NAACP announces Its "Unconditional Support" for Cali's Marijuana legalization

If you grow your own you won't have to pay tax on it. Not to mention you'll know what you are smoking.

Now there is a good argument. Would growing pot remain illegal? It might.

It could be set up that way, and I can see two reasons for the state to do it that way too.

1. They'd create STATE APPROVED production and distribution monopolies. Bureaucrats LIKE it when they get to decide who can make money.

2. It's a good way to get more TAX revenues, since home growers wouldn't be paying taxes (they'd cheat and not pay them, of course) so with only a few legal growers and a few legal distrubitors they can capture more tax revenues.

As to growing hemp?

Anybody in America with a small patch of land can grow enough helm to keep them and their friends in hemp for year.

EVen if only 1 in 25 pot smokers (that'd be say... about a million home growers) grew their own there'd be so much damned pot in the streets that its value would be squat.

If the state REALLY wants to make money from legalizing it they'll HAVE to make home growing (without paying taxes on it, at least) illegal.

I think so to, which would just start another fight. So we'd be right back at square one.
I'd going to say it bluntly. Drinking and taking drugs is a choice. If you do that and kill someone it is murder. Cause you know better.

but if you drink or smoke pot in the privacy of your home it should be LEGAL and YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

but we all know that's a pipe dream don't we? You guys bitch endlessly about wars but more people have died from drunk and impaired drivers than all the wars put together. Sheesh.

"You guys bitch endlessly about wars but more people have died from drunk and impaired drivers than all the wars put together. "

unless you can provide stats to back that insane claim up I am just going to assume that someone who I know is a deranged lying lunatic just made that up.

"but we all know that's a pipe dream don't we?"

we don't.

most people have learned NOT to drive while drinking

drunk driving arrests and accidents are WAY DOWN from 30 years ago.

same rules should apply to pot
Now there is a good argument. Would growing pot remain illegal? It might.

It could be set up that way, and I can see two reasons for the state to do it that way too.

1. They'd create STATE APPROVED production and distribution monopolies. Bureaucrats LIKE it when they get to decide who can make money.

2. It's a good way to get more TAX revenues, since home growers wouldn't be paying taxes (they'd cheat and not pay them, of course) so with only a few legal growers and a few legal distrubitors they can capture more tax revenues.

As to growing hemp?

Anybody in America with a small patch of land can grow enough helm to keep them and their friends in hemp for year.

EVen if only 1 in 25 pot smokers (that'd be say... about a million home growers) grew their own there'd be so much damned pot in the streets that its value would be squat.

If the state REALLY wants to make money from legalizing it they'll HAVE to make home growing (without paying taxes on it, at least) illegal.

I think so to, which would just start another fight. So we'd be right back at square one.

exactly, why should you go to jail for growing a legal substance. that's just stupid.
I want drugs to be legal. Nothing better than having your surgeon stoned when he takes out yer gallbladder? Gallbladder? I thought he was having his leg amputated. this is gonna be so cool. :lol::lol::lol:

who knows that he is not high already?....just like anything else Willow....if the guy is high on the job and fucks up....his life is ruined....ESPECIALLY if someone is hurt or killed...

yes,, and there are dead people and his life is fucked up? so what?

its happens every day Willow with drinking and driving.....ill tell you me ALL the accident reports you can find were the guy who was driving was just high on pot...i bet compared to drunk driving it will be like the amount of Illegals in California as compared to Rhode Island.....i am also willing to open my yap here and say the guy who smokes just compared to the guy who is a 6 pack a night beer guy....has a lot more upstairs when it comes to common sense when high .....
but if you drink or smoke pot in the privacy of your home it should be LEGAL and YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

but we all know that's a pipe dream don't we? You guys bitch endlessly about wars but more people have died from drunk and impaired drivers than all the wars put together. Sheesh.

