N.Y. Times columnist: Death panels will save 'a lot of money'

Jan 17, 2010
It's obvious that Sarah Palin was right about the death panels. If you think about it, ridding the folks who are able bodied workers who don't from recieving welfare checks in America would save even more money. Obama has found his lawful way within this bill to commit genocide upon the elderly.

N.Y. Times columnist: Death panels will save 'a lot of money'

Left-leaning New York Times economic columnist Paul Krugman says the so-called "death panels" established by President Obama's trillion-dollar nationalized health-care plan will end up saving "a lot of money" for the government.
The comments from Krugman, who also writes on the New York Times blogs, came during a discussion of "Obamacare" on the ABC News Sunday program "This Week."

"People on the right, they're simultaneously screaming, 'They're going to send all the old people to death panels,' and 'It's not going to save any money,'" he said.
Another panelist interjected, "Death panels would save money," to which Krugman responded:

The advisory panel which has the ability to make more or less binding judgments on saying this particular expensive treatment actually doesn't do any good medically and so we are not going to pay for it. That is actually going to save quite a lot of money. We don't know how much yet. The CBO gives it very little credit but, but most, most of the health care economists I talk to think that's going be a really, uh a really major cost saving.

The video has been posted on the Conservatives4Palin website, and it was Palin who was among the first to denounce the "death panel" concept in the Democrats' government-run health care plan. That's the idea that appointed government officials who under the plan will have access to medical records will determine if a treatment will be provided to a needy patient. Theoretically, that could be a death sentence for a patient denied a treatment.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aogCaGv9i78&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - TW Paul Krugman death panels a cost saver.mov[/ame]
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Why don't you volunteer to be reviewed by the Death Panel?
It's obvious that Sarah Palin was right about this.

N.Y. Times columnist: Death panels will save 'a lot of money'

Left-leaning New York Times economic columnist Paul Krugman says the so-called "death panels" established by President Obama's trillion-dollar nationalized health-care plan will end up saving "a lot of money" for the government.
The comments from Krugman, who also writes on the New York Times blogs, came during a discussion of "Obamacare" on the ABC News Sunday program "This Week."

"People on the right, they're simultaneously screaming, 'They're going to send all the old people to death panels,' and 'It's not going to save any money,'" he said.
Another panelist interjected, "Death panels would save money," to which Krugman responded:

The advisory panel which has the ability to make more or less binding judgments on saying this particular expensive treatment actually doesn't do any good medically and so we are not going to pay for it. That is actually going to save quite a lot of money. We don't know how much yet. The CBO gives it very little credit but, but most, most of the health care economists I talk to think that's going be a really, uh a really major cost saving.

The video has been posted on the Conservatives4Palin website, and it was Palin who was among the first to denounce the "death panel" concept in the Democrats' government-run health care plan. That's the idea that appointed government officials who under the plan will have access to medical records will determine if a treatment will be provided to a needy patient. Theoretically, that could be a death sentence for a patient denied a treatment.

YouTube - TW Paul Krugman death panels a cost saver.mov

conservative death panels;

low income, uninsured and homeless will just HAVE to die

there will be NO MEDICAL TREATMENT for THEM.
Why does Obama have Eugenicists working for him?

Blind pig finds ACORN! Krugman finally gets one right

Careful if your doctor tells you to drink this. LOL
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqp0eXfpiWU]YouTube - Congressman John Dingell: Control The People[/ame]
It's obvious that Sarah Palin was right about this.

N.Y. Times columnist: Death panels will save 'a lot of money'

Left-leaning New York Times economic columnist Paul Krugman says the so-called "death panels" established by President Obama's trillion-dollar nationalized health-care plan will end up saving "a lot of money" for the government.
The comments from Krugman, who also writes on the New York Times blogs, came during a discussion of "Obamacare" on the ABC News Sunday program "This Week."

"People on the right, they're simultaneously screaming, 'They're going to send all the old people to death panels,' and 'It's not going to save any money,'" he said.
Another panelist interjected, "Death panels would save money," to which Krugman responded:

The advisory panel which has the ability to make more or less binding judgments on saying this particular expensive treatment actually doesn't do any good medically and so we are not going to pay for it. That is actually going to save quite a lot of money. We don't know how much yet. The CBO gives it very little credit but, but most, most of the health care economists I talk to think that's going be a really, uh a really major cost saving.

The video has been posted on the Conservatives4Palin website, and it was Palin who was among the first to denounce the "death panel" concept in the Democrats' government-run health care plan. That's the idea that appointed government officials who under the plan will have access to medical records will determine if a treatment will be provided to a needy patient. Theoretically, that could be a death sentence for a patient denied a treatment.

