NAACP announces Its "Unconditional Support" for Cali's Marijuana legalization

but if you drink or smoke pot in the privacy of your home it should be LEGAL and YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

but we all know that's a pipe dream don't we? You guys bitch endlessly about wars but more people have died from drunk and impaired drivers than all the wars put together. Sheesh.

"You guys bitch endlessly about wars but more people have died from drunk and impaired drivers than all the wars put together. "

unless you can provide stats to back that insane claim up I am just going to assume that someone who I know is a deranged lying lunatic just made that up.

"but we all know that's a pipe dream don't we?"

we don't.

most people have learned NOT to drive while drinking

drunk driving arrests and accidents are WAY DOWN from 30 years ago.

same rules should apply to pot

You really don't know jack shit.
I think it is funny that in places like Colorado and California, legal pots sales are putting illegal dealers out of business..
Sorry bout that,

I think it is funny that in places like Colorado and California, legal pots sales are putting illegal dealers out of business..

1. Yeah sure, then lets make *Crack-Cocaine* legal, to get rid of the pusher man.

Sorry bout that,

As a conservative I say legalize it.
Personal liberty trumps fear.

1. Not *Conservative*.


It is actually a tenant of the ultra conservative libertarian Party to Legalize it. They come at it from the point of view that the Federal Government, nor states should be able to tell you what you can and can't smoke, eat, drink, or take. It is not necessarily that they want people to be able to get high. They Oppose what they see as an abuse of government power to Ban a substance like pot.

So I suggest you rethink what it means to be conservative, because one can clearly rectify being conservative on most issues, with wanting to legalize pot. The amount we spend policing it, and jailing offenders alone is a good reason for a conservative to be for Decriminalization.

people Identify as conservative for different reasons. Some for social reasons, so for fiscal Reasons, and some want originalist interpretation of the constitution. I tend toward the latter 2 and not the first one myself. I have not problems with homosexuals marrying, I am not racist I have several Mexican and black friends. I am not religious, yet I do oppose abortion for frivolous reasons. I am not a redneck, oil worker. I just want to limit government, and limit spending. I want the government to do what is was meant to do. Protect our border, and us, and stop abusing its power. That is why I call myself conservative.

whats my point?

STOP the pigeonholing lol.

Not every conservative fits into the image painted by the far left about them. More and more do not.

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Sorry bout that,

As a conservative I say legalize it.
Personal liberty trumps fear.

1. Not *Conservative*.


It is actually a tenant of the ultra conservative libertarian Party to Legalize it. They come at it from the point of view that the Federal Government, nor states should be able to tell you what you can and can't smoke, eat, drink, or take. It is not necessarily that they want people to be able to get high. They Oppose what they see as an abuse of government power to Ban a substance like pot.

So I suggest you rethink what it means to be conservative, because one can clearly rectify being conservative on most issues, with wanting to legalize pot. The amount we spend policing it, and jailing offenders alone is a good reason for a conservative to be for Decriminalization.


There is no such thing as a conservative libertarian. A true libertarian wants NO government IE anarchy.
Sorry bout that,

1. Not *Conservative*.


It is actually a tenant of the ultra conservative libertarian Party to Legalize it. They come at it from the point of view that the Federal Government, nor states should be able to tell you what you can and can't smoke, eat, drink, or take. It is not necessarily that they want people to be able to get high. They Oppose what they see as an abuse of government power to Ban a substance like pot.

So I suggest you rethink what it means to be conservative, because one can clearly rectify being conservative on most issues, with wanting to legalize pot. The amount we spend policing it, and jailing offenders alone is a good reason for a conservative to be for Decriminalization.


There is no such thing as a conservative libertarian. A true libertarian wants NO government IE anarchy.

Maybe on paper, but in practice in the United states libertarians are far right some times referred to as ultra conservative. They are about personal freedom to the point of near anarchy. In practice anyways.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Pot is a *Losers* drug.
2. There is a reason its called dope.
3. It makes you one.
4. One sure fired way to turn off all ambition in your reality is smoke pot.
5. It sucks everything good out of your soul.
6. Stay off the dope, DOPE!

It is actually a tenant of the ultra conservative libertarian Party to Legalize it. They come at it from the point of view that the Federal Government, nor states should be able to tell you what you can and can't smoke, eat, drink, or take. It is not necessarily that they want people to be able to get high. They Oppose what they see as an abuse of government power to Ban a substance like pot.

So I suggest you rethink what it means to be conservative, because one can clearly rectify being conservative on most issues, with wanting to legalize pot. The amount we spend policing it, and jailing offenders alone is a good reason for a conservative to be for Decriminalization.


There is no such thing as a conservative libertarian. A true libertarian wants NO government IE anarchy.

Maybe on paper, but in practice in the United states libertarians are far right some times referred to as ultra conservative. They are about personal freedom to the point of near anarchy. In practice anyways.