"You guys bitch endlessly about wars but more people have died from drunk and impaired drivers than all the wars put together. "

unless you can provide stats to back that insane claim up I am just going to assume that someone who I know is a deranged lying lunatic just made that up.

"but we all know that's a pipe dream don't we?"

we don't.

most people have learned NOT to drive while drinking

drunk driving arrests and accidents are WAY DOWN from 30 years ago.

same rules should apply to pot

Sadly, that just isn't true

13,850 drunk driving fatalities in 2008 , 26173 in 1982. I think we can safely conclude that most of that decline can be attributed to modern safety equipment.

Drunk driving statistics
Why not? A guy caught for his second DUI isn't necessarily a violent offender either, but he deserves to be in jail.

so you are talking about driving under the influence?....i think most pro pot people here would be against someone driving while high Con.....i am talking about just sitting in your living room toking up....if i get up and go out and drive and am caught....i deserve what i get....just like a drinker....

No Harry, we were just talkin about illegal being illegal. That was just an example.

well like i said earlier Con.....until they make Cigs and Alcohol illegal...we have some very very hypercritical laws in this country.....this being maybe the most hypercritical....some judge will sit there in his chambers smoking a cigarette with a shot of Whisky deciding how many years i should give this bastard who had 1.2 ounces of pot on him....something wrong with that picture....IMO...
It could be set up that way, and I can see two reasons for the state to do it that way too.

1. They'd create STATE APPROVED production and distribution monopolies. Bureaucrats LIKE it when they get to decide who can make money.

2. It's a good way to get more TAX revenues, since home growers wouldn't be paying taxes (they'd cheat and not pay them, of course) so with only a few legal growers and a few legal distrubitors they can capture more tax revenues.

As to growing hemp?

Anybody in America with a small patch of land can grow enough helm to keep them and their friends in hemp for year.

EVen if only 1 in 25 pot smokers (that'd be say... about a million home growers) grew their own there'd be so much damned pot in the streets that its value would be squat.

If the state REALLY wants to make money from legalizing it they'll HAVE to make home growing (without paying taxes on it, at least) illegal.

I think so to, which would just start another fight. So we'd be right back at square one.

exactly, why should you go to jail for growing a legal substance. that's just stupid.

Farmers are being dragged into court for growing corn
but we all know that's a pipe dream don't we? You guys bitch endlessly about wars but more people have died from drunk and impaired drivers than all the wars put together. Sheesh.

yes that's probably true ....then how come our protectors in Washington will not ban Alcohol?.....Christ they try and protect us from every other damned thing around...why not Alcohol and Cigarettes? to venture a guess?.....i call it HYPOCRICY....every fucking one of them...
Pot use by responsible adults is nearly harmless.

It doesn't make a difference even if it is harmful. Plenty of harmful substances are legal to ingest.

The role of govt is not to protect us from our own choices. The role of govt does include the power to protect public safety, but MJ use does not threaten the publics safety
so you are talking about driving under the influence?....i think most pro pot people here would be against someone driving while high Con.....i am talking about just sitting in your living room toking up....if i get up and go out and drive and am caught....i deserve what i get....just like a drinker....

No Harry, we were just talkin about illegal being illegal. That was just an example.

well like i said earlier Con.....until they make Cigs and Alcohol illegal...we have some very very hypercritical laws in this country.....this being maybe the most hypercritical....some judge will sit there in his chambers smoking a cigarette with a shot of Whisky deciding how many years i should give this bastard who had 1.2 ounces of pot on him....something wrong with that picture....IMO...

Hey brother, I totally agree with you. Some of our laws are stupid and hypocritical. It is what it is.
Sorry bout that,

1. I hate to wreak everyone's pot bubble but,.........
2. Making pot legal will open up *Pandora's Box*.
3. California is already in moral decline in so many aspects.
4. If they do this, look out, things will even get worse, if thats possible.
5. I hope they don't cut their own throats, but I won't be surprised if they do.:eek:

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