us like Iran treats Israel.

Iran hasn't sent a nuke to Israel because Israel would nuke them back. Same, imo, as NK will be toward the U.S. NK is not suicidal.

The one option which has not been tried in over ten years is (1) admitting NK HAS nukes and negotiating with them, bringing them under China's nuclear protection the way Japan and South Korea are under ours.
Not saying it is going to work, but all options have not been tried. China is not going to ratchet up sanctions any more than they have because they don't want a bunch of NK refugees coming across the border. China doesn't want to deal with them. They're not going to starve them even worse than they already are. I think that sanctions option has gone about as far as it will go. It didn't work. So, next?

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