NAACP announces Its "Unconditional Support" for Cali's Marijuana legalization

Why not? A guy caught for his second DUI isn't necessarily a violent offender either, but he deserves to be in jail.

so you are talking about driving under the influence?....i think most pro pot people here would be against someone driving while high Con.....i am talking about just sitting in your living room toking up....if i get up and go out and drive and am caught....i deserve what i get....just like a drinker....
The highways are littered with the bodies of innocents killed by drunk drivers, that's all we need now is to throw in stoned people on drugs.. and suggest it's fine, they're willing to go to jail if they kill someone.. too friggin late then innit?
I want drugs to be legal. Nothing better than having your surgeon stoned when he takes out yer gallbladder? Gallbladder? I thought he was having his leg amputated. this is gonna be so cool. :lol::lol::lol:

who knows that he is not high already?....just like anything else Willow....if the guy is high on the job and fucks up....his life is ruined....ESPECIALLY if someone is hurt or killed...
I want drugs to be legal. Nothing better than having your surgeon stoned when he takes out yer gallbladder? Gallbladder? I thought he was having his leg amputated. this is gonna be so cool. :lol::lol::lol:

who knows that he is not high already?....just like anything else Willow....if the guy is high on the job and fucks up....his life is ruined....ESPECIALLY if someone is hurt or killed...

yes,, and there are dead people and his life is fucked up? so what?
I'd going to say it bluntly. Drinking and taking drugs is a choice. If you do that and kill someone it is murder. Cause you know better.
Give you an example. Last year a pretty famous former Razorback was arrested for Cocaine possession. He'd never been arrested for anything before so the judge gave him probation and if he kept his nose clean the charge would be removed from his record. 4 months later the idiots is arrested for drinking beer on a public golf course even though part of his plea agreement was no drinking. That's just stupid and indicitave of how many morons act.

Con that Razorback was always told he was above the rest of us...."your an athlete...they're not"....
You of course realize that many of those who are currently breaking the law in regards to smoking pot would just go ahead and break those regulations to? That's just not a viable argument for the legalization.

and if that individual is caught driving,or as Willow says " a doctor operating"....than that person has to face whatever the punishment is....if he hurts someone....then here is a drug user that should do some time....a lot of it....
yep, plain and simple logic, cigarettes are legal. trouble is no one wants to be around a cigarette smoker ,they are socially unacceptable, have to stand out in the rain and on the corner in the freezing cold. I suppose it will be different though for marijuana smokers in your utopian world. hell, we might even be able to sneak a regular smoke in there without getting caught.

:lol:....most of the people i have encountered dont seem to mind that sweet smell of the ole compared to that smelly shit called tobacco....
I'd going to say it bluntly. Drinking and taking drugs is a choice. If you do that and kill someone it is murder. Cause you know better.

but if you drink or smoke pot in the privacy of your home it should be LEGAL and YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
So it boils down to , do you want another legal substance that impair on the market? Either you do or you don't. All this dishonesty about oh look how many non violent pot users are in prison is just that dishonesty, just as the hand wringing that pot users will be blazing up at every opportunity is.

as far as i am concerned....untill they make Cigarettes and Alcohol.... 2 of the most dangerous drugs we have.......ILLEGAL.......until all for pot being decriminalized to the max....
The highways are littered with the bodies of innocents killed by drunk drivers, that's all we need now is to throw in stoned people on drugs.. and suggest it's fine, they're willing to go to jail if they kill someone.. too friggin late then innit?

driving while high would be just as illegal as it is now and alcohol would still kill 99% moer people.
Fuck all the conhog type morons. If a guy dod coke or drank a beer he's hurting nobody.
You know what you never read about? "Stoned Man Invents Something".

from what i understand ...a bunch of hemp smokers wrote our constitution...

List of United States politicians who admit to cannabis use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

" Abraham Lincoln admitted in a letter written during his presidency that one of his "favorite things" was "sitting on [his] front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp"."

Harvey Wasserman: Did George Washington Smoke Pot?

"But in one of his meticulous agricultural journals, dated 1765, Washington regrets being late to separate his male hemp plants from his females. For a master farmer like George, there would be little reason to do this except to make the females ripe for smoking. "
Why not? A guy caught for his second DUI isn't necessarily a violent offender either, but he deserves to be in jail.

so you are talking about driving under the influence?....i think most pro pot people here would be against someone driving while high Con.....i am talking about just sitting in your living room toking up....if i get up and go out and drive and am caught....i deserve what i get....just like a drinker....

No Harry, we were just talkin about illegal being illegal. That was just an example.
I'd going to say it bluntly. Drinking and taking drugs is a choice. If you do that and kill someone it is murder. Cause you know better.

but if you drink or smoke pot in the privacy of your home it should be LEGAL and YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

but we all know that's a pipe dream don't we? You guys bitch endlessly about wars but more people have died from drunk and impaired drivers than all the wars put together. Sheesh.
So it boils down to , do you want another legal substance that impair on the market? Either you do or you don't. All this dishonesty about oh look how many non violent pot users are in prison is just that dishonesty, just as the hand wringing that pot users will be blazing up at every opportunity is.

as far as i am concerned....untill they make Cigarettes and Alcohol.... 2 of the most dangerous drugs we have.......ILLEGAL.......until all for pot being decriminalized to the max....

I don't, but don't want to infringe on others, so let states decide and if that's what you want. move to one that suits you. That seems fair and equitable to all.
Why not? A guy caught for his second DUI isn't necessarily a violent offender either, but he deserves to be in jail.

so you are talking about driving under the influence?....i think most pro pot people here would be against someone driving while high Con.....i am talking about just sitting in your living room toking up....if i get up and go out and drive and am caught....i deserve what i get....just like a drinker....

conjob can't figure out that DWI is illegal, with or without the decriminalization of mj
If they legalized Willow, POT would be less expensive than tomatoes.

Hell!~ it would be less expensive than Zuchinni, and let's face it, you can't GIVE AWAY zuchinni when they're in season.

The ONLY thing sustaining the price of pot is the illegality of it.

Its a freakin' WEED, for goodness sakes.

If you grow your own you won't have to pay tax on it. Not to mention you'll know what you are smoking.

Now there is a good argument. Would growing pot remain illegal? It might.

It could be set up that way, and I can see two reasons for the state to do it that way too.

1. They'd create STATE APPROVED production and distribution monopolies. Bureaucrats LIKE it when they get to decide who can make money.

2. It's a good way to get more TAX revenues, since home growers wouldn't be paying taxes (they'd cheat and not pay them, of course) so with only a few legal growers and a few legal distrubitors they can capture more tax revenues.

As to growing hemp?

Anybody in America with a small patch of land can grow enough helm to keep them and their friends in hemp for year.

EVen if only 1 in 25 pot smokers (that'd be say... about a million home growers) grew their own there'd be so much damned pot in the streets that its value would be squat.

If the state REALLY wants to make money from legalizing it they'll HAVE to make home growing (without paying taxes on it, at least) illegal.
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And don't spout that garbage that it doesn't affect people. There are plenty of studies that shows it does.

yea i seen one of their "studies" was the equivalency of someone smoking 25 joints a all my pot smoking days i have NEVER seen or heard of someone doing that much in a day...i knew a heavy smoker who estimated he did 10-12 per day....and that was considered pretty dam heavy....

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