In actuality that is a Constitutionalists, not a libertarian and that includes me , to an extent, I mean we have to realize that we live in a world full of fucking idiots and so yes some rules have to exist. We can debate on what those laws should be, but we do need some laws, or do I need to break out the picture of the baby with the bong again?
Sorry bout that,

As a conservative I say legalize it.
Personal liberty trumps fear.

1. Not *Conservative*.


It is actually a tenant of the ultra conservative libertarian Party to Legalize it. They come at it from the point of view that the Federal Government, nor states should be able to tell you what you can and can't smoke, eat, drink, or take. It is not necessarily that they want people to be able to get high. They Oppose what they see as an abuse of government power to Ban a substance like pot.

So I suggest you rethink what it means to be conservative, because one can clearly rectify being conservative on most issues, with wanting to legalize pot. The amount we spend policing it, and jailing offenders alone is a good reason for a conservative to be for Decriminalization.

people Identify as conservative for different reasons. Some for social reasons, so for fiscal Reasons, and some want originalist interpretation of the constitution. I tend toward the latter 2 and not the first one myself. I have not problems with homosexuals marrying, I am not racist I have several Mexican and black friends. I am not religious, yet I do oppose abortion for frivolous reasons. I am not a redneck, oil worker. I just want to limit government, and limit spending. I want the government to do what is was meant to do. Protect our border, and us, and stop abusing its power. That is why I call myself conservative.

whats my point?

STOP the pigeonholing lol.

Not every conservative fits into the image painted by the far left about them. More and more do not.


"Not every conservative fits into the image painted by the far left about them. More and more do not. "

the image I have of "conservatives" does NOT come from the "far left"

I do not listen to or read "far left" journalists

I do not listen to or watch "far left" news shows

I do not go to "far left" web sites or blogs

I DO, however (and have done so for 20 years) listen to conservative hate radio
I read conservative journalists
I visit conservative web sites and blogs

so the image of the deranged hate filled mean spirited totalitarian authoritarian freedom hating nazi facist conservative that I carry around in my head comes from the things conservatives say....
Sorry bout that,

I think it is funny that in places like Colorado and California, legal pots sales are putting illegal dealers out of business..

1. Yeah sure, then lets make *Crack-Cocaine* legal, to get rid of the pusher man.


we are discussing pot.

pot is NOT crack cocaine

pot, like tobacco and alcohol, (which are also drugs) should be considered SEPERATELY from more dangerous drugs

and after consideration of the "TRUTH about pot" a sane and rational FREEDOM LOVING CONSERVATIVE who believes in personal responsibility and opposes a nanny state would have to support legalization.

only a "freedom hating liberal" who believes in a nanny state and wants to deny people rights and freedoms would ever support criminalizing pot

you, sir, are NO CONSERVATIVE

you, sir, are a freedom hating liberty denying liberal who wants to tell everyone how to live
Sorry bout that,

1. Pot is a *Losers* drug.
2. There is a reason its called dope.
3. It makes you one.
4. One sure fired way to turn off all ambition in your reality is smoke pot.
5. It sucks everything good out of your soul.
6. Stay off the dope, DOPE!


pot is no more a "loser" drug than alcohol is.

in fact, alcohol is more likely to make you violent
and stupid

people do far stupider things on alcohol than on pot.

back in my 20's and 30's (when I smoked pot) I would engage in a number of NOT STUPID actvities, as would all my pot smoking friends;

smoke pot and play basketball
smoke pot and play soft ball
smoke pot and play pool or darts
smoke pot and make music with my musician friends
smoke pot and make love with my woman

some of the greatest musicians and song writers in the world have produced some of the greatest music/songs while smoking pot

millions of people smoked pot in college and then went on to have normal lives

millions of people continue to smoke pot and
a. they got college degrees
b. they have successful careers
c. they own their own businesses
d. they get married, have kids, buy houses
e. they send their kids to college
f. they lead productive and happy lives

you have no idea what you are talking about

I wish you liberals would stop trying to create a nanny state in America

I wish you liberals would stop trying to tell everyone how to live
we are discussing pot.

pot is NOT crack cocaine

pot, like tobacco and alcohol, (which are also drugs) should be considered SEPERATELY from more dangerous drugs

and after consideration of the "TRUTH about pot" a sane and rational FREEDOM LOVING CONSERVATIVE who believes in personal responsibility and opposes a nanny state would have to support legalization.

only a "freedom hating liberal" who believes in a nanny state and wants to deny people rights and freedoms would ever support criminalizing pot

you, sir, are NO CONSERVATIVE

you, sir, are a freedom hating liberty denying liberal who wants to tell everyone how to live

Tobacco and alcohol do not give the same "high" as pot. Legalized pot could be an easier introduction to "high". Pot in my opinion is more of a danger as a gateway drug to find bigger and better high.

