NAACP announces Its "Unconditional Support" for Cali's Marijuana legalization

no gaylord, I'm looking to smoke 1,000 when I retire. I'll smoke one when I get home

McDonalds doesn't drug test, you should be ok.:lol:

I make $110,000 plus a bonus in teens working for an oil company. Most History majors make sig less. Nice try
Oh and we drug test frequently, La allows it as we are chock full of republiklans.
no gaylord, I'm looking to smoke 1,000 when I retire. I'll smoke one when I get home

McDonalds doesn't drug test, you should be ok.:lol:

I make $110,000 plus a bonus in teens working for an oil company. Most History majors make sig less. Nice try
Oh and we drug test frequently, La allows it as we are chock full of republiklans.

Don't take it seriously. It's not as if conjob has ever had a real job. He's been sucking off the govt's teat his entire life.
I love the history channel, and was going to be a High School coach till I found out my weekend bartending job paid more than a HS coach.
no gaylord, I'm looking to smoke 1,000 when I retire. I'll smoke one when I get home

McDonalds doesn't drug test, you should be ok.:lol:

I make $110,000 plus a bonus in teens working for an oil company. Most History majors make sig less. Nice try
Oh and we drug test frequently, La allows it as we are chock full of republiklans.

Well , first, my job has nothing to do with my degreeS (plural) I have them because they were a benefit of the job.

Second , I won't discuss my pay, but I am comfortable.
What I find amusing is that the NNACP could care less about the legalization of pot.

What this all boils down to is keeping blacks out jail.
What I find amusing is that the NNACP could care less about the legalization of pot.

What this all boils down to is keeping blacks out jail.

And for some people, it's about keeping black people in jail. For others, like law enforcement officers, it's about their welfare check
What I find amusing is that the NNACP could care less about the legalization of pot.

What this all boils down to is keeping blacks out jail.

what better reason to care than needless jailing of thousands of minorities.:cuckoo:
What I find amusing is that the NNACP could care less about the legalization of pot.

What this all boils down to is keeping blacks out jail.

what better reason to care than needless jailing of thousands of minorities.:cuckoo:

Needless? Possession is illegal no matter if you are black, white or any other color. The naacp is flat saying the ONLY reason they are backing legalization is to keep blacks out of jail.

Now if you are for leaglazaition, it really doesnt matter what the nnacp's stance is, all that really matters is that you have a new supporter.

Just don't be blind to their motives.
why do our reasons need to be aligned.
NAACP is against racism, pot laws are born out of racism and thier application is racsist.
Those who want it legal cause Jah or God or Thor like it are cool with me to.
why do our reasons need to be aligned.
NAACP is against racism, pot laws are born out of racism and thier application is racsist.
Those who want it legal cause Jah or God or Thor like it are cool with me to.

That is hilarouis. The NAACP is the most racist organization around.
It's funny how republicans or the anti pot ones never want to talk about most of the founding fathers smoking pot.

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