YouTube - TW Paul Krugman death panels a cost saver.mov

conservative death panels;

low income, uninsured and homeless will just HAVE to die

there will be NO MEDICAL TREATMENT for THEM.

Life saving medical care is available to all in the US regardless of ability to pay. Death panels will, however, allow the party in power to decide who lives and dies. Just a thought, what if the Dems are out of power?
Didn't I hear over and over there were no 'death panels' in the bill?

I think it was more like:

You conservative bastards are making death panels up.

You must be pretty stupid to believe Palin about death panels.

Where does it say death panels in the bill?

That doesn't mean death panel fool.

Good news libs. My forgiveness can be bought for $20 a head. Just donate it to USMB in my name. Thanks in advance.
How to buy firearms

I'm here now.

OK, what the fuck is this?

"Firearm orders will ship to the FFL dealer you specify while checking out.

They will do the background check and then transfer the item over to you. Transfer fees vary, so you may want to shop around to different dealers for the best price the national average is $25-$40. You will need to verify with the FFL that the item you are buying is legal for you to own and discuss them doing the transfer for you.

We have an extensive list of dealers already on file and you are welcome to choose one but please make sure that you have spoken with the FFL and agreed that they will handle the transfer for you. These dealers are not associated with our firm this only a list of dealers that we have shipped to in the past . Sorry but due to privacy rules we do not post FFL dealer phone numbers you will need to look them up or call 411 info ."

Does this mean I have to locate a FFL dealer here in Westchester or neighboring county and pick it up from them? Am I better off just going directly to the FFL dealer and see what they have?
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Yes, death panels for the elderly was originally a Republican idea...but Democrats rejected it and passed Medicare anyways...
Why didn't one of the other panelists start pummeling that fucking Nazi Krugman?

Well, here we have a classic class of needing to RTFA :).

Did you not notice that the article surreptitiously adds that it was another panelist that said that, without denoting it with a space and a separate line to indicate it was another speaker?

Or did you notice how he's talking about advisory panels that are discussing MEDICAL treatments, not PATIENT reviews. The death panels you refer to would be individual, case by case studies on which drug affected each individual patient.

Not only would this make "death panels" cost MORE, but it would be completely inefficient and contradictory to the purpose of a "death panel." Do you know how long it would take to individually screen 150mil+ people?

Please learn to read, annual reviews of the merits of generic vs name brand drugs, the efficacy of certain drugs, etc., are commonplace in the medical community. These advisory panels are the same thing.

I've never heard of anyone AGAINST screening and vetting the medication we'll be taking, but then again, recently there are many crazy things i've been hearing that could be solved with simple reading skills.
Yes, death panels for the elderly was originally a Republican idea...but Democrats rejected it and passed Medicare anyways...

How the fuck did we survive and prosper to become the most powerful nation on the planet from 1776-1964, Danny Dickweed?
So... let me get this straight.... insurance companies denying treatment... EVIL. Federal government denying treatement (which BTW, it does in more cases than private insurers).... GOOD MOVE.
Why didn't one of the other panelists start pummeling that fucking Nazi Krugman?

Well, here we have a classic class of needing to RTFA :).

Did you not notice that the article surreptitiously adds that it was another panelist that said that, without denoting it with a space and a separate line to indicate it was another speaker?

Or did you notice how he's talking about advisory panels that are discussing MEDICAL treatments, not PATIENT reviews. The death panels you refer to would be individual, case by case studies on which drug affected each individual patient.

Not only would this make "death panels" cost MORE, but it would be completely inefficient and contradictory to the purpose of a "death panel." Do you know how long it would take to individually screen 150mil+ people?

Please learn to read, annual reviews of the merits of generic vs name brand drugs, the efficacy of certain drugs, etc., are commonplace in the medical community. These advisory panels are the same thing.

I've never heard of anyone AGAINST screening and vetting the medication we'll be taking, but then again, recently there are many crazy things i've been hearing that could be solved with simple reading skills.

You keep yapping, I need to figure out the quickest way to pick up an AK-47

Oh, try looking at the attached video you fucking retard
Yes, death panels for the elderly was originally a Republican idea...but Democrats rejected it and passed Medicare anyways...

That is a Leftwing Meme being spread to smear the opposition to the bill.

You might fool the already converted, but the rest of us know it is a lie.
Yes, death panels for the elderly was originally a Republican idea...but Democrats rejected it and passed Medicare anyways...

How the fuck did we survive and prosper to become the most powerful nation on the planet from 1776-1964, Danny Dickweed?

By clinging to our hopes that one day Obama would become president and deliver us from capitalism.

There ya go.. I said it.

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