The naacp however could care less about any of all of this however. Their point and only point is to keep blacks out of jail
we are discussing pot.

pot is NOT crack cocaine

pot, like tobacco and alcohol, (which are also drugs) should be considered SEPERATELY from more dangerous drugs

and after consideration of the "TRUTH about pot" a sane and rational FREEDOM LOVING CONSERVATIVE who believes in personal responsibility and opposes a nanny state would have to support legalization.

only a "freedom hating liberal" who believes in a nanny state and wants to deny people rights and freedoms would ever support criminalizing pot

you, sir, are NO CONSERVATIVE

you, sir, are a freedom hating liberty denying liberal who wants to tell everyone how to live

Tobacco and alcohol do not give the same "high" as pot. Legalized pot could be an easier introduction to "high". Pot in my opinion is more of a danger as a gateway drug to find bigger and better high.

The naacp however could care less about any of all of this however. Their point and only point is to keep blacks out of jail

"Tobacco and alcohol do not give the same "high" as pot."

That's true.
alcohol gives you head aches
you get the spins
you vomit
you probably fall down
you make an idiot of yourself
you might even get into a fight or get arrested
you definitely have a hang over the next day

where-as pot is a more mellow and controlled high
no headaches
no spins
no vomit

were you to try and have a conversation with a drunk you wold know it by his drunken behavior

i'll bet you speak to people "on pot" all the time and you would never know it!

" Legalized pot could be an easier introduction to "high". Pot in my opinion is more of a danger as a gateway drug to find bigger and better high."

MOST people who smoke pot do NOT go onto other things

if they do try other things
they generally don't stay on those other things

they come back to pot

millions of good and decent Americans
with jobs/careers/businesses
and wives, husbands, kids
and homes
smoke pot and do NOT indulge in other, more dangerous drugs
Sorry bout that,

1. Not *Conservative*.


It is actually a tenant of the ultra conservative libertarian Party to Legalize it. They come at it from the point of view that the Federal Government, nor states should be able to tell you what you can and can't smoke, eat, drink, or take. It is not necessarily that they want people to be able to get high. They Oppose what they see as an abuse of government power to Ban a substance like pot.

So I suggest you rethink what it means to be conservative, because one can clearly rectify being conservative on most issues, with wanting to legalize pot. The amount we spend policing it, and jailing offenders alone is a good reason for a conservative to be for Decriminalization.

people Identify as conservative for different reasons. Some for social reasons, so for fiscal Reasons, and some want originalist interpretation of the constitution. I tend toward the latter 2 and not the first one myself. I have not problems with homosexuals marrying, I am not racist I have several Mexican and black friends. I am not religious, yet I do oppose abortion for frivolous reasons. I am not a redneck, oil worker. I just want to limit government, and limit spending. I want the government to do what is was meant to do. Protect our border, and us, and stop abusing its power. That is why I call myself conservative.

whats my point?

STOP the pigeonholing lol.

Not every conservative fits into the image painted by the far left about them. More and more do not.


"Not every conservative fits into the image painted by the far left about them. More and more do not. "

the image I have of "conservatives" does NOT come from the "far left"

I do not listen to or read "far left" journalists

I do not listen to or watch "far left" news shows

I do not go to "far left" web sites or blogs

I DO, however (and have done so for 20 years) listen to conservative hate radio
I read conservative journalists
I visit conservative web sites and blogs

so the image of the deranged hate filled mean spirited totalitarian authoritarian freedom hating nazi facist conservative that I carry around in my head comes from the things conservatives say....[

What's odd though is that Obama is the one attempting to create a totalitarian regime. Are you suggesting that Obama is a conservative? :lol:

so the image of the deranged hate filled mean spirited totalitarian authoritarian freedom hating nazi facist conservative that I carry around in my head comes from the things conservatives say....

What's odd though is that Obama is the one attempting to create a totalitarian regime. Are you suggesting that Obama is a conservative? :lol:

No, he's suggesting that conservatives like you are "deranged hate filled mean spirited totalitarian authoritarian freedom hating nazi facist"s

Let us know if there are any other words you're having a problem with:lol:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

I think it is funny that in places like Colorado and California, legal pots sales are putting illegal dealers out of business..

1. Yeah sure, then lets make *Crack-Cocaine* legal, to get rid of the pusher man.


we are discussing pot.

pot is NOT crack cocaine

pot, like tobacco and alcohol, (which are also drugs) should be considered SEPERATELY from more dangerous drugs

and after consideration of the "TRUTH about pot" a sane and rational FREEDOM LOVING CONSERVATIVE who believes in personal responsibility and opposes a nanny state would have to support legalization.

only a "freedom hating liberal" who believes in a nanny state and wants to deny people rights and freedoms would ever support criminalizing pot

you, sir, are NO CONSERVATIVE

you, sir, are a freedom hating liberty denying liberal who wants to tell everyone how to live

1. What bull, I am a conservative, thats why I am against making drugs legal, be it pot or cocaine.
2. Making pot legal, so to get rid of the dealers was what I was responding to for another poster.
3. Conservatives want whats good for America, liberals run California, and are the ones who are for dope, you're one mixed up dude, dude.
4. If California makes pot legal, then you should move there, and light up, it will be the beginning of the end for them.

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